Penis Enlargement - How Homeopathic Remedies Helps
It is a common misbelief that sexual pleasure is proportional to the size of the penis. A smaller-than-desirable size of the penis is a major cause for concern - taking away one's confidence and esteem. Men facing this issue look for options to get it fixed from anywhere and everywhere. While there are a lot of options that promise to increase the size, not many live up to it.
Homeopathy treatment various treatment for penis enlargement. Not just providing immediate relief, homeopathy as in all cases, tries to address the root cause and treat the individual holistically. Premature ejaculation, reduced sperm count, etc., are serious issues.
Listed below are some common natural homeopathic medicines that can improve the penis size. There are many formulations that use the below-mentioned ingredients. All of these are herbs and aphrodisiacs that have been used from ancient times across continents. They have been proven to have good results and improved sexual satisfaction.
Top 7 Homeopathic Remedies For Penis Enlargement
Pennis enlargement using homeopathy medicine is possible. Check out the benefits of these homeopathic remedies:
- Epimedium - This homeopathic medicines known locally as the 'horny goat weed', this is believed to improve circulation to the penis, thereby enhancing erection and sexual sensation. It also affects the release of testosterone which is required for improved sexual urge and vigor.
- Saw Palmetto - This homeopathic remedies improve blood flow and promote hormonal balance in addition to treating urinary infections. The end result is improved sexual performance.
- Ginkgo Biloba - Effective homeopathic medicines also is believed to improve blood circulation and oxygenation, leading to a long-lasting erection.
- Cuscuta seed and bark extract - The seed of Cuscuta is believed to delay the premature death of sperm and prevent premature ejaculation. The bark, on the other hand, is believed to relieve stress and improve the functioning of the nervous system. These two are used in combination with medicines to enlarge the penis and help better performance.
- Hawthorn berry - In some formulations, the Hawthorn berry is also added which is believed to improve the blood flow to the heart and brain. Improved circulation to these vital organs helps improve sexual performance.
- Damiana or Turnera diffusa: Popular in the Mexican and Latin American regions, there could be anxiety/depression, libido loss, and sexual insufficiency where Damiana can be of great help.
- Ashwagandha - Also known as poison gooseberry or Indian ginseng, this homeopathic remedies used in cases where the sperm density is low, or there is a problem of reduced thinking ability, premature ejaculation, and weak penis.
All said and done, one suggestion: Though this is a very sensitive issue, please have a thorough discussion before starting off on some medication on your own. Each body is unique and will respond differently to different formulations. With homeopathy, the aim is to treat the individual holistically instead of just removing the symptoms.
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