Top Health Tips on Treating Skin Tags

Hot Lemon Water - Why You Must Start Your Day With It?

MD - Ayurveda
Ayurvedic Doctor, vijapur
Hot Lemon Water - Why You Must Start Your Day With It?
National Institute of Nutrition in India (NIN), recently released a report on its foundation day, in which it was revealed that your gender will define whether or not are you at risk of suffering from hypertension. It was mentioned in the report that 31% men and 26% women in urban localities of India suffer from hypertension. The report also indicated that whatever you eat has a crucial impact on preventing and controlling hypertension and one such superfood is Lemon. It is helpful in lowering your blood pressure, as it can make blood vessel soft and flexible.

Ask any health conscious person for health hacks and one of the first things they would share with you is to begin the day with a glass of warm lime water. Those of you who have tried this are well aware of its benefits and in case, you haven't tried it so far and are wondering as to what this magical potion can do read on to know more.

Digestive benefits: The food that we eat passes through the food pipe. When we wake up after a good night's sleep there could be remnants of food along the food pipe, and drinking warm water flushes out this and renders the food pipe clean for today s meal. Warm water also helps in removing the oiliness, which is quite likely due to your present food habits.
Improves immunity: The vitamin C and potassium in the lemon work wonders for the immunity. Also, because it is consumed on an empty stomach, the absorption is better and so the body derives the complete benefit.
Weight loss aid: Touted as one of the best weight loss aids, hot lime water boosts metabolism and allows the body to burn fat, thereby, helping in weight control. Combined with other weight loss measures, it definitely can help you lose weight.
Glowing skin: The vitamin C in the lime is essential for collagen formation, thus helps in keeping your skin healthy and radiant. Also, hydration is one of the key skin care essentials, and drinking warm water in the morning flushes out toxins and keeps your skin glowing and clear.
Lively liver: The liver is the center of metabolism and drinking warm water in the morning helps keep the liver clean. The liver is active through the night and so drinking warm water in the morning helps restore its energy. This, in turn, boosts the flow of lymph and bile in the body.
Promotes healing: For those who have had injuries, vitamin C present in the lemon helps with the production of collagen and aid in wound healing. It improves connective tissue formation including cartilage and bones.
Mood enhancer: The smell of lemon juice is known to uplift your mood and so it is an interesting way to start your day. It also reduces anxiety and depression and can clear your mind of confusion.
pH balance: The ascorbic and citric acid in the lime are easily digested and the result is an alkaline environment. Body diseases occur when the body pH is acidic. By keeping the environment alkaline, lime reduces the overall chance of body illness.
In case you have a concern or query you can always consult an expert & get answers to your questions!
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8 Health Benefits Of Jeera Water!

BAMS, PG-Diploma In (Cosmetology & Laser Therapy)
Ayurvedic Doctor, Kolhapur
8 Health Benefits Of Jeera Water!
Jeera or cumin can do more than add flavour to your food. For your health to benefit from jeera, boil a spoon of raw jeera with a cup of water and strain it. This tea can help resolve a number of health issues, skin and hair problems. This should ideally be taken on an empty stomach in the morning.

Some of the health benefits of jeera water are:

It aids digestion: A glass of jeera water in the morning can stimulate the production of enzymes that help break down carbohydrates, glucose and fats. It also enhances your metabolism and prevents diarrhoea, nausea and gaseousness among other indigestion problems.
It helps remove toxins: Jeera water is rich in antioxidants that can help flush toxins from the body and promote the healthy functioning of internal organs. This is especially beneficial for the liver.
It boosts immunity: Jeera is rich in iron, which helps the immune system function optimally. A glass of jeera water can account for up to 7% of the recommended daily iron intake. Vitamins A and C, which help protect the body against infections, are also found in jeera water.
It helps treat anaemia: The high levels of iron in jeera make it ideal for treating anaemic patients. Without adequate iron, the body will not be able to produce enough red blood cells and hence, hamper circulation of oxygen-rich blood.
It improves the respiratory system: Jeera has anti-congestive properties. Hence, drinking a glass of jeera water can help dilute and discharge mucus in the chest. Its antiseptic properties also help kill microbes that cause colds and coughs.
It improves the quality of your sleep: Jeera water can help cure insomnia to a large degree. Not only does it help you fall asleep faster, but it can also ensure you have a better quality of sleep.
It improves memory: Jeera can help enhance ones brainpower. This helps sharpen your memory and increases your attention span.
It helps achieve clear skin: Jeera is full of fibre and free radical scavengers. This helps detoxify the body and helps make their elimination smoother. By fighting free radicals, jeera water helps keep the skin clear and adds a natural glow. This also makes jeera an effective way of treating acne. Jeera also has antioxidant properties that help prevent premature aging. Additionally, jeera water can soothe the skin and increase the skin s ability to absorb nutrients from food.
All the points discussed above prove that jeera has countless health benefits. Hence, start consuming it daily from today only to keep yourself healthy and fit.
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8 Reasons To Include Lemon In Your Daily Diet!

