Top Health Tips on Managing Hair Loss

Pregnancy & Sex - Know Acts During It!

MD-Ayurveda, Bachelor of Ayurveda, Medicine & Surgery (BAMS)
Sexologist, Haldwani
Pregnancy & Sex - Know Acts During It!
During pregnancy, your body is subjected to several physiological changes including increased hair fall, continuous indigestion, headaches, development of varicose veins, skin pigmentations and so on. The growing baby bump hinders free movement as well. Quality time with your husband or partner is helpful but is not the best way to relax you. During pregnancy many partners stop having sex due to body issues. Intercourse is extremely important to comfort an expecting mother. Going by a few sex positions cited below, partners can enjoy pregnancy without a speck of stress.

1. Spooning- In spooning a woman lies on one of her sides while the male partner lies behind her on his left or right side. Both partners should lie on the same side or if not they will end up turning their backs at each other. Penetration happens from behind. This position enables shallow penetration which is good for the baby.

2. Do it like a clip- In this case two bodies should align like a clip. The man lies on his back while the woman is on the top facing him. Her knees are folded next to him and she is in the shape of an arch. Her hands serve as support as they are firmly placed on the bed behind her arching back. There is ample space for the bump.

3. Perch on him- It is healthier to avoid pressure on the abdominal region when pregnant. Make your man sit on a stable surface; say a stool or a chair. Sit on his lap with your back against his chest. This way the woman can regulate the depth of penetration by moving backward and forward. She is on her toes and her abdomen faces no weight.

4. Do it the Amazon way- The Amazon style of intercourse needs to be carried out on a chair or a stool. The male partner remains seated while the woman sits on his lap facing him with her legs across his sides. The baby bump is comfortably positioned between the partners and the lady takes charge by moving up and down.

5. Doggy style- The doggy style keeps the expecting mother away from exertion. She crouches on her hands and legs while the male partner enters her body from behind.

6. Living Room style- Let your rounded belly rest against the softness of the living room couch. Kneel on the couch to suit your feasibility while your partner penetrates you from behind. The pregnant woman balances her body by holding on to the couch with her hands.
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Did You Know These 5 Body Parts Contains The Maximum Amount Of Bacteria?

MBBS, MD - Aerospace Medicine, Eular Certification in Rheumatology
General Physician, Pune
Did You Know These 5 Body Parts Contains The Maximum Amount Of Bacteria?
While it may not strike us immediately, the human body plays host to billions and billions of bacteria all the time. Even the ones who claim to be extra clean, have these. While some are considered normal flora, if not controlled, they could lead to problems like infection, odour, etc.

Read on to know 5 of the most infected areas of the human body.

Mouth: No amount of brushing or rinsing can help in keeping the mouth clean. Our mouth is a host to more than 600 types of bacteria and these are required for maintaining the pH in the mouth. It is only when there is an imbalance that infection occurs along with bad breath. The tongue is another part which can allow bacteria to breed both on it and under it. The color of the tongue is a good indication of bacterial growth. Tongue cleaning or brushing is definitely recommended.
Belly button: Again, no amount of time you spend in the shower can help you clean the belly button completely. It has about 2000 plus varieties of bacteria and given its hidden and warm nature (compared to the rest of the body temperature), they are ideal for bacterial growth. People with piercings and obesity definitely carry more bacteria than others. Immediately after the bath, try using a cotton ear bud in your navel and see how much dirt is accumulated.
Armpits: Those who shave their armpits are better off than those who flaunt their hair here. It has more than 80,000 bacteria and not many are even identified. It definitely requires more cleaning than the rest of the body. Shaving the armpits regularly improves the hygiene of the armpits to a large extent.
Nasal cavity: Air enters the body for respiration through the nose, and this air carries a lot of bacteria. The fine hairs in the nostrils which filter out the air of all these bacteria make the nasal cavity another dirty place. When fingering the nose or itching the nose, these get carried to the fingers and all other areas that get subsequently touched!
Nails: Both the finger and toe nails are built such that they are perfect homes for bacteria, especially the skin under the finger nails. Those who do not clean their nails regularly are highly prone to nail and/or skin infections. Added to this, there are people who walk barefoot and the chances are further increased. Hard to believe, but the feet are one of the most ignored body parts in terms of cleaning.
While most of us consider the genitals and the anus to be the dirtiest, which is not totally false, there are more visible parts which need more care and cleaning.
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Onion Juice - Does It Really Work In All Types Of Hair Loss?

