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Protein S Antigen Free Test

Protein S Antigen Free Test

Dependent on Vitamin K, protein S is one of the proteins that are synthesized in the liver and endothelial cells and present in blood platelets. It is the part of the natural anticoagulant system and acts as the cofactor to activated protein C (APC) in the proteolytic inactivation of procoagulant factors Va and VIIIa. The patient of venous thrombosis has the Protein S deficiency. These deficiency tests are done in 3 forms by checking total protein S antigen, free protein S antigen, and protein S activity in plasma. When there are symptoms of recurrent miscarriage, complications of pregnancy (preeclampsia, abruptio placentae, intrauterine growth restriction, and stillbirth) and possibly arterial thrombosis then this test is suggested.

To know how to prepare for the test, one should consult the doctor. Fasting, diet plans and medication changes, everything should be done after consulting with the doctor. Your doctor should know about the different medications that you are having and also about your current and past health. Based on this information some norms are provided that must be followed, for an accurate test result. It is a blood test and hence sleeveless, foldable full sleeves and sleeveless shirts should be worn on the day of the test. It helps the doctor to take the blood easily.

Here we are testing for the free protein S antigen in the blood to know if there is thrombosis or not and it is done on the patient with past thrombosis history. For the normal value in male, there should be 65-160% Protein S free antigens available. For female this value will be 50-160% (<50 years age) and 65-160% (>or= 50 years age). The test result will be low in the case there is less than 65% and 50% of protein S free antigen present in the blood plasma for male and female respectively.

The simple vein puncture method is used to collect the blood sample and then remove the plasma from the blood. Platelet-poor plasma is collected in the Light-blue top (citrate) tube for the test. The plasma is collected from the blood sample by spinning down the tube, removing the plasma and then again spinning the plasma. Then the plasma sample is freeze at a temperature equals to or below -40 degrees C. Then the specimen is taken to the lab for the rest of the test.

Plasma, frozen
3 mL
Blue-top (sodium citrate) tube.
Type Gender Age-Group Value
Protein S Free
All age groups
40% of Total Protein S
Average price range of the test is between Rs.2500 to Rs.9450 depending on the factors of city, quality and availablity.

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Table of Content

What is Protein S Antigen Free Test?
Preparation for Protein S Antigen Free Test
Uses of Protein S Antigen Free Test
Procedure for Protein S Antigen Free Test
Specimen Requirements
Normal values for Protein S Antigen Free Test
Price for Protein S Antigen Free Test
Lybrate Gaurantee
Lybrate Gaurantee

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I am a student in 12th. I am under weighted and I can't afford costly Whey Proteins Powder. So How can I gain weight by cheap of Household methods?

Homeopath, Secunderabad
I am a student in 12th. I am under weighted and I can't afford costly Whey Proteins Powder. So How can I gain weight ...
Do not worry too much. Just focus on eating healthy homemade food. A balanced diet is essential for the body to maintain ideal weight and overall health. Have milk and milk products. Try eating all types of beans (daals) which are a good source of natural proteins. You can search the net for various types of food and their nutritional values. Do not forget to eat fruits and vegetables everyday so that you get supply of vitamins and other nutrients. Exercise should also form an integral part of a healthy habit. If you follow these suggestions, it will not only help you gain ideal weight but also make you energetic and help focus on your studies and future planning. Have your priorities and stick to the healthy lifestyle. Do get a routine medical check up along with some basic tests to ensure you are fit and healthy. Revert later with reports for clarification.
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Homeopath, Secunderabad
My wife's health is low and weight is also low. She is 26 years old. I want that my wife should be in good shape. Ple...
See​ that she eats a balanced diet. She should also go for a routine medical check up just to ensure that there is no any health problem that remain undetected. Some basic tests are: CBC, ESR, blood sugar, thyroid test, urine routine, liver profile etc. She should also focus on exercising everyday. Add Yoga and pranayam which can naturally empower the healing system in the body. A healthy lifestyle can make a lot of difference in the long run. Please revert with the reports for further clarification. She can also start Homeopathy to help gain good appetite and thereby healthy​ weight. You can contact me online also.
1 person found this helpful

Are tables called dbol/Dianabol safe to use for bodybuilding and Can a person with high blood sugar it? What are the side effects?

