Top Health Tips on Managing Hypercalcemia

Combat Diabetes with These Ayurvedic Remedies

Bachelor of Ayurveda, Medicine & Surgery (BAMS), PG Dip Panchakarma, PG Dip Ksharsutra For Piles, Pilonidal, Sinus & Fistula Management, Post Graduate Diploma In Hospital Administration (PGDHA), Certificate In Diabetes Update
Ayurvedic Doctor, Navi Mumbai
Combat Diabetes with These Ayurvedic Remedies
Diabetes is a condition wherein the sugar levels in your blood increases significantly. This happens when the sugar you consume from food is not efficiently processed by the body thus, raising your blood sugar levels. An excess concentration of sugar in the blood can make you prone to various health complications.

The symptoms of diabetes include frequent urge to urinate, increased thirst, increased hunger and rapid weight loss, combined with fatigue and irritability. Diabetes can also cause problems in the eyes, such as blurred vision as well as make you prone to cataracts and even glaucoma (in very rare cases). With diabetes, any injury or body sore tends to take a lot of time to heal.

Diabetes is a disorder that occurs due to impaired insulin functioning. Insulin is a hormone that is produced by pancreas, which is located right below the stomach. Diabetes, when occurs as a result of insufficient production of insulin by the pancreas, is known as Type 1 Diabetes. In this type, the immune cells in the body attack the cells in the pancreas, which produce insulin, thus discouraging insulin secretion.
Another kind is the Type 2 diabetes, which occurs when the cells in the body become insulin resistant. Most cases of diabetes are of this particular type, as one of the major reasons behind this is following an erratic lifestyle devoid of healthy habits.

Gestational diabetes is the third type, although it isn t very common. During pregnancy, the various hormones that are secreted in the body can play spoilsport with the functioning of the pancreas, thus the production of insulin. This leads to a drastic rise in blood sugar levels.

Ayurvedic treatment

Eat healthy: Eating healthy assumes the maximum importance; you need to eat healthy in order to control diabetes effectively. Include plenty of fruits and vegetables in the diet, but make sure to pick foods that contain little sugar. Fruits such as bananas and grapes are not the best options for a diabetic. Rather, one should consider cucumber and bitter gourd in such circumstances.
Exercise regularly: Regular exercise can keep your body weight at optimal levels which goes a long way in preventing and controlling symptoms of diabetes. Besides being good for your heart, cardiovascular exercises such as running bring down the excess glucose levels in the blood.
Limit stress: Stress is very harmful for the body as it reduces your immunity against diseases and infections. Leading a stressful life can make you prone to a variety of disorders, diabetes being one of them. Relaxation techniques such as meditation and yoga can help one deal with stress effectively.
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Diabetes - How Can Homeopathy Avert It?

BHMS, MD - Homeopathy
Homeopathy Doctor, Surat
Diabetes - How Can Homeopathy Avert It?
Diabetes is a disease that results in an excessive amount of glucose in the blood stream. It is a metabolic disorder that leads to various symptoms such as frequent urination, thirst and increased hunger. Diabetes is primarily of two types:

Type 1 (marked by reduced secretion of insulin by the pancreas in the body)
Type 2 (caused by reduced sensitivity of the body to insulin or increased resistance to insulin).

Side effects of high amounts of glucose in the bloodstream include frequent urination, increased thirst and increased hunger. On the off chance of being left untreated, diabetes can bring about numerous complicated situations such as damage to the kidneys (nephropathy), damage to the nerves (neuropathy), damage to the eyes and other severe cardiovascular disorders.

Treat diabetes with homeopathy:
Controlling blood sugar level is the major goal of diabetes treatment, in order to prevent complications of the disease. Treatment may be in Allopathy or Homeopathy, conventional medicine often uses insulin itself in the treatment of diabetes. Since this is kind of replacement, so diabetes becomes a life-long disease. Homeopathy can be used effectively in the treatment. Let s see how diabetes can be worked with Homeopathy.

In homeopathy, the main focus is on the functioning of the pancreas in efficient insulin production. There are specific homeopathic medicines which are used effectively in the treatment of all the stages of the diseases.

Homeopaths resort to different approaches towards diabetes Management of Blood Sugar. First is when the blood sugar level is very high, the priority is to control it and there are homeopathic remedies that could reduce the sugar. These are classical homeopathic remedies.

