Chloride (CSF) Tips

Is Your Shampoo Leading to Hairfall

Dr. Surjeet Kaur Bava 92% (616 ratings)
MD - Ayurveda, Diploma In Trichology, Skin Aesthetics and Cosmetology, Diploma In skin aesthetics, Diploma In cosmetology, Diploma In Trichology, Diploma In Nutrition & Diet Planning, Bachelor of Ayurveda, Medicine and Surgery (BAMS)
Trichologist, Mumbai
Is Your Shampoo Leading to Hairfall

Normally you shed 50 to 100 hair stands all day but hair grows back all the time to cover for this loss. If you shed more than this then it may be a cause for worry. Hair fall can occur because of many factors and shampoo is one of them. Here's how:

  1. Ammonium chloride: Many shampoos that do not contain sodium chloride usually use surfactants like ammonium chloride. This can also have a similar effect as its sodium chloride counterpart, as it leads to various symptoms like itching and dryness in the scalp.
  2. Formaldehyde: This substance has disinfectant-like qualities which can cause a lot of damage to the dna. Excessive and constant use can lead to indiscriminate hair loss due to the harsh properties of this substance. It is generally a low-cost option that can be used as a preservative in shampoos and conditioners.
  3. Sulfate: Sodium lauryl sulfate or sls, and ammonium lauryl sulfate or als, are surfactants that are usually used by shampoo manufacturers to create extra foam which makes for a luxurious, yet harmful wash. This is usually the case with cheap shampoos. These substances are irritants that can cause hair loss in patches.
  4. Sodium chloride: Your standard table salt is also one of the culprits that can lead to a lot of hair loss. Many popular shampoos and conditioners contain this substance which can make the scalp itchy and dry. This leads to hair fall.
  5. Polyethylene glycol: This substance is used as a thickening agent that can take the moisture away from the hair and lead to severe hair loss. The use of alcohol and greasers in shampoos can also have a similar effect on the hair.
4340 people found this helpful

Medications That Can Stain Teeth!

Advanced Aesthetics, Certified IVF Specialist
Medications That Can Stain Teeth!

The antibiotic tetracycline causes gray teeth in children whose teeth are still developing. Antibacterial mouthwashes that contain chlorhexidine or cetylpyridinium chloride can also stain teeth. Some antihistamines, antipsychotic drugs, and blood pressure medications cause tooth stains, like iron and excess fluoride. If bleaching doesn't help, ask your dentist about dental bonding, in which tooth-colored material is applied to teeth.

Dr. Chandok 89% (1936 ratings)
General Physician (AM)
Alternative Medicine Specialist, Chandigarh
The Twelve
Tissue Salts

(Calcium Fluoride) (Potassium Sulphate)

(Calcium Phosphate) (Magnesium Phosphate)

(Calcium Sulphate) (Sodium Chloride)

(Iron Phosphate) (Sodium Phosphate)

(Potassium Chloride) (Sodium Sulphate)

(Potassium Phosphate) (Silica Oxide)

Effective Remedies To Treat Meningitis With Homeopathy!

Dr. Amit Vora 93% (64 ratings)
BHMS, PG Hom London, M.D Homoeopathy
Homeopathy Doctor, Mumbai
Effective Remedies To Treat Meningitis With Homeopathy!

Meningitis is a serious disease, and shouldn’t be left untreated. It has every possibility of getting fatal if left unattended. It can cause severe damage to the neurological system. The disease is caused due to the inflammation of the meninges or the membrane of the brain or spinal cord.

It can also lead to stiffness of the cervical area. If a patient often complains of painfulness, when moving towards the chest from the chin, medical intervention is needed. Muscle spasms make the neck so stiff that the head and trunk cannot be lifted up at the time of passive flexion of the neck.

This disease is highly contagious and can be spread by droplet infection or by sneezing. It is of two types: viral meningitis and bacterial meningitis. The bacteria responsible for meningitis are Haemophilus influenza Neisseria meningitides, and Streptococcus pneumonia.

Meningitis develops if these microbes enter a patient’s bloodstream and thereafter reach the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). CSF surrounds the brain and spinal cord. The CSF has no white blood cells and hence cannot fight the infection. So, the microorganisms multiply rapidly. In this case, homeopathic medicine can be helpful to treat Meningitis.

Symptoms of Meningitis

The most common symptoms of meningitis are as follows:

  1. Fever
  2. Nausea
  3. Pain in muscles, joints or limbs
  4. Severe headache
  5. Cold hands and feet
  6. Shivering
  7. Pale or blotchy skin
  8. Blue lips

Diagnosis of Meningitis

It is difficult to detect the disease in its initial stages. It can be confused with severe influenza. A lumbar puncture is done and a sample of CSF is collected for diagnosis.

