Top Health Tips on Managing Sweat Levels

Cholinergic Urticaria - Know The Different Signs!

MBBS, Diploma in Venerology & Dermatology (DVD), DDV, MD - Dermatology , Venereology & Leprosy
Dermatologist, Pune
Cholinergic Urticaria - Know The Different Signs!
Cholinergic Urticaria is a skin problem that a dermatologist can diagnose and treat. The most common cause of this condition includes sweating. It may be of four types including poral occlusion, generalised hypohidrosis, sweat allergy and idiopathic. Mostly, the common triggers include heat and consequent sweat which can cause a variety of symptoms in the internal organs. Let us find out more about the signs, symptoms and treatment of this ailment.

Signs: There are many signs of the onset of this ailment including a rise in the body's core temperature after physical pursuits like running, workouts, eating spicy food, fever, hot showers and even emotional stress. When there is a persistent rise in the temperature every time you indulge in such activities, it may be time to take a look at symptoms so that the dermatologist can make a proper diagnosis.

Skin Related Symptoms: Itching and burning sensation on the skin can point at the presence of this disease. One may also find rashes that can appear on the arms and neck, as well as the areas where the skin folds and sweat percolates. Also, you may find tiny welts that can form in a cluster to give the appearance of a large growth or swelling.

Digestive Tract Symptoms: The digestive tract may also get affected which can lead to loose motions and cramps in the abdomen.

Respiratory Tract Symptoms: There are a variety of symptoms of this condition, including breathless and wheezing as well as changes in the respiratory tract.

Other Symptoms: Headaches, palpitations, nausea and salivation are other common side effects and signs of overall discomfort. In very rare cases, Anaphylaxis can also set in as a symptom of this condition.

Treatment: Ample measures will also need to be taken so as to avoid a heart attack due to sudden cooling and drops in temperature. The dermatologist can prescribe beta blockers like Propranolol as well as anti histamine drugs that can contain the symptoms of the allergic reaction. Regular everyday use of antihistamine drugs may be required for these patients. Immunosuppressants and leukotriene inhibitors can also be used in such cases.

Lifestyle Changes: The best treatment in such cases is avoiding the allergens that trigger or cause the condition. In many cases, the patient may have to stop exercising so as to avoid the severe symptoms. The patient will also need to avoid too much exposure to ultraviolet rays which can lead to rapid desensitisation as well as autologous sweat.

Patients suffering from this condition should record and report even the smallest change to the dermatologist so that there are no serious health implications in the long run.
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Can Homeopathy Help In Dissolving And Removing Gallbladder Stones?

Diploma in Diet and Nutrition, M.Sc - Psychology, BHMS, PG Hom (Lon)
Homeopathy Doctor, Delhi
Can Homeopathy Help In Dissolving And Removing Gallbladder Stones?
Are you experiencing a sudden pain in the right upper part and at the center of your abdomen? This might be an indication of the presence of gallbladder stones. These stones are deposits of digestive fluid which may form in your gallbladder.

Risk Factors Associated With Gall Stones:

Family history of gallstones

Women are twice as likely as men to develop gallstones


High cholesterol

High-fat diet

Rapid weight loss

Over age 60

In the case of gallbladder stones, you need to dissolve and remove them. Among the different modes of treatment of gallbladder stones, homeopathy is considered to be an ideal method.

Homeopathy successfully dissolves small and medium-sized gallstones and help you avoid the gallbladder removal. Homeopathy also provides fast pain relief in gallbladder attacks and can be used for prevention and treatment of biliary colic. The medicines are natural, effective and have no side effects. In patients with gallbladder removal homeopathy can alleviate the digestive disorders after surgery. Here is a list of the top homeopathic medicines, which help in dissolving and removing gallbladder stones:

Chelidonium: This is an effective homeopathic medicine used in the treatment of gallbladder stones. It treats the pain caused because of the stones and jaundice when the bile ducts are obstructed. The medicine is used when the skin turns yellowish, stool turns clay colored and the urine becomes dark. The patient may have an urge for having hot drinks. This medicine is also ideal for gall bladder problems in women during pregnancy.

