Top Health Tips on Treating Gingivitis

Gum Problems: How Omega-3 Can Overcome It?

Dentist, Mumbai
Gum Problems: How Omega-3 Can Overcome It?
Omega-3 fatty acids are 'good' fats that reduce cholesterol levels and 'bad' saturated fats from your body. They belong to a family of unsaturated fatty acids and are necessary for the normal functioning of the body. The body cannot synthesize omega-3 fatty acids; hence, you can get it from sources such as salmon which provides omega-3 fatty acids known as ALA (alpha-linolenic acid) and vegetable oils such as soybean oil, rapeseed oil and flaxseed oil that are rich in omega-3 fatty acids EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) and DHA (docosahexaenoic acid).

How can they help in gum problems?

A study, published in the Journal of the American Dietetic Association, was based on a survey called the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, researched and studied the effects of consumption of DHA on dental health. After studying data from over 9000 participants, researchers found that the people, who consumed the highest amount DHA amongst all, were 20% less prone to developing periodontitis.

Periodontitis is an inflammatory gum disease caused by bacteria that accumulate around the gums. It causes the gums to recede, leading to the development of gaps between the gums and teeth and loss of bones that provide support to the teeth. Periodontitis may even cause tooth loss.

The research showed that even consuming a small amount of omega-3 fatty acids offered protection against gum diseases. Omega-3 fatty acids have anti-inflammatory properties, which help relieve inflammation of gums that occurs in periodontitis. Researchers from Kentucky University found that omega-3 fatty acids have anti-bacterial properties, which prevent and cure gum diseases. Gum diseases have been related to other conditions such as heart disease, pneumonia and diabetes, hence keeping gum diseases at bay keeps other fatal diseases away as well.
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Gingivitis - How To Handle It?

MDS - Orthodontics & Dentofacial Orthopaedics, BDS (Implantologist)
Dentist, Mumbai
Gingivitis - How To Handle It?
Gingivitis is a disorder, which is characterized by inflammation, swelling and irritation in the gums. Usually, the symptoms of this disorder are mild, so you might not pay much heed to them. However, if left untreated, this condition can result in other serious disorders, such as teeth loss and periodontitis. The primary cause of gingivitis is improper oral hygiene.

The symptoms of gingivitis are:

Red gums that bleed easily
Swelling in the gums
Tender gums that are receding
You may have bad breath
You may bleed from your gums during brushing and flossing
Causes: The most common cause of this disorder is bad oral hygiene which facilitates the formation of plaque on your teeth. If the foods you eat contain excess sugar, the bacteria in your mouth may interact with them to produce acid (plaque) if you don't manage to maintain good oral habits. If not removed, the plaque can turn into tartar; plaque can be difficult to get rid of as tartar.

Treatment: The treatment for gingivitis usually begins with an initial evaluation and a professional cleaning to get rid of the tartar. You should use proper brushing and flossing techniques to prevent the recurrence of plaque. You should also follow up with the dentist on a regular basis for checkups.

Scaling is the procedure by which the plaque from the teeth is removed. If the sources of problems are misaligned teeth and poorly fitted dentures, then these need to be fixed. There are certain home remedies for gingivitis such as:

Use toothbrush that has soft bristles
Visit a dentist for regular oral check-ups. This is very essential for the upkeep of sound oral health
Regular flossing can help
Use a non-alcoholic mouthwash which can help in the removal of cavities and plaque to a certain extent, though not majorly.
Use fluoride-based toothpaste to brush your teeth at least twice a day
Clean your teeth regularly, avoid eating foods laden with sugar and eat plenty of vegetables.
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Best 5 Homeopathic Medicines For Pyorrhea

BHMS, MD - Homeopathy
Homeopathy Doctor, Delhi
Best 5 Homeopathic Medicines For Pyorrhea
What is Pyorrhea?
Pyorrhea, also known as periodontitis, is inflammation and destruction of the tissues and bone surrounding the teeth. Periodontitis mainly begins with gingivitis. Gingivitis refers to inflammation of gums as a result of plaque formation due to poor oral hygiene. Gingivitis, when left untreated, leads to periodontitis. Gingivitis is a milder form of the disease and in gingivitis, no irreversible changes take place. However, persistent gingivitis leads to formation of deep pockets between the gums and teeth. These pockets get filled with plaque and bacteria over time and start to damage the tissue and bone surrounding and supporting the teeth. Eventually, the teeth lose their grip and fall off.