Depending on the level of the blood sugar and the requirement of the patient, doses are given with doctor s consultation. It s a holistic approach in medicine. This treats the patient taking into consideration the mental, emotional and physical peculiarities of the person who is affected by this state. The treatment will be to bring into balance the various systems involved in diabetes, for example, pancreas, hormones, and your immune system.

Homeopathy regards health as a state of balancing the equilibrium of the life force. Whatever treatment is taken it s always advisable to be in regular touch with the doctor and keep sharing the health status with the doctor.
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Frequent Urination In Women - Know The Causes!

M.R.C.O.G. (LONDON) Gold Medalist, MD - Obstetrics & Gynaecology , MBBS
Gynaecologist, Delhi
Frequent Urination In Women - Know The Causes!
Burning urination or painful urination is also called dysuria, and it is one of the most common complaints amongst women. Another common problem is frequent urination. What are the causes of these two conditions? Are they in fact related?

Frequent urination, in simple terms, is also sometimes called overactive bladder and it is the need to urinate more than you normally would. This can cause loss of bladder control too. You may feel extremely full even after using the toilet and the feeling is extremely uncomfortable. Medical practitioners bracket urinating every two hours or more as frequent urination.

Some of the underlying causes are

A urinary tract infection or UTI is the most common cause of frequent urination. UTIs happen when bacteria enters your urinary bladder through the urethra. Men also get UTIs, but it is less common than women as the ladies have shorter urethras. This means that bacteria have less distance to travel before they can infect the urinary tract causing UTIs. UTIs in women can be prevented by proper wiping after using the toilet, which will protect the urethra from E.coli bacteria. Proper hygiene also is a deterrent, especially after intercourse.
Medical conditions affecting muscles, nerves, and tissues. Weakening of nerves due to hernias in the lower back etc. can also cause an overactive bladder.
Oestrogen deficiency caused due to menopause can cause an overactive bladder and a woman finds it difficult to hold the urine for long.
Obesity can also place extra pressure on the bladder.
Burning sensation while urinating

Common reasons behind it

Frequent urination does not point to any gynaecological issues but burning urination is a common symptom of sexually transmitted diseases or STDs like Chlamydia and Gonorrhea which cause symptoms like pain when urinating and vaginal discharge. Burning urination usually occurs after intercourse when sexually transmitted infections are present.
Burning while urination can also be caused due to UTIs and it is often accompanied by other symptoms of UTIs like painful urination or dysuria or blood in the urine.
Kidney stones are solid masses of crystalized calcium or other materials that start in the kidneys but can pass through the urinary tract causing pain and discomfort.
Urethral stricture is a condition when the urethra narrows and this causes burning and pain during urination in women.
Urethritis is the inflammation of the urethra in women can cause burning on urination.
Pelvic inflammatory disease is an infection of the reproductive organs in women and causes abdominal pain especially during urination or sex.
Bladder cancer
Vulvovaginitis is a common infection of the vulva and vagina, both, and it causes burning and itching while urinating and increased vaginal discharge.
4606 people found this helpful

Urinary Infection - What Causes It?

MBBS, MD - Obstetrics & Gynaecology
Gynaecologist, Guwahati
Urinary Infection - What Causes It?
Urinary infection is one widespread disorder that most of the human beings face in the later stages of their lives. The infection is experienced mostly by half of the women and according to statistical data, it has been noted that about 40% of women and 12% of men get infected with urinary infection. Women who are sexually active have more possibilities to get this infection. It is an infection suffered by many people and, which is more vulnerable to children and women.

The symptoms that are identified for a person with urinary infection are frequent urination and burning sensation at the time of passing urine. In certain cases, women even experience leaking of urine while sleeping. It is advised not to take this condition casually as it can lead to further complications, and medications need to be taken to reduce the discomfort caused.

Main Causes of Urinary Infection

The main reason why urinary infection is caused is due to a bacterium that moves from the urinary duct into the urinary bladder.
The other main reasons for urinary tract infection are due to sexual intercourse, pregnancy and diabetes.
There are chances to get urinary infection if a person has sex with many partners
In most women, urinary infection is caused due to hormonal imbalance after menopause
Women should not hold back the urge for urinating frequently, as it can weaken the bladder and makes it prone to urinary infection.

