Top Health Tips on Managing Chest Pain

Inflammation Of Urinary Bladder - How Homeopathy Can Be Of Help?

International Academy of Classical Homeopathy, BHMS
Homeopathy Doctor, Pune
Inflammation Of Urinary Bladder - How Homeopathy Can Be Of Help?
Cystitis is a painful condition when due to the inflammation of the urinary bladder, an individual is unable to comfortably relieve himself/herself. Such conditions are often painful and cause irritation and frustration among the patients. But it should also be noted that cystitis is not an uncommon infection of the urinary tract and can be treated well. Furthermore, homeopathy tries to use the body s own defence to cure diseases and infections; thus this is a very natural form of treatment, which is used to cure cystitis.

The common symptoms of this disease include the urge to frequently relieve oneself, an increase in the number of times one goes to urinate, painful urination and at times all these are accompanied with vomiting and nausea.

Homeopathy treats the person as a whole. It means that homeopathic treatment focuses on the patient as a person, as well as his pathological condition. The homeopathic remedies for cystitis are selected after a full individualizing examination and case-analysis, which includes the medical history of the patient, physical and mental constitution etc. A miasmatic tendency (predisposition/susceptibility) is also often taken into account for the treatment of chronic conditions. The symptoms listed against each medicine may not be directly related to this disease because in homeopathy general symptoms and constitutional indications are also taken into account for selecting the homeopathic remedies for cystitis.

Cantharis: When the main cause of your cystitis is an inflamed bladder, Cantharis is the best remedy. Such inflammations are often accompanied with burning sensations in the urinary tract apart from a frequent urge to relieve oneself. Cantharis seems to do wonders when it comes to treating any kind of inflammation or infection. As for the burning sensation, it provides immediate relief to this. It might take some time before the cystitis is completely cured with Cantharis, but at least the patient gets some relief, gradually leading to its complete cure. The urinary tract is a very sensitive area of the human body. Any infection or inflammation in the area should be dealt with carefully. Thus, an experienced homeopathic practitioner is the right person to come to your aid. Also, it needs to be seen first whether homeopathy suits you in general or not.

Apis Mellifica: Apis has more than one use when it comes to treating cystitis. First, it is seen that Apis helps in reducing pain and burning effect while urinating in this condition, which might give rise to corroded skin. Second, it is used to treat individuals of all ages. It can be administered in the right dosage to an infant who has problems in passing urine. It can also be given to young boys who have developed cystitis due to kidney infections. Moreover, it can be used to cure cystitis in any individual who is suffering from chronic inflammation of the bladder.

Thus, Cantharis and Apis are the two most effective homeopathic remedies to cure cystitis occurring in an individual. It is always recommended to consult a specialized homeopath before taking any medication.
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Menstrual Cups - Reasons To Use Them!

Speciality Birthing Care
Gynaecologist, Bangalore
Menstrual Cups - Reasons To Use Them!
A menstrual cup is a flexible cup designed out of medical grade silicone or rubber, which can be inserted into the vagina. It is not used for absorbing blood; rather it collects the menstrual blood.

Advantages of menstrual cups over tampons

Tampons are disposable. Menstrual cups can be cleaned, rinsed and reused.
Need not be changed after every few hours. One can go without changing a menstrual cup for more than 12 hours.
Easier to use compared to a tampon. The insertion is smoother and it is generally not very uncomfortable if insertion is done correctly.
The menstrual cups need not be replaced frequently. Tampons, however, are needed in large numbers every month.
Tampons absorb almost all the vaginal fluid, leaving it dry and prone to irritation. Menstrual cups, on the other hand, leave the beneficial bacteria in place and maintain vaginal pH.
Menstrual cups help prevent menstrual odours as it is present internally.
Reasons why you should use menstrual cups
Menstrual cups rarely cause allergic reactions, unlike tampons. One menstrual cup lasts an entire day, month and even years. They are also the most environment-friendly choice as there is no need to dispose of them after every use. They prevent staining, leakage and do not increase muscle cramps. There is no risk of TSS (Toxic Shock Syndrome) from menstrual cups, which is a major risk of leaving tampons inside the body for too many hours. Menstrual cups are also helpful if you are a swimmer. They don t make things difficult for you at all. Menstrual cups are made from 100% medically approved silicone and not cotton or rayon. If you are unable to use tampons, you may choose menstrual cups as the insertion is generally smoother.