Ayurvedic Doctor, Surat
Onion Juice - Does It Really Work In All Types Of Hair Loss?
You may have seen your grandmother and mother applying the juice of onions on their hair. While it smells gross, science does back up the benefits of onion juice for hair loss. However, does onion juice work against all kinds of hair loss? Here is a look at how onion juice helps your hair and if it can rectify all types of hair loss.

Why onion juice nourishes and prevents hair loss?

Here is a look at how and why the application of onion juice benefits your hair health.

Onions are a great source of sulphur, which is an essential component in amino acids (proteins). Proteins, especially keratin is vital for stronger and healthier hair growth.

The sulphur from onions also promotes the formation of collagen in the body. Collagen builds stronger roots for your hairs and prevents hair loss.

Research also suggests that onions help improve the blood circulation of the body. Better circulation could result in greater hair growth.

However, unlike popular belief, onion juice is not effective against all forms of hair loss. While it can help you strengthen your hairs reduce age-related hair loss, it cannot treat your hair loss if it is caused due to an underlying disease. For instance, onion juice is completely ineffective against alopecia and male pattern baldness. Additionally, onion juice may not be a safe remedy for everyone.

Risks of applying onion juice to the hair-

Not everyone can apply onion juice to their scalp to treat their hair loss. Here is a look at some risks of using onion juice.

Many people are allergic to onion juice. In such a case, you must avoid the application of the juice on your head.

Onion juice is caustic and can easily irritate the skin. After the application of onion juice, if you experience redness and itching of the site, you should avoid using it.

Onion juice can interact with certain medications, causing damage to your skin. For example, if you are on aspirin and apply onion juice on your scalp, you will experience a heightened sensitivity to the same.

Therefore, you should stick to the most natural and safe remedy for hair loss. Visit an Ayurvedic practitioner and seek treatment for excessive hair fall.

How can Ayurveda help against hair fall?

Hair loss or Khalitya is believed to be caused due to a fault in three of human doshas, according to Ayurveda. Therefore, based on the ancient scriptures that Ayurveda follows, its treatment involves a mixture of factors. If you suffer from hair loss, you need to undergo Shiroroga treatment procedure. Several ayurvedic oils, extracts, and packs will help strengthen the hair and prevent further hair fall.

Moreover, you need to follow healthy lifestyle habits

Perform yoga and pranayama (breathing exercises) daily to reduce stress

Avoid smoking and drinking alcohol

Drink adequate amount of water

Eat healthy meals to keep your digestive system in good condition

To conclude, if you notice hair fall, consult an ayurvedic practitioner at the earliest.
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Grapes - A Fruit You Must Have!

BHOM, MD - Alternate Medicine, Diploma in Weight Loss, Diploma in Nutrition, DNHE
Dietitian/Nutritionist, Delhi
Grapes - A Fruit You Must Have!
As the New Year begins, the one fruit which is available in abundance are grapes. The black/purple and the green variety, seeded and seedless, are all over the place. Given the weather slowly changing from winter, they seem like the best thing to beat the summer heat. And yes, they are. Not just for overall health, they are also great for the skin and hair. Read on to know more.

