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CA-19.9, serum Test

CA-19.9, serum Test

also known as: CA 19-9

Carbohydrate Antigen 19.9 or the Cancer Antigen 19.9 is a protein on the top of cells. The normal range of CA 19.9 in the blood of a healthy individual is 0-37 U/mL.. This test is done to measures the level of antigens in the serum. Methods for testing the presence of CA 19-9 and the results vary from lab to lab. It is advised that you have the tests done by the same method and if possible in the same laboratory. It is also noted that an elevated CA 19.9 level cannot always signifies pancreatic cancer.

The following steps should be kept in mind before leaving for the test Specify your doctor about any medications, supplements or herbs you are taking. You may be advised to discontinue all these agents in some cases before a CA 19.9 test. Wear loose and comfortable clothes preferably sleeveless ones. Get yourself hydrated. Drinking enough water helps the lab assistant locate your vein easily. Unlike cholesterol or the blood sugar tests you may not need to undergo fasting. Your doctor will inform you particularly if needed.

As mentioned, the level of CA 19.9 antigen in blood is calculated after testing. An elevation of CA 19.9 in serum level usually indicates the malignant nature. Thus performing a test during specific intervals helps the patient in the following ways. CA 19-9 is used to mark the tumor. To record the individual’s response to pancreatic cancer treatment or its progression. Recurrence of pancreatic cancer is closely observed. Aid in diagnosis of pancreatic cancer. Helps the patient in differentiating primary sclerosing cholangitis (PSC) and bile duct cancer.

The Phlebotomist (the technician who performs the test) locates your vein most probably between the upper and lower arm. A band will be used to constrict your arms for easy location of vein. Once suitable vein is found, the area over the skin where the vein is located is cleaned. With the help of a needle enough blood is drawn from your body for testing. Later an adhesive bandage may be applied on that area.

LimitationsThe measured CA 19-9 value of a patient's sample can vary depending on the testing procedure used. CA 19-9 values determined on patient samples by different testing procedures cannot be directly compared with one another and could be the cause of erroneous medical interpretations.The determination of CA 19-9 cannot be used for the early detection of pancreatic carcinoma.1Three percent to 7% of the population have the Lewis a-negative/b-negative blood group configuration and are unable to express the mucin with the reactive determinant CA 19-9. Patients known to be genotypically negative for Lewis blood group antigens will be unable to produce the CA 19-9 antigen even in the presence of malignant tissue. Phenotyping for the presence of the Lewis blood group antigen may be insufficient to detect true Lewis antigen-negative individuals. Even patients who are genotype positive for the Lewis antigen may produce varying levels of CA 19-9 as the result of gene dosage effect. This must be taken into account when interpreting the findings.2As the mucin is excreted exclusively via the liver, even slight cholestasis can lead to clearly elevated CA 19-9 serum levels in some cases.As with all tests containing monoclonal mouse antibodies, erroneous findings may be obtained from samples taken from patients who have been treated with monoclonal mouse antibodies or who have received them for diagnostic purposes.1 In rare cases, interference due to extremely high titers of antibodies to streptavidin and ruthenium can occur.1 The test contains additives, which minimize these effects.For diagnostic purposes, the results should always be assessed in conjunction with the patient's medical history, clinical examination, and other findings.
0.8 mL
Red-top tube or gel-barrier tube.
Type Gender Age-Group Value
CA 19 - 9
All age groups
0-37 U/ml
Average price range of the test is between Rs.700 to Rs.1900 depending on the factors of city, quality and availablity.

Table of Content

What is CA-19.9, serum Test?
Preparation for CA-19.9, serum Test
Uses of CA-19.9, serum Test
Procedure for CA-19.9, serum Test
Limitations of CA-19.9, serum Test
Specimen Requirements
Normal values for CA-19.9, serum Test
Price for CA-19.9, serum Test
Lybrate Gaurantee
Lybrate Gaurantee

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Dr. my mother has got high microalbumin 972/mg and now the creatinine is 1.6 and blood urea is 47. Hdl n ldl is just up to the mark but triglycerides are very high 572. If she takes the medicine calcigard retard then she has her ankle swelling also. She is taking it without any break. Please guide how she can lower both her albumin and triglycerides. She got bp. But its under control 135/80. Please help to lower both the things.