Lycopodium: This medicine is the best natural cure for gall bladder stones when accompanied by gastric symptoms such as acidity, a bloated abdomen, or gas in the abdomen. Distension in the abdomen may occur even after taking a small meal. Gas rolls in the abdomen and it is difficult for it to pass out. Acidity is likely, which worsens after taking flatulent food containing starch. The patient s appetite may decrease and the craving for sweet and hot drinks increases.

Calcerea Carb: This is another effective homeopathic medicine for gallbladder stones. It is mostly used in case of obese patients who have a flabby and fatty constitution. The abdomen is full of excess fat with hardness and distension. Profuse sweating on the head and an increased sensitivity to cold air are other symptoms. The patient might crave for boiled eggs or unusual things such as lime, chalk and pencils. He may avoid hot food and crave for sweet drinks. The medicine is also used in relieving sour belching and sour vomiting.

Carduus Marianus: This is a very effective medicine in case of an inflamed gallbladder. Pain is experienced in the right upper abdomen and it is also accompanied by nausea and vomiting of burning fluid. It treats jaundice in gall stones as well.

Phosphorus: This homeopathic medicine is used in case of gall bladder stone patients who experience sour belching and vomiting after any meal. The patient will love cold drinks, chicken, ice cream and fish in his diet.

Homeopathic medicines treat gallbladder stones effectively without any side effects. In case you notice the symptoms of gallbladder stones, you should consult a homeopathic practitioner.
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Pitted Keratolysis - Remedies That Can Really Help!

MBBS, Diploma in Venerology & Dermatology (DVD), DDV, MD - Dermatology , Venereology & Leprosy
Dermatologist, Pune
Pitted Keratolysis - Remedies That Can Really Help!
Pitted keratolysis is a skin condition that affects the soles of your feet. As a result of this disease, the skin on the forefoot or heel turns white with pitted clusters. This is often accompanied by an offensive odor and is worse when the skin is wet. This odor is the main reason patients seek treatment for this skin condition. If left untreated, this can last for many years.

People who suffer from excessive sweating and those who wear closed shoes for extended durations have a high risk of suffering from this condition. Pitted Keratolysis is a bacterial infection where the bacteria multiply in moist conditions and release enzymes that destroy the horny cells of the foot soles.

With time, this turns into characteristic crater like pits on the skin. They also produce sulphur compounds simultaneously that lead to the odor.

Treatment for this skin condition can be categorized under medicinal treatments and home remedies.

Medicinal remedies:

One of the ways to treat this disease is to treat the hyperhidrosis or excessive sweating that triggers it.
Topical fusidic acid ointments or clotrimazole ointments can also provide some relief.
Your doctor may also prescribe oral antibiotics to clear stubborn lesions.
Other treatment options include anti-bacterial soap and injectable botulinum toxin. Using a strong antiperspirant with aluminum chloride can also resolve the issue.
Home remedies:

The first thing you must do if you suffer from this condition is keep your feet dry. Wearing socks with your shoes is a good idea as this keeps your feet dry and ventilated. Thus, keeping the bacteria from multiplying. After having a bath, pay special attention to drying your feet. You could even use a hair dryer on your feet.
Wash your feet with soap and water at least twice a day. You could also use an antiseptic cleanser or antibacterial soap.
Try and reduce the number of hours you wear closed shoes. Whenever possible, wear open toed sandals. Do not wear the same shoes for two days in a row without giving them time to dry out.
If possible, change your socks at least once in the day.
Do not share footwear or towels with anyone else.
Apply antiperspirants to the soles of your feet.
Soak your feet in half a bucket of water with 15-20 drops of tea tree oil.
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Causes and Prevention of Smelly Feet

Dermatology Backed Expert Skin & Hair Care Solution
Dermatologist, Kolkata
Causes and Prevention of Smelly Feet
Smelly feet - the medical name is bromodosis - can affect anyone. It can be embarrassing and uncomfortable. The main cause is sweaty feet and there are simple steps you can take to help prevent this.

What causes sweaty and smelly feet?

The function of sweat glands is to keep the skin moist and therefore supple, and to regulate temperature when the weather is hot or while you are exercising. There are more sweat glands in our feet than anywhere else in the body. However, unlike sweat glands elsewhere in the body, the sweat glands in the feet secrete all the time, not just in response to heat or exercise.