Homeopathic Treatment for Meningitis

Homeopathy has the most effective method for treating meningitis. It is good for prolonged treatment. It doesn’t have side-effects on other organs. The homeopathic treatment of meningitis is also cost-effective. The format of the medicine is safe. They are devoid of any toxic substance and are absolutely harmless.

Common Homeopathic Remedies for Meningitis

  1. Aconite: It is given to patients who develop meningitis due to long exposure to sunlight. It is also given to patients who suffer from cerebral congestions from anger and fear is a marked symptom in them.
  2. Apis Mellifica: If a patient suffers from nervous agitation, shrill cries, and complaints of stabbing pains, he or she may be prescribed this homeopathy remedy to treat meningitis symptoms. It is best to treat children, who put their hands to their heads and scream. A practitioner also looks for other symptoms like swelling in the face, less urine, and thirstlessness.
  3. Baptisia tinctoria: When obvious mastoid is found to develop and there is tenderness in the area, this remedy can be used.
  4. Belladonna: This is an effective homeoapthic remedy for treating meningitis at initial stages. Cerebral irritation is a marked symptom in this case. The child is found crying out and grinding its teeth.
  5. Bryonia: It is the best homeopathic medicine for treating meningitis when there is a chewing motion with the mouth. Other symptoms that have to be looked for are the distended abdomen, white tongue, excessive thirst, flushed face, etc.

Things to note: These are only a few homeopathic remedies for meningitis. There are plenty of other options in homeopathy.

3552 people found this helpful

Mouthwash - How Vital Is It?

Dr. Arunima Chandra 91% (431 ratings)
Dentist, Bangalore
Mouthwash - How Vital Is It?

Mouthwash has become an essential ingredient of one's oral hygiene kit. Though not a substitute for flossing or brushing, it offers additional oral protection.

Due to a host of ingredients, such as alcohol, chlorhexidine, cetylpyridinium chloride, menthol, methyl salicylate, fluoride, antibacterial enzymes, hydrogen peroxide, essential oils, zinc chloride and other herbs and natural ingredients, mouthwash has a number of benefits.

Alcohol is the basic ingredient in all of them. While fluoride protects against decay, chlorhexidine protects against gum diseases. Hydrogen peroxide produces a mild bleaching effect. Herbs and essential oils produce a freshening effect.

Benefits of using a mouthwash -

  1. Reduces the formation of tartar and plaque.
  2. Protects from oral problems like gingivitis and periodontal disease, especially if it contains cetylpyridinium or essential oils. Chlorhexidine is also effective in protecting plaque formation and gingivitis.
  3. Kills bacteria in the mouth and prevents cavities or decay, especially if it contains fluoride.
  4. Mouthwash, to some extent, covers up bad breath due to oral hygiene or oral disease and produces a fresher breath.
  5. Certain mouthwashes containing cetylpyridinium chloride and zinc chloride produce a better breath freshening effect.
  6. Helps manage dry mouth, especially if containing Biotene.

Types of Mouthwash -

1. Cosmetic
2. Therapeutic

The cosmetic one is usually for freshening up the breath and is not regulated by the FDA. The therapeutic ones contain active ingredients aimed at addressing one of the issues like plaque formation, bad breath, dry mouth, or decay. They kill bacteria, reduce plaque, fight gingivitis, and control decay. They are not a substitute for brushing or flossing but supplement these two very well. These are approved by the FDA and are proven in terms of safety and efficacy. Rinses with zinc chloride are effective against bad breath, those with fluoride are useful in people who are cavity-prone, and chlorhexidine helps prevent gum disease.

Choosing a mouthwash - This depends on the oral health condition, and it is always advisable that the dentist prescribes the right rinse for you.

When and how to use mouthwash - When you are done with your brushing and flossing, rinse your mouth with a capful of the mouthwash liquid. Swish it around your mouth for about 30 seconds and spit it out. Avoid brushing, drinking water, or rinsing your mouth after using a mouthwash for about 15 to 20 minutes. This will give sufficient time for the active ingredients in the mouthwash (especially if it is a therapeutic one) to act in the mouth. Brushing after mouthwash removes all the effect of the rinse.

5257 people found this helpful

Mouthwash: All You Need to Know About it

Dr. Sahil Singh 92% (95 ratings)
Dentist, Gurgaon
Mouthwash: All You Need to Know About it

Mouthwash has become an essential ingredient of one's oral hygiene kit. Though not a substitute for flossing or brushing, it offers additional oral protection. Due to a host of ingredients, such as alcohol,
Chlorhexidine, cetylpyridinium chloride, menthol, methyl salicylate, fluoride, antibacterial enzymes, hydrogen peroxide, essential oils, zinc chloride and other herbs and "natural" ingredients mouthwash has a number of benefits.

