Top Health Tips on Treating Muscle Strain

Chicken VS Egg- Which has more protein?

Bachelors Of Physiotherapy, Diploma in Nutrition and Health Education
Dietitian/Nutritionist, Gurgaon
Chicken VS Egg- Which has more protein?
Chicken VS Egg- Which has more protein?

Protein comes in ample amount from foods such as meat, eggs, legumes, dairy products, soy, and fish. It serves as the building blocks for the body's cells, muscles, skin, tissue, and organs.
Although, both chicken and egg are infused with high amounts of protein, they do vary on the grounds of the actual protein content per serving. So which is a better source of protein?

Nutritional facts of 100g chicken

Protein: 27g
Fats: 4g
Calories: 153
Sodium: 51mg
Cholesterol: 75mg

Nutritional facts of 100g eggs

Protein: 13g
Fats: 11g
Calories: 155
Sodium: 124mg
Cholesterol: 373mg

Both chicken and eggs are a low calorie and high protein option. However, chicken contains double the amount of protein than eggs per serving, emerging as a clear winner. Not only that, chicken also contains less cholesterol in comparison to eggs, making it a much healthier food choice.

Nevertheless, eggs possess a number of other health benefits, and should not be ruled out of your daily diet.

1. Eggs contain riboflavin or Vitamin B2 in abundance, which helps in improving your metabolism
2. Egg whites are a rich source of Vitamin D, B6, B12 and minerals such as zinc, iron, and copper, all of which are essential for the proper functioning of your body
Even though both chicken and eggs are almost equally healthy, the key to proper health is to eat all you want but in a moderate manner.

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Jeera Water - 8 Reasons Why You Must Drink It!

MD - Ayurveda
Ayurvedic Doctor, Bhopal
Jeera Water - 8 Reasons Why You Must Drink It!
Jeera or cumin can do more than add flavour to your food. For your health to benefit from jeera, boil a spoon of raw jeera with a cup of water and strain it. This tea can help resolve a number of health issues, skin and hair problems. This should ideally be taken on an empty stomach in the morning. Some of the health benefits of jeera water are:

It aids digestion: A glass of jeera water in the morning can stimulate the production of enzymes that help break down carbohydrates, glucose and fats. It also enhances your metabolism and prevents diarrhoea, nausea and gaseousness among other indigestion problems.
It helps remove toxins: Jeera water is rich in antioxidants that can help flush toxins from the body and promote the healthy functioning of internal organs. This is especially beneficial for the liver.
It boosts immunity: Jeera is rich in iron, which helps the immune system function optimally. A glass of jeera water can account for up to 7% of the recommended daily iron intake. Vitamins A and C, which help protect the body against infections, are also found in jeera water.
It helps treat anaemia: The high levels of iron in jeera make it ideal for treating anaemic patients. Without adequate iron, the body will not be able to produce enough red blood cells and hence hamper circulation of oxygen-rich blood.
It improves the respiratory system: Jeera has anti-congestive properties. Hence, drinking a glass of jeera water can help dilute and discharge mucus in the chest. Its antiseptic properties also help kill microbes that cause colds and coughs.
It improves the quality of your sleep: Jeera water can help cure insomnia to a large degree. Not only does it help you fall asleep faster, it can also ensure you have a better quality of sleep.
It improves memory: Jeera can help enhance ones brainpower. This helps sharpen your memory and increases your attention span.
It helps achieve clear skin: Jeera is full of fibre and free radical scavengers. This helps detoxify the body and helps make their elimination smoother. By fighting free radicals, jeera water helps keep the skin clear and adds a natural glow. This also makes jeera an effective way of treating acne. Jeera also has antioxidant properties that help prevent premature aging. Additionally, jeera water can soothe the skin and increase the skin s ability to absorb nutrients from food.
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What To Do After A Muscle Strain Or Ligament Sprain?

Multi Speciality, Mumbai
What To Do After A Muscle Strain Or Ligament Sprain?
Muscle sprains and ligament tears are one of the most common injuries that medical practitioners encounter on a regular basis. These injuries are painful and can also limit one s movement, needless to say. However, there are simple things that can be done as soon as the injury happens so that the impact of the injury can be reduced, the symptoms minimised, and recovery improved.