Bachelor of Ayurveda, Medicine and Surgery (BAMS)
Ayurvedic Doctor, Indore
8 Reasons To Include Lemon In Your Daily Diet!
A lime may be one of the smallest things when you go shopping for fruits and vegetable shopping, but it is one of the richest. The health benefits that a lime carries are just too many, and it packs in too much of goodness. While the vitamin C is what immediately comes to our mind, there is more to it. Read on to know some of the most common benefits of the small, powerful lemon.

A powerhouse of essential vitamins and minerals: A lime is a source of various vitamins and minerals, including potassium which is essential for heart health, good nerve function, and maintaining blood pressure levels. It also reduces cancer as it contains antioxidants and bioflavonoids.
Fights infection: We all know lime to be very good at fighting cold and cough. Not just that. It even is useful in more severe infections like cholera and E.coli infections. As cholera is transmitted by food, adding lime to foods helps prevent this transmission.
Heart healthy: Lime is rich in antioxidants which keep the arteries healthy and improve blood circulation. They also reduce the buildup of plaque in the walls of the arteries. This also reduces hardening of the arteries, reduces the onset of blood pressure, and improves overall heart health. Including lime peel and lime oil in the diet can provide these benefits.
Drink to your health: Starting the morning with a glass of lime juice (with some honey added to taste) can be the best way to start the day. It provides energy and boosts you to begin the day like nothing else can.
Glowing skin and hair: After squeezing out the juice from the lime, rub the lime onto your face and see the skin glowing. If that sounds not feasible, apply lime oil to your face to keep the skin elastic and youthful. Applying lime to the hair is a natural way to keep the hair shiny and black.
Moving the joints: Uric acid can accumulate in the joints and cause bone pain and discomfort. Citric acid from the lime ensures this uric acid accumulation is reduced, thereby reducing gout and inflammation.
Weight loss: The citric acid is an excellent fat burner, and drinking two glasses of warm lime water per day can show obvious results in a week s time.
Add fragrance to your food: Lemon oil which is made from the peel can be used as a good flavouring agent to many dishes including curries and pickles. While the tanginess is not considerable like using a full lime, it still gives the fragrance and flavour of a lime.
With these benefits, the next time you go vegetable shopping, don t forget to throw in a couple of lemons.
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Beetroot (Chukundar) - 7 Reasons Why You Must Eat Them!

Bachelor of Ayurveda, Medicine and Surgery (BAMS)
Ayurvedic Doctor, Fazilka
Beetroot (Chukundar) - 7 Reasons Why You Must Eat Them!
It s been long known about the numerous health benefits of beetroot. Surprisingly though, beetroot has some not-so-known qualities such as increasing stamina, removing skin blemishes and increasing the glow of the face. Apart from this, it can fetch benefits to the skin, hair and the overall health. In this article, we will discuss the benefits of beetroot consumption in vivid detail.