Alcohol is the basic ingredient in all of them. While fluoride protects against decay, chlorhexidine protects against gum diseases. Hydrogen peroxide produces a mild bleaching effect. Herbs and essential oils produce a freshening effect.

Benefits of using a mouthwash

1. Reduces formation of tartar and plaque.
2. Protects from oral problems like gingivitis and periodontal disease, especially if it contains cetylpyridinium or essential oils. Chlorhexidine is also effective in protecting plaque formation and gingivitis.
3. Kills bacteria in the mouth and prevents cavities or decay, especially if it contains fluoride.
4. Mouthwash, to some extent, covers up bad breath due to oral hygiene or oral disease and produces a fresher breath.

5. Certain mouthwashes containing cetylpyridinium chloride and zinc chloride produce a better breath freshening effect.
6. Helps manage dry mouth, especially if containing biotene.

Types of Mouthwash

1. Cosmetic
2. Therapeutic

The cosmetic one is usually for freshening up the breath and is not regulated by the FDA. The therapeutic ones contain active ingredients aimed at addressing one of the issues like plaque formation, bad breath, dry mouth, or decay. They kill bacteria, reduce plaque, fight gingivitis, and control decay. They are not a substitute for brushing or flossing but supplement these two very well. These are approved by FDA and are proven in terms of safety and efficacy. Rinses with zinc chloride are effective against bad breath, those with fluoride are useful in people who are cavity-prone, and chlorhexidine helps prevent gum disease.

Choosing a mouthwash: This depends on the oral health condition, and it is always advisable that the dentist prescribes the right rinse for you.

When and how to use mouthwash: When you are done with your brushing and flossing, rinse your mouth with a capful of the mouthwash liquid. Swish it around your mouth for about 30 seconds and spit it out. Avoid brushing, drinking water, or rinsing your mouth after using a mouthwash for about 15 to 20 minutes. This will give sufficient time for the active ingredients in the mouthwash (especially if it is a therapeutic one) to act in the mouth. Brushing after mouthwash removes all the effect of the rinse.

7965 people found this helpful

How Shampoo Leads to Hair Loss?

Dr. Rekha Yadav 92% (184 ratings)
Trichologist, Mumbai
How Shampoo Leads to Hair Loss?

Long, lustrous and glossy locks of hair that swish with the gentle breeze and accentuates the look of any outfit - that's the beauty of well maintained and beautiful mane of thick hair. Yet, many of us suffer from hair loss due to poor diet, too many chemicals in our hair care products, stressful living and a fast paced urban lifestyle where we are not left with enough time to take care of your hair. 

Did you know that your shampoo can also lead to hair loss? There are harmful chemical additives, detergent like substances which can make the follicles weak and lead to breakage, as well as other ingredients that can lead to hair loss. Here's how:

  • Sulfate: Sodium Lauryl Sulfate or SLS, and Ammonium Lauryl Sulfate or ALS, are surfactants that are usually used by shampoo manufacturers to create extra foam which makes for a luxurious, yet harmful wash. This is usually the case with cheap shampoos. These substances are irritants that can cause hair loss in patches.
  • Sodium Chloride: Your standard table salt is also one of the culprits that can lead to a lot of hair loss. Many popular shampoos and conditioners contain this substance which can make the scalp itchy and dry. This leads to hair fall.
  • Ammonium Chloride: Many shampoos that do not contain sodium chloride usually use surfactants like ammonium chloride. This can also have a similar effect as its sodium chloride counterpart, as it leads to various symptoms like itching and dryness in the scalp. 
  • Formaldehyde: This substance has disinfectant-like qualities which can cause a lot of damage to the DNA. Excessive and constant use can lead to indiscriminate hair loss due to the harsh properties of this substance. It is generally a low-cost option that can be used as a preservative in shampoos and conditioners. 
  • Polyethylene Glycol: This substance is used as a thickening agent that can take the moisture away from the hair and lead to severe hair loss. The use of alcohol and greasers in shampoos can also have a similar effect on the hair. 

The health of your hair depends on the kind of products you use, so it is important to look at the ingredients before you invest in a good shampoo and conditioner.

