Top Health Tips on Treating Liver Failure

6 Ways Your Kitchen Appliances And Utensils Are Making You Sick!

Ayurvedic Doctor, Faridabad
6 Ways Your Kitchen Appliances And Utensils Are Making You Sick!
It is a common misbelief that eating home cooked food is the healthiest option. Whenever, we plan to eat out, there is always a question lingering about the cleanliness of the hotel s kitchen. We need to realize that it is not just the hotel, but our own kitchen should also be taken care of.

Listed below are some commonly overlooked things that could be contributing to your health in a bad way. With kitchen shopping continuing through the years, there are unused and/or overused things, both of which are harmful. Read on to know more.

Overused utensils: In most homes, the cooking vessels turn brown over a period of time. This happens, especially in metallic ones like aluminium. It is due to leftover food and is a breeding ground for germs. Leaving the vessels for a later wash can lead to these stains getting tougher and the vessel taking on a permanent brownish color. A good way to manage this is to clean the vessels as soon as possible.
Stained mugs and cups: It is a common belief that tea cups will stain over a period of use, which is not true. In some cases, the hard water has high concentration of calcium carbonate, which mixes with the tea and lead to altered bowel movement and improper digestion. The best way to manage this is to mix vinegar and baking soda and remove the stains.
Chopping board: First things first. Never use the same chopping board for your meat and your veggies. The germs from the uncooked meat affect the vegetables also. As the bacteria continues to grow, in about 10 minutes, there will be double the number of bacteria that will affect the vegetables.
Chipped melamine dishware: While the melamine kitchenware is unbreakable, do not use them at high temperatures. This can cause it to chip and melamine leaks into the food, causing kidney stones and renal failure. A good way to avoid this risk is not to heat food in the melamine dishes.
Non-stick cookware: While nonstick ware helps reduce the amount of oil used, constant use erodes the coating and slowly the chemical is leaked, which can add carcinogenic elements into your dosa or roti. This can cause liver and stomach problems with continued use.
Coffee makers: The reservoir in the coffee makers hoards a whole lot of bacteria and can cause various diseases. Thorough cleaning with hot water can help you keep it clean.
These are some of the common ways your kitchen can affect your health, there are definitely more. So, keep your kitchen clean for a healthier life.
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Benign Liver Tumor - Treatment In Ayurveda!

Ayurvedic Doctor, Ahmedabad
Benign Liver Tumor - Treatment In Ayurveda!
A benign liver tumour refers to the abnormal growth of cells inside the liver or outside of it. There are three types of such tumours but in most of the cases, the tumour is non-cancerous in nature and does not cause any harm to the individual. However, in some cases the tumour causes discomfort to the individual in the form of symptoms such as pain in the abdomen, swelling in the stomach, weight loss, weakness, nausea, and liver inflammation. This can be troublesome for the patient and it is also an indication that the tumor may turn cancerous in future. So, timely treatment is necessary and Ayurveda offers a side-effects free and holistic treatment procedure for the condition.

Ayurveda Treatment For Benign Liver Tumors
Ayurveda is a complete science based on a centuries-old knowledge that treats the disease by tackling the root cause but in case of a benign liver tumor, there is no exact cause that can be controlled or rectified. Tumours are abnormal growth of liver cells. So, the growth has to be eliminated and checked and Ayurveda does so with the help of herbal medicines. The Ayurvedic medicines used for the treatment of benign liver tumour are loaded with healing properties that check the growth of tumours, dissolve them, and enhance the immunity of the body so that it can fight the symptoms of the liver tumour.

Effects of Ayurveda
The ayurvedic medicines are gentle to the body and do not harm the liver or any other organ. These medicines possess strong anti-cancer properties and it restricts the abnormal growth of the cells but it is not detrimental to the body in any way. Also, they protect the normal cells after a patient has undergone chemotherapy for cancer. There are medicines that are loaded with antioxidants that repair the damage done to the liver by tumour. All the Ayurvedic medicines prescribed in benign tumour work to check the growth of the tumour and melt the tumour, helping the patient avoid surgery and harsh allopathic medications.