Feet smell when bacteria on the skin break down sweat as it comes from the pores. A cheesy smell is released as the sweat decomposes.

The main causes of sweaty and smelly feet are:

Wearing the same shoes every day. Feet become smelly if sweat soaks into the shoes and you wear them again before they are dry.
Poor personal hygiene.
Hormonal changes can cause feet to sweat more, so teenagers and pregnant women are especially prone.
If you are stressed.
A condition called hyperhidrosis, which causes you to sweat more than usual.
Not letting sweat accumulate inside your shoes is the most logical way of preventing smelly feet.

Preventing smelly feet

The best way to prevent smelly feet is good personal hygiene and not wearing the same shoes 2 days in a row. It's important to wash your feet every day and dry them thoroughly, especially between the toes. Teenagers especially should be discouraged from wearing the same pair of trainers all the time. You should also wear clean socks every day. Cotton or wool socks are much better than nylon.

If you're particularly prone to sweaty feet, you could:

Use a spray deodorant or antiperspirant on your feet. A normal underarm one will work just as well as a specialist foot product.
When you have dried your feet with a towel after a shower or bath, dab between your toes with cotton wool dipped in surgical spirit.
Put detachable medicated insoles in your shoes. These have a deodorizing effect.
Try foot-fresh socks. These are impregnated with chemicals to discourage the bacteria that break down the sweat and cause a smell. Some sports socks have ventilating panels to help keep feet dry.
Wear leather or canvas shoes. In the summer, wear open-toed sandals. Go barefoot at home if you can safely.
Sweaty feet can be treated with an antibacterial foot scrub, but avoid using these scrubs if you have broken skin or eczema.
These steps to prevent sweaty and smelly feet will usually help. If they don't, or you are worried about how much you sweat, seek medical advice.

Athlete's foot can also cause your feet to smell. You can treat this yourself with antifungal treatment available from a pharmacy. Seek medical advice if you're concerned or if the problem is not clearing up.
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Joint Pain - How Panchkarma Therapies Can Help You?

Bachelor of Ayurveda, Medicine & Surgery (BAMS), PG Dip Panchakarma, PG Dip Ksharsutra For Piles, Pilonidal, Sinus & Fistula Management, Post Graduate Diploma In Hospital Administration (PGDHA), Certificate In Diabetes Update
Ayurvedic Doctor, Navi Mumbai
Joint Pain - How Panchkarma Therapies Can Help You?
Joint pain is considered to be one of the first few signs of aging. According to the science of Ayurveda, joint pain is triggered mainly by an accumulation of toxins in the body. These toxins can create an imbalance in the doshas which in turn can cause pain and inflammation on the joints. Along with joint pain, a person is likely to experience a loss of flexibility, weakness, tenderness and enlargement of the joints.

Unlike some popular forms of medication that focus on relieving the pain, Ayurveda addresses the root cause of the issue. Panchkarma aims at cleansing the body of toxins and clearing blockages in the body s digestive and circulatory system. This helps the vatta dosha flow easily through the body and reduces pain associated with arthritis etc. Panchkarma can be defined as a collection of five ayurvedic techniques. These are:

Vasti or Medicated Enema: Vasti aims at removing toxins and waste products from the body through the colon. In doing this, it cleanses the digestive channels and improves circulation of air or the vatta dosha in the body. With better circulation, joint pain is effectively reduced. An enema also nourishes the body and gives it the strength to rebuild tissues while boosting the immune system.
Abhyanga or Full Body Massage: This technique helps I the removal of toxins from deep tissues within the body. It pacifies the vatta and nourishes the body while simultaneously reducing stress and enabling better quality sleep. A full body massage also helps calm the body both physically and mentally.
Potli or Poultice Massage: As the name suggests, a potli involves massaging the body with medicated herbs tied together in a tiny bundle that has been warmed with medicated oils. This potli is then used to massage the entire body. This technique helps relax the muscles of the body and soothes the aggravated vatta dosha. It is very effective when it comes to providing relief from joint pains caused by arthritis, spondylitis, muscle cramps etc.
Pizhichil or Rich Oil Massage: A rich oil massage involves subjecting the body to streams of lukewarm oil that has medicinal properties while simultaneously softly massaging the body. This type of massage helps relieve tension and stress and is a very effective remedy against joint pains. It is highly recommended in the case of rheumatic diseases.
Svedana or Steam Bath: A steam bath helps cleanse the body both physically and mentally by aiding in the removal of toxins through sweat and calming the mind. It also helps soften the muscles and tissues and dilates the channels in the body.
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New Year Party Hangover - 8 Tips To Help You Get Over it!

