Top Health Tips on Losing Weight

Cow Milk vs Buffalo Milk - Which is More Healthy?

Net Qualified In Community Health And Social Medicine, M.Sc - Dietetics and Community Nutrition
Dietitian/Nutritionist, Durgapur
Cow Milk vs Buffalo Milk - Which is More Healthy?
Cow Milk vs Buffalo milk - Which is healthier for you?

We can differentiate between the milk from a cow or a buffalo by looking at its color and thickness. While being different from one another in terms of composition and richness, both cow and buffalo milk possess properties that give them their unique nutritional value and health benefits. Including them in your daily diet can help you to stay fit and strong. Here's a look at what they offer, and which one can be the most appropriate for you:

1. Fat content - It's the fat content of these two milks that instantly make them different from one another. Of the two, buffalo milk has a higher percentage of fat content, which keeps your stomach fuller for a long time. On the other hand, cow's milk is easier to digest due to its low-fat content. When it comes to the fat percentage in buffalo milk, on an average it is two times more than that of cow milk. So, if the average fat content in cow milk is 3-4% that of buffalo milk is about 7-8%.

2. Protein content - Buffalo milk contains more protein in comparison to cow milk, which can make it more difficult to digest. It comes with a protein content that is in the range of 4.2%-4.5% and is 11% higher than that of cow milk.

3. Cholesterol content - Cholesterol levels differ in both the milk, with buffalo milk being significantly lower in cholesterol. While buffalo milk has a cholesterol content of 0.65 mg/g, cow milk records 3.14 mg/g of cholesterol.

4. Water content - Cow milk reports higher water content compared to buffalo milk. This is because it contains fewer solids with about 90% of the milk being composed of water. It's this high water percentage that gives cow milk its hydrating quality.

5. Calorie content - Since buffalo milk comes with more proteins and fat, it has more calories. For every 100ml of buffalo milk, you consume about 100Kcals. On the other hand, cow milk contains about 70 Kcals.

If you're on a diet to lose weight and improve your metabolic processes, cow milk would be the most appropriate option as it is low in fat, protein and calorie content. On the other hand, if you want to gain weight and strengthen weak bones, buffalo milk is what you should have daily.

If you would like to consult with me privately, please click on 'Consult'.
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Would You Like To Burn Fat While You Sleep? Food & Nutrition
Dietitian/Nutritionist, Mumbai
Would You Like To Burn Fat While You Sleep?
Burn fat while you sleep

Its unbelievable but true! you can lose weight even as you sleep if you strictly follow these lifestyle changes.

1. Eat small frequent meals every 2 hours during the day: your body needs energy for metabolic functions. Your body may crave for sweet and junk food, but have that in portions like cheese, butter, chocolate of your finger tip size, chicken/fish of your palm size is absolutely okay to have once a week, either you can substitute your cravings with healthy food like a date or a piece of dark chocolate for sweet cravings.
There are certain foods that burn fat while you sleep.

A. Whole grains - including whole grains (whole wheat, barley, brown rice, quinoa, wheat germ etc), legumes (lentils, chickpeas, beans etc), dairy foods, spicy foods, green tea, and citrus fruits, in your daily diets.
B. Have citrus foods daily - citrus fruits which includes vitamin c plays a role in body's fat burning process.
C. Consume green tea - it boosts your metabolism as it is rich in antioxidants.
D. Spicy foods - spices are known to improve metabolism. If you've had a tasty dinner, sleep without worry that your body will be losing calories while you sleep.

2. Sleep well: how long you sleep and how well you sleep, are both equally important for your body. Minimum 8 hours of sound sleep is very important.

3. Resistance training: for your hormones to function properly and for your body to burn fat
Weight or resistance training is a must if you want to keep your metabolism high. When you lift weights, you increase the amount of calories your body burns. Hours after you lifted weight, your body continues burning the fat.

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Watch What Happens When You Drink Water Along With Your Food. It'll Leave You Thinking!

B.Sc. - Dietitics / Nutrition, CAFE, MMM, M.Sc - Dietitics / Nutrition, Nutrition Certification, PGCDE, PhD
Dietitian/Nutritionist, Kolkata
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Sit at the dinner table, and you'd find yourself invariably extending your hand to the glass of water on the side of your plate. While you may think it's absolutely necessary to have a glass of water during your meals, the truth is this habit of yours might be damaging your health. Read on to find out how.