Ayurveda Results
Ayurveda is a holistic and lasting treatment option for individuals suffering from a benign liver tumour. It treats the patient in an organic manner and this is why there is a lot of emphasis on diet. In case of a liver tumour, the patient is asked to keep away from heavy food as well as alcohol. Ayurveda is not about quick solutions but a permanent remedy that cures the tumour completely and also ensures no relapse after the treatment. Nevertheless, it is in the interest of the patient that they begin the Ayurveda treatment as soon as they are diagnosed with the condition. The earlier the treatment begins, the easier it is for the patient to heal. Also, the treatment duration becomes shorter.

Ayurveda is really a favourable treatment option for patients suffering from a benign liver tumour. It removes the tumour in a natural way without harming the liver. The medicines are effective in all kinds of tumor and cure the individual completely after the course of medication is over.

In case you have a concern or query, you can always consult an ayurvedic doctor for proper line of treatment.
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The Progression Of Liver Diseases And Ayurveda!

Ayurvedic Doctor, Ahmedabad
The Progression Of Liver Diseases And Ayurveda!
Liver disease is a wide term that describes a number of problems associated with a damaged liver. In simple words, liver disease is a condition that causes swelling of the liver cells/hepatic cells or harms the tissue of the liver. The functioning of this important organ is drastically affected in severe stages which causes many gastrointestinal disturbances as well. If not treated on time, it can prove to be fatal.

The liver is responsible for many important functions such as providing immunity, fat metabolism, eliminating bacteria from the bloodstream, storing and discharging of glucose as and when required, the building of proteins for blood plasma, and many others. Functional or physical destruction to the liver can affect these functions in the body as well.

Hepatic disease covers the potential problems that can be the reason for failure of the liver to carry out its functions.

In modern science, liver illnesses are characterized by cause and effect. The reason for Liver Diseases includes injury, infections, genetic defects, exposure to toxic compounds, etc. Among the effects, fat imbalance in liver, clotting abnormalities, obstructions, liver failure, and inflammatory changes are pointed out in most of the cases.

Liver Diseases and Ayurveda -
In Ayurveda, disorders of the liver are altogether named as Yakrit Vikara. Yakrit stands for liver and Vikara stands for derangement or disorder, diseased or disfigured condition. In Ayurveda, the formation of the liver is from the blood (Rakta) at the initial stage.

In Ayurveda, Liver Diseases are classified into two major groups: Mlana Yakrit and Yakrit Vriddhi. Mlana Yakrit means an improper liver function or its shrinkage and Yakrit Vriddhi means liver enlargement.
Ayurveda treats Liver Diseases using various natural herbs and remedies to stop further scarring of liver tissue and may help to rejuvenate liver cells, detoxify the body and improve digestion, bowel movement. The treatment varies depending upon the cause, need, and severity of the problem. It properly and completely cures diseases without any side effects.

Take Away -

Liver disease is a condition caused due to the swelling of the liver cells or impairment of the tissue of the liver. As a result, the functioning of this important organ decreases and causes a number of gastrointestinal disturbances indirectly. The liver is responsible for numerous types of body functions that are further associated with various systems. Ayurveda treats the cause of liver diseases and limits the symptoms as well. As most of the Liver Diseases are caused due to the imbalance of the Pitta component, Ayurveda cures and balances this component using herbs and remedies. However, one should consult an Ayurveda liver specialist before deciding upon any Ayurveda remedies.
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Scientific Evidence And Facts About Chronic/ End-Stage Liver Diseases And Ayurvedic Treatment!

Ayurvedic Doctor, Ahmedabad
Scientific Evidence And Facts About Chronic/ End-Stage Liver Diseases And Ayurvedic Treatment!
There is plenty of evidence to substantiate the power of Ayurveda in the treatment of chronic liver diseases. There are a bundle of research works published in many reputed international journals.