MD - Internal Medicine, MBBS
Internal Medicine Specialist, Mumbai
New Year Party Hangover - 8 Tips To Help You Get Over it!
Many of us will get up with a hangover after partying away on the eve of the New Year. But worry not, these are a few proven ways to get rid of a hangover and start the New Year fresh and bushy tailed:

Drink lots of water: Alcohol is extremely dehydrating. Water is thus, the world s best hangover cure. Alcohol messes up with the way the kidneys function and the body ends up losing around four times more water than usual. This leads to dehydration and causes symptoms like that thumping headache and dry mouth.
Drink some frizzy water with a dash of lemon: The water will rehydrate you and the lemon and lime juice content which is alkaline will help balance the acid in your gut, quelling feelings of nausea. Fizzy drinks also speed up the break down of alcohol in the gut shortening the duration of a hangover.
Take a mild painkiller: Painkillers that are paracetamol based are ideal for curing hangovers. They help with the headaches and muscle cramps. Just make sure that you don t pop aspirins as these can further irritate the stomach and can increase the feeling of nausea.
Eat something mellow: A starchy and wholesome breakfast with toast is highly recommended. So are mellow foods like bananas, apples and rice. These soothing foods will fill up your stomach without irritating it.
Quick headache cure: You can whip up a headache remedy by using off-the-shelf kitchen ingredients. All you have to do is mix one spoon of baking soda in water and drink it quickly to get rid of a headache. What also works is drinking the juice of a tomato mixed with lime. Even a serving of fresh tomato soup with basil can provide relief.
Take a bath by all means, but not with hot water: January is a cold month and hot water is inviting, but it s not the best for getting rid of a hangover. And that s because hot water will only make your condition worse because your body is already feeling the heat due to last night s alcohol consumption which increases pitta or fire element in the body according to Ayurveda. A cold water bath will help, but if you can t brave the cold, you could also go for a lukewarm shower.
Get moving: Get out in the open and indulge in a light workout or a brisk walk. This will break down the alcohol toxins into the sweat. A few yoga stretches and breathing exercises are good too.
Sleep it off: This is probably the best option for treating a hangover as most hangovers don't last longer than 24 hours. Catching up on sleep is so much better than moping at home with a headache.
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Sweating While Sleeping - What Causes It?

Sexologist, Chittorgarh
Sweating While Sleeping - What Causes It?
Sweating during warm weather is very common, but if a person wakes up from bed soaked in sweat, it is not a pleasant feeling. It does not allow for a sound sleep, and may not always be related to warm weather.

There is no serious underlying medical issue, but it is always advisable to see a doctor to get this corrected. The following are some common reasons that could lead to night sweats.