1. It dilutes your gastric juices -
When the digestive acids (acids responsible for the digestion and breakdown of food as well as for killing infectious agents ingested with food) present in your stomach are diluted with water, they bring about a slowdown in the functioning of your entire digestive system. This slowdown results in food remaining lodged in your stomach for a longer period than normal, thereby causing indigestion.

Additionally, the reaction caused by the dilution of water and stomach acids can give rise to cramps in your tummy.

2. It reduces the saliva in your mouth -
The same thing that happens to the acids in your stomach, happens to your saliva as well. Water dilutes the saliva, which stops the breakdown of food in your mouth. Also, your saliva is responsible for stimulating your stomach to release digestive enzymes and prepare itself for the process of digestion. By drinking water with your meals, such signals sent by your saliva to your stomach become much weaker. All these together can make digestion very difficult.

3. It causes acidity -
Studies show that drinking water with your meals not only leads to the dilution of digestive enzymes, but also brings about a reduction in the secretion of digestive enzymes. This causes the undigested food in your stomach to leak into the lower part of your oesophagus (food pipe), causing acidity and heart burn.

4. It increases insulin production -
Sipping on water in the middle of lunch (or any other meal for that matter) causes a spike in your insulin levels just as glycaemic foods (foods with high starch or sugar content such as honey, potatoes, white bread, rice to name a few) would. When your body is unable to digest food properly, it usually tends to convert the glucose filled part of that food into fat and stores it, reason why your blood sugar levels see an upsurge.

5. It adds to your weight -
Since drinking water causes an increase in insulin levels in your body (as the food you eat is converted to fat), it can result in the piling of extra weight on your body. This is because a weak digestive system is one of the major causes behind obesity.

Try having your meals with less salt and drink water 30 minutes before each meal to control your thirst when you're eating. This can help you in controlling the negative effects that drinking water with your meals can have on your health.

Make a wise choice and stay healthy. Feel free to ask me more questions you might have.
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Green Tea - How Having it Right after Your Meal Affects You?

B.Sc.(Hons), P.G.Dietetics
Dietitian/Nutritionist, Gurgaon
Green Tea - How Having it Right after Your Meal Affects You?
Caffeine is said to be good for the body if it is consumed in limited quantity. It is also to be kept in mind that the form in which it is consumed is also important, and green tea is said to be very good. But what about having green tea very soon after a meal is finished?

There are a lot of health benefits of green tea and as a drink, it has a reputation for being a wonder drink, and quite rightly so, it is to be kept in mind that having the right time to drink green tea is a must. You must avoid consuming just after the meal as there are chemicals, which exist in green tea which are known as phenols. What happens with these phenols if the green tea is taken not long after a meal, is that they can interfere with the absorption of the iron present in the food.

In addition to not drinking green tea at mealtime, or post mealtime, it is perhaps also a good idea to stay away from drinking it when milk and items which are made from milk such as cheese are being consumed. There is a reason why this is the case is that the proteins which exist in milk do not let green tea have its normal effect on the metabolism of the person i.e. raising the metabolism and making the challenge of losing weight a bit easier.

If it is still the case that drinking green tea with or after a meal is a habit, which has no chance at all of being shaken off, then what can be done is that the meals should be changed to an extent to contain a greater amount of iron-rich food. This will go some way in counteracting the effect the phenols have. Apart from just iron-rich food, food that is rich in vitamin C is also to be consumed.

However, that being said, people who are anyway deficient in iron are better off steering clear of green tea consumed after a meal. Instead, what they can do if have it between meals and also at the start of a day. What this will accomplish is that all the benefits of the green tea can be imbibed by the body and none of the nutrition value of the food is lost either. Furthermore, green tea drunk between meals can also reduce the appetite and help weight loss. What could be better? If you wish to discuss any specific problem, you can consult a doctor.

Related Content: Auric mind rejuvenation drink, the magical beverage that calm and energises the mind.

There are a lot of health benefits of green tea and as a drink, it has a reputation for being a wonder drink, and quite rightly so, it is to be kept in mind that having the right time to take green tea is a must. You must avoid consuming just after the meal as there are chemicals, which exist in green tea which are known as phenols. What happens with these phenols if the green tea is taken not long after a meal, is that they can interfere with the absorption of the iron present in the food.
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Fox Nuts (Makhana) - 12 Reasons Why You Should Eat Them!