One of the important articles is A study conducted by M.Hong 1 s Li et al under the title '' current status of herbal medicine in chronic liver disease therapy: The biological effects, Molecular targets and Future prospects.'' published in international journal of Molecular Sciences, volume 16, issue 12

The above study shed lights on the more powerful effects of Ayurvedic / Herbal medicine in treating chronic liver diseases compare to modern medicine.
The conclusion of this article is - the current review provides a detailed and updated description of the most widely used herbal medicines and herbal formulas in alleviating chronic liver disease

It has been clearly described that medicinal plants and phytochemicals treat chronic liver diseases by :

1. Inhibiting oxidative damages.
2. Suppressing fibrogenesis
3. Eliminating virus infections.
4. Preventing or inhibiting tumour growth.
5. Improving the composition of gut microbiota (gut flora) consequently ameliorating its dysfunction as well as associated pathological conditions.

So finally, it is highly suggested to take your first step towards Ayurveda the very moment when you are notified of the suffering of any of liver disease. Though there are treatments available in Ayurveda, it is advisable to consult an Ayurvedic liver specialist before opting for any treatment.
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Fatty Liver - Top Homeopathic Remedies For It!

DM & S
Homeopathy Doctor, Akola
Fatty Liver - Top Homeopathic Remedies For It!
A number of health problems today are caused by an unhealthy lifestyle. One such condition is a fatty liver or collection of fat in the liver. The buildup of fats in the liver is known as Fatty Liver. The liver processes everything that you eat or drink and filters harmful substances from the blood. If too much fat has accumulated in the liver, this process gets interfered with. These fat cells cause inflammation of the liver tissues which in time can lead to scarring and liver fibrosis. On its own, a fatty liver is relatively harmless, but when it reaches this stage, it can be life threatening.

The reasons for Fatty Liver can be alcoholism, incorrect diet, obesity, diabetes, or even excess use of medication.

If ignored or left untreated, many liver diseases will lead to permanent and irreversible damage to the liver and can be a significant threat to your health. But, there is no standard form of treatment for a fatty liver. If diagnosed in its early stages, treating the underlying cause can stop the progression of the disease and even resolve it. Homeopathy addresses the underlying causes of a disease and hence is an ideal form of treatment for a fatty liver. It can reduce the symptoms of this disease, improve liver functioning and even reverse the condition if treatment is started early.

The Homeopathic medicines, which are made of natural substances, are given to patients after studying the unique symptoms experienced by each individual. Homeopathy is one of the most popular holistic systems of medicine. The selection of remedy is based upon the theory of individualization and symptoms similarity by using holistic approach. Homoeopathy is very proficient in managing all the symptoms of Fatty liver disease and furthermore plays a vital role in preventing relapse of the condition.

Some of the most common homeopathic medicines for fatty liver are:

Chelidonium: This is often used to treat a fatty liver accompanied by right upper abdominal pain. In such cases, the liver may be enlarged and the patient also usually suffers from constipation or experience nausea and vomiting. The patient will also probably suffer from excessive weakness and have a desire for hot food and drinks.

Lycopodium: A fatty liver accompanied by acidity can be treated with this type of homeopathic medication. In such cases, the patient will also complain of bloating and belching with a burning sensation. These symptoms tend to worsen n the evening and the patient may have an intense craving for sweets and hot drinks.

Phosphorus: This is used to treat cases of fatty acid which triggers regurgitation accompanied by sour belching. In some cases, the patient may also experience pain in the liver and excessive flatulence. Vomiting may also occur along with weakness while passing stool.

Calcarea carb: Obese patients suffering from this condition can be treated with calcarea carb. These people often have a distended abdomen, are lactose intolerant and suffer from chronic constipation. They are also overly sensitive to cold air and sweat excessively from the head.

Nux vomica: Homeopathic remedy for fatty liver with pain in abdomen after eating.

