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Last Updated: May 09, 2024

Breast Cancer - Can Ayurveda Help You Treat it?

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Dr. Suneet V ShendeAyurvedic Doctor • 15 Years Exp.BAMS, MD - Ayurveda
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If you are suffering from breast cancer, it is recommended that you undertake Ayurvedic measures for an effective and natural treatment. Breast cancer is a form of cancer that occurs in the cells of your breasts. The breast cells undergo abnormal growth and go out of control. This form of cancer is likely to occur in both women and men, although it is most common in women. A lot of breast cancer cases start from the ducts or lobes, while others start from the cellular lining of your milk ducts.

Ayurvedic view
According to the principles of Ayurveda, your body is based on the tridoshas, which include vata, pitta, and kapha.

  1. An imbalance in these doshas can lead to diseases and disruption in your health. Cancer occurs when an imbalance of all the three doshas is experienced.
  2. An improper diet and lifestyle account for being the primary reason for this imbalance in doshas, leading to breast cancer.
  3. Your digestive fire is also affected, which leads to the accumulation of toxins, thereby blocking all the channels of your body.
  4. All these factors are collectively responsible for the development of breast cancer.

Ayurvedic treatment

  1. Ayurvedic treatment for breast cancer is very effective because of its natural approach.
  2. Without the use of any chemicals and radiation, you get efficient management by using Ayurvedic remedies for breast cancer.
  3. Your body functioning is enhanced without the concern of any negative effect on your health.
  4. Several Ayurvedic herbs are used for breast cancer treatment. These herbs help in controlling the abnormal growth of breast cells, and in the later stages of breast cancer, these also help in reducing pain.

The herbs play an important role in preventing the condition from spreading to other organs.


  • This powerful Ayurvedic herb contains natural rejuvenating properties for your body.
  • It also helps in eliminating stress, weakness and fatigue, which are associated with breast cancer.


  • This effective Ayurvedic herb contains several medicinal properties.
  • It is an antioxidant and helps in reducing free radicals from your body. This is beneficial for an improved health and immunity.
  • The herb is capable of dealing with toxins and infections, and is super effective in treating malignant cancers.

Kanhnaar Guggul

  • This is an Ayurvedic product, which is obtained by mixing several herbs such as amalaki, haritaki, ginger, kachnar bark and a lot more.
  • This is effective in maintaining healthy tissues and cells. It also stops the abnormal growth of cancerous cells.

It is important for you to visit a licensed and experienced Ayurvedic practitioner for getting the best Ayurvedic remedies for breast cancer treatment. This will ensure that you get the most effective remedies, based on your condition.



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