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Topsulant 50 MG Tablet Health Feed

Asked for male, 26 years old from Jhansi

I am 24 year old ocdian suffering from ocd from past 10 years though a bit of small to moderate symptoms were present earlier also but they were not as intense as one's life would stop. I was on paxidep cr 62.5 mg for a long time and on oleanz 1.25 mg for 3 months last year in april but they were weight gaining medicine so my doctor prescribed topiramate 25-50 mg .I took it for 14 days and left oleanz as my wt was about 95 kg. I don't know what happened my nature of thoughts completely changed from then. My thoughts had started coming in a slow manner and they were resistant to any therapy I would practice. Also thoughts of guilt and compulsion which had stopped coming long back restarted again. I took paxidep for 5 more months along with buspin 15 mg for few months. But there was hardly any change I noticed in my condition. I realized that the medicines are hardly having any effect on me. So I stopped the medicines for about 50 days and I saw no change in my symptoms after withdrawal also. My doctor was not understanding my situation So I changed the doctor and they changed my medicines and even then my thoughts slowed down much more. Now when I am studying anything l learn is looking same as anything I don't remember. It's almost become impossible to study. My other concern is that my anxiety has fallen down rapidly after that topiramate incident. So What exactly has happened?

Ph.D clinical psychology, M.Phil - more

Please go for psychotherapy. You deserve to be happier and healthier. OCD is well managed trough psychotherapy. Also download or buy a book called Brain Lock and read it. Also do follow a healthier lifestyle - spend some time outdoors, eat a balanced and healthy diet including lots of water and fruits. These will nut treat you but help in your treatment. You do not have to suffer all your life. All the best.
Asked for male, 18 years old from Kota
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MD Medicine, DM Neurology

your symptoms are pointing towards the diagnosis of Chronic Tension Type Headache. Its a difficult disprder to treat and doctors try different combinations.
You are having an issue of pursuing academic excellence and trying for JEE. Excessive studies and uncertainty is leading to this problem.
the approach is two fold non pharmacologic means like relaxation exercises, mild physical exercises, meditation. The medicine which may help yopu is Amitryptine to be started in dose o...more
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Asked for female, 68 years old from Bangalore
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Will power is important to leave any addiction. Start tab topirol 50mg at night and tab anxozap 15mg thrice a day.
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Take tab nicotexchewable whenever there is craving forsmoking. Take tab topirol 50 mg and tab ativan 2mg at night.
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Health Query

I am 44 years old, a mother of two great teenagers. I have been on prestiq for years for depression. Premarin, a hormone pill for a hysterectomy I had about 15 years ago. Some type of hctz medicine for blood pressure. Vitamin d once a week for low levels. Vyvanse from my psychiatrist that i’ve been on for years for add or adhd (i honestly have no idea which one it is). Recently, about two months ago, I started getting horrific headaches. My regular doctor had an mri done. I was a bit concerned over these weird “dips” in in skull but she did’t seemed concerned. She prescribed me topiramate in november and, although the headaches are a little better, I am now 113 pounds. I am only 5’2” and I look like i’m knocking on death’s door. I don’t know if the medicine can cause this but I even have difficulty forming or “finding”my words at times. My doctor didn’t seemed too concerned. I have had friends and family ask if i’m terminally ill I look so bad. Am I overreacting? I usually would just shrug stuff like this off but I haven’t weight this low since I was in the 9th grade.

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MD - Psychiatry

Though it doesn't seem serious you need to have further tests to be completely sure off the same. You need to have an eeg, neuropsychological tests done to find out if there are any issues of concern regarding your word finding difficulty. Otherwise the medications seems fine, but you be sure you are taking the needed ones, and avoid the unwanted ones. Good luck.
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