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Yoga For Tb And It's Health Benefits

Last Updated: Jun 10, 2024

Benefits of yoga for TB

Tuberculosis belongs to the category of serious communicable disease. It is essentially an infection which impacts the health of the human lungs. If this condition remains undetected then there are chances that it may spread to other parts of the body as well. Since it is a communicable disease thus it can easily spread from one person to another. In today's day and age, tuberculosis is a very common problem. In terms of tuberculosis, yoga only works as a preventive therapy however, it cannot cure tuberculosis.

Although incorporating yoga in the daily routine does speed up the healing process. There are asanas and kriyas in yoga which provide assistance in cleaning the upper respiratory tract along with the sinuses. The breathing exercises of yoga help in providing relaxation along with reducing the stress levels. Practicing yoga regularly improves blood circulation in the chest region. The functionality of the respiratory tract improves due to the supply of oxygenated blood through yoga thereby increasing the speed of the healing process. The immunity system of the body also gets boosted by doing regular yoga. Given below are some of the yoga techniques which can help in the treatment of tuberculosis.

Yoga asanas for TB

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Bhastrika Pranayam

Also known as “bellow breathing”, it involves forced inhalation and exhalation that causes movement in the lungs similar to that of a bellow that is used in forges. Bhastrika Pranayam stimulates blood circulation in the body and provides beneficial effects like stronger eyesight, memory and hearing. It also significantly strengthens the lung and directly affects the respiratory system. Additionally it helps strengthen the muscles, tissues, glands as well as boosts and stimulates the immune system. As a result it is one of the most beneficial yoga exercise for lung related problems. To do Bhastrika pranayama sit in any of these asana according to your comfort - Padmasana, Siddhasana or Sukhasana while ensuring that your spinal cord remains straight. Breathe in deeply as much as possible to fill your lungs with air. Then breathe out with an equal force to empty your lungs completely. This is one cycle of bhastrika pranayama and the cycles can be repeated at a speed you find comfortable. Do this for 2 to 5 minutes daily to get the great health benefits mentioned earlier.
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Kapalbhati Pranayam

Also known as “cleansing breath”, Kapalbhati clears the respiratory passages, minimizing risks of infections and allergies in the respiratory system. To do Kapalbhati pranayam sit comfortably in either of these asanas - Padmasana, Siddhasana or Sukhasana keeping in mind that your spine is straight. Breathe in slowly, deeply and steadily while focusing your concentration on your breath. Exhale while pulling your abdomen and navel in, back towards the spine till the point you are comfortable. You can keep your hand on the stomach to feel the abdominal muscles contract. As you relax the navel and abdomen, breathe in again. You can do this daily for 5 -15 minutes as per convenience. The forceful exhalations in kapalbhati expel out any the allergens and the infectious materials in the lungs and the respiratory passages and thus help a lot in case of Tuberculosis.


It is important to note that people who are malnourished are at a greater risk of suffering from tuberculosis in comparison to healthy people. People who are malnourished are the ones in whom the chances of relapse of tuberculosis are also very high. Thus in addition to yoga, consuming a healthy and nutritious diet is necessary for quick healing. In order to stage a fight against tuberculosis, a body needs to be fueled with vitamins, minerals, and various other nutrients. Incorporating plenty of whole grains like cereals, bread and whole wheat pasta in the diet can be advantageous. Instead of using butter including olive oil would be a much better and healthier option. There no healthy diet complete without green vegetables like spinach and kale.

Apart from taking a healthy diet, there are also some food products which need to be avoided when suffering from tuberculosis. Food products which are high on cholesterol level like junk food must be avoided. It is also necessary to stop smoking and drinking. The medicine prescribed for tuberculosis must be taken regularly at a specific time. At any cost, the dose of the medicine must not be missed as it plays a pivotal role in the treatment of the condition.


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    Content Details
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    Written ByDr. Shivam Malhotra Sleep Medicine(Training),MBBS Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery,MD - General MedicineGeneral Physician
    Reviewed By
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    Reviewed ByDr. Bhupindera Jaswant SinghMD - Consultant PhysicianGeneral Physician

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