Pros and Cons of your Sleeping Position for your Health
The importance of a good night’s sleep is beyond doubt or question. The fact that most people tend to spend over a quarter of their day, lying down, goes some way to demonstrate the point. The English writer, Thomas Dekker once remarked that sleep is the golden chain that ties our health and bodies together. Sleep is essential and it is no surprise that we don’t tend to bother anymore about it, except for lying down and closing our eyes. Every one of us have our own preferred positions which we like to fall asleep in and grovel about, but we never care to concern ourselves beyond it.
Given below are some of the common sleeping postures and their respective pros and cons:
1. Back Sleepers: Some people prefer lying on their backs when they fall asleep. A large number of doctors consider this position to be the most healthy and effective one. This position is understood to be highly beneficial for the spine (learn more about Sleeping Postures Which Can Affect Your Spine) and the neck as the back stays straight without any compelled contortion. It also aids the mattress in supporting your spine and the frame of your entire body. In addition, the wrinkles on your face, if any, remain free to the open air in contrary to being pressed by your cushion.
Cons: On the other hand, this sleeping position results in an increased likelihood of snoring and at worst, sleep apnea.
2. Side sleepers: Lying on the sides or curling up to the pillows, is a common favorite among a large number of people. Most doctors advise pregnant women to sleep on their sides so as to increase blood circulation, which is highly beneficial to both the mother and the baby.
Cons: On the contrary, the stomach and the lungs are subjected to prolonged pressure if laid for longer episodes of time.
3. Stomach Sleepers: Sleeping on your stomach can be helpful in easing snoring and sleep apnea to a great extent.
Cons: This is usually considered as a detrimental sleeping position as the innate curve of the spine is forced to be flattened resulting in back pain. In addition to such, lying down with your head on one side for a prolonged period of time also leads to a stiffened neck.
In conclusion, no matter what your sleeping position is, it should be restful and effortless. If you wish to discuss about any specific problem, you can consult the doctor and ask a free question.