Menopause: The hot flashes that are so popularly associated with menopause is one of the main reasons for night sweats. The presenting factors (woman, age and other symptoms) should help arrive at this diagnosis. Hormonal levels can be checked to confirm if required. Even puberty and pregnancy can cause night sweats, due to hormonal level alterations.
Infections: Most infections present with fever and night sweats are very common. Tuberculosis, osteomyelitis, endocarditis, influenza and even HIV can cause night sweats and hamper a person s sleep. Most infections cause an increase in temperature, which is worse at night.
Obstructive sleep apnea: The walls of the windpipe get narrowed, and the person might have short periods where the breathing just stops. These people are three times more likely to develop night sweats.
Hypoglycemia: One of the most common symptoms of low blood sugar is night sweat. When the sugar drop happens during the time the person is sleeping, it is very common for the person to wake up soaked in sweat.
Cancer: For some cancers, night sweats are one of the first warning signs. These cancers include lymphoma, and presence of symptoms like unexplained weight loss, fatigue, etc. should be addressed to rule out the possibility of cancer.
Side effect of medications: Antidepressants, psychiatric drugs, anti-pyretic drugs, anti-virals, steroids, anti-diabetic medications, hormones, etc. can lead to night sweats. Suspected cases of night sweats should have their medications reviewed to see if any drug is causing the night sweats.
Gastro-esophageal reflux disease: GERD, as it is popularly known, can cause night sweats in addition to heartburn. They would also have other symptoms of indigestion, which will help in identifying the problem.
Neurologic disorders: Stroke, neuropathy and anxiety disorders can cause night sweats and would require psychotherapy in addition to medications.
Idiopathic: And despite all these possible reasons, if there is no identifiable reason, it is known as idiopathic hyperhidrosis (increased sweating). The person produces too much sweat without any known underlying cause and can even wake up at night soaked in sweat.
Management: Identifying the underlying cause is the first step in treatment. It may require hormonal corrections, changing or withdrawing the causative medications, treating associated conditions, etc., as the case may be.
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Body Odour - How It Indicates Your Health?

MBBS, MD - Dermatology
Dermatologist, Chennai
Body Odour - How It Indicates Your Health?
Everyone is familiar with the causes of body odor from sweat. Sweat itself does not have any odor; it is when it interacts with bacteria (underarm pits or groins), the sweat gives out a body odor. Although body odor brings a downslide during social interactions, the sources of body odor can be more serious than a person might consider and may not go away with regular baths or by applying deodorants. The article discusses a few sources of body odor other than sweat.

The Fish Odour Syndrome

Trimethylaminuria (TMAU) is a common body odor disease due to a genetic disorder. It is also commonly known as the fish odor syndrome and might be inherited in nature. The rare metabolic disorder does not allow the production of Flavin-containing Monooxygenase 3 (FMO3), an enzyme which generally converts trimethylamine (TMA) into trimethylamine oxide (TMAO) by the process of N-oxidation. This results in building up of TMA, which releases a fish odor smell through sweat and mouth. TMAU can be treated naturally in the following ways

Keeping distance from foods, which have choline, carnitine, nitrogen and sulphur. For example, salt-water fish, eggs, etc.
Reducing the doses of antibiotics taken.
A medical study also suggested that in 85% of the cases, taking in charcoal or copper chlorophyllin helped to reduce the body odor.
There is also secondary trimethylaminuria (TMAU2), a type of TMAU where it is not hereditary.

Rotten Apple Smell

Diabetic ketoacidosis is a diabetic disease when untreated. When the body is not able to compose enough insulin, there is a metabolic disorder which makes the body burn or break down excess fat for fuel. This causes the person to exhale breath with a sweet but disgusting aroma similar to the smell of rotten or decomposing apples. This is the reason why doctors, specializing in body odor, ask the patients to go for a urine or blood test, to determine whether the patient has diabetes. Treating diabetic ketoacidosis is same as managing teeth disorder

Brushing teeth regularly and flossing daily.
Drinking plenty of water to keep the mouth moist.
Following all the medical prescriptions to regulate the sugar level of the body as given by the doctor.
Stress Disorders

It is also reported by medical clinics that body odor can result from emotional stress disorders causing excessive perspiration. It is common among teenagers who are in the phase of developing hormones.


A man or woman who is looking completely healthy and fit from the outside can too have body odor disorders. This will affect their social relationships, and so it is always better to seek advice from the specialists so that effective actions can be undertaken as soon as possible. A doctor can prescribe appropriate medication and advise some natural measures to restrain the problem.
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Top 5 Myths & Misconceptions About HIV & AIDS!

FHM Fellowship In HIV Medicine, MD, MBBS
HIV Specialist, Hyderabad
Top 5 Myths & Misconceptions About HIV & AIDS!
For nearly 30 years, HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) and AIDS (acquired immunodeficiency syndrome) have been shrouded in myths and misconceptions. In some cases, these mistaken ideas have prompted the very behavior that cause more people to become HIV positive. Here are the top five myths about HIV, along with the facts to dispute them.