4133 people found this helpful

FRHS, Ph.D Paed Neuro Rehabilitation, MPT - Neurology Physiotherapy, D.Sp.Med, DPHM (Health Management ), BPTh/BPT
Physiotherapist, Chennai
Health risks of dioxins and furans exposure
Plastics made from polyvinyl chloride once processed thru uncontrolled open burning can generate polychlorinated diebenzo - p - dioxins and polychlorinated dibenzofurans which are persistent organic pollutants. It can enter the body via inhalation ingestion and skin absorption.
Exposure can lead to darkening of the skin altered liver function and long term exposure can lead to damage of the immune nervous and endocrine systems and impaired reproductive function
22 people found this helpful

medications that can stain teeth

Dr. Isha Malhotra 93% (7863 ratings)
Dentist, Gurgaon
medications that can stain teeth
Medications that can stain teeth

The antibiotic tetracycline causes gray teeth in children whose teeth are still developing. Antibacterial mouthwashes that contain chlorhexidine or cetylpyridinium chloride can also stain teeth. Some antihistamines, antipsychotic drugs, and blood pressure medications cause tooth stains, as can iron and excess fluoride. If bleaching doesn't help, ask your dentist about dental bonding, in which a tooth-colored material is applied to teeth.

Avoid The Ban Medicines To Be Safe

Dr. Sumit Gupta 87% (17 ratings)
BHMS, MD - Homeopathy
Homeopathy Doctor, Singrauli
Avoid The Ban Medicines To Be Safe