A sprain is a tear of the ligament. The ligament is responsible for connecting the tissue strands that connect the bone to the muscle. When this sprain affects the muscle or even the tendon, it is known as a strain.
Sprains are very common and can occur due to a fall, twist, or impact. Most commonly affected areas are the ankles and wrists. Sprains happen when there is a pull or a twist of the ankle or the joint. This is very common in athletes and can be caused by repetitive motions in the knees, wrists, elbows, etc.

The most common symptom is pain, swelling, limited movement, and sometimes bruising. The degree of these injuries depends on its severity. The most common ways to treat such injuries are as follows.

RICE therapy: RICE is an acronym for rest, ice, compress, and elevate. Rest the affected area immediately by stopping any further activity. Ice the area using an ice wrap, with the ice cubes wrapped in a towel or a cotton cloth. Repeat this exercise if possible for every 20 minutes. This will reduce the swelling and pain. Compress the area using a sling or a wrap. This will help in reducing the swelling. Elevate the affected area if possible above the heart. This will help control the blood flow and thereby reduce the swelling and pain.
Pain control: If there is pain that needs medication, go for the non-steroidal drugs like ibuprofen or acetaminophen. If it is a child that is injured, it is advisable to give non-aspirin ones.
Seek professional help: Most sprains can be self-limiting over a couple of days. However, it is advisable to seek medical help if there is significant pain, swelling, or numbness, open wounds or bruises, or inability to move the joint.
The doctor may decide to do the following.

Scanning or imaging to rule out any internal hard/soft tissue injury like fracture or tear
Immobilise the joint with a splint or a cast
Start physical therapy if there is severe pain and immobility
Surgical repair if there is a ligament injury
A word of caution to athletes or people who are very active physically is to go easy on the joint. In an eagerness to quickly get back to their routine, more and severe damage may be caused. This can be avoided by allowing time for complete healing.
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Calcium Deficiency - 3 Signs You are Suffering from it

General Physician, Delhi
Calcium Deficiency - 3 Signs You are Suffering from it
Calcium is known for its role in maintaining the bone health, from keeping your teeth stronger to normal functioning of the cells. But there are various factors, which lead to a deficiency of calcium in the human body and paves the way for several complications.

Here are the top three signs that indicate you are suffering from calcium deficiency.

Difficulty in sleeping: Sleep is essential for your bone health and calcium is directly associated with your sleep cycle. The level of calcium in your bones rises and falls when you are asleep and it reaches its peak when you are in deep slumber. This indicates that when you are unable to sleep properly, it is a warning sign of calcium deficiency. There are various researches that have confirmed, that by increasing the level of calcium, it is possible to restore the normal sleep cycle of an individual. This is also related to the role that calcium plays in the production of a sleep hormone called melatonin. When the calcium content in the body is really low, this hormone is not produced, thus, making it difficult for a person to sleep.
Difficulty in losing extra pounds: Yet another frustrating aspect of any individual s life is the inability to shed off excess pounds. This issue is also linked with the lack of calcium supply in the body. The calcium that s stored in the cells assists in the processing and storage of fat. So the fat cells with high calcium content burn faster, making you lose weight. Thus, if you have trouble losing weight in spite of having a well-regulated diet and regular workout, it s a sign that you are suffering from low calcium.
Paresthesia: Though this ailment is not much heard of, it could be a sign of calcium deficiency. Paresthesia is a nervous disorder, which causes tingling sensation, tremors, numbness and loss of sensitivity. It could also lead to poor concentration, amnesia, confusion, hearing impairment, twitches and other physical as well as neurological impairment. This is because low calcium in the blood is connected with the health of your nerves.
The deficiency of calcium can manifest itself in different intensity, ranging from the non-existent to minimal to severe levels. Chronic calcium deficiency can lead to life-threatening diseases like rickets, osteopenia, and even osteoporosis. Therefore, you shouldn t ignore these signs and consult an expert without delay.
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Milk - Is It Good or Bad for Your Weight Loss Plan?

Bachelor of Ayurveda, Medicine and Surgery (BAMS), MD (AM), PGDPPHC, ACLS
Alternative Medicine Specialist, Chandigarh
Milk - Is It Good or Bad for Your Weight Loss Plan?
Milk is nutritious, but sometimes, avid dieters shrink away from consuming milk. It is generally believed that the fat content in milk hinders weight loss. On the contrary, milk has a lot of benefits.

