Chronic Diabetes - Things You Must Understand!
Diabetes is a known and common medical condition in which glucose or sugar levels gradually build up in a person's bloodstream. In such conditions, enough insulin is not present for moving sugar inside your cells. When such a situation arises, sugar is utilized for obtaining energy. Due to this, your body will tend to rely on alternative sources of energy in the muscles, tissues, and organs. This process continues resulting in a chronic disorder.
Symptoms of chronic or Type 2 diabetes
Warning signs of type 2 diabetes usually develop very slowly. You might have it for years without even knowing about it. Due to excessive sugar building within your bloodstream, fluid tends to come out from tissues. In turn, your thirst might increase and lead to frequent and excess urination because of additional water consumption. If you have chronic diabetes and is unaware of it, then gradually fluid might be pulled out from eyes' lenses and lead to blurred vision along with an inability to focus properly.
Some patients with type 2 diabetes also get affected by frequent kidney, skin, bladder infections. Due to high blood sugar level, such infections might take a long time to heal completely. If you possess dark patches and velvety skin especially in the folds of neck and armpits or any other body parts, then it will be a wise decision to consult your physician immediately as it is another warning sign of chronic diabetes.
Besides increasing thirst, another basic and contradictory symptom of type 2 diabetes is increased hunger along with weight loss. Despite consuming more food than usual to cope up with the increased hunger, an individual having high blood sugar may lose weight. You might also feel irritated or tired if the cells of your body are deprived of sugar. Various other symptoms including foot pain, yeast infections, itchy skin, numb feeling, etc. are also present and the signs become severe and more dangerous with the progress of the disease.
What is the perfect time to visit a doctor?
If you notice any of the above mentioned symptoms of chronic diabetes, then that is the best or perfect time to see a physician. It is not mandatory that you will definitely have this health disorder if you observe any symptom within yourself. If you have excessive work pressure for a couple of days, then for sure you will feel exhausted. But, that does not mean your fatigue is the warning sign of diabetes. For being, sure enough, it is best to consult a trained medical practitioner.
Without proper treatment, diabetes can also become threatening to life. This chronic health disorder might result in complications related to heart, and during pregnancy, it can prove deadly.Maintaining a healthy eating habit, controlling weight, performing a daily physical exercise and consuming recommended medications will help in controlling high blood sugar level.
In case you have a concern or query you can always consult an expert & get answers to your questions!