However, it completely depends on individual preference. Menstrual cups also reduce the bulk of having to carry like sanitary napkins during travel, and urgent needs to change. Thus it makes a long journey worry free. No matter what protective measures you take, remember to be comfortable. Try and maintain a diet rich in nutrients, that can help regulate the blood flow and prevent painful blood clots. Also, it is important to remain physically active to prevent muscle cramps and back pain.
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Chest Pain - Can Homeopathy Help You Treat it?

Diploma in Diet and Nutrition, M.Sc - Psychology, BHMS, PG Hom (Lon)
Homeopathy Doctor, Delhi
Chest Pain - Can Homeopathy Help You Treat it?
Chest pain is a common problem that most people experience. Chest pain can signal anything from a muscle cramp to even an impending heart attack. You should never ignore symptoms of chest pain as it can signal a serious underlying disorder. The details about chest pain are not described here as it is beyond the scope of this article. The focus is on various homeopathic remedies to treat symptoms of chest pain.

Why homeopathy?
Homeopathy is an alternative system of medicine that was started in the year 1796, by Samuel Hahnemann. It is based on the premise that the substance that causes a disorder, if introduced in the right quantity in the body, will cure the same disease. Compared to mainstream medicine, homeopathy products are not synthetic and are free from any side effect.
Homeopathic remedies for chest pain:

The homeopathic remedies that are given below not only treat pain effectively but also get rid of the actual cause of the pain. The best thing about these remedies is that they are completely free from any side effect, whatsoever. The various homeopathic remedies for chest pain are:

Rhus Tox: This remedy is effective in treating pain that spreads to the shoulders from the chest; these symptoms tend to worsen in damp and cold weather.
Arnica Mont: If you experience chest pain along with soreness in the body, this remedy is prescribed.
Ranunculus B: In case of intercostal rheumatism wherein you experience pain in the muscle between the ribs, this remedy is usually recommended by the practitioner.
Kali carb: Kali carb is used to treat stitching pain in the chest that worsens during the early hours of the morning.
Rumex C: This remedy is used to treat pain that develops in the left lung, followed by coughing.
Bryonia: For a stabbing or a burning chest pain that worsens when you move, Bryonia is considered to be the appropriate remedy.
Phosphorus: This remedy is recommended when you experience heavy coughing and chest pain caused by pneumonia or tuberculosis.
Carbo-veg: Carbo-veg is used to treat chest pain resulting from acidity, gas and indigestion.
Robinia: This remedy is used to treat symptoms of chest pain that originates from behind the sternum (breastbone) as a result of acidity.
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Fibromyalgia - Can Extensive Pain Be A Sign?

Pain Management Specialist, Kolkata
Fibromyalgia - Can Extensive Pain Be A Sign?
Fibromyalgia is a disorder that causes widespread body pain along with sleep deficits, memory loss, mood problems and fatigue. Symptoms may be triggered after a surgery, physical trauma, infection, or stress. Women are much more vulnerable to this disease than men. Many people affected with fibromyalgia may have suffered from headaches, backaches, depression, anxiety, tension, temporomandibular joint disorders and irritable bowel syndrome.

Most of these patients have undergone multiple consultation with various doctors and undergone many tests, but no diagnosis could be made. These patients are often ignored by doctors and family members as always "complaining of pain".

Symptoms of Fibromyalgia

Extensive Pain: Pain related to fibromyalgia is often depicted as a dull pain that lasts for at least three months. Pain can involve any body part like back,neck, chest, arms, legs. Patients have pain in multiple areas of body and painful areas change over time.
Fatigue: Patients afflicted with this disorder feel tired even after sleep. Such people are reported to sleep for longer hours than normal people, but their sleep often gets disrupted due to sleep apnoea and restless leg syndrome.
Cognitive Difficulties: These patients find it difficult to concentrate at work and also suffer from memory deficits in daily activities.
Other Symptoms These patients may also have symptoms like burning urination, urgency of urination, numbness,loss of appetite, tingling sensation,diarrhoea, constipation, tinnitus, depression etc.

Diagnosis of fibromyalgia There are no specific test to diagnose fibromyalgia. Diagnosis is made by a doctor specialised in Pain Medicine using clinical methods based on symptoms and examination. Blood tests like Haemogram, Thyroid function test, RA Factor, ESR are done to rule out other diseases which can cause similar symptoms.

Treatment of fibromyalgia

First step in treating these patients is to accept their problem and discuss with patient and family members regarding the presence of such disease entity.
Lifestyle changes like active involvement in cardiovascular exercises, swimming, yoga, meditation are important to control symptoms.
Conventional painkillers do not work in these patients. They requires special medications prescribed by a pain specialist for control of symptoms.
Counselling of patient is beneficial for associated depression. Sometimes these patients need interventions/injections.
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Heart Attack - Did You Know Your Body Starts Giving You Signs A Month Before?