Here are some facts you need to remember before you say no to milk:

Nutrients and milk: Particularly, milk is an excellent source of zinc, vitamin B, protein and most importantly, calcium. So when you ditch milk in your crusade of weight loss, you skip out on calcium, the mineral primarily responsible for good bone health. Some studies suggest that calcium can actually add to weight loss, but this needs more research to back it up.
Health and milk: Previously milk did get a bad reputation when it was linked as a supposed cause of stroke and heart attack. But a recent study produced a result which proved the complete opposite, milk can actually prevent stroke and heart attack! According to research, milk can actually lower your blood pressure and cholesterol levels.
Muscles and milk: Milk contains whey and casein protein, both of which are high-quality proteins if you are looking to build muscles. Whey is a fast protein (gets digested faster) while casein is a slow protein (gets digested slowly). Your body gets a good and healthy supply of proteins when you consume milk, so don t write it off just yet.
Fat and milk: As mentioned before, calcium can cause your body to burn fat. There is research pending on it, but the preliminary results suggest that dieters shouldn t skip out on milk. You might argue that you can just consume calcium supplements in that case. However, it has been discovered that other milk proteins to add to fat burning, which you cannot get from supplements. Milk is good for you, but it isn t a miracle weight loss food. So yes, you will need to follow a healthy diet as drinking a glass of milk with a couple of doughnuts will not help you at all.
So, milk is not all evil as people think it to be. It could be good for your weight loss plan. And the best way to incorporate milk into your weight-loss diet is to consume the low-fat skimmed milk variant than the whole fat milk as you get 90 calories from one cup of skimmed milk as compared to 150 calories from whole milk with nearly the same protein and calcium content. This way you get the best of milk without worrying about the fat in it plus an extra fat loss of 1 kg (9000 calories) from 150 cups over the time with a saving of 60 calories in each cup.
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Management Of Chronic Low Back Pain With Radiology!

Multi Speciality, Mumbai
Management Of Chronic Low Back Pain With Radiology!
Many people all over the world often suffer from chronic back pain due to various reasons. Persisting for weeks together, this type of acute pain in the back can even cause severe damage to one's daily work schedule. It is often the neck or the lower back or upper or middle back that cause such pain and forces one to look for medical assistance. And it is this necessity for obtaining a cure or treatment solution that radiology becomes extremely helpful in dealing with chronic back pain. Read further to have a better idea of how radiology can be of great help in getting relief from the annoying and distressing chronic back pain.

What is radiology?
Radiology refers to a branch of medicines which dealing with radiant energy, helps in the proper diagnosis as well as treatment of a disease. This specialty specifically uses medical imaging for diagnosing a disease or the root of illness and treating it. This field is divided into two major areas, one is interventional radiology, and the other is diagnostic radiology.

Radiology and chronic back pain
Radiology is known to be an ideal solution for getting relief from the constant suffering of chronic back pain. Whether it's a pain in the spine or the hip, radiology helps in ensuring accurate treatment while reducing the chances of inappropriate treatments which often is performed due to the lack of knowledge about the root problem. With the image-guided injections and the accurate diagnosis, radiology reaches to the root of the back pain and helps the medical professionals have a better understanding about what's ailing the patient.

How is radiology effective in treating back pain?
While the majority of the back pain can be dealt with proper rest, anti-inflammatory medications and physiotherapy sessions, when it turns out to be a chronic pain, proper diagnosis is the best option for dealing with the pain. Using different radiological imaging services such as CT or computerized tomography, MRI or magnetic resonance imaging and X-ray, the location of the pain can be easily identified and then is treated properly. And treating the back area with different therapeutic injections becomes necessary, such as nerve root injections or facet joints injections or epidural injections, for dealing with the chronic back pain, again it s radiology that turns out to be an irreplaceable part of successful treatment.

Chronic back pain being one of the most common reasons for visiting a doctor, opting for the right diagnosis procedure becomes crucial for identifying the main underlying reason which is causing the pain. And there's no doubt that it is with the help of the latest imaging facilities of radiology that accurate diagnosis as well as managing the pain can be possible.
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Vitamin D Deficiency - Symptoms & Ways to Reverse it!

MBBS, MS - Orthopaedics, DNB - Orthopedics
Orthopedic Doctor, Delhi
Vitamin D Deficiency - Symptoms & Ways to Reverse it!
Before explaining how you can reverse the deficiency, it is important to know how vitamin D plays a pivotal role in your body. Well, this very vitamin is responsible for balancing the hormonal levels and ensuring the perfect functioning of your bones and brain. Also, vitamin D is indispensable for the proper functioning of your central nervous system. This is why people who are deficient display signs of anxiety, depression and, in severe cases, even suffer from bipolar disorder.