Nux vomica is great for any abdominal problem including fatty liver caused by excessive consumption of alcohol. These patients often suffer from abdominal pain a few hours after eating with sour or bitter tasting belches. They may constantly feel the urge to pass stool but are unable to do so.

Though homeopathic remedies have negligible side effects when taken in low dosages, they should never be self-prescribed. If you suffer from a fatty liver, consult a homeopathic doctor immediately who can diagnose it properly and treat you accordingly.
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Fatty Liver - Top Homeopathic Remedies For It!

BHMS, MD-Homeopathy, PGPC - Preventive Cardiology
Homeopathy Doctor, Delhi
Fatty Liver - Top Homeopathic Remedies For It!
A number of health problems today are caused by an unhealthy lifestyle. One such condition is a fatty liver or collection of fat in the liver. The buildup of fats in the liver is known as Fatty Liver. The liver processes everything that you eat or drink and filters harmful substances from the blood. If too much fat has accumulated in the liver, this process gets interfered with. These fat cells cause inflammation of the liver tissues which in time can lead to scarring and liver fibrosis. On its own, a fatty liver is relatively harmless but when it reaches this stage, it can be life threatening.

The reasons for Fatty Liver can be alcoholism, incorrect diet, obesity, diabetes, or even excess use of medication.

If ignored or left untreated, many liver diseases will lead to permanent and irreversible damage to the liver and can be a significant threat to your health. But, there is no standard form of treatment for a fatty liver. If diagnosed in its early stages, treating the underlying cause can stop the progression of the disease and even resolve it. Homeopathy addresses the underlying causes of a disease and hence is an ideal form of treatment for a fatty liver. It can reduce the symptoms of this disease, improve liver functioning and even reverse the condition if treatment is started early.

The Homeopathic medicines, which are made of natural substances, are given to patients after studying the unique symptoms experienced by each individual. Homeopathy is one of the most popular holistic systems of medicine. The selection of remedy is based upon the theory of individualization and symptoms similarity by using holistic approach. Homoeopathy is very proficient in managing all the symptoms of Fatty liver disease and furthermore plays a vital role in preventing relapse of the condition. Some of the most common homeopathic medicines for fatty liver are-

Chelidonium: This is often used to treat a fatty liver accompanied by right upper abdominal pain. In such cases, the liver may be enlarged and the patient also usually suffers from constipation or experience nausea and vomiting. The patient will also probably suffer from excessive weakness and have a desire for hot food and drinks.

Lycopodium: A fatty liver accompanied by acidity can be treated with this type of homeopathic medication. In such cases, the patient will also complain of bloating and belching with a burning sensation. These symptoms tend to worsen n the evening and the patient may have an intense craving for sweets and hot drinks.

Phosphorus: This is used to treat cases of fatty acid which triggers regurgitation accompanied by sour belching. In some cases, the patient may also experience pain in the liver and excessive flatulence. Vomiting may also occur along with weakness while passing stool.

Calcarea carb: Obese patients suffering from this condition can be treated with calcarea carb. These people often have a distended abdomen, are lactose intolerant and suffer from chronic constipation. They are also overly sensitive to cold air and sweat excessively from the head.

Nux Vomica: homeopathic remedy for fatty liver with pain in abdomen after eating.

Nux vomica is great for any abdominal problem including fatty liver caused by excessive consumption of alcohol. These patients often suffer from abdominal pain a few hours after eating with sour or bitter tasting belches. They may constantly feel the urge to pass stool but are unable to do so.

Though homeopathic remedies have negligible side effects when taken in low dosages, they should never be self-prescribed. If you suffer from a fatty liver, consult a homeopathic doctor immediately who can diagnose it properly and treat you accordingly.
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Alcoholic Liver Disease And Its Ayurvedic Treatment!

