Acne: Myths and Facts
Acne can be frustrating and annoying. A lot of unnecessary chaos can be avoided if people get the facts right.
1. Myth: Adults do not suffer from acne problems
Truth: While acne outbreaks are common amongst teenagers, adults are not spared either. In adults, the acne problems are essentially of two types; the late onset acne and the persistent acne. In many cases, it has been observed that the acne problems appear at a later period, mostly after 23 to 25 years of age (late onset acne). At other times, the unwanted acne outbreaks that mark its appearance during the teenage years linger for a longer period (persistent acne type).
2. Myth: A person's eating habits and lifestyle has no role to play in acne
Truth: Lifestyle and eating habits can influence a person's health. Excessive intake of sweets and simple carbohydrates can worsen the acne. Stress, fatigue, lack of proper sleep, can also aggravate the already frustrating acne problem.
3. Myth: Acne results from dirty skin, with adult men and women being equally affected
Truth: The Pilosebaceous unit of the skin plays a pivotal role in acne outbreaks. The oil producing gland (Sebaceous gland) of this unit acts as the main control. Certain hormones regulate the activity and size of this gland. An increase in the size of the sebaceous gland results in an increased oil secretion. The skin pores become very sticky. These pores serve as a host, into which the acne causing bacteria, P. acnes multiples.
Adult women are more prone to acne than their male counterparts. This is because, hormonal imbalance or alterations affects adult females more. Women often suffer from acne during menstruation.
4. Myth: Acne can spread from one person to another
Truth: More than often, acne is seen as a contagious dermatological problem. Though caused by the bacteria P. acnes, acne is not contagious. It is rather foolish to maintain a distance from the affected individual.
5. Myth: Acne is a minor problem and needs no medical intervention
Truth: Going for self-medication can do the acne more harm than good. Acne is influenced by a number of internal as well as external factors (stress, hormonal imbalance, unhealthy lifestyle). For an effective treatment, it is important to identify the root cause. It is best to consult a dermatologist at the earliest.
6. Myth: In case of acne, the face should be frequently washed and cleansed
Truth: Ideally, the face should be washed twice daily with a gentle cleanser. Some people get eternal pleasure in squeezing the heads of the spot. This can damage your skin beyond repair.
Do not allow acne problems to affect your self-confidence. Acne can be cured. Do not fall for the baseless myths.