Nuts - Reasons Why You Must Eat Them!
Nuts were rediculed till a few years back by the diet-conscious population because they are high in fats. However, now they are being embraced by the very same people because of their heart healthy, anti diabetes and weight loss properties.
Recent research has transformed mindsets. Extensive studies published in reputed journals prove that nuts not only promote heart health and fight diabetes, but they also aid in weight-loss. Nuts are nutritional nuggets containing phytochemicals and unsaturated fats, which are a type of fat that promotes heart-health. They also contain high levels of Vitamin E, folic acid, magnesium, copper and antioxidants.
Promoters of weight loss
Nuts are some of the most filling food items available in your kitchen cabinets. The high fibre and protein in nuts makes you feel full faster. This means you will never binge eat on nuts, you will not reach for the pizza in the fridge and therefore, not pile on the kilos. Because of this, nuts are a dieter’s dream.
The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition says that dieters stick with their diet plan longer if nuts are included in it. In fact they don’t feel they are on a diet, if they’re allowed to eat nuts while dieting. Other prestigious studies suggest that women who eat nuts tend to be slimmer than women who don’t. Nuts like peanuts can increase your metabolic rate. So you burn up more calories and lose weight.
Nuts also stabilize your blood sugar as they are low glycemic index foods. This means they are digested more slowly and release sugar gradually into the bloodstream, as compared to food items such as rice that is a high glycemic index food. Low glycemic index food products also provide long-term energy and decrease cravings.
Nuts contain calories, but these calories come along with awesome health benefits. Since, one ounce of nuts contains 160- 200 calories, it’s important to remember not to binge on other fatty foods like ghee along with nuts. Balance is important while having these nutrient-dense foods. If you don’t do this, you will end up putting on weight instead of losing it.
Apart from portion control, nutritionists suggest that you do the following:
- Eat nuts along with other food items, like mix and match nuts with fruits, sprinkle nuts on soups, cheese or breads and eat them with salads.
- Eat small portions and avoid eating handful of nuts at a go.
- The nuts that are really good are walnuts, almonds, Macadamia nuts, pecans and cashews. So try to include more of these. Also, if you are allergic to peanuts, stay away from them.
- Avoid sweet or flavoured varieties of nuts. These contain extra doses of salt and sugar and can end up making you fat. If you wish to discuss about any specific problem, you can consult a general physician.
In case you have a concern or query, you can always consult the best general physicians online & get answers to your question via online doctor consultation.