MBBS, Dip.Cardiology, Fellowship in Clinical Cardiology(FICC), Fellowship in Echocardiology
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Dr. my mother has got high microalbumin 972/mg and now the creatinine is 1.6 and blood urea is 47. Hdl n ldl is just ...
Micro albumin urea and high serum creatinine suggest the onset of nephropathy which is kidney dysfunction which might be a complication of chronic high blood pressure you also have high triglycerides so I am assuming your cholesterol and LDL might as well be little hai but you are already taking medications for them as well as for Hypertension so what you need is to understand the concept of hypertension and high cholesterol and try and keep them strictly under control with regular monitoring and keeping a record also you need to check out the risk factors like diabetes prediabetes and environmental factors like dust and smoking if any. Many factors can affect blood pressure, including: 1) The amount of water and salt you have in your body 2) The condition of your kidneys, nervous system, or blood vessels 3) Your hormone levels You are more likely to be told your blood pressure is too high as you get older. This is because your blood vessels become stiffer as you age. When that happens, your blood pressure goes up. High blood pressure increases your chance of having a stroke, heart attack, heart failure, kidney disease, or early death. My advice to you would be 1) Keep a BP daily record for at least one week 2) Basic tests should be one to rule out latent cardiac issues and signs of other complications 3) unless any recent evaluation has been done I would advice these test ECG ECHO TMT Lipid profile TSH Fundoscopy Usg KUB high LDL high cholesterol put you on a higher risk of atherosclerotic diseases and heart attacks especially if you have other is factors including hypertension diabetes or a history of smoking so I would advise you to start taking statins which are cholesterol medications the doors of which depends upon your cholesterol levels also you need to start changing your dietary habits and include a regular physical exercise at least 45 minutes a day 5 days a week into your schedule nonetheless you have to stop taking fatty and junk food good luck.
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I am 20 years old. I am suffering from female pattern hair loss. And I have thinning hair. Please tell me any serum cream for hair growth for thick hair to grow fast. Please.

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I am 20 years old. I am suffering from female pattern hair loss. And I have thinning hair. Please tell me any serum c...
Take protein rich diet eat leafy vegetables do bhraamarii Pranayam don't apply cosmetic products as these can spoil your hairs eat 10 g of roasted hareetaki powder with jaggery early morning with luke warm water good luck have a great day.
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MBBS, P. G. Diploma in Dermatology Venerology & Leprosy (D. D. V. L )
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I am 26 years old. My weight is 62 kgs .My height is 5.3. I have extremely dry skin on my hands, legs and toes. Can I...
Drink lots of water and eat Salad n Fruits avoid using oily n sugary foods and drinks, Apply good MOISTURIZER after bath, reduce intake of tea and coffee
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I have 4 stone in my left kidney. 12,13,15,17 size of stone in mm. And I have already a kidney surgery for stone illness before one year ago. But I have facing the same problem again.

DHMS (Diploma in Homeopathic Medicine and Surgery)
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I have 4 stone in my left kidney. 12,13,15,17 size of stone in mm. And I have already a kidney surgery for stone illn...
kidney stones can be cured with medicines which are combination of herbal and homeo. We have specialized medicines for pain attacks named as emergency drops. Kidney stones can be cured with our medicines only you don't need to undergo surgery or operations. I will suggest you to avoid surgery there is no need of it. You need to take medicines that can help in removing them naturally such as our medicines combination of herbal and homeo that will help in removing stones. Kidney gets diseased due to an unhealthy diet and lifestyle. A kidney stone is a hard mass developed from crystals that separate from the urine within the urinary tract. Normally, urine contains chemicals that prevent or inhibit the crystals from forming.If the crystals remain tiny enough, they will travel through the urinary tract and pass out of the body in the urine without being noticed. You can connect with me and I will provide you with treatment by which you will be getting cured with kidney stones naturally. The medicines are combination of herbal and homeopathic only.
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Diploma in Obstetrics & Gynaecology, MBBS
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Hi. I am feeling nausea and dizziness since 2-3 days. And also have some white discharge since 10-12 days. Some abdom...
Gastric changes need not be due to pregnancy only urine test will be positive after skipping the periods if you have a regular cycle you can get tested for beta hcg hormone which is positive only when the woman is pregnant or implantation has taken place.