Reduces the impact of aging: Beetroot being a great antioxidant successfully blocks free radicals and helps to fight the symptoms of aging. All it requires is a medium slice beetroot. The juice should be extracted from it and the pulp needs to be removed. The juice then could be applied to the face using cotton balls. Applying this simple solution once in a week can fetch dramatic results.
Reduces blemish and pigmentation: Beetroot is one of the few vegetables that have a large amount of vitamin C embedded in it. It helps the skin to retain its original color, reduces blemishes and pigmentation. 3-4 cubes of beetroot serving twice a week should do the trick.
Hair loss: Beetroot is a great source of food to stay away from hair loss. Being a good source of potassium, beetroot can prevent hair loss and enhance hair growth. A weekly serving of 3-4 cube of beetroot over a span of few months will show visible results.
Improves liver function: Beetroot contains glutathione that is known to be a great agent for the liver. It acts as a detox diet and helps in functioning of the liver. This liver, in turn, helps the body to detox. Beetroot also helps in the regeneration of cells of the liver.
Boost hemoglobin: Beetroot is an excellent source of iron and folate. These are the nutrients that are required for the body to maintain an adequate amount of hemoglobin in the body. A deficiency in the hemoglobin level can lead to anemia. Regular consumption of beetroot can ensure that a person refrains from deadly diseases such as anemia.
Fight inflammation: Some typical symptoms of inflammation include infection, trauma etc. This is a sign of the immune system not acting efficiently against sudden panic. Some typical symptoms include pain, redness, swelling etc. Beetroot in known to have a super-efficient anti-inflammatory response. Injection of beetroot is often suggested by medical practitioners.
Cancer prevention: Beetroot can elevate the level of oxygen in the blood. Since cancer cells are acidic in nature, beetroot can successfully neutralize them due to its alkaline nature. Owing to this anti-cancer properties, oncologists often suggests the intake of beetroot juice on a regular basis to patients suffering from liver, rectal, colon and various other types of cancer. 2 glasses of beetroot juice are often recommended for cancer patients.
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Tea Bags Are Not Just For Tea - 5 Interesting Benefits You Never Thought of!

General Physician, Udaipur
Tea Bags Are Not Just For Tea - 5 Interesting Benefits You Never Thought of!
Tea is known for many beneficial properties that it contains. Whether it is black tea, green tea, white tea or any other kind of tea, there are numerous health, home and cosmetic benefits attached to tea. Tea bags once used do not necessarily need be thrown in the trash once they have been dunked and seeped into the boiling water and milk, if you are using any. There are a number of uses which one can derive easily from these tea bags so that one can get glowing skin and varied other health benefits. Read on to know more about the hidden benefits of these tea bags!

Tea bags for your eyes: The number of antioxidants present in tea makes it ideal when it comes to banishing those under eye bags and dark circles. You could freeze these tea bags in the freezer after you use them and then press them onto your eyes for a few minutes the next day. This will help in visibly lightening the area and clearing the bags that may have formed under the eyes due to long hours spent working and other factors like stress.
Tea bags for food flavouring: You can use these tea bags to flavor various dishes as well. That s right this can be used as a robust condiment with pasta, grains and chicken. You can use these tea bags in the water which will be used to boil grains and pasta so that the flavor can get infused in these ingredients. You can use flavored tea bags like chamomile and cinnamon to make a difference to the dish that you are preparing.
Tea bags in the garden: Whether you have a large garden, a small patch or a few pots that grow herbs and other smaller flowers and vegetables, you can easily use tea bags in the water that you use for watering these plants. This will help in preventing the onset of any kind of fungal infection as far as the plants go. You can also use these bags as ingredients for your comps bins so that you have natural fertilizer containing the rich goodness of tea as well.
Tea bags to deal with odours: Tea bags can be placed in muslin bags and hung from various rods and placed in corners, to act as a deodourising agent. You can also place these tea bags inside the refrigerator so that you eliminate the various scents and odors that are not too pleasant.
Tea bags for cleaning: You can also use these tea bags to clean your rugs and carpets. These can be frozen before they are opened and the dried tea leaves can be spread over the various stains before being brushed away. The stains will also lighten gradually.
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5 Causes Of Skin Darkening

MBBS, Diploma in Venerology & Dermatology (DVD), DDV, MD - Dermatology , Venereology & Leprosy
Dermatologist, Pune
5 Causes Of Skin Darkening
Have you been noticing that some parts of your skin have turned dark and dull recently? Do you have ugly blotches and spots developing on your skin that keep on worsening? These may indicate that you have been affected by a medical condition known as skin darkening. Also known as hyperpigmentation, it is commonly caused by the overproduction of a pigment known as melanin. Although skin darkening is not a harmful condition, it demoralizes an affected person.