Treatment for Urinary Infection
There are simple and helpful home remedies that can be used for the treatment of urinary infection, and these include:

It is very necessary to drink a lot of water, as it would help flush the bacteria from the bladder that causes the infection. It is advisable to drink at least 80 ounces of water on a daily basis.
It is advisable to eat foods rich in Vitamin C as they are helpful in making the urine more acidic, and it inhibits further growth of the bacterium in the urinary tract.
It is very important that spicy foods and bladder irritants like caffeine, carbonated drinks and artificial sweeteners be cut from the diet to reduce the irritation.
It is very important to include healthy foods in your diet, and that are rich in high-fiber carbohydrates and helpful in digestive health of your body.
Herbal remedies can be opted for treatment of urinary tract infection, and the leaves of bearberry are used for this purpose.
Most importantly, it is very necessary to adopt healthier habits and quit smoking. Women should wear loose clothing and make use of personal hygiene products that are free from any fragrance.
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Quick Facts: Stones in the Urinary Tract (Kidney Stones)!

Homeopathy Doctor, Gurgaon
Quick Facts: Stones in the Urinary Tract (Kidney Stones)!
Many theories and as many reasons are given, but in most of the cases, cause of stone formation in the kidneys is not clear. Biochemical dysfunction seems to be the only possible explanation. Stones generally develop very slowly.

The tendency to stone formation may be hereditary. Stones may vary in size from sand particles to large stone. Urinary stones may be present for many years and may give rise to no symptoms. When a stone obstructs the urinary passage, mild pain to severe renal colic occurs. There may be restlessness, sweating, pallor, vomiting, frequent urination, blood in urine etc during pain. Attack of pain may last few hours to few days, varying in severity time to time. In many cases, urinary infection is a common occurrence.

Homeopathic Approach

Homeopathic treatment plan comprises of:

Ultrasonography at regular interval of three to four months to monitor
The size of the stone
Movement of the stone along the urinary passage.
Kidney function tests should be done to evaluate the function of kidneys.
Urine examination may be helpful to treat the accompanying urinary infections.
Parathyroid hormone and serum calcium level should be considered if the stone formation is recurrent.
It is a well-known fact that some stones can pass naturally. But often they may cause severe pain and at times obstruction. But with homeopathic treatment, even moderate-sized stone can pass absolutely painlessly.
Though the use of painkillers and antispasmodics can relieve the pain and spasm, in the process can actually hamper or suspend the onward and outward movement of the stone. With homeopathic treatment, the body's natural reactions are stimulated that helps to throw out the stone without much discomfort.
At times, it is seen that with homeopathic treatment stones gradually dissolve into sand particles and get eliminated from the urinary system without being aware of it. This can be monitored by subsequent Ultrasonograms watching the gradual reduction in the size of the stones.
As stone formation is just a bye-product of the body's biochemical dysfunction at deeper levels, only removal of the stone by natural or surgical means is not enough. Homeopathic treatment not only removes the stone, but can also modify the tendency to form stones by improving body's natural balance in general, and biochemical dysfunction in particular.
In bilateral, multiple and recurrent stones, constitutional homeopathic treatment is far more superior than surgery or any other therapy as it has the potential to help the body, not only throw the stone out but also improve the biochemical dysfunction to check the recurrence of stone formation.
Surgery can be helpful only when the size of the stone is very large, causing damage to kidney by back- pressure. Even then, homeopathic treatment is of significant importance to improve the basic biochemical defects.
Constitutional Homeopathic treatment can also help avert the complication of surgery. With constitutional homeopathic treatment, accompanying urinary infections are also relieved.
AND, the added advantage is that with constitutional homeopathic treatment, general health also improves.
Dietary Restrictions:

A large number of dietary "take and avoid" is known to the masses, but their role is doubtful. With good constitutional homeopathic treatment and proper monitoring by ultrasography, dietary restrictions are not mandatory.
Increased amounts of fluid intake are advisable.
4392 people found this helpful

Urinary Infection - How To Track It?

Gynaecologist, Mathura
Urinary Infection - How To Track It?
Urinary infection is one widespread disorder that most of the human beings face in the later stages of their lives. The infection is experienced mostly by half of the women and according to statistical data, it has been noted that about 40% of women and 12% of men get infected with urinary infection. Women who are sexually active have more possibilities to get this infection. It is an infection suffered by many people and, which is more vulnerable to children and women.

The symptoms that are identified for a person with urinary infection are frequent urination and burning sensation at the time of passing urine. In certain cases, women even experience leaking of urine while sleeping. It is advised not to take this condition casually as it can lead to further complications, and medications need to be taken to reduce the discomfort caused.