Benefits of grapes for skin:

When the sunscreen lotion does not help much and sunburn happens, the one of the best home remedies is to apply mashed grapes for about 30 minutes. The grapes are rich in antioxidants (proanthocyanidins and resveratrol). They reduce the damage caused by ultraviolet radiation and also reduces cell damage caused by excessive skin exposure.
Rubbing the grape pulp on the face for about 20 minutes can help reverse and control antiaging better than any chemical treatment. It reduces the effect of free radicals which lead to fine wrinkles and dark spots.
Grapes are also rich in vitamins C and E which helps in making the skin supple and improves skin tone and reduces scars.
Benefits for hair:

If hair loss scares you, apply a paste of seeded grapes. The linoleic acid and grape seed oil can add strength and prevent hair fall.
Grapes can also be mixed with fenugreek and chickpeas for use on hair to improve life and lustre of the hair and add volume.
The vitamin E and antioxidants also help improve scalp blood circulation, fight dandruff, reduce itchiness, and improved hair health.
Benefits on overall health:

Relieves headache: The various antioxidants in the grapes help in relieving the headache almost instantaneously. Eat them up or drink if you have a headache, even migraines.
Improves digestion: They improve digestion and reduce digestive problems, thereby curing indigestion. They also are shown to help in controlling colon cancer.
Good in diabetes: Diabetic patients need not be worried about the sweet grapes. The pterostilbene in them helps lower sugar levels, and in the long run, it can also prevent the onset of diabetes.
Cholesterol control: The polyphenols help in controlling heart disease by reducing plaque formation.
Eye health: The reduced oxidation process and controlled inflammatory process helps in improving eye health, especially in the retina, which is full of proteins.
Potassium in Plenty: 100 g of grapes contains about 200 mg of potassium, which is a treasure. It improves blood pressure (by countering sodium), and also controls cholesterol and reduces salt intake.
Brain health: The antioxidants like revasterol help in improving blood flow and helps in controlling Alzheimer s and improving memory. If you wish to discuss about any specific problem, you can consult a dietitian-nutritionist.
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Black Pepper (Kali Mirch) Health Benefits - 6 Reasons Why You Must Eat It!

MD - Ayurveda
Ayurvedic Doctor, vijapur
Black Pepper (Kali Mirch) Health Benefits - 6 Reasons Why You Must Eat It!
Black pepper is one of the oldest spices known to mankind. It is found in abundant quantities in the Southern states of Kerala. Its medicinal qualities can successfully counter disorders such as indigestion, pyorrhea, cough, dental problems and cardiovascular diseases. Black pepper is extensively used for food preservation owing to its antibacterial properties. Being rich in fiber, vitamin C, manganese, vitamin K, it acts as a great anti-inflammatory agent as well.

Here are some of the well-known benefits of black pepper:

Beneficial for stomach: Black pepper enhances the secretion of HCL i.e. hydrochloric acid in the stomach which in turn facilitates digestion. This ensures proper digestion and keeps away diseases such as colic and diarrhea. Pepper enhances urination and sweating which in turn ensures that external toxin has a safe way out. It also has the capability to limit gas formation within the body.
Weight Loss: Black Pepper s outer layer helps in breaking fat cells. Also, foods that are made with pepper are an effective way to shed weight. Once the fat cells are broken down, the body uses it as a component of enzymatic reactions. The excess fats are eradicated from the body. Black pepper can be used in curries or consumed daily in the morning along with hot water to fetch rich benefits.
Skin Health: Pepper is a very good agent in curing skin diseases such as vitiligo. The latter is a condition where patches of skin lose the normal pigmentation and become white. Recent studies have shown that pepper combined with UV therapy is a better alternative compared to chemical-heavy treatments. Furthermore, black pepper can successfully prevent skin cancer.
Respiratory Relief: Pepper is known to be extremely effective when it comes to cough and cold. It is known to be a great agent for nasal congestion and sinusitis. The expectorant property of the black pepper is known to attack the phlegm and mucus and give instant relief. The fact that it is a natural irritant, helps the mucus to get out of the body through the nostrils. This helps the body to heal quickly.
Peptic ulcer and whooping cough: Quite a few studies have shown that black pepper is beneficial for patients suffering from peptic ulcer and gastric mucosal. The anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant properties also help to treat respiratory diseases such as asthma and persistent cough.
Anti-oxidant properties: The anti-oxidant properties of black pepper help to counter the effects of the free radicals, helps in fighting cardiovascular diseases successfully and counter life-threatening diseases such as cancer. Furthermore, it can help the body fight premature ageing conditions such as macular degeneration, spots, wrinkles etc. Studies have also proved that black pepper enhances memory and impair memory loss.
In case you have a concern or query you can always consult an expert & get answers to your questions!
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Walnuts (Akhroat) - 4 Reasons Why They Are Must!