Symptoms of Pyorrhea:
Symptoms of pyorrhea include swollen gums, pain and tenderness of gums, red/purple gums, bleeding gums, spitting of blood after brushing, bad breath, metallic taste in the mouth, receding gums and loose teeth in sockets.

Treating Gum Disease With Homeopathy:
Homeopathy is one of the most popular holistic systems of medicine. The selection of remedy is based upon the theory of individualization and symptoms similarity by using holistic approach. This is the only way through which a state of complete health can be regained by removing all the sign and symptoms from which the patient is suffering. The aim of homeopathy is not only to treat gum disease but to address its underlying cause and individual susceptibility. As far as therapeutic medication is concerned, several remedies are available to treat gum disease that can be selected on the basis of cause, sensations and modalities of the complaints. For individualized remedy selection and treatment, the patient should consult a qualified homeopathic doctor in person. There are following remedies which are helpful in the treatment of gum disease:

Merc Sol: This is one of the best homeopathic medicines for pyorrhea. It is used when symptoms such as swollen, bleeding, and tender gums are experienced. The gums are likely to turn bluish red. A metallic taste in the mouth and foul breath are also indicated. An increase in saliva is another likely symptom, along with loosening of teeth in the sockets.
Carbo Veg: This homeopathic medicine is used for treating pyorrhea, especially in cases where there is gum bleeding after cleaning the teeth. The gums are receding and become blackish in color. Toothache is also experienced, which worsens when you chew food. A sour, bitter taste may be felt in the mouth.
Kreosotum: This medicine is effective for treating teeth and its surrounding structures in case of pyorrhea. It is ideal for use when symptoms such as puffy, bluish gums, and foul odor from the mouth are observed. Bleeding of dark blood is also indicated. Teeth may become decayed or turn dark and crumbly. Kreosotum is beneficial in treating such symptoms associated with pyorrhea.
Phosphorus: This is another important homeopathic medicine used for the treatment of pyorrhea. It is useful in cases of pyorrhea when gum bleeding occurs easily. It is an effective anti-hemorrhagic medicine. Gum pain and soreness are also likely in such cases. The pain worsens by both heat and cold. Pain in the teeth may also occur along with gum pain.
Lachesis: This medicine is used for curing pyorrhea when there is a swelling of the cheeks along with other symptoms. The gums become dark purple in color and swell up immensely. Burning along with a coppery taste in the mouth is also experienced, which is a unique symptom. The tooth pain is likely to extend into the ears.

There are homeopathic medicines meant for curing pyorrhea occurring from various factors, with different symptoms. However, it is important for you to consult a homeopathic practitioner before taking any of these medicines. This is because homeopathy does not work the same for all people, in spite of similar symptoms, and only a licensed doctor will know about the best medicine that will suit your purpose.

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Gingivitis and Its Causes and Symptoms

MDS - Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery, BDS
Dentist, Hyderabad
Gingivitis and Its Causes and Symptoms
Gingivitis is a disorder, which is characterized by inflammation, swelling and irritation in the gums. Usually, the symptoms of this disorder are mild, so you might not pay much heed to them. However, if left untreated, this condition can result in other serious disorders, such as teeth loss and periodontitis. The primary cause of gingivitis is an improper oral hygiene.

The symptoms of gingivitis are:

Red gums that bleed easily
Swelling in the gums
Tender gums that are receding
You may have bad breath
You may bleed from your gums during brushing and flossing

Causes: The most common cause of this disorder is bad oral hygiene, which facilitates the formation of plaque on your teeth. If the foods you eat contain excess sugar, the bacteria in your mouth may interact with them to produce acid (plaque) if you don't manage to maintain good oral habits. If not removed, the plaque can turn into tartar; plaque can be difficult to get rid of as tartar.

Treatment: The treatment for gingivitis usually begins with an initial evaluation and a professional cleaning to get rid of the tartar. You should use proper brushing and flossing techniques to prevent the recurrence of plaque. You should also follow up with the dentist on a regular basis for check-ups.

Scaling is the procedure by which the plaque from the teeth is removed. If the sources of problems are misaligned teeth and poorly fitted dentures, then these need to be fixed. There are certain home remedies for gingivitis such as:

Use toothbrush that has soft bristles
Visit a dentist for regular oral check- ups, it is very essential for the upkeep of sound oral health
Regular flossing can help
Use a non-alcoholic mouthwash which can help in removal of cavities and plaque to a certain extent, though not majorly
Use fluoride based toothpaste to brush your teeth at least twice a day
Clean your teeth regularly, avoid eating foods laden with sugar and eat plenty of vegetables
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Causes of Bad Breath And its Homeopathic Remedies!