Types of Hyperpigmentation:

There are several types of hyperpigmentation or skin darkening. They are:

Lentigenes: This type of skin darkening refers to on the dark brown or black marks on skin surface.

Solar Lentigenes: This type of skin darkening includes sun spots, age spots or liver spots. These are spots, which are caused due to exposure to the sun.

Melasma: This type of skin darkening, also called as mask of pregnancy, occurs due to hormonal changes of pregnancy. Some areas of the facial skin become blotchy and pigmented.

Causes of Skin darkening:

There are several conditions, which may lead to the occurrence of skin darkening or hyperpigmentation. They include the following:

Hereditary factors: Some inherited factors present since birth may be responsible for the change in the skin complexion and the development of patches.

Skin disorders: Several skin disorders may cause the darkening of the skin, resulting into the formation of blotches and the skin becoming thicker.

Vitamin deficiency: Insufficient consumption of essential vitamins such as vitamin A, E, C and B complex may result in darkening and roughening of the skin. Vitamin deprivation also makes the skin look dull. Liver disorders: Certain liver disorders are also responsible for hyperpigmentation. A dysfunctional liver may lead to darkening of the skin.

Hormonal changes: Hormonal changes within our body and during pregnancy in women may also cause skin darkening.

Exposure to UV rays: Overexposure to the harmful ultraviolet rays of the sun may lead to skin tanning. This causes overproduction of melanin, which in turn results in skin darkening.


There are several ways in which you can prevent skin darkening. They include the following:

Avoid exposing yourself directly to the rays of the sun.

Try to apply sunscreen every time before you go out in the sun.

You should drink plenty of water and always keep yourself hydrated.

Try to abstain from consuming too much of spicy, oily and rich foods.

You must intake a lot of fruits and vegetables, which are rich in vitamin A, B, C, and E.

There are many options for treating the hyperpigmentation, from skin lightening peels to lasers. A properly planned customized skin care routine and treatment options can minimize, the pigmentation on your skin dramatically.
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Spinach (Palak) - 5 Health Benefits You Must Know!

Vedicgram Ayurveda
Ayurvedic Doctor, Noida
Spinach (Palak) - 5 Health Benefits You Must Know!
The food we eat affects our mind and body in various ways. There are many kinds of foods that have varied kinds of effects on how our body behaves due to the nutritional properties of the same. Spinach is a well known green vegetable that is rich in iron and various other nutrients. Since time immemorial, this vegetable has been used in various forms like soups, curries and much more so that we may enjoy the health benefits of the same.

Let us find out more about the health benefits of spinach with these quick pieces of information.

Prevents cancer: One of the foremost qualities of having spinach on a regular basis is that it helps in the prevention of cancer. This is due to the fact that the level of chlorophyll that one may find in spinach is absolutely apt when it comes to blocking the entry and effect of carcinogenic material and elements in our body. These are the elements that may enter our body due to pollution as well as through some kinds of processed food. So one will need to eat plenty of spinach, especially in today s day and age of adulterated food and pollution, so as to mitigate the effect of these elements and prevent cancer. Spinach is also highly recommended for those people who have a history of cancer in their family, and hence, are at a higher risk of getting the same.
Helps in managing one s diabetes: Alpha lipoid acid is one of the most well-known antioxidants that can be found in spinach. This is one of the rare elements that helps in lowering the glucose levels in the body even as it increases sensitivity towards insulin. This, in turn, helps in taking care of one s diabetes without constant hospitalisation and medication. It also helps in managing diabetes through a neuropathy approach.
Brings down blood pressure: Spinach is of great value for patients who have been suffering from problems like hypertension as it brings down the blood pressure levels. This is because spinach manages to negate the effect of sodium, which may be found in the body. This happens due to the high potassium content, which may be found in this leafy green vegetable.
Increases the health of bones: When we have spinach on a regular basis, our bones also get the benefit of the same. The risk of bone fracture is literally reduced to half due to the high level of vitamin K and protein content of this vegetable.
Gives you good skin and hair: With the constant ingestion of spinach, one can also get shining hair and glowing skin due to Vitamin C and collagen element that is found in abundance in this vegetable.
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Honey - How Eating It Everyday Can Transform Your Health?

