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609+ Best Dentists in Lucknow


Dr. Indira Priyadarshini

Dentist5 Years Exp.
Bachelors in Dental Surgery, MDS - Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery
₹ 300 at clinic
100 online
Career Institute Of Dental Sciences, Lucknow , Lucknow
Available today: 09:00 AM - 04:00 PM
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Dr. Praveen Kumar

Dentist19 Years Exp.
₹ 500 at clinic
200 online
White Miracles , Gomti Nagar , Lucknow
Recently consulted for:Conservative Dentistry Treatment
Available today: 10:30 AM - 07:30 PM
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Dr. Vikram Ahuja

Dentist20 Years Exp.
₹ 500 at clinic
Dr.Vikram Ahuja , Qaiserbagh , Lucknow
Recently consulted for:Bleeding Gums
Available today: 10:00 AM - 01:00 PM
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Dr. Sonu Gupta

Dentist14 Years Exp.
₹ 100 at clinic
32 Happy Teeth Orodental Care , LDA Colony , Lucknow
Available today: 05:00 PM - 09:00 PM
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Dr. Anubhav Gupta

Dentist14 Years Exp.
₹ 200 at clinic
200 online
Uma Dental Clinic , LDA Colony , Lucknow
Available today: 08:00 AM - 09:00 PM
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Dr. Shashank Trivedi

Dentist9 Years Exp.
BDS, Internship
50 online
Shekhar Dental Clinic and Orthodontic Center , Hazratganj , Lucknow
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Dr. Akhil Agarwal

Dentist22 Years Exp.
MDS - Orthodontics & Dentofacial Orthopaedics, BDS (Implantologist), Certified Lingual Orthodontist
₹ 700 at clinic
300 online
ORTHODONTIC MASTERS - Dr Akhil Agarwal , Gomti Nagar , Lucknow
Available today: 02:30 PM - 07:00 PM
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Dr. Anshul Srivastava

Dentist19 Years Exp.
BDS, MDS - Orthodontics
₹ 200 at clinic
200 online
Smiles N' Braces Dental Clinic , Aliganj , Lucknow
Available today: 05:00 PM - 09:00 PM
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Dr. Chandra Prabha

Dentist17 Years Exp.
MDS - Periodontics, BDS
₹ 300 at clinic
300 online
Smile n Profile dental clinic , Gomti Nagar , lucknow
Available today: 10:00 AM - 04:00 PM
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Dr. Kawal Deep Singh

Dentist23 Years Exp.
₹ 100 at clinic
100 online
Dental World , Ashok Marg , Lucknow
Available today: 11:00 AM - 07:00 PM
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Best Dentists in Lucknow

Doctor's NameClinic FeesLybrate Ratings
Indira Priyadarshini₹ 300NA
Praveen Kumar₹ 50087
Vikram Ahuja₹ 500NA
Sonu Gupta₹ 100NA
Anubhav Gupta₹ 200NA
Shashank TrivediFreeNA
Akhil Agarwal₹ 700NA
Anshul Srivastava₹ 200NA
Chandra Prabha₹ 300NA
Kawal Deep Singh₹ 100NA

Dentists in Lucknow

Average Ratings

4.35/ 5

(39 ratings and reviews)

Patient reviews for Dentists in Lucknow

Frequently Asked Questions

Who is a Dentist?

A dentist is a medical professional with expertise in the mouth, gums, and teeth. Going to the dentist to make sure you don't have a cavity is probably a good idea if you experience severe toothaches.

What are the qualifications of a Dentist?

  • 10+2 with biology, physics, and chemistry completed
  • Pass the NEET-UG entrance exam
  • Obtain a UG in dentistry
  • Create your dental office
  • Think about specializing
  • BDS eligibility requirements
  • MDS eligibility requirements

What does a Dentist do?

Your teeth and gums may be examined and cleaned at the dentist, and you may also require surgery to remove an impacted wisdom tooth or x-rays to check for cavities.

  • Dentists frequently perform the following tasks:
  • Educating people about dental care
  • Cavity filling
  • Tooth decay or accumulation removal
  • Changing or removing broken teeth
  • Examining the diagnostics and X-rays
  • Delivering anesthetic
  • Installation of fillings or sealants
  • Monitoring the development of the jawbones and teeth

What diseases do Dentist treat?