Masters in Nutritional Therapy, Lifestyle & Weight Management, Sport Nutritions, graduation in Nutrition & Dietics
Dietitian/Nutritionist, Delhi
Fox Nuts (Makhana) - 12 Reasons Why You Should Eat Them!
When we think of a light evening snack, we often think of a packet of fried chips or Kurkure. However, it is time to think of something healthier, as we are already aware of the ill effects of these snacks all around us. This is where snacks like fox nuts are gaining popularity. Grown in the wetlands of Asian countries, they are also known as phool makhana (because of their flowery appearance) and lotus seeds.

They are a great snack and have multiple benefits. Read on to know about this wonderful, economical, tasty, and healthy dish.

They are low in calories, fat, and sodium. They are therefore the perfect in-between-meal snack. They also make you feel full, so further cravings for binge eating are reduced
Their low sodium and high potassium and magnesium content makes them very useful for people with high blood pressure
The high calcium content is good for bone and teeth health
Their sugar content is low, and so are highly useful for diabetics, who have the urge to eat at short intervals
The fox nuts have astringent properties and are useful for kidney ailments
People looking for weight loss should try makhana, as they are very low in calories but can fill the stomach. This helps control hunger pangs and intake of high-calorie foods
It is rich in fiber and so can be used in weight loss as well as for digestion problems like constipation
Fox nuts are rich in antioxidants and therefore useful in fighting ageing and chronic inflammation and stress in the body
In both men and women, makhana is believed to improve fertility rates. The sperm quality and quantity is believed to improve when makhana is consumed
Given its multiple benefits, especially calcium and iron, pregnant women are given makhana. It also helps prevent hypertension and diabetes in the pregnant mother
Fox nuts are believed to help get rid of insomnia
If addiction to coffee is your problem, try some fox nuts to get rid of the addiction
Methods of use:

The seeds are actually tasteless and so whether it is salt or sweet, they take on the added taste
Roast the seeds with a little ghee on a light flame. Sprinkle salt, and the yummy snack is good to go
Other spices like cinnamon or oregano can be added to suit one s taste
They can also be used in sweet dishes like kheer and other desserts
If you are looking for a super snack that is highly healthy, economical, and has little hazards on your health, grab a bowl of fox nuts.
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Jaggery (Gur) - 8 Amazing Reasons Why You Must Eat It!

Bachelor of Ayurveda Medicine and Surgery (BAMS), Modern Diagnostics
Ayurvedic Doctor, Thiruvalla
Jaggery (Gur) - 8 Amazing Reasons Why You Must Eat It!
We have for ages seen our parents and our grandparents reach out for a piece of jaggery at the end of every meal. Jaggery is healthier compared to refined sugar because of its deposition of phytochemicals and other important minerals. While many people do not choose jaggery because of its no-so-good-appearance, it is perhaps more sensible to consume it considering the host of health benefits it offers.

Here is a list of benefits that can be extracted from the consumption of jaggery.

Skin benefits: Jaggery nourishes the skin in the true sense of the word. Owing to the numerous amount of mineral and vitamin, it can eliminate common skin problems such as pimples and acne. It can negate dark spots, wrinkles delay the common signs of aging.
Digestive benefits: Jaggery plays a huge role in ensuring smooth digestion. It stimulates secretion of digestive enzyme. It, therefore, makes it easy for the body to quicken the process of digestion. It can also help to stabilize the bowl movement by keeping common digestion related disorders such as constipation, intestinal worms, indigestion at bay.
Blood: Jaggery does a great job in purifying the blood. It acts as a cleansing agent by filtering the blood from the toxic agents. It also keeps the hemoglobin count normal and help the body refrain from blood-related disorders such as anemia. Since the quantity of iron content in jaggery is plentiful, it successfully helps the body to stay healthy and negate deadly diseases. Furthermore, jaggery can help women to stay away from complicated menstrual related disorders, beat weakness and fatigue.
Weight loss: Jaggery s rich potassium content helps the body balance the electrolyte, build muscles and improve the metabolism of the body. Potassium also helps in managing water retention in the body. Both the factors coupled together helps in weight loss and beat fatigue, obese etc.
Blood pressure: The sodium and potassium content of jaggery helps the body maintain an effective adequate acidic level. This ensures that the blood pressure remains in the balance and the body refrains from undue blood pressure related disorders.
Antioxidants: Jaggery contains selenium, the latter is a rich source of antioxidants which can help the body to fight the free radicals and keep it at bay. The antioxidants also help the body to stay away from other ailments.
Respiratory health: Jaggery is a great source of food that can effectively fight various respiratory problems of the body. It can fight diseases such as bronchitis and asthma.
Body temperature: Jaggery helps to keep a normal body temperature. This is extremely beneficial for patients suffering from asthma since maintaining a steady body temperature is sacrosanct for patients suffering from this disease.
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Drinking Water Empty Stomach - What Happens When You Do It?

