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Last Updated: May 04, 2024

Ayurveda and Smoking - Ayurvedic Medicines to Quit Smoking

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Dr. Kalpesh MandeAyurvedic Doctor • 16 Years Exp.MD - Ayurveda, BAMS
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Every packet of cigarettes comes with the warning 'Smoking is injurious to health'. With every national budget plan, the prices of nicotine-based additives are hiked. Yet, you cannot quit smoking because you find it extremely difficult to resist the nicotine urge.

Ayurvedic Treatment for Smoking

Ayurveda says that the root cause of addiction is mental stress due to one of the 3 Doshas that are Vata, Pitta, Kapha. People try to terminate them through temporary, addictive methods rather than a bit more natural, holistic methods. Here's how it can be easier for you to quit smoking by adopting Ayurvedic remedies.

Ayurvedic Medicine to Quit Smoking

Here we try to create a list of ayurvedic medicine for smokers to quit tobacco that can help to rescue the effects of smoking and also discuss some exercise that can help to control the urge of smoking.

  1. Drink an adequate amount of water, especially from a copper vessel. This helps to accumulate the wastes and release them.
  2. Perform the Neti Kriya (inhaling saline water through one nostril and releasing it through the other and then reversing the procedure).
  3. Performing the Bhastrika Pranayama twice every day, both in the morning and at night.
  4. Consume 3 tablets or 1  teaspoon of triphala(Ayurvedic medicine for smokers lungs) every day before going to bed, to eliminate the deposited nicotine tar in your system.
  5. Consumption of a measured mixture of ashwagandha, Bala, shatavari and ginseng every day, or a chyawanprash containing these help in detoxification.
  6. Consume a teaspoon of Ajwain, according to Ayurveda it reduces cravings of smoke and results in reducing the effect so intake nicotine.
  7. You can consume Cinnamon, in Ayurveda, it helps you to rid of tobacco addiction and also restrict the urge of smoking
  8. Try to eat 2-3 Basil leaves every morning, this will reduce the ill-effects of smoking in your body and also reduces the effect of tobacco addiction.

Ayurvedic Remedies for Quit Smoking

Along with ayurvedic medicine for cigarette smoking, try to add these tips mentioned in Ayurveda that can help in reducing the effects of smoking to your lungs and offers good health.

  1. Avoid consumption of alcohol and other addictive drugs, such as coffee, sugar, etc. because they increase the urge to smoke.
  2. Decrease intake of fatty foods because your metabolism rate is lower than at most other times, so you might risk gaining weight during this period.
  3. Try a vegetarian diet because it increases the Sattvik quality of your mind. Every fresh food item contains prana or life which rejuvenates both your body and mind.
  4. Ayurvedic medicine cinnamon is used to quit tobacco chewing addiction. You can chew anti-nicotine gums or suck on cinnamon sticks which curb your urge to smoke.
  5. Keep eating low-calorie food items like carrots, apples, or celery.
  6. Incorporating regular exercise into your routine may help you to quit smoking more easily. It controls weight gain, which is a side-effect of quitting, and also offers you a fit and healthy lifestyle.
  7. Meditating and doing yoga regularly helps in relaxing your mind. Yogic postures like Sabasan help attain internal peace and divert your mind from craving to smoke.

Besides these ayurvedic medicines for lungs cleaning and techniques, there are various other ways like taking help from a professional ayurvedic counselor, which will help you quit smoking, socializing with friends, or spending quality time with your family, will keep your mind diverted from the stress of quitting.

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