Myth No. 1: I can get HIV by being around people who are HIV-positive.

The evidence shows that HIV is non communicable and does not spread through touch, tears, sweat or saliva. You cannot catch HIV by:

Breathing the same air as someone who is HIV-positive
Touching a toilet seat or doorknob handle after an HIV-positive person
Drinking from a water fountain
Hugging, kissing, or shaking hands with someone who is HIV-positive
Sharing eating utensils with an HIV-positive person
Using exercise equipment at a gym

You can get it from infected blood, semen, vaginal fluid, or mother's milk.

Myth No. 2: I can get HIV from mosquitoes.

Because HIV is spread through blood, people have worried that biting or bloodsucking insects might spread HIV. Several studies, however, show no evidence to support this, even in areas with lots of mosquitoes and cases of HIV. When insects bite, they do not inject the blood of the person or animal they have last bitten. Also, HIV lives for only a short time inside an insect.

Myth No. 3: I'm HIV positive, my life is over.

In the early years of the disease epidemic, the death rate from AIDS was extremely high. But today, antiretroviral drugs allow HIV positive people and even those with AIDS to live much longer, normal and productive lives.

Myth No. 4: My partner and I are both HIV positive there's no reason for us to practice safer sex.

Practising safer sex, wearing condoms or using dental dams can protect you both from becoming exposed to other (potentially drug resistant) strains of HIV.

Myth No. 5: You can't get HIV from oral sex.

It's true that oral sex is less risky than some other types of sex. But you can get HIV by having oral sex with either a man or a woman who is HIV positive. Always use a latex barrier during oral sex.
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9 Reasons Behind Sweating While Sleeping

MBBS, MD - General Medicine
General Physician, Lucknow
9 Reasons Behind Sweating While Sleeping
Sweating during warm weather is very common, but if a person wakes up from bed soaked in sweat, it is not a pleasant feeling. It does not allow for a sound sleep, and may not always be related to warm weather.
There is no serious underlying medical issue, but it is always advisable to see a doctor to get this corrected. The following are some common reasons that could lead to night sweats.

Menopause: The hot flashes that are so popularly associated with menopause is one of the main reasons for night sweats. The presenting factors (woman, age, and other symptoms) should help arrive at this diagnosis. Hormonal levels can be checked to confirm if required. Even puberty and pregnancy can cause night sweats, due to hormonal level alterations.
Infections: Most infections present with fever and night sweats are very common. Tuberculosis, osteomyelitis, endocarditis, influenza and even HIV can cause night sweats and hamper a person s sleep. Most infections cause an increase in temperature, which is worse at night.
Obstructive sleep apnea: The walls of the windpipe get narrowed, and the person might have short periods where the breathing just stops. These people are three times more likely to develop night sweats.
Hypoglycemia: One of the most common symptoms of low blood sugar is night sweat. When the sugar drop happens during the time the person is sleeping, it is very common for the person to wake up soaked in sweat.
Cancer: For some cancers, night sweats are one of the first warning signs. These cancers include lymphoma, and presence of symptoms like unexplained weight loss, fatigue, etc. should be addressed to rule out the possibility of cancer.
Side effect of medications: Antidepressants, psychiatric drugs, anti-pyretic drugs, anti-virals, steroids, anti-diabetic medications, hormones, etc. can lead to night sweats. Suspected cases of night sweats should have their medications reviewed to see if any drug is causing the night sweats.
Gastro-esophageal reflux disease: GERD, as it is popularly known, can cause night sweats in addition to heartburn. They would also have other symptoms of indigestion, which will help in identifying the problem.
Neurologic disorders: Stroke, neuropathy and anxiety disorders can cause night sweats and would require psychotherapy in addition to medications.
Idiopathic: And despite all these possible reasons, if there is no identifiable reason, it is known as idiopathic hyperhidrosis (increased sweating). The person produces too much sweat without any known underlying cause and can even wake up at night soaked in sweat.
Management: Identifying the underlying cause is the first step in treatment. It may require hormonal corrections, changing or withdrawing the causative medications, treating associated conditions, etc., as the case may be.
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