Masters In Dietetics & Food Service Management, B.Sc.- Dietitics / Nutrition, Reebok Instructor Course
Dietitian/Nutritionist, Mumbai
Walnuts (Akhroat) - 4 Reasons Why They Are Must!
As one of the oldest tree foods to be cultivated by humans, walnuts have long since been known as a wonder fruit that can treat and manage many diseases, even as it ensures that one gets to enjoy many other health and cosmetic benefits. This is a nutrient-laden dry fruit that can be eaten in any season and can also be used as a healthy snack.

Read on to know how walnuts can help you in the health department!s

Weight Management: One can obtain weight loss by switching deep fried and other snacks with this fruit as the snack of choice. This will help in weight loss because it is known to be loaded with many ounces of protein as well as Omega-3 fatty acids, which can make your metabolism work overtime so that you end up burning all that useless fat. Regular consumption of walnuts will ensure that you get the right amount of calories in just a fistful of this dry fruit. You can also combine this with almonds and raisins for a healthy breakfast, if sprinkled in your oats or any other cereals.
Glowing Hair: If you have been facing problems like thinning hair, and hair loss as well as dandruff, then walnuts can easily come to your rescue. Eating lots of walnuts will help in restoring the oil and moisture balance of the scalp which will make your hair rich and bouncy again. You can also apply walnut oil to your scalp in order to boost the health of your hair to a great extent. This is due to the fact that walnuts contain Vitamin B7 which is known to prevent hair loss.
Heart Disease: You can prevent a majority of cardiovascular issues and heart disease with the help of walnuts. This is due to the fact that walnuts also contain a lot of antioxidants, which can help in regulating the cholesterol levels as well. One can actually remove the bad cholesterol and keep the good cholesterol so that lifestyle issues and conditions like diabetes and heart disease can be avoided. One should have at least 28 grams of walnuts in a single day so that these kinds of diseases can be successfully prevented.
Fertility: Walnuts are very important for male fertility. One of the main things in male fertility is the sperm, especially the quality of the same. So, if you have had a sperm test and it does not have very encouraging results, then eating walnuts can easily solve this problem along with whatever other medication you may be having for the condition. One should have at least 75 grams of walnuts every day in order to increase the vitality of the sperm for those men who fall in the age group of 21 years to 35 years of age.
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4 Common Combing Mistakes That Lead To Excessive Hairloss

MBBS, Diploma In Dermatology And Venerology And Leprosy (DDVL), DNB (Dermatology), MNAMS
Dermatologist, Delhi
4 Common Combing Mistakes That Lead To Excessive Hairloss
4 Common Combing Mistakes That Lead To Excessive Hairloss

You will be surprised to know that about 35 million men and 21 million women suffer from excessive hairfall in India. Excessive hair fall can be the result of certain illnesses, hormonal changes, over-use of hair products that contain chemicals or a poor diet. What you may not have considered is that you can also lose a lot of hair by combing it the wrong way.

Check if you’re making these common combing mistakes.

1. Are you combing your hair from the roots down?
If you’re combing your hair you should always start from the middle while working it downwards. Move the comb upwards (near the roots) only when there are no more tangles remaining in the bottom half.
If you start combing from your roots, you may have to fight more tangles on the way to the bottom. This induces strain on your scalp, and increases hair breakage. The end result is weak hair and roots, and more hair fall.

2. Are you combing post the application of a hair product?
A comb should never be used just after the application of a hair paste, serum or cream for treatment or styling. You must use only your fingers to comb through your hair once you've applied a styling product.
If you use a comb post-application of a styling product, it not only loses its effect, but may also harm your hair and its texture.Consequently, it may lead to increased breakage and hair loss over time.