Multi Speciality
Cardiologist, Delhi
Heart Attack - Did You Know Your Body Starts Giving You Signs A Month Before?
A heart attack can wreak havoc, throwing a person's life completely off balance. The condition, also known as Myocardial Infarction, often catches a person unawares. As per a survey, close to 7.35 lakhs people (both men and women) suffer from a cardiac arrest and associated disorders in the US every year. Early diagnosis and preventive measures can make a world of difference. Unfortunately, many people ignore or tend to miss out on the early symptoms characteristic of a heart attack.

A heart attack can be very much averted. All you need to do is, listen to your body and pay attention to the following warning signs. Act before it is too late.

Indigestion, nausea: Nausea, vomiting or indigestion is important, yet most commonly ignored early symptoms of a heart attack. More common in women than their male counterparts, the symptoms are often mistaken for over exhaustion or stomach upset. Nausea, in particular, can be triggered by many conditions and hence the negligence. A person may also complain of stomach ache or heart burns.Though the symptoms may appear to be nothing serious, seeking an immediate medical assistance will not hurt either. A little alertness will only help you in the long run.
Pain and discomfort in the chest: This is a warning that should be taken seriously by all means. The symptom can be an indication of a condition as serious as a blocked artery, an important trigger for a heart attack.
Dizziness: Seldom will you find people losing their sleep over something as common as dizziness. While the lack of a sound sleep can make a person feel dizzy and light headed, the symptom (often accompanied by chest pain) could also be an outcome of a low BP (triggered by improper functioning of the heart). Look for the symptoms carefully and act accordingly.
Sharp pain episodes: Many people experience a sharp pain that originates in the chest and gradually spreads outward towards the arms. The symptom is a clear indication of a heart problem, ignoring which will only spell doom. Sometimes the pain can also spread to the jaw or the throat.The symptom is a strong warning that your heart needs immediate care and attention.
Sudden and unexplained sweating: Sweating due to hot and scorching summer is understood but unexplained sweating can be dangerous.
Over exhaustion: If small or regular chores that you could do in the wink of an eye are suddenly leaving you tired and exhausted (climbing the stairs for instance), it is time for you to consult a doctor.
Irregular heartbeat: The irregular beating of the heart can also be an indication of a heart problem.
Swollen feet: A heart problem can interfere with the ability of the heart to pump blood. As a result, the affected person may have swollen feet, ankles, and legs.
Cough: A cough that lingers for long (often accompanied with a pink mucus) is an important indication of a damaged or diseased heart.
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Causes And Treatment Of Heel Pain

Pain Management Specialist, Kolkata
Causes And Treatment Of Heel Pain
The toes and heels are the most load bearing components within your feet which take most of the weight when walking, running, exercising or even standing up. The heels are an especially vulnerable part of the body which can become painful either due to injuries or excessive stress put on it. Pain in your heels can also be a sign of other problems in your body.

Causes for heel pain:

Sprains or straining the leg: Exercising is one of the most common culprits behind heel damage. Wearing the wrong shoes over prolonged periods, which can cause your balance to be shifted and will lead you to put strain on your heels and cause pain. Falling or spraining during exercising or training can also cause heel pain.
Fractures: Stress or hairline fractures can occur even without impacts or trauma and also cause pain. It will slowly build up over time. In such cases, you should immediately consult a doctor and take remedial action.
Achilles tendon: A common cause for heel pain, the Achilles tendon connects the calf muscle to the heel. If this is torn or damaged, it can cause pain in your heel.
Arthritis: The deposition of uric acid crystals in parts of your body may result in arthritis; this is a fairly common cause for heel pain as well.
Treatments available

Change in shoes: Shoes play a major role in the development of heel pain. You will either need to change the shoes or adjust the heels to ensure that they are at an equal and comfortable height and keep your posture natural and balanced.
Foot supports: There are specialized heel supports and wedges, which you can wear with the footwear. These supports help redistribute weight from the problem areas and uniformly distribute it among the other parts of the foot. Heel cups are also another form of supports you could try.
Pain relief medications: Sometimes aspirin or ibuprofen may be required to numb and dull the pain, if getting through the day becomes difficult or you are in the middle of work.
Resting: Sometimes resting is the only medication you can take to relieve the pain as it can only subside once the underlying conditions are corrected.
Ice packs: Cold compress and cold therapy would definitely help in numbing the area and providing temporary pain relief.
Interventional pain management: When all other options failed, go for interventional pain management.
It is however, advisable to visit the doctor if the pain persists and take specialized medical care in more complicated cases wherein the pain is prolonged.
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Khus Khus (Poppy Seeds) - Amazing Health Benefits You Never Knew!