Govt bans 344 drugs, including phensedyl, corex
Sr. No. Product name (irrational fdc) 
1 aceclofenac + paracetamol + rabeprazole
2 nimesulide + diclofenac
3 nimesulide + cetirizine + caffeine
4 nimesulide + tizanidine
5 paracetamol + cetirizine + caffeine
6 diclofenac + tramadol + chlorzoxazone
7 dicyclomine + paracetamol + domperidone
8 nimesulide + paracetamol
9 paracetamol + phenylephrine + caffeine
10 diclofenac+ tramadol + paracetamol
11 diclofenac + paracetamol + chlorzoxazone + famotidine
12 naproxen + paracetamol
13 nimesulide + serratiopeptidase
14 paracetamol + diclofenac + famotidine
15 nimesulide + pifofenone + fenpiverinium + benzyl alcohol
16 omeprazole + paracetamol + diclofenac
17 nimesulide + paracetamol injection
18 tamsulosin + diclofenac
19 paracetamol + phenylephrine + chlorpheniramine + dextromethorphan + caffeine
20 diclofenac + zinc carnosine
21 diclofenac + paracetamol + chlorpheniramine maleate + magnesium trisillicate
22 paracetamol + pseudoephedrine + cetrizine
23 phenylbutazone + sodium salicylate
24 lornoxicam + paracetamol + trypsin
25 paracetamol + mefenamic acid + ranitidine + dicylomine
26 nimesulide + dicyclomine
27 heparin + diclofenac
28 glucosamine + methyl sulfonyl methane + vitamini d3 + maganese + boron + copper + zinc
29 paracetamol + tapentadol
30 tranexamic acid + proanthocyanidin
31 benzoxonium chloride + lidocaine
32 lornoxicam + paracetamol + tramadol
33 lornoxicam + paracetamol + serratiopeptidase
34 diclofenac + paracetamol + magnesium trisilicate
35 paracetamol + domperidone + caffeine
36 ammonium chloride + sodium citrate + chlorpheniramine maleate + menthol
37 paracetamol + prochlorperazine maleate
38 serratiopeptidase (enteric coated 20000 units) + diclofenac potassium & 2 tablets of doxycycline
39 nimesulide + paracetamol suspension
40 aceclofenac + paracetamol + famotidine
41 aceclofenac + zinc carnosine
42 paracetamol + disodium hydrogen citrate + caffeine
43 paracetamol + dl methionine
44 disodium hydrogen citrate + paracetamol
45 paracetamol + caffeine + codeine
46 aceclofenac (sr) + paracetamol
47 diclofenac + paracetamol injection
48 azithromycin + cefixime
49 amoxicillin + dicloxacillin
50 amoxicillin 250 mg + potassium clavulanate diluted 62.5 mg
51 azithromycin + levofloxacin
52 cefixime + linezolid
53 amoxicillin + cefixime + potassium clavulanic acid
54 ofloxacin + nitazoxanide
55 cefpodoxime proxetil + levofloxacin
56 azithromycin, secnidazole and fluconazole kit
57 levofloxacin + ornidazole + alpha tocopherol acetate
58 nimorazole + ofloxacin
59 azithromycin + ofloxacin
60 amoxycillin + tinidazole
61 doxycycline + serratiopeptidase
62 cefixime + levofloxacin
63 ofloxacin + metronidazole + zinc acetate
64 diphenoxylate + atropine + furazolidonee
65 fluconazole tablet, azithromycin tablet and ornidazole tablets
66 ciprofloxacin + phenazopyridine
67 amoxycillin + dicloxacillin + serratiopeptidase
68 azithromycin + cefpodoxime
69 lignocaine + clotrimazole + ofloxacin + beclomethasone
70 cefuroxime + linezolid
71 ofloxacin + ornidazole + zinc bisglycinate
72 metronidazole + norfloxacin
73 amoxicillin + bromhexine
74 ciprofloxacin + fluticasone + clotrimazole + neomycin is
75 metronidazole + tetracycline
76 cephalexin + neomycin + prednisolone
77 azithromycin + ambroxol
78 cilnidipine + metoprolol succinate + metoprolol tartrate
79 l-arginine + sildenafil
80 atorvastatin + vitamin d3 + folic acid + vitamin b12 + pyridoxine
81 metformin + atorvastatin
82 clindamycin + telmisartan
83 olmesartan + hydrochlorothiazide + chlorthalidone
