Unbalanced Doshas - Diet Tips You Must Follow
Ayurveda recognises how each individual is different and that food intake must vary for each person. Ayurveda in total has identified six taste groups i.e sour, sweet, pungent, salty, astringent and bitter. All these taste groups have health benefits. The inclusion of all of these six tastes gives you satisfaction and provides nourishment and choosing one food group over the other may lead to health issues. A lot of people falter when it comes to eat right and overdo fast food. Eating bitter and pungent foods helps in reducing sugar cravings.
An overall view
The doshas can also be affected by the six tastes. Doshas can increase or decrease depending on the kind of food intake. They fluctuate depending on the laws of attraction. Predominance of ‘kapha’ leads to more accumulation of the same. ‘Vata’ gets pacified by salty, sour and sweet foods. Bitter, sweet and pungent foods reduce 'pitta'. ‘Kapha’ gets reduced by bitter, astringent and pungent foods.
For Vata
Warm and heavily cooked foods are soothing for ‘vata’ type. Sweeteners, fatty or oily food help ‘vata’. Wheat and rice work wonders for ‘vata’. Vegetables, juicy fruits and cream are good for ‘vata’ as well. However, spicy and hot foods should be avoided.
For Pitta
Pitta is fiery; hence hot foods should be avoided. Cool foods assist digestion. Oil, salt and fat should be taken in small quantities. Ripe and sweet fruits and most vegetables help pacify pitta. Dairy products (except sour ones) are OK in moderation. Mint and coriander cool pitta. Pomegranate, rice and coconuts bring down pitta as well.
For Kapha
Kapha needs warming up and should be stimulated. Dry, warm and light foods lower kapha. Less oil and fat should be used. Barley, rye and buckwheat are grains that are ideal for kapha and so are cranberries and apples. Salt should be minimal for kapha types. Non-fat or low fat milk is ok, but cultured dairy should be abstained from.
Ama, a toxic substance, is believed to form once there is incomplete digestion. You should drink plenty of water at room temperature or warm water to prevent the formation of ‘ama’. Eating what sets your tongue on fire is also healthy for your body.