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Health Benefits Of Ghee!

M.Sc. in Dietetics and Food Service Management , Post Graduate Diploma In Computer Application, P.G.Diploma in Clinical Nutrition & Dietetics , B.Sc.Clinical Nutrition & Dietetics
Dietitian/Nutritionist, Mumbai
Health Benefits Of Ghee!

Ghee has lost its glory. In-spite of being a saturated fat, ghee has shown to reduce both serum and intestinal cholesterol by triggering secretion of billiard lipids.
 Reasons to consume ghee in your diet:
1. Ghee is also called as clarified butter. It’s short chain fatty acid structure imparts lipolysis properties which helps in breaking down the fat itself.
2. It’s antibacterial and antiviral properties makes it a perfect immune booster.

3. It has that anti ageing and anti wrinkle effect that even the costliest of cosmetic product can’t have
4. Since ancient times, ayurveda considers ghee to promote learning and memory retention
5. Excellent for joint health as ghee gives lubrication and strength to them
6. Ghee is an excellent laxative as it lubricates the intestines. Have a spoonful of ghee in warm water for easy bowel movement.

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Vitamin D Supplements - Are They Required During Pregnancy?

FICOG, FICMCH, FIMSA, MD - Obstetrtics & Gynaecology, MBBS
Gynaecologist, Delhi
Vitamin D Supplements - Are They Required During Pregnancy?

Vitamin D and pregnancy hand in hand go together. Expecting mothers need ensure they get the recommended amounts of Vitamin D during pregnancy for the healthy development of the baby as well as their own well-being. 

Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin obtained mostly from consuming fortified milk or juice, fish oils, and dietary supplements. It also is produced in the skin by exposure to sunlight. Vitamin D which is ingested or produced in the skin must undergo hydroxylation in the liver and kidney to promote absorption of calcium from the gut to enable normal bone mineralization and growth. Severe maternal Vitamin D deficiency has been associated with congenital rickets and disordered skeletal homeostasis coupled with fractures in the new-born during pregnancy.  Vitamin D is necessary for the metabolism and absorption of phosphorus and calcium. Many studies are finding a connection between low serum vitamin D levels and an increased risk of certain types of autoimmune disease, cancers, insulin resistance, neurological disease and cardiovascular disease.

Latest studies have shown that Vitamin D deficiency is common during pregnancy especially among women residing in northern latitudes, living in cold climates or wear sun and winter protective clothing and ethnic minorities, especially those with darker skin. As the Vitamin D level of new-born is largely dependent on maternal Vitamin D status, the infants of mothers with vitamin D deficiency are also at risk of Vitamin D deficiency. Inadequate vitamin D can lead to abnormal bone growth, fractures, or rickets in new-borns.  Deficiency of vitamin D leads to a higher risk of pregnancy complications like gestational diabetes, premature birth and low birth weight.

The symptoms of a vitamin D deficiency include aching muscles, bone pain, and softened bones leading to fractures. Fish liver oil, fatty fish, and eggs are excellent food source for Vitamin D. It is difficult to get sufficient vitamin D from food, which makes it necessary to have Vitamin D supplements. Since the skin uses the sun's rays to produce vitamin D, limited sun exposure is recommended. Exposure to the sun's ultraviolet rays intensifies the pigment changes causing skin darkening in pregnant women. Thus, most doctors endorse that pregnant women protect themselves from the sun and get their vitamin D from supplements. The average prenatal vitamin contains 400 IU of vitamin D, which makes it imperative that additional supplements should be taken. The significant compounds for human development are D2 and D3. The best way to really ensure adequate vitamin D is through simple supplementation. Ergocalciferol is the vegetarian form of vitamin D whereas cholecalciferol is the animal-sourced form, derived from fish liver oil or lanolin from sheep.

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Losing Too Much Hair? Here's What You Can Do!

Sexologist, Chittorgarh
Losing Too Much Hair? Here's What You Can Do!