  1. Gum illness: A bacterial infection known as gum disease, also known as gingivitis or periodontal disease, is brought on by an abundance of plaque in your mouth.
  2. Tooth Sensitivity: Tooth sensitivity is a common dental issue that many people experience globally.
  3. Dental decay: Cavities and tooth decay, also known as dental caries or tooth decay, are common dental issues in the US. When plaque and the foods you eat that are acidic or sugary combine, it happens.
  4. Oral Cancer: Mouth cancer is a serious and prevalent dental condition that affects a large number of people worldwide.
  5. A Dry Mouth: A common oral health issue, also known as xerostomia, or dry mouth, is typically brought on by a deficiency in saliva.

Common problems you should see the Dentist for

  • Mouth Ulcers: Mouth sores of various varieties can be inconvenient. Unless they last longer than two weeks, they're usually nothing to be concerned about. Mouth sores are typically caused by:
  • Aphthous ulcers (canker sores): These don't happen on the lips; they happen inside the mouth. They are not contagious and have a wide range of potential causes.
  • Cold sores/fever blisters: These develop on the outer edges of the lips and are brought on by the herpes simplex virus. They spread easily. They come and go, but there is no cure. 9 Thrush, also known as oral candidiasis, is a yeast infection that can cause mouth sores in infants, denture wearers, diabetics, and cancer patients.
  • Dental erosion : Loss of tooth structure is referred to as tooth erosion. The enamel is harmed by acid, which is the cause. Sensitivity to more serious issues like cracking can be a symptom. With good oral hygiene, tooth erosion can be easily avoided, despite being common.
  • Dental Sensitivity : It's common to experience tooth sensitivity. Numerous people are impacted by it. Sensitivity includes suffering from discomfort due to:
    • Sweets
    • Cold air
    • Hot drinks
    • Cold drinks
    • Ice cream

For which symptoms should one consult a Dentist?

  1. Pain: Any type of mouth pain, whether it is in your teeth, tongue, gums, or cheeks, could be a sign of a dental issue.
  2. Inflammation that has drainage or not: An infection may be indicated by symptoms of mouth swelling. To get evaluated and treated, make a dental appointment as soon as possible if any fluid is draining from the inflamed area.
  3. Bleeding: Unexpected bleeding may indicate periodontal disease in its later stages or gingivitis, an early stage of gum disease.
  4. Communication or eating issues: When dental symptoms prevent people from getting the nutrition and communication they need, something needs to be done to fix the problem.
  5. Doubtful stains or mouth sores: To rule out anything serious, it may be time to schedule a dental appointment if you see sores that you cannot explain or you have recently developed gum discoloration.

When should I go to the Dentist?

If you ever feel any discomfort or changes in your mouth, such as sensitivity to heat or cold, aching, or throbbing, this should be a sign that you need to visit the dentist, especially if the pain is interfering with your daily activities.

Does Dentist provide home consultations?

Yes, you can have a 15-minute online consultation with a dentist in Lucknow.

How much does it cost to see a Dentist in Lucknow?

In Lucknow, an appointment with a dentist typically costs between 500 and 5000 Indian rupees.

Can a Dentist perform surgery?

The more prestigious title of the surgeon was bestowed upon dentists. The truth is that they have a degree in surgery and are qualified to practice as doctors. Dentists are doctors because they treat the mouth, teeth, and occasionally the throat.

How do I find a Dentist in Lucknow?

Through the LYBRATE website, you can frequently find dentists in Lucknow.

How to choose a Dentist in Lucknow?

  • Verify the insurance
  • Search for Quick Wait Times
  • Inquire about the service options
  • Locate a Pleasant Waiting Area
  • Investigate the credentials of the dentist
  • Look at the reviews

What is done in a root canal?

An infected or abscessed tooth can be treated with a root canal to relieve the pain. The inflamed pulp is taken out during the root canal procedure.

What is gum infection called?

Periodontitis, also known as gum disease, is a serious gum infection that harms soft tissue and, if left untreated, can kill the bone that supports your teeth. Its pronunciation is per-e-o-don-TIE-tis. Periodontitis can result in tooth loss or tooth loosening. Although common, periodontitis is largely avoidable.

What are the 4 causes of tooth decay?

Periodontitis, also known as gum disease, is a serious gum infection that harms soft tissue and, if left untreated, can kill the bone that supports your teeth. Its pronunciation is per-e-o-don-TIE-tis. Periodontitis can result in tooth loss or tooth loosening. Although common, periodontitis is largely avoidable.

What are the 4 causes of tooth decay?

  • First off, it's crucial to regularly brush your teeth for two minutes twice a day
  • Make an investment in quality dental health equipment
  • Reduce your intake of acidic and sugary beverages
  • Do not forget to floss

What is poor oral health?

Cavities (tooth decay), gum disease (periodontitis), and oral cancer are some of the most prevalent illnesses that affect our oral health.