84 l-5-methyltetrahydrofolate calcium + escitalopram
85 pholcodine + promethazine
86 paracetamol + promethazine
87 betahistine + ginkgo biloba extract + vinpocetine + piracetam
88 cetirizine + diethyl carbamazine
89 doxylamine + pyridoxine + mefenamic acid + paracetamol
90 drotaverine + clidinium + chlordiazepoxide
91 imipramine + diazepam
92 flupentixol + escitalopram
93 paracetamol + prochloperazine
94 gabapentin + mecobalamin + pyridoxine + thiamine
95 imipramine + chlordiazepoxide + trifluoperazine + trihexyphenidyl
96 chlorpromazine + trihexyphenidyl
97 ursodeoxycholic acid + silymarin
98 metformin 1000/1000/500/500mg + pioglitazone 7.5/7.5/7.5/7.5mg + glimepiride
99 gliclazide 80 mg + metformin 325 mg
100 voglibose+ metformin + chromium picolinate
101 pioglitazone 7.5/7.5mg + metformin 500/1000mg
102 glimepiride 1mg/2mg/3mg + pioglitazone 15mg/15mg/15mg + metformin 1000mg/1000mg/1000mg
103 glimepiride 1mg/2mg+ pioglitazone 15mg/15mg + metformin 850mg/850mg
104 metformin 850mg + pioglitazone 7.5 mg + glimepiride 2mg
105 metformin 850mg + pioglitazone 7.5 mg + glimepiride 1mg
106 metformin 500mg/500mg+gliclazide sr 30mg/60mg + pioglitazone 7.5mg/7.5mg
107 voglibose + pioglitazone + metformin
108 metformin + bromocriptine
109 metformin + glimepiride + methylcobalamin
110 pioglitazone 30 mg + metformin 500 mg
111 glimepiride + pioglitazone + metformin
112 glipizide 2.5mg + metformin 400 mg
113 pioglitazone 15mg + metformin 850 mg
114 metformin er + gliclazide Mr. + voglibose
115 chromium polynicotinate + metformin
116 metformin + gliclazide + piogllitazone + chromium polynicotinate
117 metformin + gliclazide + chromium polynicotinate
118 glibenclamide + metformin (sr)+ pioglitazone
119 metformin (sustainded release) 500mg + pioglitazone 15 mg + glimepiride 3mg
120 metformin (sr) 500mg + pioglitazone 5mg
121 chloramphenicol + beclomethasone + clomitrimazole + lignocaine
122 of clotrimazole + ofloxaxin + lignocaine + glycerine and propylene glycol
123 chloramphennicol + lignocaine + betamethasone + clotrimazole + ofloxacin + antipyrine
124 ofloxacin + clotrimazole + betamethasone + lignocaine
125 gentamicin sulphate + clotrimazole + betamethasone + lignocaine
126 clotrimazole + beclomethasone + ofloxacin + lignocaine
127 becloemthasone + clotrimazole + chloramphenicol + gentamycin + lignocaine ear
128 flunarizine + paracetamole + domperidone
129 rabeprazole + zinc carnosine
130 magaldrate + famotidine + simethicone
131 cyproheptadine + thiamine
132 magaldrate + ranitidine + pancreatin + domperidone
133 ranitidine + magaldrate + simethicone
134 magaldrate + papain + fungul diastase + simethicone
135 rabeprazole + zinc + domperidone
136 famotidine + oxytacaine + magaldrate
137 ranitidine + domperidone + simethicone
138 alginic acid + sodium bicarbonate + dried aluminium hydroxide + magnesium hydroxide
139 clidinium + paracetamol + dicyclomine + activated dimethicone
140 furazolidone + metronidazole + loperamide
141 rabeprazole + diclofenac + paracetamol
142 ranitidine + magaldrate
143 norfloxacin+ metronidazole + zinc acetate
144 zinc carnosine + oxetacaine
145 oxetacaine + magaldrate + famotidine
146 pantoprazole (as enteric coated tablet) + zinc carnosine (as film coated tablets)
147 zinc carnosine + magnesium hydroxide + dried aluminium hydroxide + simethicone
148 zinc carnosine + sucralfate
149 mebeverine & inner hpmc capsule (streptococcus faecalis + clostridium butyricum + bacillus
Mesentricus + lactic acid bacillus)
150 clindamycin + clotrimazole + lactic acid bacillus

