Do You Know What Causes Viral Diseases to Spread?
What causes viral diseases to spread?
Caused by the microorganisms called viruses, infections pertaining to these microorganisms are known as viral diseases. These diseases are different and diverse in nature as they are caused by a number of viruses. Among them, the common cold is the most known viral disease and occurs due to the infection of your upper respiratory tract, namely the nose and throat.
Other widespread viral infections are:
- HIV (human immunodeficiency virus)
- HPV (human papillomavirus)
- shingles or herpes zoster (a viral infection that leads to the development of rash)
- viral pneumonia (a condition that occurs due to viruses that are responsible for flu and colds)
- viral hepatitis (inflammation of the liver that is caused by a virus)
- viral meningitis (viral infection wherein inflammation of the membranes that cover the brain occurs)
- herpes
How do they spread?
These diseases are infectious and can easily spread from one person to another. When the microorganism enters your body, it begins to reproduce.
The many different ways that they can spread include:
- breathing in the germs present in airborne droplets when an infected person sneezes or coughs
- coming in contact with the body fluids of an infected person during sexual activity
- indirect contact with these microorganisms when you touched inanimate objects handled by an infected person
- viral infections can also spread through insect bites. Certain germs depend on insects as carriers such as ticks and mosquitoes for moving from host to host
- having virus-contaminated water or food is another way in which viral infection can spread from person to person. Such a mode of transfer enables the virus to spread among a large number of people
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