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I am 54 years old, Female (Indian) -Never used tobacco & alcohol. Height-5 feet 1 inch, weight-62.5 kgs. Had hysterectomy & bilateral salpingo oophorectomy 10 years ago for multiple benign cysts & lap chole 4 months ago for gallbladder stones. Shin bone pain in right leg, sometimes mild, sometimes severe. Taking multivitamins & calcium tablet daily with Dr's advice. Still having the shin bone pain. It is less in day & severe at night. I do not run, jog & exercise. I was never sports person or athlete. At the time of lap chole 4 months, I did many tests. Everything clear except enlarged diffuse fatty liver (19 cm). I have done chest x-ray PA view, USG total abdomen, liver function test, pancreatic enzyme test (amylase & lipase, hepatitis B & C, creatinine,HIV-everything was clear). What is the cause of shin bone pain?

1Doctor Answered
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