Main Causes of Urinary Infection

The main reason why urinary infection is caused is due to a bacterium that moves from the urinary duct into the urinary bladder.
The other main reasons for urinary tract infection are due to sexual intercourse, pregnancy and diabetes.
There are chances to get urinary infection if a person has sex with many partners
In most women, urinary infection is caused due to hormonal imbalance after menopause
Women should not hold back the urge for urinating frequently, as it can weaken the bladder and makes it prone to urinary infection.
Treatment for Urinary Infection

There are simple and helpful home remedies that can be used for the treatment of urinary infection, and these include

It is very necessary to drink a lot of water, as it would help flush the bacteria from the bladder that causes the infection. It is advisable to drink at least 80 ounces of water on a daily basis.
It is advisable to eat foods rich in Vitamin C as they are helpful in making the urine more acidic, and it inhibits further growth of the bacterium in the urinary tract.
It is very important that spicy foods and bladder irritants like caffeine, carbonated drinks and artificial sweeteners be cut from the diet to reduce the irritation.
It is very important to include healthy foods in your diet, and that are rich in high-fiber carbohydrates and helpful in digestive health of your body.
Herbal remedies can be opted for treatment of urinary tract infection, and the leaves of bearberry are used for this purpose.
Most importantly, it is very necessary to adopt healthier habits and quit smoking. Women should wear loose clothing and make use of personal hygiene products that are free from any fragrance.
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What Can Make Urination Painful?

Multi Speciality, Guwahati
What Can Make Urination Painful?
Our kidneys help in filtering waste and extra water from the blood through urination in the form of urea which is stored in the bladder. A healthy urinary system can hold up to around two cups of urine for 2-5 hours. On a normal routine, one urinates 4-8 times a day but urinating more than that and very frequently might indicate a health issue or just increased liquid consumption or overactive bladder syndrome. When there are other things like fever, stomach ache, vomiting, bloody or foggy urine, fatigue, pain while urinating, etc., with the need for frequent urination, then one might be suffering from urinary tract infection.

There can be many other causes for frequent urination: a diabetic patient may find a need to urinate frequently, during pregnancy, an enlarged prostate, discomfort or infection in bladder and pelvic part (interstitial cystitis), medications for high blood pressure, neurological problems. Some of the rare causes of frequent urination could be bladder cancer, bladder impairment, or radiation therapy.

If anyone finds these symptoms together with an urge to urinate frequently than usual, they should consult a doctor as it could be something big or can hinder their daily lives. One can go through certain medical examinations and tests to know the real cause of the problem as it could be serious. One should also inform the doctor if they find something unusual in their urination process.

Ease the Pain of Urinating

Any infection in the bladder or the urinary function can lead to painful urination. One can have various ways to ease the pain depending upon the reason for the frequent and painful urination.

Antibiotics for treating urinary tract infection and prostate

Hot baths or hot water bag Prostatic massages

Medications Increase liquid intake to dilute the urine

Avoiding chemical products near the genitals

Soothe the Bladder

One s bladder can have many problems if not taken care properly. It is not always important that a serious health issue is the reason of the bladder dysfunction, but usually, it is because of the medications one is consuming or the unhealthy lifestyle. One can soothe the bladder by including a few things in their daily lives.

Bladder training for overactive bladder syndrome;

Strengthening pelvic floor through pelvic floor exercises known as Kegels, vaginal weights, and biofeedback;

Retaining a healthy body weight;

Terminate smoking;

Lead an active lifestyle;

Minimize constipation;

Eating healthy food;

Avoiding spicy food;

Take medications prescribed by the doctor depending upon the reason of the infected bladder;

Reduce or better terminate the intake of caffeine and alcohol;

Increase the intake of water and liquids.

Take Away

Urination helps clean our blood and body from waste and extra fluids. But, if the need to urinate becomes unusual or one is having issues while urinating, then it is a matter of concern as it can affect the overall health and routine of the person. One should maintain and take care of bladder through simple ways of changing the lifestyle but should consult a doctor before taking decisions about medications.
4249 people found this helpful

Urinary Infection - What Causes It?

MBBS, MD - Obstetrics & Gynaecology
Gynaecologist, Gurgaon
Urinary Infection - What Causes It?
Urinary infection is one widespread disorder that most of human beings face in the later stages of their lives. The infection is experienced mostly by half of the women and according to statistical data, it has been noted that about 40% of women and 12% of men get infected with urinary infection. Women who are sexually active have more possibilities to get this infection. It is an infection suffered by many people and, which is more vulnerable to children and women.