Bachelor of Ayurveda, Medicine and Surgery (BAMS)
Ayurvedic Doctor, Ahmedabad
Drinking Water Empty Stomach - What Happens When You Do It?
Imagine water flowing through a pipe or a tube that has a lot of things passing through it. It would definitely have a cleansing effect, don't you think? Now, apply the same to your stomach which is also a tube through which all the food passes through. When you drink water, it runs through this tube and cleanses it of all the food debris that is along the walls. This helps in a big way by removing the debris and toxins and is one of the most effective cleansing mechanisms.

The Japanese, in particular, are known to have used this over the centuries. They drink neither cold nor hot water, but water at moderate temperature. If you incorporate the same into your daily lifestyle, it can do wonders.

Here are some other aspects of drinking water empty stomach that you might want to consider:

Drink about 600 mL water on an empty stomach in the morning, even before brushing
You can then brush and rinse your mouth, but do not eat anything for the next 45 minutes
Eat a good breakfast after 60 to 90 minutes
Again, do not eat anything after that for about 2 hours
This is a regimen which should be followed religiously as it comes with multiple benefits. The same have been listed below:

Flushing effect on the stomach: This is one of the best ways to clear the bowels. If you are having problems with bowel movement, try water on an empty stomach and see the difference. And needless to say, clearing out the bowels first thing in the morning is one of the healthiest habits to have
Colon cleanser: As food passes through the food pipe, there is a lot of debris along the walls. Drinking water flushes this debris out and leaves the food pipe walls clean and clear.
Improve appetite: Drinking water on empty stomach empties the stomach, making way for a good appetite and a good breakfast, which is considered the best meal to have
Prevents headaches: Dehydration is one of the major causes of headaches, as the cells crave for water for proper functioning. Drinking water, especially on an empty stomach, gives the cells their much-needed hydration, thereby preventing headaches.
Detoxifying effect: Clearing out the bowels helps in releasing toxins from the body. Drinking water on an empty stomach helps fasten the process of bowels in the mornings which are also effective methods of removing toxins.
Weight loss: If you need something to fill your stomach without having to add calories, drink up water. Doing this on an empty stomach is even more effective, as it also reduces bloating feeling and clears out debris and toxins. Water also improves metabolism and so helps in weight loss. Mixing lemon and honey to luke warm water and drinking it on an empty stomach can help reduce the waistline and keep you energized throughout the day.
Skin care: Drinking water on an empty stomach clears up the skin pores and helps in keeping skin clear.
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Figs (Anjeer) - 9 Health Benefits of This Super Fruit

Diploma in Diet and Nutrition, Diploma in Naturopathy & Yogic Science (DNYS), MBA in Hospital management , Diabetes Educator, Certified insulin pump trainer
Dietitian/Nutritionist, Delhi
Figs (Anjeer) - 9 Health Benefits of This Super Fruit
Dry fruits undoubtedly are great energy foods that are loaded with vital nutrients like minerals and vitamins. Anjeer or fig is one of the most popularly used dry fruit, and has multiple benefits. So, it's essential to include this fruit in your diet. Anjeer or fig can be consumed in multiple ways.

First is, by sun drying it and having it raw. You can even store this dried fig throughout the year. People across the country love the milk shake of Kaju Anjeer. For which, you need to soak some figs and add them along with cashews to the milk. Alternatively, you can even roughly cut them and add to your salads. The most delicious way to have figs is by adding them in your desserts. You can also make sweets like barfi and peda (milk sweet) with this healthy ingredient.

