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Last Updated: Jan 07, 2023

How Ayurveda Helps Treat Infertility?

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Dr. Krishna Kumar SAyurvedic Doctor • 17 Years Exp.BAMS, PG Dip (Medical Education), (FAGE) Fellow of Academy of General Education, MBA (Healthcare)
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Infertility has emerged as a common problem as a result of the modern day lifestyle. Extremely hectic schedules, stress, burnout, depression and unhealthy diets can contribute to fertility issues. As per a study published by Pharmion, around 30 million Indian couples were estimated to suffering from lifetime infertility, in 2015. Also, the Total Fertility Rate (TFR) fell to 2.3% in 2013 against 3.9% in 1990.
Couples often seek help with methods such as artificial insemination and in vitro fertilization (IVF), but the problem can be solved in natural ways too. Sometimes, the root cause of infertility is simply irregular functioning or blockages in the body systems. The basic principle of Ayurveda is to get the body functioning to its optimum capacity and this is often all that is needed to treat diseases.

Here are a few ways in which Ayurvedic medicine can help treat infertility:

  1. Phal Ghrit: The medicine is made by combining a number of herbs and it is taken with warm milk. It has been developed especially to treat infertility by controlling the level of hormones secreted in the body. It cannot remedy structural problems, but it can effectively treat functional disorders in the reproductive system.
  2. Shatavari (Asparagus): This plant is used to treat female infertility by regulating the cycles of menstruation and ovulation.
  3. Triphala Churna: A combination of three different fruits - baheda, amla and haritaki, this medicine helps to cleanse the body of toxins, strengthens the immune system and clears blockages in the fallopian tubes.
  4. Ashwagandha Churna (Indian ginseng): The medicine is used to treat male infertility by naturally increasing the production of sperm in the system.

There are also a few Ayurvedic therapies which can help to cure infertility:

  1. Vamanam: In this treatment procedure, medicated oil is swallowed to induce vomiting, which expels all the contaminating elements in the body. This process can be done regularly depending upon the overall health of the patient and also helps to combat digestive and psychological conditions.
  2. Swedanam: This therapy is usually done before other Ayurvedic therapies to prepare the body systems. For patients of infertility, the patient is made to sweat excessively. This also flushes most nitrous compounds out of the body.
  3. Dhatu Nirman Karma: The cells of the body are made to metabolize, absorb and assimilate nutrients leading to the formation of healthy cells and destruction of the unhealthy ones. This is turn rejuvenates the organs. Usually, this is helpful for female infertility.
  4. Virechana: This procedure involves several days of internal oleation by taking either pure ghee or a specially prepared medicated ghee followed by a gentle herbal purgative. Purgation acts on aggravated and accumulated pitta and kapha doshas. It decreases the heat (ushna guna) of pitta and increases coolness (sheeta guna) required for formation of shukra dhatu (ovum and sperm). Impaired agni due to disturbed pitta is also rectified by the virechana procedure. A strong and balanced dhatvagni (tissue agni) is required for dhatnirmiti of shukradhatu (creation of reproductive tissue). Obstructing kapha dosha is removed through virechana and the blocked apana vata obstructed by kapha dosha is also relieved by virechana. Common virechana dravyas: mahatiktaghrit, trivrit (leha or churna). If you wish to discuss about any specific problem, you can consult an Ayurveda.