Apart from the neurological symptoms that the deficiency of vitamin D indicates, there are some physical symptoms as well that should not be overlooked either:

Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Adrenal fatigue
Chronic fatigue
Muscle soreness
Autoimmune disease
So, What Are The Causes Of Vitamin D Deficiency?

There are various reasons that lead to vitamin D deficiency. The most common ones are as follows:

It happens when you are a vegan and do not consume any animal-based products, as it is common in foods like fish, egg yolks, beef liver, and fortified milk.
You have limited exposure to sunlight, in such a case your body fails to make required vitamin D.
If you spend a lot of time indoors or live in the northern latitudes, or wear robes, you may become vitamin D deficient.
In case you have dark skin, it reduces your skin s ability to make vitamin D based on your exposure to sunlight. Aged adults having a dark skin tone are more likely to suffer from vitamin D deficiency.
How To Overcome Vitamin D Deficiency?

Get More Sun: 20-30 minutes of sunlight is all it takes for our bodies to produce enough Vitamin D to last us for a week, not everybody is able to enjoy the sun.
Eat More Food Rich In Vitamin D: Just increase your intake of foods that are naturally rich in vitamin D, such as salmon, raw cheese, yogurt and egg yolk. And if you are vegetarian, go for mushrooms as they are also an excellent source of vitamin D.
Vitamin D Supplements: This is the fastest way to boost the vitamin D levels in your bloodstream, but it is advisable to consult a doctor before you begin your daily dose.
In case you have a concern or query you can always consult an expert & get answers to your questions!
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Plant Based Diets - Are They Better Than Meat Based?

Certificate In Food / Nutrition
Dietitian/Nutritionist, Dehradun
Plant Based Diets - Are They Better Than Meat Based?
Man had been a hunter-gatherer for thousands of year prior to discovering that settling down and engaging in agriculture did have its merits, especially by the way of an easier lifestyle! Many people today are going in for contemporary diets which are plant based. But what exactly does that mean? And are there benefits which make the effort worth one s while?

A plant based diet has a pretty large variety of benefits. While it was a rather predominant belief in the years gone by that animal protein was essential for proper nutrition of a person, this is something that has long been debunked. As a matter of fact, plant based diets have been found to be worthy of providing the same level of protein to a person, but just without all the side effects that eating meat has. Who wanted those side effects, anyway? It is not like they are worth bearing with just for the taste of the meat!

The environment is saved a lot of strain as rearing meat for human consumption is very hard on it. It is quite a startling fact that meat oriented emissions are higher than what is emitted by planes, trains and trucks and the like. Taking into due account the fact that tens of thousands of people are up in the air at any given moment and millions are crisscrossing countries by road, can you imagine what sort of emissions those are, then? This thought was enough to cause the Beatle Paul McCartney to start a campaign to make Mondays in the UK meat free!

Meat is generally known to be more expensive than vegetarian or plant-based options. This is especially true when it comes to cities as the meat has to be kept refrigerated while it is transported until it is bought. So, for a person who is looking to save a reasonable amount of money, by going to a plant based diet, he or she would be doing this almost without the intention to do so!

Losing weight is not an easy task, to say the least. However, with a plant based diet, this task is made quite a bit easier! There are various types of fat and it must be said that not all of them are bad for the body. As a general rule, it is rare for meat to contain as high a level of good fats in relation to bad fats, as vegetarian food does. What this means is that the entire effort to lose weight just got a lot easier; all that is required is a rational choice when it comes to a person s diet!
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6 Amazing Health Benefits of Almond Oil - Try Now

MD, Panchakrma, BAMS, Ayurvedacharya
Ayurvedic Doctor, Nashik
6 Amazing Health Benefits of Almond Oil - Try Now
Do you have vague memories of your childhood where your mother used to run behind you with a glass of milk and a few almonds soaked in it? You might have cribbed about them, but all this while you might not have been aware that you were running away from one of the most powerful house of essential minerals. Such is the health benefits of almonds that it has its own fan following across the globe. It is a boon and a blessing for your well-being. Let us have an overview of it.