Here are 9 health benefits of this super fruit:

Controls blood pressure and ageing: Figs are rich in potassium, which negates the effect of sodium and helps in controlling blood pressure. They can also help in controlling ageing effects by providing you enough iron, estrogen, etc. This keeps your hormones in check and boosts your energy as well. Figs are also great for skin and hair and nails. Mashed figs applied on the face can prevent acne.
Helps in weight management: Moderate amount of figs can help in controlling weight. They are rich in fiber, and therefore eating figs is a good way to keep junk and fried foods at bay. When in the mood for a light snack, pick figs and they will make you feel full, at the same time, but in a healthy way.
Heart healthy food: Figs reduce the amount of triglycerides in the blood. Triglycerides are the culprit for inducing heart disease as they are fat particles which accumulate along the blood vessel and cause heart attacks.
Reduces chances of cancer: Figs are rich in antioxidants and therefore help in controlling release of free radicals and chronic inflammation. The free radicals are the ones responsible for chronic inflammation including cancer, heart disease, and diabetes. Figs are therefore believed to have a preventive effect on these chronic health conditions.
Controls blood sugar: The chlorogenic acid present in figs helps in reducing blood sugar levels in diabetics. Potassium which is found in abundance in figs also plays a good role in control of blood sugar levels.
Improves bone health: Calcium is the main ingredient required for healthy bones, and figs are a good natural source for this. While dairy products are a good source, they are not alone sufficient, and figs can be a good second-line supplement.
Aids in constipation: Being rich in fiber, figs are good for intestinal motility and can prevent constipation. The fiber provides roughage, aiding in good bowel movements
Keeps the reproductive system in check: Figs are rich in minerals like magnesium, zinc, and manganese which contribute to vitality and fertility. Figs can be soaked in milk and consumed or eaten in other forms as mentioned above. So, if you're pregnant or planning a baby, do include this super food in your diet.
Prevent kidney stones: Boil some figs in water and once cool, this water can be consumed for a few days to prevent kidney stones.
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Weight Loss - Can It Help Reduce Male Breast?

MD-Ayurveda, BAMS
Sexologist, Haldwani
Weight Loss - Can It Help Reduce Male Breast?
A swelling of breast tissues in men due to estrogen and testosterone hormonal imbalance. This swelling in the chest could often resemble a breast. In babies and newborns, gynecomastia is caused by the estrogen from the mother. Breast buds and tissues are common in baby boys. They go away after a few months naturally. However, in some babies, they tend to stay. The result can be the enlarged breasts.

In teenage years, the estrogen-producing hormones naturally tend to get into an overdrive mode and in many instances, if they are hyperactive the swelling in the chest region can occur during puberty. It usually goes away within 6 months to 2 years. In some extreme cases, the swelling can also be as a result of lung or liver cancer. Also, it depends on a little on lifestyle. Drug abuse and excess alcohol can cause gynecomastia. This may also be common in older adults where the skin loses its natural elasticity and tend to sag. Apart from it, their lifestyle also plays a detrimental part in its forming.

Very few people put on weight uniformly all over their body. Some people put on weight around the abdomen and develop bellies while others put on weight on their thighs. For some, fat could also be deposited on the chest, while it may not be much of an issue for a woman but it can make male breasts protrude abnormally. Clinically, this is known as gynecomastia. Gynecomastia is not a serious condition and does not hamper a man s health but it can damage his self-esteem. In the long run, this can also be harmful for his psychological and emotional health. Thankfully dealing with it is easy.

What are the symptoms and diagnoses?
Gynecomastia is associated with enlarged breasts and in addition to that, it could feel rubbery or firm. Sometimes only one of the regions either the left or right side may experience this problem while the other side stays firm. It is diagnosed purely by a physical examination. Also, the lump may be checked for biopsy.

90% of the cases in babies go away on its own. There is no treatment required. However in young adults, if the conditions do not go away then surgery is the most treatable option under the circumstances. Getting medications and drugs that can decrease the tissue structure is not advisable as indirectly you might be playing with the hormones and they can tend to get risky after some time. Also, surgeries of the day are not just like taking out the enlargement. They also do concentrate on the features and shape too. You can technically sculpt the region while opting for such breast reduction surgeries.

However, contrary to popular belief, surgery is not the only recourse. In fact, though surgically removing the fat deposits can have faster effects; these fat deposits may develop again over time. Thus, surgery is not a long-term solution. So, let s look at an alternative form of treatment which is Ayurveda as this can be very effective against gynecomastia. This is a holistic form of treatment that not only addresses the symptoms showcased, but attacks the root cause of the problem. In this case, fat deposits are caused usually by weight gain and slow metabolism, which makes it essential for the person to lose weight in order to treat this condition.