Homeopathy Doctor, Navi Mumbai
Causes of Bad Breath And its Homeopathic Remedies!
Bad breath is a condition that usually results from poor oral health or digestive problems. Bad breath may also cause social awkwardness and self-esteem issues. The practitioner first carries out a diagnosis to detect the symptoms and prescribes a remedy accordingly.

The various causes of bad breath are:

Irregular brushing habits
Tobacco consumption
Consuming certain foods like onion and garlic may result in a foul smell
Yeast infections in the mouth
Dry mouth where saliva production is minimal
Illnesses such as kidney problems may cause bad breath
Homeopathy focuses on providing a holistic treatment rather than a symptom based treatment.
The various homeopathic remedies for bad breath are:

Pulsatilla: If you have bad breath along with dry mouth, Pulsatilla can be an effective remedy. Pulsatilla is a very effective treatment for getting rid of bad breath along with dry mouth.
Merc sol: It is very effective in treating bad breath along with increased production of saliva. If your salivary glands are overactive and have a moist mouth, then this remedy is recommended. It is also useful in getting rid of bad breath that occurs from dental cavities.
Carbo veg: If the bad breath results from infections, such as gingivitis and gum bleeding, then you may use this remedy. It is also used in the treatment of pus discharge from the gums.
Carbolic acid: Carbolic acid is used to treat bad breath along with constipation. The symptoms are bloated abdomen, abdominal cramps and nausea.
Kreosote: This remedy is recommended for bad breath that results from dental caries. It may lead to bleeding from your gums due to teeth decay.
Belladonna: Belladonna is a treatment that is recommended for bad breath that results from a throat infection. The throat infection may be accompanied by symptoms of fever.
Nux vomica: Nux vomica is used for treating symptoms of bad breath along with cold. This also relieves symptoms of indigestion and constipation.
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What Is Gum Disease and How to Prevent It?

MDS - Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery, Bachelor of Dental Surgery
Dentist, Jaipur
What Is Gum Disease and How to Prevent It?
Gum disease is characterized by inflammation of the gums caused by the bacteria present in plaque (a colorless and sticky film on the teeth). This disease affects the soft tissue and the bones surrounding the teeth. The bacteria causes irritation in the gums leading to infection and bleeding, while brushing your teeth.

The symptoms of gum disease are bleeding gums, over sensitive gums, continuous bad breath, change in the normal placement of teeth etc. Following are a number of reasons why gum diseases occur, some of them are:

1. Prevailing diseases
Sometimes diseases, such as malignant tumors and AIDS can disrupt the immune system of the body. Due to the malfunctioning immune system, the gums become vulnerable to issues such as cavities.

2. Smoking and alcohol consumption
Smoking and alcohol consumption cause problems in the gum tissue as the gums lose their ability to repair themselves effectively.

3. Hormonal changes
Changes in behavior of the hormones in the body can increase sensitivity in the gums. This can make the gums prone to diseases.

4. Not following proper dental hygiene
Not brushing and flossing on a regular basis can cause plaque accumulation in the teeth. The bacteria present in the plaque may cause gum diseases.

5. Family history
If many people in the family have suffered from gum disorders, then your chances of getting gum diseases are relatively higher.

How can you prevent gum disease?
Gum diseases can be prevented by following proper dental hygiene. Brushing twice a day and flossing on a regular basis are the best methods of preventing gum diseases. Regular dental checkups are also recommended to identify any gum problems early and also prevent them. Modifications in lifestyle such as limiting smoking, eating a diet rich in antioxidants and reducing stress can also help in preventing gum diseases.

Severe cases of gum diseases may require surgery but mild cases can disappear by following a proper dental hygiene. Gum diseases have also been known to be associated with diabetes and heart diseases.
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Pregnancy and Your Dental Health

Dentist, Faridabad
Pregnancy and Your Dental Health
Pregnancy may bring a glow to your face, but can affect your dental health quite adversely. Thus it is important to pay attention to your dental care routine and visit your dentist regularly for checkups. Most of the changes in your dental health are due to hormonal surges that occur during pregnancy.