MBBS, CCEBDM, Diploma in Diabetology, Diploma in Clinical Nutrition & Dietetics, Cetificate Course In Thyroid Disorders Management (CCMTD)
Endocrinologist, Hubli-Dharwad
Are tables called dbol/Dianabol safe to use for bodybuilding and Can a person with high blood sugar it? What are the ...
Hello, Thanks for the query. The anabolic steroids which are used to help build muscles are not advisable. They can cause a number of side effects and are banned in most sports as their use enhances the performance. Common side effects are: Common side effects with anabolic steroids may include: Severe acne, oily skin and hair, Hair loss, Liver disease, such as liver tumors and cysts, Kidney disease, Heart disease, such as heart attack and stroke Altered mood, irritability, increased aggression, depression or suicidal tendencies Alterations in cholesterol and other blood lipids. High blood pressure Gynecomastia (abnormal development of mammary glands in men causing breast enlargement), Shrinking of testicles, Azoospermia (absence of sperm in semen) Menstrual irregularities in women, Infertility, Excess facial or body hair, deeper voice in women, Stunted growth and height in teens Cosidering these things it is better to avoid them. In a person with diabetes, these drugs increase the blood glucose and aggravate the condition. Thanks.
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Popular Health Tips

Epidurals - Know The Benefits & Disadvantages!

MBBS, MD - Anaesthesiology, FIPM, Fellowship in palliative medicine, certificate in interventional pain management, Multidisciplinary pain management course
Pain Management Specialist, Pune
Epidurals - Know The Benefits & Disadvantages!

Modern women want to have it all, in personal and professional life. They want to experience the joy of motherhood but not the pain associated with normal delivery. For such women, epidural analgesia during labour is a blessing. Epidural analgesia/anaesthesia is given to pregnant women during childbirth. Epidural painkillers stop the pain signals transmitted nerves from uterus. This stops the pain sensation of labour. For epidural analgesia, a catheter (small tube) is inserted into the epidural space in the spinal cord. It is through this tube that the drugs (painkillers) reach the desired nerves. 

Types of Epidurals: 

Epidurals can be 

  1. Injection with top-ups: Once given, epidurals help to relieve the pain that arises due to contractions. When the epidural starts to wear off, top-ups or refills are used. The refills can last for 1-2 hours. 
  2. Combined Spinal Epidural: Compared to the regular epidurals, the combined spinal epidurals are powerful, quick, and more effective. Here too, epidural painkillers are made to pass through the catheter, once the first injection wears off. It is also known as Walking Epidural. 
  3. Continuous infusion (patient-controlled epidural analgesia): Here, the other end of the epidural catheter is attached to a pump. This pump continuously infuses the painkillers into your back. For an effective response, top-ups may be used. Many hospitals allow patients to control the pump. 

Merits and demerits of having an epidural--


  1. Epidurals make the delivery smooth and hassle free. 
  2. Epidurals are relatively safe as only a small fraction of the medicine reaches the baby. 
  3. Women stay fully awake and experience no pain during the cervix dilation. This enables them to push the baby out with more energy.
  4. Depending on the requirement, the dosage of epidurals can be adjusted. 
  5. Epidurals help to lower the cases of C-section delivery. 

Though epidurals make childbirth easy, one cannot overlook its demerits. 

  1. Infections can sometimes occur. 
  2. Sometimes epidural analgesia can have a patchy effect, causing some pain to persist. 
  3. Though rare, epidural can result in nerve damage. 
  4. Epidurals bring about a fall in blood pressure. At times, this can be risky for the baby. 
  5. Nausea, headache, itchiness, backache, soreness are the common side effects of epidurals. 
  6. Epidurals relax a woman, thereby reducing their urge to push the baby out. 

Thus, they may take longer than usual to push the baby. If you wish to discuss about any specific problem, you can consult a Pain Management Specialist.

4016 people found this helpful

Know The Ayurvedic Approach To Reversing Diabetes!!

Graduate of Ayurvedic Medicine and Surgery (GAMS)
Ayurvedic Doctor, Panipat
Know The Ayurvedic Approach To Reversing Diabetes!!

Glucose is the primary ingredient within the body which is turned into an energy source. This is what we use when we move, walk or make the slightest movements. To metabolize glucose into energy, your body needs insulin, which is a hormone produced within the pancreas. However, if the body doesn't react to the insulin or the pancreas is unable to produce enough, glucose cannot be converted into energy and thus results in type 2 diabetes.

