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Vaginal Infection - Symptom, Treatment And Causes

Last Updated: Jun 30, 2023

What is Vaginal Infection?

Vaginal infection is a condition when there is excessive yeast growth in the vagina. There will be intense itching, swelling and irritation in women who get this infection. Vaginal infection is bothersome for the women who experience it.

Types and Causes of Vaginitis


Vaginitis is one of the most common groups of infections faced by women around the globe. It is generally described as uncomfortable inflammation followed by discharge, itching, and pain. Vaginitis can be categorized into five subdivisions based on the root cause. These five types are:

  • Bacterial vaginosis: caused by an imbalance in normal bacteria lactobacilli and anaerobes found in the vagina.
  • Yeast infections: caused by naturally occurring fungus known by the name of Candida albicans.
  • Trichomoniasis: caused by a parasite named Trichomonas which is only transmitted through intercourse.
  • Noninfectious vaginitis: the cause of this form of vaginal infection caused by external products used for sanitization and hygiene of your intimate area. The products cause irritation and imbalance in your pH level leading to vaginitis.
  • Genitourinary syndrome of menopause (vaginal atrophy): internal insufficiency of a female hormone named estrogen. Postmenopause your vaginal lining may slim leading to irritation in the skin.
Summary: Vaginitis is generally described as uncomfortable inflammation followed by discharge, itching, and pain. Vaginitis can be categorized into five subdivisions based on the root cause.

Can Vaginal Infection go away on its own?

Vaginal Infections are a kind of fungal infection. When they have mild symptoms such as itching and irritation in the affected area and thick white discharge from the vagina, then in such cases it can get resolved spontaneously in a time interval of a few days or months.

Such cases usually are not required to get medical care and treatment as they can be controlled and managed by the application of home remedies and over-the-counter medicines.

What is the main cause of yeast infection?

In general terms, imbalance in the candida, and bacteria present in our body causes yeast infection. The mixture of both elements is present in our body, but things like an infestation of lactobacillus can cause an imbalance in the vagina resulting in yeast infection.

Summary: In general terms, imbalance in the candida, and bacteria present in our body causes yeast infection. The imbalance of such elements of the body leads to yeast infection.

Can shaving cause a yeast infection?

Yes, women often experience yeast infections post-shaving their pubic hair. There are two reasons why this happens. First, pubic hair allows your vagina to breathe and dry. It creates a protective barrier that prevents friction or any bacterial growth, shaving them will trim your guard down making your vagina more prone to infections.

Second shaving often creates acne, infectious ingrown, and other forms of skin allergies which can also affect your vaginal health.

Summary: Women often experience yeast infections post-shaving their pubic hair. Shaving them will trim your guard down and create acne, infectious ingrown, and other forms of skin allergies leading to infections.

How often do females get yeast infections?

Yeast infection is quite common amongst women. A total of 75% of women experience a yeast infection at least once in their lifetime. Also, it is very common because the key bacteria are present in the body itself.

Summary: Yeast infection is quite common amongst women. 75% of women experience a yeast infection at least once in their lifetime.

Can sperm cause yeast infections?

It can strike you as a surprise but yes, in some cases sperm of your partner can also cause a yeast infection. This can happen even if your partner is 100% healthy. So the key reason behind yeast infection via unprotected sex is sperm composition.

The chemical composition of semen is different in each individual, in case the sperm is high in its acidity it can cause vaginitis.

Summary: yes, the chemical composition of semen is different in each individual, in case the sperm is high in its acidity it can cause vaginitis.

Can stress cause a yeast infection?

Stress does not have a direct role, however, it can lower your immunity which can lead to many diseases. One of them is a yeast infection. During prolonged stress, our immunity system weakens. This makes our bodies vulnerable.

Also during stress one may miss out on self-care which can also create an opportunity for the yeast infection to develop in your vagina.

Summary: Stress does not have a direct role, however, it can lower your immunity which can lead to many diseases. One of them is a yeast infection.

Symptoms of Vaginal Infection :


Anyone who is experiencing symptoms of vaginal infection should visit a gynaecologist. Gynaecologist will check whether the person had episodes of sexually transmitted disease. Pelvic exam is carried out to thoroughly check the vaginal walls and cervix. Vaginal sample test is prescribed for women who have recurrent episodes of vaginal infection.

Treatment for vaginal infection includes vaginal creams to remove the infection. Vaginal creams contain oil and hence, have the ability to effect the latex of condom and other birth controls. It is best to avoid these birth control at the time of infection.

Simple yeast infections can be treated by a three-day regimen of ointments, anti fungal creams or suppository. The vaginal infection will cure on use of these medicines. A follow up to the doctor is required to check for recurrent episodes.