Pregnancy and plaque buildup
Pregnancy can aggravate gum diseases like gingivitis. This is caused by the buildup of plaque on the teeth and is characterized by red, swollen and bleeding gums. Pregnancy gingivitis affects of majority of pregnant women. If left untreated, it can lead to a more serious condition known as periodontitis. The swelling of gums can also trigger the development of pregnancy tumours and non-cancerous growths. These tumours will usually subside on their own after delivery. However, if they interfere with eating or your dental care routine, your dentist may advise you to get it removed. A link has also been suggested between gingivitis and the delivery of premature babies by triggering the production of prostaglandins that induce an early delivery.

What to keep in mind while visiting the dentist
Regular dental checkups are as important as your gynecological checkups. Be open with your dentist and let him know the status of your pregnancy. Dental visits are recommended in the first, second and third trimester of pregnancy. At your visit, the dentist will assess the condition of your teeth and suggest an oral care routine. Getting your teeth regularly cleaned can prevent the buildup of plaque and lower your chances of suffering from gingivitis. Regular fillings and non emergency procedures can be performed during pregnancy. However, the best time to undergo any dental procedure if you are pregnant is between the 4th and 6th month. Avoid X-rays unless in cases of emergencies when pregnant. If you need to take any form of medication or need to put under anesthesia, consult your gynecologist about the procedure. Wherever possible, try and postpone dental treatment till after delivery.

Brushing while pregnant
Along with brushing your teeth regularly, it is also important to use the right toothpaste when pregnant. Choose fluoride toothpastes and mouthwashes for your daily routine. Rinsing your mouth with mouthwash can also help curb morning sickness and erase its distaste from your mouth. Flossing can also help keep your teeth healthy. Along with this, include plenty of vitamin C and B12 in your diet to prevent dental problems.
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All About Different Types of Gum Disease

FWFO, MDS - Orthodontics & Dentofacial Orthopaedics, BDS
Dentist, Gurgaon
All About Different Types of Gum Disease
Gum disease begins with the growth of bacteria in your mouth and it may end with loss of teeth. Thus, the severity of gum disease or periodontitis should not be underestimated. Tooth loss mainly happens due to the destruction of the tissue which surrounds the teeth.

Types of gum disease
1. Gingivitis
Gingivitis is basically the first stage of periodontitis. It causes bleeding from the gums and also causes immense pain in the teeth.
2. Periodontitis
In periodontitis, the gum and teeth separate. A gap is formed between the two which may cause debris to accumulate in the space and cause other infections.

Causes of gum disease
The exact cause of gum disease is not known but here are some of the possible causes:
1. Hormonal changes
Hormonal changes during pregnancy, menopause and puberty are just some times the gums become more sensitive and gingivitis develops.
2. Illnesses
Cancer, hiv, diabetes and other illnesses may cause problems with the immune system and damage the gums. This is an example of how gingivitis is caused as a complication of other disorders.
3. Bad habits
Smoking causes gum disease as you may already know.
4. Poor oral hygiene
Not brushing and flossing may lead to accumulation of food materials in the mouth causing gum diseases.
5. Family history
Family history is also a major contributing factor to what may cause gum disease.

The treatment prescribed for gum disease depends how deep it is set and whether it is a case of gingivitis or periodontitis. Here are the possible treatments for gum disease:
1. Professional dental cleaning
This is the most common treatment used in the early stages of gum disease. In fact, dental cleanings are usually used to prevent it and are used as soon as tartar and plaque buildup.
2. Scaling and root planing
This is also a type of cleaning except that it needs to be done under a local anesthetic as there is a certain degree of pain involved in the procedure.
3. Surgery
Surgery is also sometimes used to remove the infected pockets and put the gums back in their original place.
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Clove and its Benefits in Relieving Tooth Pain

Bachelor of Ayurveda, Medicine and Surgery (BAMS), Diploma in Naturopathy & Yoga - NDDY
Ayurvedic Doctor, Ahmedabad
Clove and its Benefits in Relieving Tooth Pain
Clove is a commonly known spice, which is native to the Asian cuisine. They are dried flower buds of a tree from the family of Myrtaceae. These buds are known to be harvested originally in Maluku Islands in Indonesia. The cloves are aromatic and is known to lend a sweet and earthy flavor to food. Historically, cloves have been used both for culinary and medicinal uses. As a culinary spice, clove is used in meat dishes, curries, drinks and marinades. It is widely used in Indian, Chinese, African and South Asian cuisine.