3. Are you detangling your hair after shampooing or washing?
Hair is known to be at its weakest when wet, which can also make it prone to tangling. Combing and excessive pulling of tangled, wet hair increases your chances of hair breakage and eventual hair loss.
To avert water-induced frowns, you can try giving a comb-through before wetting your hair in the shower. Alternatively, you can also try combing your hair during a shower. Apply the conditioner first; next, untangle the strands by using only your fingers, and then use a wide-toothed comb just before washing.

4. Are you regularly back-combing your hair?
Sometimes people back-comb their hair from the roots working towards the ends. This hair teasing technique adds volume and texture to your hair. Although it’s a great trick, its regular use may damage your hair cuticles, which as a result, may also ruin your hair’s quality, lead to frizzy hair and increase breakage and hair loss.
To get the element of volume without the damage, you can try light hair sprays, which help you in getting a similar look.

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8 Benefits Of Amla (Indian Gooseberry) For Hair

Fellowship Course in Panchkarma, BAMS
Ayurvedic Doctor, Navi Mumbai
8 Benefits Of Amla (Indian Gooseberry) For Hair
When it comes to hair problems, nothing can treat your hair better than Amla or the Indian Gooseberry. Amla can be used in a number of ways to treat hair fall

Having an amla a day can do your hair a world of good. Amla juice is equally effective. Daily consumption of amla juice (one glass) on empty stomach is highly recommended for people with severe hair fall problems.
If you wish to make your hair grow stronger and thicker, the simple yet effective amla tonic is just for you. Apply and gently massage your scalp with freshly extracted amla juice. Thoroughly rinse your hair with a mild herbal shampoo after 50 minutes to 1 Hour.
Amla and lemon are known to nourish the hair from within. A mixture containing freshly extracted lemon and amla juice acts as a great tonic. Massage your scalp with this tonic. Let it sit for 30 minutes. Rinse your hair with lukewarm water.
In a bowl of water, add few pieces of freshly cut amla. Bring the water to boil. Filter the water once it cools down (at least 30-40 minutes). In case of dried pieces of amla, you can soak it in water overnight. For better results, wash your hair with this water daily.
Amla and shikakai are synonymous to healthy hair. Make a hair pack using amla and shikakai powder. Mix it thoroughly with water. Apply and keep this pack onto your hair (full length) for 30 minutes. Rinse your hair properly with cold water. Application of this pack is helpful to check hair fall problems.
When it comes to hair fall, nothing works better than Amla and Coconut oil. Add few dried piece of amla to a bowl containing coconut oil. Heat the ingredients until the mixture becomes thick and dark. Regular use of this excellent liquid can control your hair problems to a great extent.
Henna is a natural hair conditioner. It acts as a catalyst, accelerating the process of hair growth. Prepare a smooth paste of henna powder by mixing it thoroughly with amla juice (freshly extracted). Apply this paste throughout your hair. Let it stay onto your hair for 1-2 hours. Wash it off with plain water. You can also use a mild shampoo.
You can also use a mixture of Almond oil and amla juice to reduce hair fall problems. Warm the mixture gently (do not boil or overheat). Massage your scalp with the amazing mixture for few minutes. Wash your hair with a mild shampoo.

With the goodness of amla around, hair problems will no longer give you sleepless nights.
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Zinc Deficiency - How To Detect It?

MD Physician
General Physician, Delhi
Zinc Deficiency - How To Detect It?
Zinc deficiency is one epidemic that people are mostly unaware of. As per the data shared by World Health Organization, around 31% of the world population is suffering from zinc deficiency. The problem is also ranked 5th in the leading factors that cause several diseases. It is also a primary reason why underdeveloped nations suffer from high mortality rate as zinc deficiency is associated with child pneumonia and diarrhea.

Every person, young or old, needs to have a regular intake of zinc for a healthy life, which it is known as an essential nutrient. It is also present in every cell, tissue, bone and fluid in the human body; zinc is especially prevalent in male semen and prostate glands.