How is Vaginal Infection diagnosed?

The diagnosis of Vaginal Infections is usually done in the following ways:

  • Detailed inquiry about the history of patients regarding health: This includes detailed explanation about medical history as well as sexual health. Taking the history of sexually transmitted diseases or infections is important.
  • Pelvic exam: This includes a collection of samples related to discharge from the vagina. This is needed for lab analysis.

How is Vaginal Infection treated?

Vaginal Infections which is a kind of fungal infection can get treated in some of the following ways:

  • Application of antifungal creams or suppositories under the supervision of a doctor.
  • Some creams are also preferred to be used which are basically estrogen-related creams.
  • Tablets in the form of metronidazole or any antifungal may be helpful in such cases.
  • Clindamycin available as cream or gel is also preferred in some cases.
  • Antifungals such as miconazole, fluconazole prescribed by a doctor are also beneficial.

Who is eligible for the treatment?

Vaginal Infections usually get resolved themselves in most cases with self-care techniques and home remedies. However, in some cases, it may require medical treatment. Those serious symptoms include the occurrence of urinary tract infections such as painful urination and other urine-related issues as well as vaginal-related symptoms and conditions such as painful discharge and excessive discharge.

Who is not eligible for the treatment?

Vaginal Infections are a kind of fungal infection. When they have mild symptoms such as itching and irritation in the affected area and thick white discharge from the vagina, then in such cases it can get resolved spontaneously in a time interval of a few days or months.

Such cases usually are not required to get medical care and treatment as they can be controlled and managed by the application of home remedies and over-the-counter medicines.

What is the best treatment for the infection?

Treatment of vaginal infection includes self-care and antifungal medication. Self-care includes adequate hygiene, a balanced diet, and protected intercourse.

On the other hand, medication will include antifungal creams like clotrimazole or miconazole and oral medications like fluconazole (Diflucan) or ibrexafungerp (Brexafemme).

They are easy to use and fall under the category of ‘Over counter” medications which makes them easily accessible. In case of pregnancy, it is safe to use the cream, however, one must consult their doctor before consuming the oral medications.

Summary: Treatment of vaginal infection includes self-care and antifungal medication. While self-care includes preventive methods, mediational will include oral pills and applicable creams.

Can a yeast infection be cured?

Yes, one can cure yeast infection if taken care of. Yeast infection breeds under heat and moisture, when you wear clothes that are thick or made with non-breathable fabric can trap heat and water resulting in yeast infection.

Also, lack of hygiene, increase lactic acid in your diet, or unprotected sex with an infected individual can also lead to the infection. Preventive action on such things can also help you cure the infection.

Summary: Yeast infection breeds under heat and moisture, when you wear clothes that are thick or made with non-breathable fabric can trap heat and water resulting in yeast infection. So it is easy to cure yeast infection if taken care of.

What is Vaginitis Prevention?

Intimate hygiene is very easy and the most important thing to maintain. Not only does it help us have a healthy lifestyle but also keeps our vital organs healthy making it more efficient towards reproduction and intercourse. Here are some of the preventive methods that allow us to prevent infections like vaginitis:

  • Avoid water bodies like hot tubs, baths, and other forms of public bathing places.
  • Keep an eye on intimate products like sanitary napkins, tampons, menstrual cups, intimate washes, creams, and other forms of products. If the texture, chemical composition, or scent may irritate your skin, do not ignore it as it can lead to yeast infection.
  • Clean right, it is important to use the correct wiping method. Wipe your intimate area from front to back covering your anal. Do not wipe it in the opposite direction as it only welcomes anal residue and bacteria straight into your vagina.
  • Practice safe sex. Use protection each time you have sex. Not only an infected person can cause yeast infection but also a healthy person’s sperm can also cause an imbalance in the pH levels of the vagina. Using condoms will be the best preventive method to be on the safe side.
  • Wear cotton underwear. Cotton absorbs and dries faster than any other fabric. It is also quite breathable making it easy to maintain the temperature of your body. Also, too tight or loose clothes can cause discomfort. Choose the right underwear for better prevention and care.
Summary: Intimate hygiene is very easy and the most important thing to maintain. Follow the preventive methods that allow us to prevent infections like vaginitis throughout our lives.

Should I go to urgent care for Vaginal Infection?

Vaginal Infections usually get resolved themselves in most cases with self-care techniques and home remedies. In some cases, it may require medical treatment. Those serious symptoms include:

  • Occurrence of urinary tract infections such as painful urination and other urine related issues.
  • Vaginal related symptoms and conditions such as painful discharge and excessive discharge.

How do I clean my yeast infection?

It is easy to clean the yeast infection, so one can conduct the process without medical help. Here are the steps that will help you gain a better understanding of vaginal cleaning in case of yeast infection.