Bachelor of Ayurveda, Medicine and Surgery (BAMS)
Ayurvedic Doctor, Hyderabad
Honey - How Eating It Everyday Can Transform Your Health?
A sweet way to healthy living, is it even possible? Yes! Did you know that eating honey every day can keep you hale and healthy? You have a reason to smile, as you often control yourselves owing to the calories that come with sweetness. If there is one food that is sweet and healthy, it is none other than honey. Honey contains a treasure chest of hidden nutritional and medicinal values. The sweet golden liquid from the beehive is a popular kitchen staple loaded with antibacterial & antifungal properties and it has been used since ancient times. It is known as a power food in Ayurveda.

Apart from being one of the tastiest sweeteners in the world, honey contains compounds which provide you with immense health benefits. Ayurveda emphasizes the goodness of honey in its treatment methods and here are some of those benefits:

Honey acts as an organic immunity booster: As per the Ayurveda, honey can be used as an ultimate immunity booster. Since the ancient times, honey has been used to create a harmony and perfect balance between the five senses. Daily and balanced consumption of honey undoubtedly leads to improved eyesight, cures impotence, diarrhea and bronchial disorders and more. When consumed with the other medicated herbs, honey increases the effectiveness of those herbs. Due to a powerful immunity system, cough and throat problems also get reduced as a result.
Rich in antioxidants: The antioxidants present in honey help to prevent cancer, high blood pressure and makes your skin healthy. Good quality honey contains a generous amount of antioxidants, such as phenols as well as nutritious compounds like organic acids, flavonoids, etc. Antioxidants can prevent some types of cancer and also help in reducing extremely high blood pressure. The antioxidants in honey also enable you to get a healthy, glowing skin. It can be used as a natural conditioner in the case of rough and frizzy hair.
Keeps your heart healthy: Yes, you can control heart diseases, blood sugar and diabetes with a regular dose of honey. Honey helps you to reduce weight and enable you to reduce the risk of heart diseases. A controlled intake of honey helps in reducing the level of LDL or bad cholesterol or the low-density lipoproteins. At the same time, it raises the level of high-density lipoproteins or HDL or good cholesterol. For weight watchers and people on a diet, honey is a safe option, as it reduces the level of triglycerides, thus reducing the risk of heart diseases and the type 2 diabetes.
Honey acts as natural anti-bacterial and anti-fungal element: Honey is known to release hydrogen peroxide which acts as an anti-microbial agent that prevents the growth of bacteria.The use of raw honey mixed with water can be used as a mouthwash. Also rubbing honey directly on affected gums gives instant relief from pain and inflammation and other periodontal diseases. It work wonders in any case of gastroenteritis caused by bacteria. The existence of good bacteria like the lactobacilli or bifidobacteria enables it to heal any burn or wound quickly.
Helps with sleep and associated issues: Quite often if you tend to suffer from insomnia or irregular sleep cycles which can result in frequent memory loss along with some other problems. Honey prevents extreme cellular damages by enabling the body to absorb the required calcium.
The level of serotonin also gets increased by honey, and it improves one s stressed mood and mental condition. Serotonin eventually gets transformed into melatonin which prevents irregular sleep cycles. With just a spoon of honey early in the morning, take advantage of the goodness of honey; adapt your mind, body, and soul to healthier lifestyle options.

In case you have a concern or query you can always consult an expert & get answers to your questions!
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9 Amazing Reasons To Drink Coconut Water!

Ayurvedic Doctor, Faridabad
9 Amazing Reasons To Drink Coconut Water!
The goodness of water is known to all and sundry. Another fluid to watch out for is the coconut water. Coconut water will leave you with a mouth open with its health benefits. From small kids to pregnant women to elderly people, everyone can drink coconut water (unless asked to avoid on doctor recommendation) without any tension. The sweet, nut-like taste of coconut water is indeed very refreshing and soothing, a great respite in the scorching summers.