Ayurvedic Doctor, Ahmedabad
Alcoholic Liver Disease And Its Ayurvedic Treatment!
Overconsumption of alcohol can lead to Alcoholic Liver Disease owing to the build-up of fat in the liver. It leads to scarring and inflammation and ultimately results in liver damage. Hence, the disease can be fatal. Since the liver is responsible for a mammoth range of tasks including storage of energy, filtering of toxins from the blood, making proteins, managing hormones, and regulating blood sugar and cholesterol, the liver damage can be fatal. The liver diseases are complex conditions which can be treated with an ayurvedic approach.

Different Types of Alcoholic Liver Diseases -
Some of the common types of Alcoholic Liver Diseases are:
Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease: In people suffering from this disease, excessive alcohol consumption leads to deposition of fat in the liver.
Alcoholic Cirrhosis: In this type of liver damage, the liver gets scarred which means that hard and dead tissues replace soft and living tissues. People with this condition are at a high risk of developing liver cancer.
Alcoholic Hepatitis: Excessive alcohol consumption can also lead to inflammation of the liver. This can lead to liver cirrhosis too.

Symptoms of Alcoholic Liver Disease -
A person suffering from Alcoholic Liver Disease may suffer from loss of appetite, abdominal pain, diarrhea, fatigue, etc. These are the primary symptoms.

Diagnosis of Alcoholic Liver Disease -
There is no specific test to diagnose Alcoholic Liver Disease. Doctors go through past medical history and prescribe a number of tests to diagnose Alcoholic Liver Disease that includes blood tests, physical examination, ultrasound, etc.

Ayurveda and Liver Disease -
According to Ayurveda, the smooth functioning of the liver depends on the three doshas Pitta dosha, Kapha dosha, and Vata dosha. The imbalance of these three doshas in the body along with the five natural elements (corresponding to the five elements of the earth) lead to malfunctioning of the liver.

Studies About Effect of Ayurveda On Liver -
The effect of Ayurveda on Alcoholic Liver Disease has been studied deeply. Various researches have been carried out to determine the efficacy of this mode of treatment in alleviating the woes of people suffering from Alcoholic Liver Disease.

A study conducted to identify the efficacy of Ayurveda in treating people suffering from hepatic cirrhosis has found that it can be an effective treatment that may postpone the need for liver transplant and may gradually help in enhancing the overall health.

Take Away -
Though there are ways in Ayurveda to treat Alcoholic Liver Disease, it is always advisable to consult an ayurvedic liver specialist before opting for any medicine or remedy.
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Ayurvedic Treatment For Cirrhosis Of The Liver!

Bachelor of Ayurveda, Medicine and Surgery (BAMS), N.D.D.Y, F.A.N
Ayurvedic Doctor, Gurgaon
Ayurvedic Treatment For Cirrhosis Of The Liver!
Nobody prefers to suffer from ailments such as Cirrhosis of liver. After all, it is difficult for a person, if his or her liver is not functioning properly. However, if in case a person is suffering from such kind of chronic ailment, then one can opt for Ayurvedic remedies, which do not have any side effects.

Why it occurs?
In order to know how it is treated, it is essential to understand what causes cirrhosis of the liver and what it means to have this dreaded condition. While there is a range of causes for the chronic disease, fatty liver disease along with hepatitis B and hepatitis C are the most common causes of Cirrhosis of the liver.

Alcohol consumption on an excessive level also bears its fair share of responsibility. As a matter of fact, Cirrhosis of the liver is caused on account of this sort of alcohol consumption and is responsible for more deaths than any other type.

Detoxifying your liver with Ayurveda
When it comes to the Ayurvedic way to treat this serious issue that is liver Cirrhosis, the main focus is on the complete and effective detoxification of the liver. One of the first things that is involved in this sort of treatment is a radical overhaul of the habits of the person whose quality of life is being seriously impinged on due to this disease.

De-addiction is a very important starting point. After all, it can be said to be only logical, that the treatment of a disease, which has been brought upon by the indulgence in a bad habit begins with the cessation of the habit.