MD -Internal Medicine
Ayurvedic Doctor, Pune
Khus Khus (Poppy Seeds) - Amazing Health Benefits You Never Knew!
There are many condiments used for flavouring in Indian cooking. We also have many ingredients that can bring us health benefits. Khus khus or poppy seeds are one of the staple Indian condiments that we use in pulses, curries and other vegetable preparations. This condiment is also known for its varied health benefits that many of us may not be aware of.

Read on to know more about the health benefits of poppy seeds.

Constipation: Poppy seeds are known to drive away and prevent constipation. This condiment can also remove gas. These seeds keep your stomach feeling full for a much longer time. It can be added to your food so that you can avoid constipation and other problems like gas and indigestion. This is due to the fact that poppy seeds carry plenty of dietary fibres.
Sleep problems: Khus khus is also a well known ingredient that can be taken with warm milk and sugar to help in curing sleep disorders like insomnia. This ingredient helps in inducing sleep and is known to be an excellent way in which one can cure sleeplessness. The milk with poppy seeds must be ingested at least an hour before you sleep.
Respiratory problems: If you have been suffering from asthma and other respiratory issues for a very long time, then this might just be the cure for you. One can have poppy seeds as this ingredient acts like a decongestant of sorts and helps in keeping the airways and the throat tract clear. It reduces the amount of cough that one may be having, which helps in better management of the respiratory problem being faced.
Radical attacks: Any radical attacks like a sudden spike in one s cholesterol and blood pressure as well as cardiac arrest can also be prevented with the help of poppy seeds along with a good diet and exercise routine. Poppy seeds are a well-known source of antioxidants and one can have plenty of this in order to avoid coming down with any sudden and serious health issues.
Kidney stones: With the help of poppy seeds and its antioxidants as well as dietary fibers, it is possible to routinely flush out all those toxins that can otherwise accumulate in your body. These toxins usually give rise to conditions like kidney stones and other related issues. Ingesting poppy seeds on a regular basis can go a long way in avoiding such issues.
Pain killer: Whatever kind of pain we may be suffering from, and for whatever reason or condition, chewing on poppy seeds can actually help in giving substantial pain relief. It can relieve you of tooth aches as well as muscular and neurological pain.
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Crying - Does It Help?

General Physician, Pune
Crying - Does It Help?
While some people see tears as a sign of weakness, for others crying is a crucial way of dealing with grief. Though as children we re told not to cry and to keep a hold of our emotions, letting go of a few tears can help alleviate grief and emotional distress.

Here are a few reasons crying could be a good idea when dealing with loss.

Crying can stimulate the release of endorphins: Crying cleanses the mind of negative emotions and allows you to express your emotions. Crying can be described as a reaction to pain and in order to control pain, the body releases endorphins. Endorphins are also known as happy hormones as they block the transmission of pain signals and create a sense of contentment. These chemicals can take a little time to have an effect and hence in most cases, you will notice an improvement in your mood after a good cry.
Crying elevates the mood: Crying can help reduce your body s manganese levels. A higher than normal manganese level can heighten anxiety, irritability, tiredness and emotional disturbances. By lowering manganese levels, the brain is left with enough space for happier emotions and hence crying can help elevate a person s mood.
Crying stimulates the body s parasympathetic nervous system: The parasympathetic nervous system controls a number of functions including heart rate. Crying can stimulate this system and trigger a state of relaxation. For this reason, you may feel sleepy after crying. This gives your body time to relax and deal with the problem at hand with a calmer mind.
Crying helps deal with stress: A stressful experience or emotional situation can cause a build-up of stress hormones known as cortisol. As the levels of cortisol increase in the body, it goes into flight or fight mode as an automatic response to stress. Crying reduces the cortisol levels and helps relieve tension and stress almost immediately.
Crying is cathartic: Every day we are exposed to conflicts and stressful situations that can build up into resentments and leave a person feeling anxious and depressed. Sometimes, giving vent to emotions and crying can help release these pent-up feeling and help cleanse the mind of these negative emotions. Crying also allows us to open ourselves up to the people around and can improve the levels of intimacy between them. In this way, it can help a person become part of a community.
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Arthritis - How Homeopathy Can Treat it Effectively?