Positive effects of coconut water on the health

A low-calorie drink: Coconut water is an ideal and healthy substitute for processed fruit juice, aerated drinks, and beverages.
Improves Digestion: Coconut water is an excellent source of phosphatase, diastase, folic acid, and other enzymes that aids in the digestion of food. A person with dehydration (an outcome of dysentery, diarrhea or cholera) can benefit immensely from coconut water. The coconut water works by restoring the lost electrolyte and plasma balance in the body.
Keeps skin aging at bay: Cytokines and lauric acid are known to have anti-aging properties. They maintain the pH balance of the skin. Coconut water is a rich source of lauric acid and cytokines. As expected, coconut water helps to restore the natural glow of the skin. Coconut water greatly nourishes and protects the skin from rashes and skin infections.
Drink coconut water, forget depression forever: Riboflavin, pathogenic acid, and thiamine are the triple healing vitamins that help to lower depression and stress in a person. With these important vitamins present, coconut water will lift your mood and spirits effortlessly.
Weight management: Being a low- calorie drink, coconut water is a healthy option for people who are on a diet and want to lose few extra kilos.
Healthy bones the natural way: An excellent source of calcium, coconut water will keep your bones strong and healthy.
Kidney stones a thing of the past: A natural way to deal with the problem of kidney stones is indeed a great news. Potassium is present in abundance in coconut water. Thus, it not only helps in dissolving the kidney stones but also ensures that there is no recurrence of the condition (kidney stones).
A healthy blood pressure: Coconut water comes as a much-needed blessing for people with high blood pressure. The minerals (potassium and magnesium) along with vitamin C ensure that the blood pressure is within healthy limits.
The magnesium present in coconut water comes as a savior for people with migraines.

A rich source of potassium implies coconut water helps to lower the instances of muscle cramps.
Having long, healthy, and lustrous hair is no longer a dream, all thanks to the coconut water. It hydrates the scalp, thus providing the necessary nourishment to the hair.
Being low in sugar and calories, coconut water is an excellent remedy for diabetic patients.
In case you have a concern or query you can always consult an expert & get answers to your questions!
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Want Younger Looking Skin? Can Exercising Help?

MBBS, Diploma in Venerology & Dermatology (DVD), DDV, MD - Dermatology , Venereology & Leprosy
Dermatologist, Pune
Want Younger Looking Skin? Can Exercising Help?
The benefits of regular exercise in our constantly changing lifestyles cannot be over emphasized. Look at any of the lifestyle associated diseases and exercise is definitely one of the ways to beat it. Over the years, with stress and changed lifestyle, people are ageing faster than they should; the rate of ageing has also increased. Including exercise as a regimen can immensely help anti-ageing. Read on to know how exercise can help skin look younger and reverse some effects of ageing.

For those who are used to a moderate workout regularly, it is like an energy drink that fires up the brain and body, leaving you more alert and alive. While most people associate exercise with workout and fatigue, the truth is that it energizes and vitalizes the body like nothing else.

1. With age, the outer layer of the skin thickens and the inner layer becomes thin. This results in freckles, dark circles under the eyes, reduced elasticity, etc. The thinning inner layer is not able to replace collagen and replace elasticity at the same rate as it is being lost. What exercise does is work up sweat, which cleans off the dead cells from the top layer. The skin pores open up, thereby allowing the skin to breathe which in turn allows more oxygen to reach the underlying thin layer, and lets it make collagen. This improves firmness and elasticity of the skin.

2. Another way the skin is benefitted from exercise is the effect it has on the skin, which is almost equivalent to a facial. Sweating from an exercise opens up the pores, which removes all the dirt trapped in the immediate underlying layers. One should not forget to wash off the skin after a good workout; else the dirt can settle and cause damage.

3. Another way exercise benefits the skin is by reducing general inflammation in the body. This helps regulate hormones that are essential for the skin and prevents free radical damage, which helps prevent ageing of the skin.

4. Exercise also improves blood flow in the skin. A workout requires more blood flow to the various body parts and the tiny arteries under the skin open up, allowing more free flow of blood. This ensures the skin gets the essential nutrients that are essential for regular maintenance and growth and repair. It also reduces damage from sun and improves collagen production, which helps in controlling wrinkles.

As mentioned earlier, the underlying thinner layer has, what are called fibroblasts, which gradually reduce in number with age. The added nutrient supply can improve their number and function, adding elasticity to the skin. The overall health benefits, stress reduction, improved vitality and vigor add to these benefits, producing a younger-looking you!
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