What Makes You Prone to Acne?
Acne is a disorder which is characterized by small red bumps on the skin or occluded pores in the skin such as blackheads. It can make people conscious of their appearance and result in low self-esteem and anxiety. It usually affects people who fall in the age group of 12-25 but sometimes older people are also affected.
There are various factors that make the skin prone to acne. Acne occurs when overactive sebaceous glands (glands that produce oil in the skin) produce excess oil and the dead skin cells clog the pores of the hair follicle present in the skin. Inflammation occurs in the clogged hair follicle resulting in acne.
Some causes that make your skin prone to acne are -
1. Diet - Following a proper diet is a key factor in keeping your skin healthy. Food usually doesn't cause acne directly but can cause other problems such as greasy skin that are linked with acne. However, foods high in iodides such as seaweeds consumed over time can cause acne.
2. Stress - Stress is another major cause that makes your skin prone to acne. When the body stressed, it produces excessive testosterone (a sex hormone) resulting in excessive oil production. Stress also impairs the immune system of the body so that it becomes vulnerable to acne.
3. Cosmetics - Some cosmetics (usually oil based) tend to clog the pores of the skin which may result in acne. Using harsh cleansing agents can dry and irritate the skin. Also, gentle washing of the skin is recommended to avoid breakouts.
4. Hormones - Changes in hormonal balance can cause acne especially in the beginning of puberty. In some cases, women are affected by acne when the menstrual cycle stops. The acne caused by hormonal changes may also be genetic in nature.
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