Luscious, healthy hair is undoubtedly one of the most prominent feature that adds charm to your personality. However, a minor or severe form of physical or mental stress and related problems can adversely affect your hair health and growth pattern.

Are you losing too many hair strands in a day?

If yes, then tentatively, how many?

If the number is about 100, then you need not worry, however, if it is beyond 100 you need to get cautious.

On an average, an adult has 100,000 to 150,000 hair and each hair follicle has its own life cycle, and traverses through three phases during its growth phase; anagen (active hair growth takes place), catagen (transitional hair growth), and telogen (resting phase after which the hair sheds off). Hair fall is a normal physiological process in which the hair completes its life cycle and sheds off. However, excessive hair fall is a health concern that needs thorough evaluation and treatment.

Have you heard of telogen effluvium?

Telogen effluvium (TE) also called as hair loss is a common dermatological condition which causes increased shedding of hair. This happens when there is a premature arrest of the growth of hair follicles and these follicles enter into the telogen phase (resting) followed by diffuse thinning of hair on the scalp. In most cases, the hair thins on the top of the scalp compared to the sides and back of the scalp. The hair loss is temporary and the hair soon recovers.

How common is telogen effluvium in India?

Studies suggest that TE is amongst the most common cause of hair loss. It can occur in both males and females. However, it is found to be more common in females.


What are the common causes of telogen effluvium?

Common causes of TE include certain medical condition, stress, pregnancy, crash dieting, nutritional deficiencies, intake of certain medicines, and physical trauma.

A common cause of hair loss in the Indian population is diet. A major proportion of the Indian population consumes a diet lacking essential amino acids, vitamins, and minerals, predisposing the population to this condition. It, therefore, becomes more important to include vital minerals such as zinc, amino acids (such as L-lysine), and vitamins (such as B6 and B12) to your daily diet or to take supplements available in the market.

Are Indians at an increased risk of nutritional deficiencies?

Yes, Indians are at an increased risk of nutritional deficiencies. Several research studies conducted in the past outline a direct association of nutritional deficiencies with hair loss.

In fact, according to a clinical survey published in Indian Medical Gazette, 9 out of 10 people in the country are unable to consume adequate amount of proteins. Working population settled in urban areas have been found to be most commonly affected by protein deficiencies.

How can you ensure healthy and luscious hair?

Simple 7 steps to healthy hair

Volumes of literature support the need for adding nutritional supplements to the diet to avert the occurrence of hair fall. Often TE gets better once the trigger for the condition is taken care of. However, if in case it persists make sure you consult a medical professional at the earliest.

Step 1: It’s all about what you eat (have a BALANCED DIET!!!)

  • Considering the fact, that a major part of the Indian population are green eaters and they often run short of essential nutrients, one needs to make a conscious effort to have a balanced and nutrient rich diet.
  • Add green leafy vegetables that are an abundant source of iron, zinc, and other vitamins and minerals that are essential for healthy hair growth. Add PROTEIN to your diet. Include milk products, soya products, nuts, fish, lean meat seeds, sprouts, and cereals to your daily diet.
  • Opt for foods packed with vitamin E, like almonds, walnuts, or strawberries which improve scalp circulation, as well as vitamin C-rich foods like broccoli, tomatoes, and other citrus fruits.

Step 2: Massage your scalp regularly

Massage has been found to improve the blood circulation to the hair follicles and stimulates hair growth. Try essential oils such as olive oil, castor oil, rosemary oil, and coconut oil to massage your scalp. Warm oil helps penetrate the scalp more effectively. You can also apply hair serums that are enriched with nutrients that nourish the hair and keep it healthy.

Step 3: Choose your SHAMPOO wisely

Watch out for harsh chemicals like parabens, lauryl sulfate, and sodium chloride. Parabens which are used as preservatives in shampoos can mimic as estrogens which lead to hair loss. Lauryl sulfate, an anionic surfactant used in many cleaning and hygiene products, also cause hair fall. You can also apply certain over-the-counter products that help in better penetration of anti-hair fall medications and enhance their action.

Step 4: Get sufficient Vitamin D (Don’t hide from the sun)

Little do we realize that sunlight actually plays a critical role in promoting hair growth. Sunlight helps you get your daily dose of Vitamin D which is helpful in managing hair fall, so don’t hide from it!