Common Symptoms Of Zinc Deficiency

Unfortunately, millions of people suffering from zinc deficiency are unaware of their condition. However, looking out for certain key indicators can help in identifying the problem before it becomes severe. Here are the common symptoms of zinc deficiency that everyone must look out for:

Diarrhea & Leaky Gut- Impaired immunity causes zinc deficiency diarrhea, which can become a persistent health problem. Every year diarrhea affects nearly 2 million children worldwide, and most of them are suspected to have a zinc deficiency and bacterial infection. Leaky gut, also called intestinal permeability can lead to a slew of health problems like skin allergies, thyroid problems, and nutrient malabsorption.
Zinc Rich Foods You Must Include In Your Diet

If you are experiencing any of the symptoms shared above, then you might be suffering from the zinc deficiency. To improve the level of zinc in your body, you can either take all natural zinc supplements. But, supplements usually contain several forms of zinc like zinc sulfate, zinc acetate and more. Thus, it is better to include the below-shared foods in your diet, which contain a high amount of zinc:

Pumpkin seeds 1/2 cup: 8.4 mg
Lamb 4 oz: 5.2 mg
Cashews 1/2 cup: 3.8 mg
Chickpeas (Garbanzo beans) 1 cup cooked: 2.5 mg
Mushrooms 1 cup cooked: 1.9 mg
Chicken 4 oz: 1.6 mg
Kefir or Yogurt 1 cup: 1.4 mg
Spinach 1 cup cooked: 1.4 mg
Cocoa powder 1 Tbsp: 0.4 mg
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Zinc - 7 Reasons Why It Is Important For You!

Diploma in Nutrition
Dietitian/Nutritionist, Hyderabad
Zinc - 7 Reasons Why It Is Important For You!
Zinc is chemically a metal and a trace mineral with multiple health benefits. It is required by the body for a number of functions in small quantities on a regular basis. Some of its important roles include improving immunity, hormone production and promoting digestion, controlling inflammation, tissue growth and repair, etc. to name a few. It also helps in controlling free radical production and therefore has anti-inflammatory effects in reversing heart disease and fighting cancer.

About 5 to 8 mg of zinc is needed by a person per day, with smaller children needing it in the lesser range and women needing more of it. Natural sources of zinc include animal rich protein foods like animal meat and seafood. Dairy products, legumes, pulses and whole grains also contain good amounts of zinc. Modern-day foods contain added zinc and therefore are good sources too, though their availability and utility value for the body remain a question.

Zinc improves immunity i.e. the body produces T-cells when there is an infection or foreign body. These T cells also help in controlling and regulating immune responses and in people with zinc deficiency, the immune system is suppressed putting them at risk for infections and illnesses.
Zinc has a great role in maintaining skin integrity: Delayed wound healing is one of the first symptoms of zinc deficiency. People could also develop chronic ulcers or wounds. There is increased bacterial growth (reduced immunity), increased inflammation, and reduced re-epithelialization, all leading to poor skin health and delaying wound healing.
Zinc is essential for healthy gut function and it is one of the best remedies for diarrhoea. Deficiency can lead to leaky gut syndrome.
Zinc reduces free radical damage, which is responsible for chronic inflammation. Including an adequate amount of zinc in diet can reduce this inflammation, leading to preventing heart disease, reducing the incidence of cancer, etc. It also is shown to prevent cellular damage in the retina, thereby reducing the incidence of macular degeneration.
Zinc is essential for proper growth and development. Zinc deficiency is shown to produce shorter stature, anaemia, and delayed sexual maturation. During the growing years especially, it is very important to provide an adequate amount of zinc for the body, either naturally or through supplements.
Fertility and zinc also has a strong correlation. In males, it affects both the quantity and quality of sperm production. The sperm count was shown to improve with zinc supplementation in males who complained of low sperm count.
Controlling memory is another function of zinc. It determines how neurones talk to each other, which is essential for transmission of signals across the brain and formation of memory. In case you have a concern or query you can always consult an expert & get answers to your questions!
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