Symptoms of type 2 diabetes

  1. Sudden or gradual weight loss despite increased hunger - Many people complain that they feel hungry and eat more, but despite this, tend to lose weight. This occurs as the body cannot metabolize glucose and uses energy reserves from fat or muscles leading to weight loss.
  2. Frequent infections and slow healing - If you are afflicted with Type 2 diabetes, then it might affect your immune system and you may be prone to infections. Also, any cuts or bruises on your body will take much longer to heal than normal.
  3. Irritability and fatigue - Another common symptom of type 2 diabetes along with the other symptoms mentioned here is quick irritability and fatigue. This is because most of the body is deprived of sugar and thus lacks the energy needed to function normally. 
  4. Constant thirst and increased urination - If you feel constantly thirsty despite drinking ample water and urinating frequently, this may be a tell tale sign of type 2 diabetes.
  5. Skin darkening in folds and creases of the body - Also known as acanthosis nigricans; this is a darkening of the skin where it also becomes velvety to the touch. It usually develops in the folds on skin in areas such as the neck and armpits and is a direct result of insulin resistance.

Causes of Type 2 diabetes

Some of the most common causes of Type 2 diabetes could be:

  1. Being overweight
  2. Lack of physical activity
  3. Genetic predisposition or family history 
  4. If you are more than 45 years of age
  5. Hormonal problems such as Polycystic ovarian syndrome

Reverse Diabetes

There three major factors that can help you prevent and reverse pre- and type II diabetes: proper diet and appropriate nutritional and herbal supplementation, exercise, and weight management.

  1. Diet: Proper diet is critical for both preventing and treating pre-and type II diabetes. One of the most important dietary precautions you can take is to eliminate all refined sugars and sugar products from your diet. Also reduce or eliminate your intake of alcohol and caffeine; avoid fast, processed "junk" foods and soda, altogether; and eat protein snacks between meals.
  2. Eating According to the Glycemic Index: Another important dietary tip is eat meals that contains an abundance of low-glycemic (low-sugar) foods. By doing so you can significantly improve your body's ability to maintain low insulin and blood sugar levels. Low-glycemic foods include raw, organic leafy green vegetables, fruits that contain pits, sweet potatoes, yams, organic whole-grain breads and cereals, most legumes and nuts, skim and buttermilk, poultry, white fish, shellfish, and lean cuts of beef and veal.
  3. Nutritional and Herbal Supplements: In addition to a healthy diet, many people at risk for or who already have pre- or type II diabetes will also benefit from various nutritional and herbal supplements.
  4. Exercise: Regular exercise should be part of every diabetic's daily routine. Exercise in combination with a weight loss program has been proven to reduce the odds of developing diabetes by 58 percent among people who are at risk for the disease. If you wish to discuss about any specific problem, you can consult with the doctor for diabetes ayurvedic treatment.
4522 people found this helpful

Homeopathy For Bronchial Asthma!

BHMS, Certificate in Sex Education & Parenthood, PG Dip (Preventive & Promotive Healthcare), Dip in LSM (Prescribing Exercises), Dip in LSM (Metabolic Disroders & Nutrition), Dip in Occupational health & industrial hygiene., MBA (Healthcare), Certificate in Good Clinical Practice, Dip in Healthcare Quality, Core Competency In Lifestyle Medicine, CHWA-USA, Fellowship in Cardiac Rehab
Homeopathy Doctor, Jamshedpur
Homeopathy For Bronchial Asthma!

Asthma is a disease that intermittently affects the lungs. When it strikes, the lungs become inflamed and the airways narrow. The sufferer’s chest tightens, breathing becomes difficult or wheezy, and a persistent cough may develop – especially at night.

Asthma can be triggered by allergies or have its onset from a stressful period of life such as an infection, a grief, or even the birth of a baby. Thousands die from asthma each year. It is a serious disease that is increasing in frequency.

For children and adults alike, the struggle to breathe during an asthma attack can be a frightening experience. While conventional medications relieve many of the symptoms of asthma, they cannot cure it. With homoeopathy, it is a different story.


  • Daily use of Paracetamol
  • Vaccines
  • Daily use of antibiotics
  • Caesarean sections
  • Asthma in family

Asthma is usually triggered by:

  • Tobacco Smoke
  • Exercise
  • Polluted or Poor air
  • Cold Air
  • Emotional Stress
  • Allergies

Homeopathy Treatment for Asthma-

When it comes to the treatment of Asthma, Homeopathy is much better at treating asthma. It is in stark contrast to allopathy, where inhalers and steroids are used to suppress inflammation. Homeopathic medicines do not aim at just reducing inflammation. They also intend to cure the basic cause of the recurrent inflammation. This way, not only the symptoms of asthma are treated but the incidence of asthmatic attacks is completely eliminated.