The symptoms that are identified for a person with urinary infection are frequent urination and burning sensation at the time of passing urine. In certain cases, women even experience leaking of urine while sleeping. It is advised not to take this condition casually as it can lead to further complications, and medications need to be taken to reduce the discomfort caused.

Main Causes of Urinary Infection

- The main reason why urinary infection is caused is due to a bacterium that moves from the urinary duct into the urinary bladder.

- The other main reasons for urinary tract infection are due to sexual intercourse, pregnancy and diabetes.

- There are chances to get the urinary infection if a person has sex with many partners

- In most women, urinary infection is caused due to hormonal imbalance after menopause

- Women should not hold back the urge for urinating frequently, as it can weaken the bladder and makes it prone to urinary infection.

Treatment for Urinary Infection

There are simple and helpful home remedies that can be used for the treatment of urinary infection, and these include

- It is very necessary to drink a lot of water, as it would help flush the bacteria from the bladder that causes the infection. It is advisable to drink at least 80 ounces of water on a daily basis.

- It is advisable to eat foods rich in Vitamin C as they are helpful in making the urine more acidic, and it inhibits further growth of the bacterium in the urinary tract.

- It is very important that spicy foods and bladder irritants like caffeine, carbonated drinks and artificial sweeteners be cut from the diet to reduce the irritation.

- It is very important to include healthy foods in your diet, and that is rich in high-fibre carbohydrates and helpful in the digestive health of your body.

- Herbal remedies can opt for treatment of urinary tract infection, and the leaves of bearberry are used for this purpose.

- Most importantly, it is very necessary to adopt healthier habits and quit smoking. Women should wear loose clothing and make use of personal hygiene products that are free from any fragrance.
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Kidney Infection - How To Understand It?

MBBS, MD - Internal Medicine, DM - Nephrology
Nephrologist, Bangalore
Kidney Infection - How To Understand It?
In most cases, a urinary tract infection affects only the urethra and bladder(Lower UTI) but in some cases, it can affect the ureters and kidneys(Upper UTI) as well. This is known as Pyelonephritis or a kidney infection. If this infection spreads to the bloodstream, it could cause serious health problems. Since women have a shorter urethra than men, they are more susceptible to kidney infections. This is because the bacteria typically enter the body through the urethra.

The most common symptoms of this type of kidney infection are:

Frequent urges to urinate
Painful urination
Fever or chills
Nausea and vomiting
Presence of blood in the urine
Foul smell while urinating
Cloudy urine
Pyelonephritis is caused by the same bacteria that cause lower urinary tract infections. In some cases, it may also be caused by E. coli or klebsiella bacteria found in stool. In rare instances, bacteria from the skin can also trigger this disease. The obstruction of urine flow or reduced urine flow can increase a person s risk of suffering from this disease. Some of the causes for this obstruction include:

Presence of stones in the bladder, ureters or kidney
Tumours or cancerous masses in the abdominal or pelvic area
Benign prostatic hypertrophy
Kidney stones can also increase the risk of this disease by proving the bacteria with a place to multiply. Lastly, people suffering from diabetes or other conditions that impair the immune system are more susceptible to kidney infections.

A thorough physical examination along with a urine analysis and urine culture are the first steps to confirming a diagnosis. Some doctors may also ask for a CT scan, blood cultures and an ultrasound of the kidneys. In an ultrasound, your doctor will also look for kidney stones or birth defects that could increase your risk of this disease.

A 7-day course of antibiotics is enough to cure this disease in most cases. As long as the patient can take oral medication hospitalisation is not required but if the patient is nauseous and constantly vomits, hospitalisation may be suggested as the medicine will need to be given intravenously. In rare, extreme cases, the infection may cause the development of an abscess.

Abscesses cannot be cured by antibiotics and must be drained. Hence, kidney infections can be serious and one needs to take proper care if the symptoms are present.
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Link Between Heart Diseases and High Blood Pressure

PhD, Human Energy Fields, Diploma in PIP, EFI, Aura scanning for Health evaluation; Energy field assessment, Fellowship Cardiac Rehabilitation, Cardiac Rehabilitation, MD (Ayur - Mind Body Med), Mind Body Medicine
Non-Invasive Conservative Cardiac Care Specialist, Pune
Link Between Heart Diseases and High Blood Pressure
Blood pressure is the measure of the resistance to the natural flow of blood in the blood vessels. The major, minor and few smaller blood vessels themselves have a thin muscular lining that keeps the vessel supple and aids the flow of nutritious blood within its tube-like structure. The vessel walls resist the free flow causing a reverse pressure that is referred to as Blood Pressure. This pressure strains the heart muscles (Left Ventricle more) to contract strongly to push the nutritious blood into the body circulation system.

