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Dermatitis Treatment: Procedure, Cost and Side Effects

Last Updated: Jan 04, 2022

What is the treatment?

Dermatitis is a group of diseases that cause inflammation in skin. Your skin may go through redness, itchiness and rash. You may even go through blisters on your skin and in the long run, your skin may thicken. It may occur due to coming in contact with substances like poison ivy, jewellery made up of nickel or soaps. It is not contagious but it may create extremely uncomfortable conditions for you. There are no sure shot ways of treating dermatitis. There are some ointments available that work in many cases. Change in diet is recommended by doctors in most cases.

What are the main causes of Dermatitis?

Dermatitis is nothing but an inflammation of the skin accompanied by symptoms like dryness, rashes, and itchiness of the skin. Being of different types such as contact Dermatitis, eczema, and seborrheic Dermatitis, it may result due to some important factors which include:

  • Immune system: Reaction of our immune system with allergy-causing factors leads to inflammation of the skin.
  • Genetics: Skin inflammation can occur as a result of hereditary transmission by the genes.
  • Environment: Environmental factors such as air pollution, tobacco smoke, etc. can affect our skin, leading to its inflammation.
  • Exposure: In some cases, any exposure to the irritants may result in skin inflammation.
Summary: Dermatitis is nothing but skin inflammation associated with the symptoms like dryness, rashes, and itchiness. Its occurrence in some aspects may be related to environment, genetics, immunity, and exposure to irritants.

What foods cause Dermatitis?

Dermatitis can be caused as a result of allergies to several kinds of food items. These food items may include peanuts, soy, milk, wheat, fish, seafood, and eggs. Different bodies may react to different types of foods differently. Some people may be allergic to peanuts while some may be allergic to fish and eggs. Hence, it depends on the immunity of an individual as the immune system is the first to react with these allergens at the first encounter.

Summary: Occurrence of Dermatitis may be related to several food allergies. Soy, peanuts, fish, wheat, seafood, etc. are common food items causing allergies. Allergic reactions are a result of how the immune system reacts to these food items.

What not to eat if you have Dermatitis?

Dermatitis or skin inflammation may be related to an allergy to a particular food item or any specific food sensitivity. These reactions towards foods usually occur after a time duration of 6 to 24 hours, depending upon the immunity potential of the body. Some food items which are preferred not to eat include wheat, eggs, dairy products, soy, citrus fruits, tomatoes, and some nuts, while some people may be allergic to nickel-containing food items including lentils, black tea, peas, nuts, chocolate, shellfish, and soybeans. Green apples, hazelnuts, celery, and carrot may also act as allergens to a particular individual.

Summary: Several food items commonly act as allergens to different individuals. It depends upon the immunity of the particular person. Hence, we must take care of the food items we consume as some of them may aggravate allergies.

Is Vaseline good for Dermatitis?

Vaseline is considered to be helpful in conditions like eczema as it is rich in properties such as retention of moisture, hydration as well as healing of the skin. It acts well on sensitive skin due to the presence of petroleum jelly as its main ingredient. Applying it to the skin, it forms a protective layer to provide the skin relief from conditions of itching, rashes, scaling, and inflammation. Besides these, it acts as an antibacterial, antimicrobial, and antifungal which prevents different kinds of skin infections.

Summary: Vaseline is considered to be an effective home remedy in the case of Dermatitis. It has an important property of moisture retention which enables it to protect the skin from dryness, scaling, and inflammation.

How is the treatment done?

Dermatitis is known to be cured mostly by the use of anti inflammatory and anti itch products. Hydrocortisone cream, corticosteroid cream and calamine lotion help in getting relief from inflammation and itchiness, temporarily. Try to wear smooth textured cotton clothing so that it does not irritate your problem areas. Avoid rubbing or scratching the areas where there is redness. You can have a bleach bath to reduce bacteria growth on your skin. Add half a cup of household bleach to a bathtub filled with about 150 litres of warm water. Use a mild detergent to wash your clothes, bed sheets, pillow covers etc. Moisturize your skin regularly with a medicated lotion. Consult a dermatologist to find out the reason behind your condition and try to avoid contact with those substances. In extreme conditions, your doctor may use treatments where your skin is exposed to controlled amount of natural or artificial light.

Who is eligible for the treatment? (When is the treatment done?)

If you feel itchiness, redness or rashness in skin these may be symptoms of dermatitis.


Who is not eligible for the treatment?

If you are going through some other medical treatment, the rashes on your skin may be due to the side effects for that medication.

Are there any side effects?

The treatments done to cure dermatitis are not known to have any side effects.

What are the post-treatment guidelines?

You must cure all skin infections with utmost attention and care. You must keep your skin clean all the time and use a mild cleanser to wash the problem areas regularly. Ensure that you are not consuming tobacco and are having a nutritious meal.

How long does it take to recover?

It may take about a month to treat dermatitis if all precautions are followed carefully.

How long does it take for Irritant Dermatitis to go away?

The basic concept for treating the condition of Irritant Dermatitis is identifying the causative factor or allergens and avoidance of those allergens. This is important because until and unless we eliminate the causing factors or keep us away from them, it is not possible to get rid of the condition. In normal conditions when you are able to keep a watch on the allergens, it is possible to treat the condition in a time interval of about two to four weeks, otherwise, it may extend up to a longer duration which is quite discomforting.

Summary: Allergies are a common health problem nowadays. Different individuals have different forms of allergies to a specific allergen. It usually takes around two to four weeks for the symptoms of allergies to get resolved.

What is the price of the treatment in India?

Consultation with a dermatologist may cost ₹1000 - ₹3000.

Are the results of the treatment permanent?

The results of the treatment are mostly permanent.

What are the alternatives to the treatment?

Dietary supplements like Vitamin D and probiotics are known to help with recovery from dermatitis. Fish oil supplements and aloe vera are also considered to help during dermatitis.

Conclusion: Dermatitis is an inflammation of the skin accompanied by symptoms like dryness, rashes, and itchiness of the skin. It may be caused due to various factors including food allergens, environment-related allergens, genetics, immunity, and exposure to specific allergens. It can be eliminated or treated by identifying the causative factors and avoiding them in any conditions.

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Written ByDr. Shaurya Rohatgi MD - Dermatology , Venereology & Leprosy,MBBSDermatology
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