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Isabgol Granules Powder Isabgol Granules Powder

Isabgol Granules Powder

Quantity Description: box of 20 gm Powder
Manufacturer: Cipla Ltd
Price: ₹ 79.82

Information about Isabgol Granules Powder

Isabgol Granules Powder is an amazing and naturally extracted product that helps in relieving the irritable bowel syndrome. The powerful ingredient present in it is Psyllium husk.

Benefits of Isabgol granules powder:

  • It is the perfect source of dietary fiber
  • Helps in managing weight
  • Maintains intestinal health
  • Enhances digestion process
  • Detoxifies body for proper functioning of all the organs
  • Improves bowel movements
  • Reduces bloating and flatulence
  • Softens stool
  • Controls high blood cholesterol level
  • Decreases the risk of heart diseases

Role of Key Ingredients:

Psyllium husk helps in treating the irritable bowel syndrome. It also helps in maintaining cholesterol levels and heart health.


Isabgol Granules Powder is used to treat problems related to constipation. It is also beneficial in maintaining digestive health.


  • Take 2 teaspoons of Isabgol granules powder at bedtime with water or milk.
  • Use it under medical supervision.
Ques: What are the uses of Isabgol powder?
Ans: It acts as a natural laxative that helps in treating the common problem of constipation. It is basically a dietary fiber. It also aids in weight loss.
Ques: What are the side-effects of Isabgol powder?
Ans: It is advisable to consume Isabgol powder in limit. Excessive consumption may trigger issues like abdominal pain, diarrhoea, loose stools etc.
Ques: How fast Isabgol works?
Ans: It takes at least 2-3 days to work. After taking Isabgol, make sure you drink lots of water.
Ques: Is Isabgol gluten free?
Ans: Yes, Isabgol is free from gluten.
Ques: Can I take Isabgol regularly?
Ans: Experts suggest one can consume 10-20 grams of Isabgol with 250 ml of water.
Ques: Is Isabgol good for periods?
Ans: Yes, Isabgol prevents the bloating and eases period pain to a great extent. It cleanses the digestive tract and flushes out toxins from the body.
Ques: Can I take Isabgol powder in pregnancy?
Ans: Always seek medical advice before starting new medication.
Ques: Is it safe to drive while consuming Isabgol powder?
Ans: Avoid taking up heavy activities or driving after consuming Isabgol powder as it may cause drowsiness, headache, dizziness and hypertension. Also don?t drink alcohol after taking Isabgol powder.
Ques: Is Isabgol addictive?
Ans: There are several medicines that are not addictive. Isabgol is one of them. As per government guidelines, Isabgol is healthy and does not make you addicted to it.
Ques: Can I stop taking this product immediately?
Ans: Pharmacists do not advise you to stop the medication immediately. Instead one should always consult a doctor before starting or stopping any medicine.

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Popular Questions & Answers

For constipation can I take isabgol? How long I can take isabgol? Can I soak isabgol in lukewarm water for 3-4 mins and dn have it after one hour of dinner? Is it harmful to consume it in regular basis?

General Physician, Mumbai
For constipation can I take isabgol? How long I can take isabgol? Can I soak isabgol in lukewarm water for 3-4 mins a...
Dear Lybrateuser, - You can consume it till your bowel movement becomes normal, you can decrease the quantity if you add more fibre containing foods along with plenty of oral fluids & regular exercise so that the bowel movement occurs naturally - you can mix it in a glass of warm water & have it one hour after dinner - not harmful can be taken safely.
1 person found this helpful

How many days should I take isabgol powder, I had constipation problems from weeks so I started taking this fiber supplement, how many should I take it?

MBBS, Fellowship in Hypertension, MD - Bio-Chemistry
General Physician, Ujjain
How many days should I take isabgol powder, I had constipation problems from weeks so I started taking this fiber sup...
You should take 1 to 2 weeks constipation could be due to less intake of water and fiber in diet and lack of exercise lifestyle changes: drink one spoon of honey in warm water daily in morning before the bowel movement. Eat high fiber diet. Every meal should have salads and fruits with skin. Drink 2-4 litre water daily daily evening and morning walk for 30-45 minutes to regularize the bowel movement. Take more fruits and green leafy vegetables in the diet. Set up regular time for the motion.

When is the best time to take isabgol? I am confused before bedtime or every 30 mins before meals. Please suggest me.

BSc - Food Science & Nutrition, PGD in Sports Nutrition and Dietitics , Diabetes Educator, Translational Nutrigenomics
Dietitian/Nutritionist, Mumbai
When is the best time to take isabgol? I am confused before bedtime or every 30 mins before meals. Please suggest me.
Hello, Isabgil should not be taken everyday. The best time to take is premeals or bedtime depending upon your health requirement.
1 person found this helpful

Is isabgol good in hemmaroids? Can I take it with water? I am suffering from internal hemorrhoids. Please advise

M.S. (Ayurveda), Bachelor of Ayurveda, Medicine and Surgery (BAMS)
Ayurveda, Delhi
Is isabgol good in hemmaroids? Can I take it with water?
I am suffering from internal hemorrhoids. Please advise
Any laxative including isabgol will benefit in hemorrhoids. Alternatively you can also try Haritaki Powder; Swadisht Virechan churna etc. If problem still persists you can contact through Lybrate.

Having thyroid can I take 5m isabgol two times. Heard taking isabgol helps in digestion and weight lost. I do also walk 7000 steps daily also.

MBBS, CCEBDM, Diploma in Diabetology, Diploma in Clinical Nutrition & Dietetics, Cetificate Course In Thyroid Disorders Management (CCMTD)
Endocrinologist, Dharwad
Mr. lybrate-user, Thanks for the query. I have gone through the details given. There is no mention of either the dosage of Thyronorm or Gluconorm SR as well as TSH and fasting, PP glucose levels and HbA1c%. Without knowing those facts there is no way to make any comment. Plus with a grade 2 obesity (37.26 kgs/M2) you already have a major issue. The product mentioned by you is basically taken to relieve constipation. It hardly has any benefit on weight reduction. Your primary aim should be to control TSH levels within specified levels, control blood glucose within the specified limits and also reduce weight. Walking for 7000 steps is not enough for you. It has to be more exercise and less of dietary intake. Intake has to be in proportion to your ideal wight 75 kgs. Thanks.
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