Diploma in Diet and Nutrition, M.Sc - Psychology, BHMS, PG Hom (Lon)
Homeopathy Doctor, Delhi
Arthritis - How Homeopathy Can Treat it Effectively?
Arthritis is an inflammatory joint disorder of autoimmune starting point. In arthritis, the joints get to be painful, inflamed, swollen and warm with checked stiffness. Chiefly the little joints of wrist, fingers, ankles and toes are included. Over the long haul, other huge joints may likewise get influenced.

Homeopathy is a standout amongst the most prevalent all encompassing system of medicine. The determination of remedy is based upon the theory of individualization and symptoms comparability by utilizing comprehensive approach. To the extent therapeutic medication is concerned, a few very much demonstrated medicines are accessible for homeopathic treatment of arthritis that can be chosen on the premise of cause, sensation, location, modalities and augmentation of the protests. For individualized remedy determination and treatment, the patient ought to counsel a qualified homeopathic doctor face to face.

Causes of arthritis

Injury: It can harm to ligament, bone, and cartilage that eventually prompts to extreme pain.
Obesity and propelled age: Both are extremely regular cause of arthritis.
Infection: Any sort of infection to the joint may come about arthritis.
Sprain: Due to sudden unnatural developments causes pain and additionally limitation of development of the joint.
Overuse: Overuse of knee joint can cause bursitis which eventually prompts to extraordinary pain.
Dislocation: Also causes serious arthritis.
Different causes: Include Sickle cell disease, Sarcoidosis, Kawasaki disease, Lupus, bone tumors, Crohn's disease, bleeding disorders and so forth.
Will Homeopathy treat joint inflammation?
Homeopathic method of treatment is extremely powerful in treating rheumatoid arthritis. Homeopathic medicines treat rheumatoid arthritis by directing the overactive immune system. They decrease joint inflammation and symptoms including swelling, pain and stiffness of joints. Homeopathy offers an extensive variety of medicines for rheumatoid arthritis. However, there is nobody cure for all ills connected with this condition. The most fitting Homeopathic medicine for rheumatoid arthritis is chosen in light of an inside and out analysis of individual symptoms. Exceedingly successful Homeopathic medicines for rheumatoid arthritis are ActaeaSpicata, RhusTox, Causticum, Bryonia, Kalmia, Caulophyllum, Ledum pal, Guaiacum, Benzoic acid, Calcaria Carb.

The homeopathic treatment for arthritis has the capability of forever reestablishing the health of your joints. It merits finding a decent homeopath that will regard you as the individual you seem to be, instead of essentially "obtaining" a remedy from another person's experience.
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What To Check Before Throwing Expired Medicines?

MBBS, DNB Family medicine
General Physician, Bangalore
What To Check Before Throwing Expired Medicines?
When it comes to health, there is no taking a chance. Most of us are in the habit of storing some medicines at home, which could come in handy, say for a headache or an acidity attack. However, these often remain in the medicine kit for a long time before they are actually used. So, finally when the day arrives when there is an actual need for it, we are not sure if it is still usable. The one thing we dread is the use of a medicine, which is past its expiry date.

What if there is an adverse event? What if there is a complication or a side effect?
Then, if we are not in a position to get a fresh pill, we would rather endure the pain or acidity than pop that outdated pill. Is it really prudent to do so? I say otherwise. Most medicines have the expiry date to indicate the date or time, until when the drug would have the most potency and efficacy. Meaning to say, the drug may become weak (take longer to act or may require more of the drug to produce the same effect) when taken after the listed expiry date.

The truth is that most pharma companies list a date, which could be months, if not years, ahead of the actual expiry date. In reality, a drug never really expires. Most medicines can be used up to a few months after this date. Some medicines may even be useful after years of their expiry date.

It depends as to what the medicine is for:

Painkillers are usually harmless to take beyond the expiry date. If there is no effect (even prolonged), then try to get a fresh one.
Chronic medications like anti-hypertensives and anti-diabetic medications can be used up to a few months at the most, not beyond. Make sure to monitor readings to check for the efficacy. Often times, a greater dose may be required to get the desired effect, but this should not be done without medical supervision.
Biologic products like EpiPen, eye drops or injectable substances should not be used, if they are cloudy. In fact, most of these should be kept for a very short period after opening.
With any expired medicine, keep your doctor posted, especially your chronic meds to seek further advice and information.
The place and the way the drug is stored also may help in retaining its strength. A drug stored in the fridge is safer than something stashed away in a cupboard with a lot of other things. Keep these in mind, and take a call!
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