151 sildenafil + estradiol valerate
152 clomifene citrate + ubidecarenone + zinc + folic acid + methylcobalamin + pyridoxine + lycopene
+ selenium + levocarnitine tartrate + l-arginine
153 thyroxine + pyridoxine + folic acid
154 gentamycin + dexamethasone + chloramphenicol + tobramycin + ofloxacin
155 dextromethorphan + levocetirizine + phenylephrine + zinc
156 nimesulide + loratadine + phenylephrine + ambroxol
157 bromhexine + phenylephrine + chlorepheniramine maleate
158 dextromethorphan + bromhexine + guaiphenesin
159 paracetamol + loratadine + phenylephrine + dextromethorphan + caffeine
160 nimesulide + phenylephrine + caffeine + levocetirizine
161 azithromycin + acebrophylline
162 diphenhydramine + terpine + ammonium chloride + sodium chloride + menthol
163 nimesulide + paracetamol + cetirizine + phenylephrine
164 paracetamol + loratadine + dextromethophan + pseudoepheridine + caffeine
165 chlorpheniramine maleate + dextromethorphan + dextromethophan + guaiphenesin + ammonium
Chloride + menthol
166 chlorpheniramine maleate + ammonium chloride + sodium citrate
167 cetirizine + phenylephrine + paracetamol + zinc gluconate
168 ambroxol
+ guaiphenesin + ammonium chloride + phenylephrine + chlorpheniramine maleate + menthol
169 dextromethorphen + bromhexine + chlorpheniramine maleate + guaiphenesin
170 levocetirizine + ambroxol + phenylephrine + guaiphenesin
171 dextromethorphan + chlorpheniramine + chlorpheniramine maleate 
172 cetirizine + ambroxol + guaiphenesin + ammonium chloride + phenylephrine +
173 hlorpheniramine + phenylephrine + caffeine
174 dextromethorphan + triprolidine + phenylephrine
175 dextromethorphan + phenylephrine + zinc gluconate + menthol
176 chlorpheniramine + codeine + sodium citrate + menthol syrup
177 enrofloxacin + bromhexin
178 bromhexine + dextromethorphan + phenylephrine + menthol
179 levofloxacin + bromhexine
180 levocetirizine + phenylephrine + ambroxol + guaiphenesin + paracetamol
181 cetirizine + dextromethorphan + phenylephrine + zinc gluconate + paracetamol + menthol
182 paracetamol + pseudoephedrine + dextromethorphan+cetirizine
183 diphenhydramine + guaiphenesin + ammonium chloride + bromhexine
184 chlorpheniramine + dextromethorphan + phenylephrine + paracetamol
185 dextromethorphen + promethazine
186 diethylcabamazine citrate + cetirizine + guaiphenesin
187 chlorpheniramine + phenylephrine + dextromethophan + menthol
188 ambroxol + terbutaline + dextromethorphan
189 dextromethorphan + chlorpheniramine + guaiphenesin
190 terbutaline + bromhexine + guaiphenesin + dextromethorphan
191 dextromethorphan + tripolidine + phenylephirine
192 paracetamol + dextromethorphan + chlorpheniramine
193 codeine + levocetirizine + menthol
194 dextromethorphan + ambroxol + guaifenesin + phenylephrine + chlorpheniramine
195 cetirizine + phenylephrine + dextromethorphan + menthol
196 roxithromycin + serratiopeptidase
197 paracetamol + phenylephrine + triprolidine
198 cetirizine + acetaminophen + dextromethorphan + phenyephrine + zinc gluconate 
199 diphenhydramine + guaifenesin + bromhexine + ammonium chloride + menthol
200 chlopheniramine maleate + codeine syrup
201 cetirizine + dextromethorphan + zinc gluconate + menthol
202 paracetamol + phenylephrine + desloratadine + zinc gluconate + ambroxol
203 levocetirizine + montelukast + acebrophylline
204 dextromethorphan + phenylephrine + ammonium chloride + menthol
205 acrivastine + paracetamol + caffeine + phenylephrine
206 naphazoline + carboxy methyl cellulose + menthol + camphor + phenylephrine
207 dextromethorphan + cetirizine
208 nimesulide + paracetamol + levocetirizine + phenylephrine + caffeine
209 terbutaline + ambroxol + guaiphenesin + zinc + menthol
210 dextromethorphan + phenylephrine + guaifenesin + triprolidine
211 ammomium chloride + bromhexine + dextromethorphan 
212 diethylcarbamazine + cetirizine + ambroxol
213 ethylmorphine + noscapine + chlorpheniramine
214 cetirizine + dextromethorphan + ambroxol
215 ambroxol + guaifenesin + phenylephrine + chlorpheniramine
216 paracetamol + phenylephrine + chlorpheniramine + zinc gluconate
217 dextromethorphan + phenylephrine + cetirizine + paracetamol + caffeine
218 dextromethophan + chlorpheniramine + guaifenesin + ammonium chloride
219 levocetirizine + dextromethorphan + zinc
220 paracetamol + phenylephrine + levocetirizine + caffeine
221 chlorphaniramine + ammonium chloride + sodium chloride
222 paracetamol + dextromethorphan + bromhexine + phenylephrine + diphenhydramine
223 salbutamol + bromhexine + guaiphenesin + menthol
224 cetirizine + dextromethorphan + bromhexine + guaifenesin
225 diethyl carbamazine + chlorpheniramine + guaifenesin
226 ketotifen + cetirizine
227 terbutaline + bromhexine + etofylline
228 ketotifen + theophylline
229 ambroxol + salbutamol + theophylline
230 cetririzine + nimesulide + phenylephrine
231 chlorpheniramine + phenylephrine + paracetamol + zink gluconate
232 acetaminophen + guaifenesin + dextromethorphan + chlorpheniramine
233 cetirizine + dextromethorphan + phenylephrine + tulsi
234 cetirizine + phenylephrine + paracetamol + ambroxol + caffeine
235 guaifenesin + dextromethorphan
236 levocetirizine + paracetamol + phenylephirine + caffeine
237 caffeine + paracetamol + phenylephrine + chlorpheniramine
238 levocetirizine + paracetamol + phenylephirine + caffeine
239 caffeine + paracetamol + phenylephrine + chlorpheniramine
240 ketotifen + levocetrizine
241 paracetamol + levocetirizine + phenylephirine + zink gluconate
242 paracetamol + phenylephrine + triprolidine + caffeine