Step 5: Say NO to stress

Stress is amongst the key factors governing a happier and healthier you. So, make sure it does not serve as a roadblock in your health.

Eat healthy and bring in basic lifestyle changes in your day to day life to avert the chances of triggered hair fall.

Step 6: Go for hair growth supplements

-Keratin makes up most of our hair strands and amino acids such as cysteine, lysine, arginine, and methionine play a critical role in the formation of the hair strands. The market is loaded with several supplements (oral and topical) that help to provide the hair with essential nutrients and vitamins. You can choose to pick supplements that are a source of vital minerals and vitamins essential for hair growth.

Step 7: Seek help from a dermatologist/ trichologist

  • In case your hair fall tends to worsen or does not improve with dietary and lifestyle changes, it is best to consult a dermatologist. He/she will examine your scalp and may suggest certain tests to rule out any underlying cause of hair fall. He/she may also prescribe some topical or oral medications and supplements to help manage hair fall better.
  • So, go ahead and try these simple and effective everyday tips to ensure that your hair stays healthy and strong.
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Monsoon Skin Care Tips!

Homeopathy Doctor, Bahadurgarh
Monsoon Skin Care Tips!

Skin care tips

  • Most of the times use soap free cleansers and a good scrub so as to keep your skin moist all the time.
  • An alcohol free toner is suggested as the high humidity could open up your pores (toning is usually followed after cleansing).
  • Most of them stop using sunscreen once the climate turns cool, but you must continue it even if it is cloudy.
  • Heavy makeup is a huge turn off in rains, better if one opts for a water- proof makeup.
  • Opt for a lotion- based serum, which keeps your skin rehydrated and brightens it up.
  • Avoid bleaching and facials in this season, as bleaching could do more harm for your face and facial makes your skin rough.
  • Wash your lips at night and apply some milk cream. Avoid lipsticks especially the dark shaded ones. Apply coconut oil if they are slightly cracked.
  • Waxing, pedicure, and manicure are always recommended to give your skin and body a toned look all the time.
  • Always wash your face, hands and feet as soon as you reach your home with lukewarm water. This makes you feel refreshed and stay healthy.
  • However there are different other methods based on whether the skin is oily or dry. These are the general tips that you must follow as the season begins.

Hair care tips

  • Most of the times try to protect your hair from rains, but that’s something impossible as we get caught in rains at least once in a while.
  • As you reach home better wash your hair with mild shampoos and let it dry.
  • Always apply shampoos in a gentle manner and do not forget to use a conditioner in this season after every wash.
  • At night times, massage your hair with warm coconut oil and comb your hair for the even distribution of oil on your scalp and hair.
  • You can also try applying warm oil mixed with curry leaves for your hair to remain thick and black.
  • Usually in this season you invite itchy scalp because of dandruff or some other reasons. For such irritating scalp applying neem oil is the best remedy.
  • Replacing herbal products in place of heavy organic shampoos and conditioners to maintain the natural glossy look of the hair would be best suggestible.
  • Hair coloring is not a good idea in this season as it takes very long to wash your hair and dry. Keep it as natural as possible.
  • Beer is a good conditioner. Initially wash your hair with beer and after few minutes wash it off with cold water. This tip helps your hair in adding glow to your hair.
  •  Use of hair dryers though necessary it is better suggested if you limit its usage. Instead opt for dry towels to remove moist from your hair.
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Hair Loss!

MBBS, MD (Skin & V.D. MAMC) - Dermatology
Dermatologist, Delhi
Hair Loss!

Hair fall or loss is a multifactorial problem where hereditary along with environmental factors and diet play an important role. Iron deficiency along with essential things like biotin, vitamin a along with other nutrients have a major role to play. Lotions, serums, tablets along with specified shampoos and conditioners can also help. Mesotherapy and prp are promising therapies which can be tried. All these treatment definitely need maintenance sessions along with local lotions application under the supervision of dermatologist. All the best and take care. Patients need multiple sessions for better outcome along with medical analysis. Hope this is of some help to you. One can take biotin tablets along with vitamin a rich diet and lots of red grapes with seeds. 

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