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Last Updated: Jan 10, 2023
Signs Of A Heart Attack!
Dr. Saurabh JunejaCardiologist • 35 Years Exp.MBBS, Master of Surgery - General Surgery, Magistrar Chirurgiae (Cardio-Thoracic Surgery)
Heart attacks often show some visible signs for concern. While many may not face the chest-clutching moment, there are other symptoms that are hard to miss. In fact, some heart attack symptoms are not even related to the chest. People suffering from cholesterol, diabetes, high blood pressure or above the age of 60 should especially be more careful about these symptoms. Here is a list of few alarming signs and symptoms of a heart attack:
- Discomfort in the chest: This is the most visible and common signs of a heart attack. A blocked artery can lead to a heart attack with symptoms such as tightness, pressure and intense pain in the chest. The discomfort typically last for a minute or longer. It must be kept in mind that a heart attack is entirely possible without feeling any pain whatsoever.
- Heartburn, nausea, stomach pain and indigestion: Many people reportedly face these symptoms before a heart attack. It is more likely for a woman to face these symptoms compared to a man. These conditions can happen in isolation as well. But a combination of these symptoms to a person suffering from blood pressure, high cholesterol should be taken seriously.
- The pain slowly shifts to the arm: This is another classic example of a heart attack. A symptom that starts from the left side of the body and radiates down. Even a constant and dull pain in the arm has resulted in heart attacks for many patients.
- Feeling of light-headedness: A sudden feeling of lightheadedness along with an acute chest pain is a very good sign of a heart attack. This symptom necessarily indicates that the blood pressure of the person has suddenly decreased and the heart is not able to pump enough blood.
- Jaw or throat pain: Jaw or throat pain by itself is nowhere related to the heart. Going by common beliefs, it can arise from sinus, muscular issue or simply a cold. Medical science states otherwise. If an ongoing chest pain spreads towards jaw or throat, it can well be an ensuing heart attack. Seeking immediate medical attention is necessary in such cases.
- Snoring: Loud snoring that sounds like choking or grasping can be a sign of sleep apnea. This is a condition when an individual stop breathing for few seconds making the heart pump more blood. If the condition persists, a doctor might suggest doing a sleep pattern analysis using a CPAP machine to identify if there is any possible threat of a heart attack.
- A persistent cough: A long lasting cough that produces pink mucus can be a very visible sign of a heart failure. This is the condition when the heart can’t keep pace with the demands of the body. This should be immediately reported to a doctor. If you wish to discuss about any specific problem, you can consult a Cardiologist.