Diet - Understanding Its Role In Cancer!
Cancer has grown in prevalence and incidence to great heights. It has been estimated that cancer would affect 70% of the global population in the next 25 years. The major reason for this is the changing lifestyles food habits, lack of physical activity, pollution, exposure to toxins, etc.
Lung, stomach, and colorectal cancer is common in both males and females. Breast and cervical cancer in females and prostate and liver cancer in men are the other common conditions. Talking about foods, each item can either have a positive or negative effect. While some foods can be causative, others can help prevent onset and/or delay cancer progress. Read on to know the top five foods to avoid and consume to keep cancer at bay.
Five foods to avoid
- Refined sugars: With refined sugar consumption constantly on the rise, there is a direct correlation between incidence of cancer and sugar consumption. Use of organic honey, maple sugar, and jaggery has a more preventive role in cancer development.
- Canned food products: Whether cans or plastic, canned foods contain bisphenol-A (BPA) which introduces cancerous changes in animals. By using fresh foods and avoiding canned foods, the BPA-induced cancer can be avoided.
- Microwave popcorn: Diacetyl which is used to provide the artificial butter taste in microwave popcorn, coupled with the chemical packaging contributes to lung cancer in a big way. Using the traditional way to make popcorn helps you enjoy the popcorn at the same time avoid cancer.
- Carbonated beverages: Sodas and colas are filled with artificial dyes, flavors, and other bad chemicals which are all bad for health. These diet varieties have aspartame, which is also proven as carcinogenic.
- Refined flour: With pastas and pizzas is the rise of refined flour, which tastes great, but is devoid of all nutritional value. Some of the variants of flours may have chlorine that make them whiter and more appealing. It also pushes sugar levels up rapidly and induces insulin resistance.
Top foods to prevent cancer
- Eat healthy, organic, locally grown foods. They are more likely to be nutritious, have less harmful effects, and also economical. Each meal should have a good portion of fruits and vegetables
- Whole grains and cereals likewise are more beneficial to the health and also have a lesser risk of cancer.
- Include dairy products, dried fruits and nuts, sea food like fish, and poultry in your diet.
- Honey has antibacterial and antifungal properties, and can be used as a substitute for sugar.
- Foods rich in antioxidants help in controlling chronic inflammation help in controlling cancer.
As noted above, foods have both a positive and negative effect on cancer development and growth. A healthy lifestyle with good nutrition and an active lifestyle goes a long way in preventing cancer. If you wish to discuss about any specific problem, you can ask a free question.