Before you start on weight loss regime, starving yourself is no solution for this. Instead, one must eat food according to one s body type and needs. According to Ayurveda, there are three different types of doshas present in the body. An imbalance of these doshas could contribute towards weight gain and in turn gynecomastia. Depending on your body type, an Ayurvedic doctor will be able to advise you on the type of foods to eat and avoid so as to maintain a balance of the doshas.

In addition to this, you must also exercise regularly. The best time to exercise is in the early morning. This raises your metabolism rates and helps your body utilize energy being created through the day instead of simply storing it as fat. Aim for at least half an hour s exercise each day. There are a number of yoga asanas that target the chest muscles and can help treat gynecomastia. These include the Dhanurasana, Gomukhasana and Natrajasana. These asanas burn fat in the chest and tighten chest muscles. When it comes to yoga, it isn t enough to simply perform the asanas, they must be practiced in the right way. Thus, it is always advisable to practice under a teacher s guidance.

One of the biggest advantages of treating gynecomastia with Ayurveda is the absence of side effects. Unlike surgery, there is no hospitalization needed and you may continue your normal lifestyle as you get treatment. Once treated, there is a very low chance of the condition recurring and hence, this is a permanent solution.

While people do opt for weight reducing measures to keep gynecomastia under check it doesn t always work like that. The reason is these are not exactly what causes the enlargement. They are as a direct result of hormones. Hence weight reduction plans and medications may not work out efficiently. Also, experts would suggest going in for a surgery before going for an exercise regime in a gym. Some people do have a misconception that hitting the gym can take care of the swelling. However, it may not be beneficial and it would give out the desired impact.

For complete treatment of your problem, you can Consult the doctor.
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Flax Seeds (Alsi) - 6 Health Benefits You Never Knew!

MD - Ayurveda, CIY, Guru Shishya Parampara, BAMS
Ayurvedic Doctor, Gurgaon
Flax Seeds (Alsi) - 6 Health Benefits You Never Knew!
Flax seeds are one of the world s oldest super foods. They can improve your skin and hair health, keep your heart healthy, fight cancer, lower cholesterol and help you lose weight. Yet, they hardly look impressive. Small and brown with no smell, nobody can guess that they are such reservoirs of nutrients invaluable for our health and well-being.

Nutrient profile

Flax seeds are the richest sources of plant-based omega-3 fatty acids in the world!
They are the number one source of lignans in our diets.
They are also storehouses of minerals like manganese, magnesium as well as fibre, protein and vitamin B1.
Health benefits of flax seeds

Heart healthy: Omega-3 essential fatty acids are known as 'good' fats that have been shown to have a number of heart healthy effects. Flax seeds can naturally reduce cholesterol levels. This happens because the high fibre content in flax traps cholesterol in the digestive tract so it doesn t get absorbed. They also prevent hardening of arteries due to deposition of plaque and treat heart arrhythmias.
Super digestive aids: Fibre in flax seeds helps delay the passage of food through the GI tract. This increases nutrient absorption in the small intestine. Fibre also supports colon detoxification, fat loss and reduces sugar cravings.
Natural hormones: Lignans are very important plant hormones as well as antioxidants. The lignans in flax have estrogenic properties. After menopause, estrogen levels in women drop to abysmal levels. Use of flax seeds can shore up estrogen levels and provide protection for bones, heart and other organs. These provide benefits like anti-ageing, hormone balancing and health of body cells. Studies also show that flax can reduce hot flashes experienced during menopause by half. Lignans are also known for their anti-viral and antibacterial properties,
Flaxseeds are Gluten-free: Most grains we consume are gluten rich like wheat. Flax, on the other hand, is low in gluten. This means that flax is anti- inflammatory and reduces inflammation in any part of our bodies. People suffering from celiac disease and auto-immune diseases can thus include flax in their diet without a problem.
Most Magnesium-rich food in the world: Magnesium helps in keeping our muscles healthy and its deficiency is the biggest reason for sore muscles, fatigue and cramps.
Cancer fighter extraordinaire: In animal studies, the plant Omega-3 fatty acid found in flaxseed, called ALA, has been shown to inhibit tumour incidence and growth.
Flax seeds is also very effective against breast cancer. Flaxseed is by no means a magic bullet against every disease known to man, but it comes close to being one. If you are thinking of reaping its benefits, use flax seeds as much possible and add them in your curries, soups, smoothies or just roast and eat to experience the flax miracle.
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