  • Use pain or slightly cold water to wet the area. Do not use hot water as it can irritate the skin. Also, do not wash your vagina more than once a day.
  • Use mild intimate wash which does not contain any harsh chemicals or perfume. Gently cleanse the whole area.
  • Clean the area with water and gently tap dry the area. Do not rub or use any hard fabric cloth on your vaginal skin.
  • Apply the cream or ointment that has been prescribed by your medical professional and wear loose clothes which allow proper ventilation.
Summary: It is easy to clean the yeast infection, so one can conduct the process without medical help. Correct steps will help you gain a better understanding of vaginal cleaning in case of yeast infection.

Complications during Vaginal Infection :

Complicated vaginal infections can be caused due to a number of reasons like uncontrolled diabetes, pregnancy or HIV. These cause recurrent episodes of vaginal infections and hence need a more aggressive treatment. Here the women are given a 14-day cream or ointment and medications like antibiotics to treat the infections. Use of condoms during sex is also prescribed by the doctor to avoid further infection.

Vaginal infections can be prevented by following some simple precautions. Avoid wearing tight underwear, feminine deodorant or pads, eating a well balanced diet, avoid wearing wet underwear, wearing natural fibres like silk and cotton, avoiding use of hot tubs frequently, avoiding hot douches.

Prevention and precautions taken properly can avoid vaginal infections and lead to a good hygiene in women.

How long does it take to recover from Vaginal Infection?

Vaginal Infections may show mild infections in some cases and require around three days to recover from the symptoms. In most such cases, treatment may not be required. However, in moderate cases or some severe cases, the time interval usually taken for the recovery process includes around two to three weeks.

What to eat in Vaginal Infection?

Dietary changes have a positive effect on fungal infections such as Vaginal Infections. Some of the food items and food habits which are preferred in such conditions include the following:

  • Use of Coconut oil, it is rich in Lauric acid which is much needed in the prevention of Vaginal Infections.
  • Incorporation of probiotics in the regular diet. Some of them include yoghurt and several fermented foods.
  • Diet rich in low sugar content as high sugar may be unfavorable for Vaginal Infections.
  • Some herbs and spices such as garlic and curcumin which have effective antifungal actions.

What not to eat in Vaginal Infection?

Some of the food items which act as triggering factors for the conditions of Vaginal Infections and need to be avoided include the following:

  • Consumption of white and refined flour.
  • Intake of gluten-rich food items.
  • Milk and milk products including any dairy product.
  • Excessive consumption of alcohol.
  • Excessive caffeine consumption.
  • Excessive intake of sugars such as the simple form of sugar.
  • Food items that are fermented.

What are the side-effects of Vaginal Infection treatments?

The treatment of Vaginal Infection includes the application of antifungal creams, tablets, or medicines. The side effects of such antifungals remedies include the following:

  • Hepatotoxicity: It adversely affects the liver.
  • Deranged kidney function tests: It has a negative effect on the kidneys too.
  • Electrolyte imbalance: It usually causes an imbalance in the electrolytes in the body.
  • Occurrence of diarrhoea.
  • Nausea and vomiting.

Are the results of the treatment permanent?

A complete cure is quite possible in the case of fungal infections such as Vaginal Infections with an application of antifungal medications. The results are permanent in most of the cases or it may not be so. However, there occurs a chance of recurrence in some of the cases which are followed by the same treatment methods.

What are the post-treatment guidelines?

Some of the important post-treatment guidelines which a woman should follow in case of Vaginal Infections include the following:

  • Maintenance of hygiene in the vaginal area so as to keep them clean and free from infections.
  • Wearing comfortable undergarments and avoiding ill-fitting clothes to prevent excessive sweating which facilitates the growth of the yeast.

What is the price of Vaginal Infection treatments in India?

Vaginal Infection is a kind of infection usually caused due to fungus. It can be treated by using antifungal medicines. The treatment cost is normal and affordable. It is around rupees 300 up to rupees 1000 and may vary in this range.

What are the alternatives to the treatment?

The main treatment methods for Vaginal Infections include the application of antifungal medications prescribed by a doctor. However, there are some alternative methods for the treatment which include the application of suppositories consisting of boric acid. It should be used at bedtime, one suppository per day.

Summary: Vaginitis is generally described as uncomfortable inflammation followed by discharge, itching, and pain. Causes of vaginitis include hormonal imbalance, bacterial infection, and transmission of the parasites from an infected partner. Treatment of vaginal infection includes self-care and antifungal medication. While self-care includes preventive methods, medicational will include oral pills and applicable creams.

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Written ByDr. Sunita Singh MBBS,MS Obstetrics & GynaecologyGynaecology
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