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Last Updated: Oct 24, 2019

Do you know you can rejuvenate your mind with Brahmi, ShankPushpi & Gotu Kola?

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AuricGeneral Physician
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The word stress doesn’t cause much alarm these days, as it has become common for us to feel that ways because of our hectic schedules and multiple responsibilities to take care of. The result is that the mind is never calm, and the clamor keeps buzzing inside, robbing us of our peace of mind.

The restlessness that we experience in our minds could be a reason for all the unintended irritation and frustration that could reflect poorly on our work, family members and colleagues at work. All of this is because our mind remains unsettled and the reasons could be multiple for the same.

Why a calm mind is essential for good health?

When there are hundreds of conflicting thoughts that are racing through the mind, it is really difficult to focus or be productive. It not only impacts our work, but also our personal relationships. Apart from the social and personal impact, the unstable mind also has an adverse effect on our health.

It could lead to stress, depression, high blood pressure, frequent headaches, insomnia, digestive issues and compromised immunity, among others. When your mind is in control, you can be reasonable with yourself and others, allowing yourself to think rationally and accurately, the result of which shows on your work and relationships.

So, what can you do to rejuvenate your mind?

Find out time for relaxing yourself. You can start with small breaks or may spend little but quality time with your loved ones, engage in a hobby that soothes your mind or talk to a friend. While there are innumerable things that you can do, meditating could turn out to be the best way to calm the nerves.

You can also start consuming Ayurvedic herbs that are known to calm your mind. Some common herbs that can help you, are: 

Brahmi: The herb is highly revered for mind enhancing properties and nervous system support. Brahmi is described as medhya, a herb that braces the mind to carry cognitive functions and intellectual pursuits and creates a balanced emotional state. It helps to get rid of anxiety, improve concentration, helps to rejuvenate mind from daily stress.

Shankhpushpi: It is another herb considered medhya i.e. brain tonic which improves memory and intelligence. Herbalists believe that Shankhpushpi calms the nerves by regulating the body’s production of the stress hormones, cortisol and adrenaline. The herb induces a feeling of calm and peace, good sleep and relief in anxiety, stresses and mental fatigue.

Gotu Kola: The leaf is shaped like a brain and has a brain invigorating effect. It energizes the central nervous system and rebuilds energy reserves. Gotu kola is used by yogis to improve state of meditation.

Now, you can easily consume these beneficial ayurvedic herbs with Auric Mind Rejuvenation Juice. It has the goodness of Shankhpushpi, Gotu Kola, Brahmi and Coconut Water. This concoction relaxes your nerves, resulting in better decision-making ability. Once the nerves are relaxed, you will feel calm and composed. The beverage format also accelerates the absorption of herbs and rejuvenate your body and mind with every sip. The bitterness of the herbs has been neutralized to the best possible extent. It has no added sugar; no preservatives and it is low on calories too. For best results, you just have to consume it daily for 3-4 weeks.


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