I have had patients coming to me who had been using inhalers or steroids for decades. They could not live without them. With a couple of months of Homeopathic treatment, they are able to live a disease free and medicine-free life. It is worthwhile to mention here that all Homeopathic remedies are natural and do not contain any chemicals. That is why these purely natural homeopathic remedies do not have any side effects at all. Some common homeopathic remedies for asthma include:

  1. Natrum Sulph: This homeopathic remedy is best for children who are suffering from asthma. Also, if asthma worsens due to humid weather, and symptoms such as wheezing or coughs are present, Natrum Sulph can be an excellent remedy.
  2. Arsenic Album: If your asthmatic attacks occur mostly in the night, and you feel extremely restless, Arsenic Album can prove to be very helpful. It is helpful for both chronic (long-term symptoms) and acute (short-term symptoms) asthma.
  3. Kali Bichrome: Asthma attacks that occur during night and in winters are best treated with Kali Bichrome. The remedy is also used to treat asthma combined with acute bronchitis (infection-induced inflammation of the airways).
  4. Nux Vomica: Heaviness and fullness in stomach, especially after a meal, associated with breathing difficulties is treated with Nux vomica.

Other than these four remedies, some homeopathic remedies focus on other symptoms, such as:

NOTE: These remedies are extremely active and it is best to consult a homeopath before self-medicating. 

In case you have a concern or query you can always consult an expert & get answers to your questions!

3488 people found this helpful

Causes And Symptoms Of Cyclic Vomiting Syndrome in Children!

Fellowship In Neonatology, MRCPCH(UK), Diploma In Child Health (DCH), MBBS
Pediatrician, Delhi
Causes And Symptoms Of Cyclic Vomiting Syndrome in Children!

Cyclic vomiting syndrome (CVS) is characterized by periodic bouts of nausea and vomiting that happens at cyclical intervals. It affects all ages, but is more common in children. The condition is quite stereotypical in that there are paroxysms or bouts of vomiting that is recurrent and follows days of normal health.

Causes: There is no definite reason identified, but it is said to have a strong hereditary correlation. Studies have shown mitochondrial heteroplasmic (abnormal growth of mitochondria, which is a cellular component) to be one of the factors that can lead to CVS. The genetic correlation, however, is very difficult to establish, specifically because vomiting and nausea are common symptoms that occur with most conditions in children. And CVS is most commonly noted with conditions like infections and emotional excitement. Infection could be either tooth decay or sinusitis or anything else. Lack of sleep, anxiety, holidays, allergies, overeating, certain foods, menstruation - a host of factors have been shown to induce CVS. There is also a strong association with migraine and conditions that lead to excessive production of stress hormones.

Symptoms: The syndrome (a group of symptoms) usually has 4 phases:

  1. Symptom-free interval phase: The child is completely normal in this phase, which happens in between bouts.
  2. Prodromal phase: Prodrome is an indication that a disease or a condition is about to happen. In CVS, this is usually nausea and abdominal pain that can last from a few minutes to a few hours. Treatment in this phase can curb the disease. However, there could be some children in whom this may not manifest and the child may directly start with vomiting.
  3. Vomiting phase: Repeated bouts of paroxysmal vomiting happen associated with nausea, exertion, fatigue, and drowsiness.
  4. Recovery phase: As the nausea and vomiting begin to subside, which may take a couple of days, the child returns back to normal slowly. However, the lethargy and energy levels will take a couple of days to return to normal.

Treatment: Treatment again depends on the severity and the phase at which it is being recognized. If a child has repetitive bouts, then the parent and the doctor would have identified a pattern to it.

  1. If the causative agent has been identified, for instance, infection or migraine, then managing that takes care of the CVS also.
  2. If identified during the prodromal phase, again it can be managed with suitable anti-emetic medications.
  3. If identified after full onset, rest and sleep and medications to control nausea and vomiting are required. Adequate hydration with electrolyte replenishment and sedatives can provide additional support.

However, in most cases of childhood CSV, the pattern will be identified and that helps in better management, both the child/parent and the podiatrist. If you wish to discuss about any specific problem, you can consult a Pediatrician.

4219 people found this helpful

Dash Diet!

MBBS, Dip.Cardiology, Fellowship in Clinical Cardiology(FICC), Fellowship in Echocardiology
Cardiologist, Ghaziabad
Dash Diet!

DASH stands for Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension. It is an eating plan that is based on research studies sponsored by the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI). These studies showed that DASH lowers high blood pressure and improves levels of cholesterol. This reduces your risk of getting heart disease.

The DASH Diet

  • Emphasizes vegetables, fruits, and fat-free or low-fat dairy products.
  • Includes whole grains, fish, poultry, beans, seeds, nuts, and vegetable oils.
  • Limits sodium, sweets, sugary beverages, and red meats.

Along with DASH, other lifestyle changes can help lower your blood pressure. They include staying at a healthy weight, exercising, and not smoking.

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