Due to numerous factors, there is an increase of resistance within the blood vessels that leads to an increase in blood pressure. At a later stage, this results in lack of adequate blood flow to the end tissues and an accumulation of fluids in the various tissues/organs and a mismanagement of the nutrition-detoxification rhythmic cycle of the body. This takes a long time to develop and unless the last stage hampers body functions, it is not detected. Hence, blood pressure is known as a silent disease.

Systolic and diastolic are the two rhythms corresponding to the expansion and contraction of the heart chambers during pumping of blood into the body. This rhythm creates two distinct pressures within the blood vessels. Systolic is when the heart ventricular chamber contract to pump blood into the body, so the pressure is higher. This indicated the force or strain on the heart to push blood into the circulatory system. Hence, this count is considered significant in evaluating health parameters.

High BP as a disease is declared when three or more readings taken at different times of a day or on consecutive days shows increase in BP. Higher the BP, more strain is exerted by the heart. Since the heart is essentially a muscular organ, the muscles of the heart get affected. Sometimes, the heart muscles increase in mass and size making the heart chambers smaller in volume. This further deteriorates the circulation capability leading to numerous diseases. The strain of pumping nutrition to different body organs is also felt by the heart itself. Lack of nutrition can lead to death of cardiac tissue leading to heart failure. High blood pressure makes the heart walls thicken and becomes stiffer which makes it even more difficult to pump blood. Thickening of the heart muscles is also known as left ventricular hypertrophy and cause heart failure.

A systolic blood pressure reading that is higher than 140 mm Hg or a diastolic blood pressure higher than 90 mm Hg characterizes by high blood pressure. High blood pressure is said to be responsible for 50% of the recorded cases of ischemic strokes and also increases the risk of hemorrhagic strokes.

When heart cannot pump with enough force, there is a mismanagement in the intra-cellular and tissue fluid restoration. This puts a great strain on the kidney function. In due course of time, numerous organs of the body suffer and depending on the body constitution, immunity for rejuvenation and restoration of order, the person suffer from numerous diseases.

Diabetes worsens the situation of BP and adds to the deterioration of heart health, blood vessel health. Poor heart functioning leads to different symptoms like:

Shortness of breath
Swollen ankles or feet
Difficulty lying flat on your back
Bloating and nausea
Irregular pulse
Frequent urge to urinate at night
Due to disturbances in BP and other factors leading to lacking of nutrition to the heart tissue. Heart Disease complications are commonly seen with symptoms as follows:

Radiating or dull pain, especially in the chest, radiating in the arms, especially left arm, neck, back and in the stomach especially in women.

Shortness of breath; change in breathing patterns and heaviness in chest
Dizziness and fainting sometimes
Irregular pulse and palpitations
Sudden onset of excessive sweating
Unexplained fatigue, weakness and depression
Heart Disease can be treated with natural ayurvedic medicaments successfully in more than 80% of patients. Numerous ayurvedic medicines have been clinically evaluated to show positive changes supported with clinical investigation. Since ayurvedic medicines are targeted to reaching the root cause of the disturbances and to reduce the burden of the disease they go beyond the relief of symptoms.

Natural Ayurvedic medicines also participate in the rejuvenation of the heart muscles, the blood vessels, the detoxification of the body and re-balancing of health parameters, Ayurvedic treatment options are gaining great relevance and patient opt for such treatment in greater numbers from all over the world. These treatments are non-invasive and very cost effective. They are good to be taken from prevention to after angioplasty, stent or bye-pass to treat the cause of disease.

Ayurveda is a health science that takes into consideration lifestyle modifications, adequate detoxification, re-balancing body element and strengthening the system from all aspects. Ayurvedic medicines have proved useful in the treatment of Blood Pressure, Diabetes, Vascular disease (leading to atherosclerosis, blockages, wear-tear of blood vessels) and Heart disease. Today, these treatment options are gaining importance and acceptance in our society.
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