Dhat Syndrome - An Overview
Cultures all across the world have their typical ways of dealing with sexuality and while all cultures bring something good, they also have their bad quirks as well. While India gave the world Kama Sutra, it also perpetuates sexual conditions such as the Dhat syndrome due to certain long held beliefs. These cause many problems among men and women and in the context of modern medicine, should be treated as a psychological problem.
What is Dhat Syndrome?
Dhat syndrome is the fear that a man is losing his semen without any control over it. Men afflicted by Dhat syndrome often complain that they are losing semen involuntarily, and thus feeling fatigued all the time. Some of the other complaints and symptoms associated with Dhat syndrome can be categorized as follows:
- Suffering from premature ejaculation
- Impotence or erectile dysfunction bought on by a psychological fear of losing semen
- Fear that the person is losing semen through urine
- Person feels guilty or embarrassed about masturbation or sex
- Has anxiety disorders which can affect daily functioning
The causes for Dhat Syndrome:
This is a psychological issue caused primarily by social taboos and deeply ingrained beliefs which stem from religious doctrine or social stigma. For example, semen is considered to be a vital fluid and an integral part of life force. The belief is formed from an old Hindu spiritual belief that semen is very hard for the body to produce. This is ingrained into some boys who then feel guilty at accidental discharges such as nightfall or ejaculation through masturbation.
Diagnosis by Doctors:
Most doctors classify this as a psychological disorder as there are many other forms with slight variations of this present in many other cultures. Some examples of these are:
- Jiryan primarily in South East Asia
- Shen-k'uei in China
- Prameha in Srilanka
This is also commonly known as semen loss anxiety and is seen in certain western cultures too. The notion that holding onto semen is valuable for a man's vitality is not only a wrong notion but it stops the men from having a normal sex life. Even masturbation can make them feel guilty.
The only treatment options that are effective against this condition are cognitive behavioral therapies which use psychological intervention along with social exercises. This and being informed about your body from proper medical sources will help you release the inhibitions and lead a normal sex life.