Diet restrictions are also part and parcel of getting liver cirrhosis treated by making use of Ayurveda s deep and ancient body of knowledge. In many cases, doing so does mean giving up consumption of meat. In addition to this, other things, which are to be done from the point of view of dietary changes include, but are not limited to, avoiding hot and oily food which tends to be heavy on the digestive system of the person who is undergoing treatment. With the body under so much pressure in any case, it makes no sense at all to add more load.

While all this may seem to be very cumbersome, it is to be kept in mind what wonders Ayurveda can accomplish and how does it work in repairing the damaged liver of the patient who is undergoing this course of treatment. The end result makes all the sacrifices worth the effort.
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Fatty Liver Diseases - 8 Best Ayurvedic Home Remedies to Treat It

Ayurvedic Doctor, Ahmedabad
Fatty Liver Diseases - 8 Best Ayurvedic Home Remedies to Treat It
Excess fat cells in the human body can settle under the skin and cause obesity, Additionally, they may even settle in specific organs and liver is one of them. When fat starts accumulating in the liver, a condition known as fatty liver manifests itself.

There are two types of fatty liver disease alcoholic and non-alcoholic. As the name suggests, the former is triggered by excessive alcohol consumption, whereas the latter takes place due to other reasons. While non-alcoholic fatty liver disease interferes with the normal functioning of the liver, alcoholic fatty liver disease has specific symptoms such as jaundice, fever, spider veins, and increase white blood cells (WBCs) count.

In the world of Ayurveda, the liver is a pitta organ, which is absolutely essential for normal digestion and elimination. Therefore, the pitta dosha should always be in balance so that toxins are eliminated by the liver from the body. A liver disease results when the pitta is aggravated, which can be treated with the help of lifestyle and dietary modifications, in addition to Ayurvedic remedies.

The following are some of the Ayurvedic tips and guidelines that can support liver healing and reduce the symptoms of fatty liver:

Avoid fatty and fried foods as these can further aggravate pitta and heating and overstimulating.
Incorporate cool and non-acidic food items such as berries, pears and melons into your diet.
Eat a combination of steamed vegetable and whole grains such as quinoa.
Consume aloe juice in moderate quantities as it is cooling.
Regularly consume a mixture of 2 grams of long pepper powder and 1 teaspoon honey once a day for complete 1 month.
Consume a decoction of giloy (Tinospora cordifolia), 30 ml, mixed with a teaspoon of honey once a day. 7. Drink plenty of water to cool the body down and eliminate toxins.
Consume 10 to 20 ml of bhumi amla juice.
Take 1 to 3 grams of kakuti powder twice a day with water after meals.
In case you have a concern or query you can always consult an expert & get answers to your questions!
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Risk Factors For The Development Of Liver Cirrhosis In Patients With Fatty Liver!

Ayurvedic Doctor, Ahmedabad
Risk Factors For The Development Of Liver Cirrhosis In Patients With Fatty Liver!
More than 30 % of people are suffering from mild to severe Fatty liver symptoms it is very important for them to know about the risk factors to avoid liver cirrhosis/end-stage liver disease.

In general observation about 2 to 3 % of people with simple fatty liver progress to liver cirrhosis over the time and about 10 to 12 % people with NASH progress to cirrhosis over the time.

Following are the risk factors lead to liver cirrhosis in patients with fatty liver.

Inactive lifestyle/lacking of exercise
Irregular and frequent eating habits/ fatty, junk food habit
Severe constipation because constipation leads to toxin accumulation and liver damage.
With fatty liver symptoms the best way to avoid liver cirrhosis:

Control your weight
Control your sugar level
Try to take your meal as per the right appetite signal
Keep your digestion healthy and according to Ayurveda if your digestion is best than you can enjoy real health benefits
Ayurvedic treatment very easily cures fatty liver symptoms. In case you have a concern or query you can always consult an expert & get answers to your questions!
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