Cloves have amazing medicinal properties. The bud has been widely recognized as a wonder bud packed with health benefits. In India, cloves are an important element of Ayurvedic medicine. It s warm and soothing properties are beneficial for treating digestive tract problems. Clove oil is used in aromatherapy and can also be used as an ant repellent, due to its strong smell.

Clove oil is extracted from cloves and contains a chemical compound called Eugenol. This compound not only lends aroma to the spice, but also possesses analgesic, antibacterial, antiseptic and anesthetic properties. It is for this reason, clove oil is used extensively in dentistry as an anodyne (A pain reliever). Its antiseptic and antibacterial properties are beneficial in treating infections and its anesthetic qualities are extremely helpful in relieving pain.

In painful teeth conditions like an abscessed tooth, infections, gum disease or even cavities, toothache can range from mild to sharp shooting and almost unbearable pain. The patient suffering from such conditions is usually put on antibiotics, thus, it is wise to recommend using Ayurvedic clove oil or Eugenol oil as it is commonly known for its pain relief properties. Eugenol helps in providing relief from pain by arresting the nerve tissues, causing a local anesthetic effect. However, it is strongly advised to use clove oil only under the guidance of a dentist.

Since Clove oil can alter blood sugar levels and is warm in nature and is not recommended for patients suffering from diabetes or bleeding disorders. Caution must be exercised as overuse of clove oil can cause nerve damage. If using at home, it is better to mix 2 to 3 drops of the clove oil along with half a teaspoon of olive oil and then apply the mixture to the painful area. The oil can also be applied using a cotton ball on the painful tooth with the help of tweezers; however, it is important that one should not keep the oil for more than 10 seconds on the affected area. It is also important not to swallow any oil as it can be harmful for your health. Drinking clove tea or chewing a clove till it releases its oil is much safer and effective way to use it, than using a clove oil.

So, next time you have a toothache, do not suffer. Try this medicinal gift, but stay safe.
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The Silent Signs of Gum Disease

Dentist, Delhi
The Silent Signs of Gum Disease
Overall oral health consists of health of both the soft and the hard tissues in the mouth. While teeth are the hard tissues, the soft tissues include the lips, tongue, cheek, palate, and most importantly the gums. The gums or the periodontium (perio - around, dont - tooth) surrounds the tooth and provides nutritional support and structural support with its connective tissue. The gums are the unsung heroes in maintaining a healthy set of teeth.

It is common observation that dental decay is more attended to than gum disease. The symptoms associated with decay, be it discoloration, food lodgment, sensitivity, and sometimes pain are a lot more demanding.

The bad news is that the same bacteria have a harmful effect on the gums too. The good news is that gum disease also (like tooth decay), takes time to develop. The bacteria in the mouth and the plaque are the main initiators of gum disease too. It is more innocuous and not immediately attended to, sometime even gets ignored for years until it become severe and mandates treatment. Certain medical conditions like pregnancy, diabetes, stroke, etc., lead to greater severity of the gum disease.

Chronic gum or periodontal disease, if left untreated, can even lead to multiple tooth loss and require dentures much earlier than required. It is not difficult to diagnose gum disease as the symptoms are quite easy to identify, including
- Red, swollen, or painful gums: As with any infection, redness and swelling and pain are the first symptoms of gum disease too.
- Spontaneous bleeding of gums - The gums can look spongy and puffed and can sometimes bleed without even a touch
- Chronic bad breath - The bacteria are constantly acting on the food debris to produce acid, leading to a bad breath (halitosis)
- Pressure on the gums can produce pus - Cumulative infection can lead to gingival abscess
- Bad taste in the mouth - If there is an abscess, it will discharge pus into the mouth, leading to this metallic taste
- Gingival recession, where the tooth appears to have grown longer. The gum line recedes from its original place, exposing more of the tooth. This also causes greater sensitivity, especially to hot or cold foods
- Slight loosening of the teeth (in severe cases) as the fibers loosen their hold around the tooth.
- Painful chewing, it puts extra pressure on the fibers of the periodontium.

Some people are more prone for gum disease than others. The risk factors include smoking, increased
female hormones, and chronic illnesses like diabetes and cancer.

Management: Regular visits to the dentist can help identify these at an early stage and manage both progression and severity. Additionally, managing risk factors like smoking and chronic illnesses also is helpful.
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