243 caffeine + paracetamol + phenylephrine + cetirizine
244 caffeine + paracetamol + chlorpheniramine
245 ammonium chloride + dextromethorphan + cetirizine + menthol
246 dextromethorphan + paracetamol + cetirizine + phenylephrine
247 chlorpheniramine + terpin + antimony potassium tartrate + ammonium chloride + sodium
Citrate + menthol
248 terbutaline + etofylline + ambroxol
249 paracetamol + codeine + chlorpheniramine
250 paracetamol+pseudoephedrine+certirizine+caffeine
251 chlorpheniramine+ammonium chloride + menthol
252 n-acetyl cysteine + ambroxol + phenylephrine + levocertirizine
253 dextromethorphan + phenylephrine + tripolidine + menthol
254 salbutamol + certirizine + ambroxol
255 dextromethorphan + phenylephrine + bromhexine + guaifenesin + chlorpheniramine
256 nimesulide + certirizine + phenylephrine
257 naphazoline + chlorpheniramine + zinc sulphate + boric acid + sodium chloride + chlorobutol
258 paracetamol + bromhexine + phenylephrine + chlorpheniramine + guaifenesin
259 salbutamol + bromhexine
260 dextromethorphan + phenylephrine + guaifenesin + certirizine + acetaminophen
261 guaifenesin + bromhexine + chlorpheniramine + paracetamo
262 chlorpheniramine + ammonium chloride + chloroform + menthol
263 salbutamol + choline theophylinate + ambroxol
264 chlorpheniramine + codeine phosphate + menthol syrup
265 pseudoephedrine + bromhexine
266 certirizine + phenylephrine + paracetamol + caffeine + nimesulide
267 dextromethorphan + cetirizine + guaifenesin + ammonium chloride
268 dextromethorphan + cetirizine + guaifenesin + ammonium chloride
269 ambroxol + salbutamol + choline theophyllinate + menthol
270 paracetamol + chlorpheniramine + ambroxol + guaifenesin + phenylephrine
271 chlorpheniramine + vasaka + tolubalsm + ammonium chloride + sodium citrate + menthol
272 bromhexine + cetrizine + phenylephrine ip+guaifenesin + menthol
273 dextromethorphan + ambroxol + ammonium chloride + chlorpheniramine + menthol
274 dextromethorphan + phenylephrine + cetirizine + zinc + menthol
275 terbutaline + n-acetyl l-cysteine + guaifenesin
276 calcium gluconate + levocetirizine
277 paracetamol + levocetirizine + pseudoephedrine
278 salbutamol + choline theophylinate + carbocisteine
279 chlorpheniramine + vitamin c
280 calcium gluconate + chlorpheniramine + vitamin c
281 chlorpheniramine + paracetamol + pseudoephedrine + caffeine
282 guaifenesin + bromhexine + chlorpheniramine + phenylephrine + paracetamol + serratiopeptidase
(as enteric coated granules) 10000 sp units
283 paracetamol + pheniramine
284 betamethasone + fusidic acid + gentamycin + tolnaftate + lodochlorhydroxyquinoline (ichq
285 clobetasol + ofloxacin + miconazole + zinc sulphate
286 clobetasole + gentamicin + miconazole + zinc sulphate
287 levocetirizine + ambroxol + phenylephrine + paracetamol
288 permethrin + cetrimide + menthol
289 beclomethasone + clotimazole + neomycin + lodochlorohydroxyquinone
290 neomycin + doxycycline
291 ciprofloxacin + fluocinolone + clotrimazole + neomycin + chlorocresol
292 clobetasol + ofloxacin + ketoconazol + zinc sulphate
293 betamethasone + gentamicin + tolnaftate + lodochlorhydroxyquinoline
294 clobetasol + gentamicin + tolnaftate + lodochlorhydroxyquinone + ketoconazole
295 allantoin + dimethieone + urea + propylene + glycerin + liquid paraffin
296 acriflavine + thymol + cetrimide
297 betamethasone + neomycin + tolnaftate + lodochlorohydroxyquinoline + cholorocresol
298 clobetasol + neomycin + miconazole + clotrimazole
299 ketoconazole + tea tree oil + allantion + zinc oxide + aloe vera + jojoba oil +
Lavander oil + soa noodels
300 clobetasol propionate + ofloxacin + ornidazole + terbinafine
301 clobetasol + neomycin + miconazole + zinc sulphate
302 beclomethasone diproprionate + neomycin + tolnaftate + lodochlorhydroxyquinoline +
303 betamethasone + gentamycin + zinc sulphate + clotrimoazole + chlorocresol
304 borax + boric acid + naphazoline + menthol + camphor + methyl hydroxy benzoate
305 bromhexine + dextromethorphan
306 dextromethophan + chlopheniramine + bromhexine
307 menthol + anesthetic ether
308 dextrometharphan + chlopheniramine + ammonium + sodium citrate + menthol
309 ergotamine tartrate + belladona dry extarct+caffeine + paracetamol
310 phenytoin + phenobarbitone
311 gliclazide 40mg + metformin 400mg
312 paracetamol + ambroxol + phenylephrine + chlorpheniramine
313 oflaxacin + ornidazole suspension
314 albuterol + etofylline + bromhexine + menthol
315 albuterol + bromhexine + theophylline
316 salbutamol+hydroxyethyltheophylline (etofylline) + bromhexine
317 paracetamol+phenylephrine+levocetirizine+sodium citrate
318 paracetamol + propyphenazone + caffeine
319 guaifenesin + diphenhydramine + bromhexine + phenylephrine
320 dried alumnium hydroxie gel + prophantheline + diazepam
321 bromhenxine + phenylephrine + chlorpheniramine + paracetamol
322 beclomethasone + clotrimazole + gentamicin + lodochlorhydroxyquinoline
323 telmisartan + metformin
324 ammonium citrate + vitamin b 12 + folic acid + zinc sulphate
325 levothyroxine + phyridoxine + nicotinamide
326 benfotiamine + metformin
327 thyroid + thiamine + riboflavin + phyridoxine + calcium pantothenate + tocopheryl acetate +
328 ascorbic acid + manadione sodium bisulphate + rutin + dibasic calcium phosphate +
Adrenochrome mono semicarbazone
329 phenylephrine + chlorpheniramine + paracetamol + bromhexine + caffeine
330 clotrimazole + beclomethasone + lignocaine + ofloxacin + acetic aicd + sodium methyl paraben +
Propyl paraben

Avoid this combinations and be safe.

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