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Last Updated: Jan 10, 2023

Asthma Attack - Ways You Can Prevent It!

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Dr. Jagtap T NGeneral Physician • 46 Years Exp.MBBS
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Asthmatic patients often find that the frequency and intensity of asthma attacks increase with a change in weather, as the challenges two-fold for asthmatic patients. If they are indoors, they inhale triggers such as dust mites, mould etc. and if they step outdoors, the outside air acts as a trigger for an asthmatic attack. However, there are ways to make your life easier.

  1. Curb allergy triggers inside your house: While you can’t do much about the weather, you can control the environment inside your house. Limit your time around pets that could trigger an attack and try keeping them outside the bedroom. Use dust proof covers on mattresses and pillows and changes your bedding regularly. Though it may look cosier, avoid using a lot of pillows and throw cushions on your bed. Clean and replace the filters of your home’s heating or cooling system before you start it up for the first time. The filters should also be regularly checked and cleaned throughout the winter.
  2. Ventilate the house: Keep your house dry and cool at all times to prevent the growth of mould and dust mites. To do this, run an exhaust fan in the bathroom while having a shower and in the kitchen while cooking. As far as possible, do not dry clothes indoors.
  3. Avoid too cold or too hot air: As far as possible avoid going outdoors especially on windy days. Instead of going for a walk outdoors, exercise at home or in a gym. When you go outdoors, drape a scarf over the lower half of your face to cover your nose and mouth. This will ensure that you do not breathe in too cold air or too hot air.
  4. Breathe correctly: As children, we’re told to keep our mouths closed. Not only is this good social etiquette, but it also prevents you from breathing through your mouth. The nostrils have tiny hair inside them that act as filters and keep dust particles and pollen from being inhaled. This also warms up the air while being inhaled. Thus avoid breathing through your mouth and instead only breathe through your nose.
  5. Take your medications: Create an effective plan of action to be followed in case of an asthmatic attack and get regular check-ups throughout the season. If you notice your symptoms worsening as the weather gets colder, talk to a doctor about changing your medication and its dosage. Do not skip your medication or stop it unless your doctor tells you to.