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For Doctors
Last Updated: Jan 10, 2023
Quick Tips To Keep Your Skin Healthy In Winters!
Winter in a tropical country like India is always something we all look forward to. Time to take out your sweatshirts and jackets! However, apart from the long nights and heart-warming conversations by your fireplace, winter can also be the time for a different set of skin problems. The cold and dry winds can take away all the moisture from the skin, making it dry and chapped. Thus, precaution is the word of the season, if you want to keep your skin healthy.
You can use these strategies to keep your skin healthy and supple throughout the winter:
- Apply lukewarm water on the face: Don't use very hot water to wash your face, as it can strip away the essential oils and make your skin dry. Rather, splash your face with lukewarm water as it helps in retaining the moisture.
- Use a moisturizer: Once you have finished washing, use a moisturizer to seal in the moisture content of the skin. This helps prevent the skin from drying, keeping it healthy.
- Pick your moisturizer carefully: If you are already prone to dry skin, these few winter months will surely aggravate the problem. Use a moisturizer that is oil based; pick moisturizers that have ingredients which nourish your skin.
- Never forgo the Sunscreen: Just because its winter does not give you the license to do away with the sunscreen; it can be as damaging as the summer sun. Use a sunscreen before venturing outdoors and make sure to pick a sunscreen that suits your skin.
- Use a humidifier: Winters mean dry minds, thus you may require a humidifier to prevent the skin from drying.
- Drink sufficient water: One tends to consume lesser water during the winter months, which is again not good for your body at all. Irrespective of the season, doctors always recommend 2-3 liters of water every day, even though it means more trips to the loo.
- Never forget to exfoliate: Winter can cause dead cells to accumulate in your skin and cause it to look dull. Periodic exfoliation can help with dead cell removal and keep your skin healthy.
- Avoid toxins: In case of disorders such as dermatitis or eczema, you should avoid coming in contact with allergens that can trigger these conditions.
In case you have a concern or query you can always consult an expert & get answers to your questions!