Health benefits Of almond oil

The health benefits are not just limited to the nuts. Almond oil too can supply a massive amount of benefits when included in our diet regularly. Though a bit expensive, a regular intake can keep many of the complications at bay. Here s why:

Controls heart ailments: Almond oil is enriched with monounsaturated fatty acids. They boost the health of your heart and can curb cardiovascular diseases. A regular intake can reduce the chance of a stroke by a large margin.
Regulates blood pressure and controls cholesterol level: Almond oil regulates blood pressure and can help in maintaining the cholesterol levels of your body. In many countries, almond oil is slowly changing the culinary landscape and the way we use the food ingredients.
Strengthens nervous system: Almond oil is a great source of Omega-3 fatty acids and also contains a robust measure of potassium. They nourish your nervous system and directly boost your memory. You can mix a few drops of almond oil to a glass of milk before you hit the bed for the best results.
Helps in bone development: Almonds are a great source of vitamin D, calcium and potassium. Needless to say, this can be very beneficial for strengthening your bones. Simply massage few drops of almond oil to your bones and joints and in many cases, you can get rid of arthritis.
Relieves stress and pain: Almond oil also has therapeutic properties, and can help in easing the pain and stress from strained muscles. You can heat a few tablespoons of almond oil and can directly massage into the affected area once it becomes warm. Doing this regularly can increase the strength of your muscles and can be a great muscle relaxant too.
Can promote the health of nails: Brittle nails are one of the common problems that everyone faces. Almond oil can take care of this trouble easily. For healthy and strong nails, massage them with a few drops of almond oil daily. They have a strong presence of potassium and zinc and they, in turn, hydrate your nails and keep them strong and healthy.
It controls heart diseases.
It reduces the chances of stroke.
It regulates the blood pressure.
It gives strength to the nervous system.
It will help in bone development.
It promotes the growth of nails.
It promotes the health of nails.
It increases the memory power.
It gives strengths to brain tissue.
Apart from the abovementioned benefits, Almonds are useful in a number of ways, they improve your memory power, improves hair growth, is good for your brain tissues. Almonds are a powerhouse in their own right, therefore, you must eat them.
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Joint Pain - How Panchkarma Therapies Can Help You?

Bachelor of Ayurveda, Medicine & Surgery (BAMS), PG Dip Panchakarma, PG Dip Ksharsutra For Piles, Pilonidal, Sinus & Fistula Management, Post Graduate Diploma In Hospital Administration (PGDHA), Certificate In Diabetes Update
Ayurvedic Doctor, Navi Mumbai
Joint Pain - How Panchkarma Therapies Can Help You?
Joint pain is considered to be one of the first few signs of aging. According to the science of Ayurveda, joint pain is triggered mainly by an accumulation of toxins in the body. These toxins can create an imbalance in the doshas which in turn can cause pain and inflammation on the joints. Along with joint pain, a person is likely to experience a loss of flexibility, weakness, tenderness and enlargement of the joints.

Unlike some popular forms of medication that focus on relieving the pain, Ayurveda addresses the root cause of the issue. Panchkarma aims at cleansing the body of toxins and clearing blockages in the body s digestive and circulatory system. This helps the vatta dosha flow easily through the body and reduces pain associated with arthritis etc. Panchkarma can be defined as a collection of five ayurvedic techniques. These are:

Vasti or Medicated Enema: Vasti aims at removing toxins and waste products from the body through the colon. In doing this, it cleanses the digestive channels and improves circulation of air or the vatta dosha in the body. With better circulation, joint pain is effectively reduced. An enema also nourishes the body and gives it the strength to rebuild tissues while boosting the immune system.
Abhyanga or Full Body Massage: This technique helps I the removal of toxins from deep tissues within the body. It pacifies the vatta and nourishes the body while simultaneously reducing stress and enabling better quality sleep. A full body massage also helps calm the body both physically and mentally.
Potli or Poultice Massage: As the name suggests, a potli involves massaging the body with medicated herbs tied together in a tiny bundle that has been warmed with medicated oils. This potli is then used to massage the entire body. This technique helps relax the muscles of the body and soothes the aggravated vatta dosha. It is very effective when it comes to providing relief from joint pains caused by arthritis, spondylitis, muscle cramps etc.
Pizhichil or Rich Oil Massage: A rich oil massage involves subjecting the body to streams of lukewarm oil that has medicinal properties while simultaneously softly massaging the body. This type of massage helps relieve tension and stress and is a very effective remedy against joint pains. It is highly recommended in the case of rheumatic diseases.
Svedana or Steam Bath: A steam bath helps cleanse the body both physically and mentally by aiding in the removal of toxins through sweat and calming the mind. It also helps soften the muscles and tissues and dilates the channels in the body.
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