Top Health Tips on Lung Cancer Imaging

Know Cancer Causing Food Items!

General Physician, Visakhapatnam
Know Cancer Causing Food Items!
The food you eat is critical for your overall wellbeing as a number of cancers that affect the human body are of gastrointestinal origin. Stick to organic and chemical free food items to live a healthier life since they reduce the risk of cancer substantially.

Regular consumption of the food items mentioned below increases your risk of developing cancer, as well as many other conditions.

Microwave Popcorn- Most microwave-popcorn bags are lined with c8, also known as perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) which increases the risk of certain cancers such as kidney, testicular, bladder, pancreas and liver cancer notably. Microwave popcorn also contains an artificial or synthetic butter flavoring called diacetyl which is extremely toxic and obstructs breathing.
Canned Tomatoes- While tomatoes are considered to be cancer fighting food items, their canned counterparts are extremely unhealthy and may cause cancer. This is mainly due to the lining of the cans, they are put in, contains a chemical known as bisphenol-A or BPA that has been proven to elevate the risk of infertility as well as prostate and breast cancer. Due to their (tomatoes) high acidity, BPA leaks from the lining of the cans and penetrates into the fruit. Tomatoes should be cooked fresh or stored in glass jars.
Processed/Grilled Red Meat- Processed meat such as sausages, prosciutto, bacon, pimento loaf, bologna, hot dogs etc., contain various chemicals and preservatives such as sodium nitrate. This is added to make the meat look fresh and appealing but are, in fact, carcinogenic in nature. Moreover, you should also avoid grilling meat since it releases a carcinogen known as heterocyclic aromatic amines. Another dangerous food item includes smoked meat since it picks up tar from the smoking process.
Farmed Salmon- It is imperative to avoid farmed salmon because they are fed unnatural diets that are contaminated with carcinogens, antibiotics, chemicals, pesticides and so on. They also harbor sea lice, 30 times greater in amount than wild salmon. High levels of cancer causing dioxins, and mercury have been found in them. It is advisable to opt for wild sockeye salmon instead of farmed salmon.
Thus, these food items should be avoided at all costs in order to prevent cancer and many other diseases.
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How Does Family History Affect Cancer?

Multi Speciality, Mumbai
How Does Family History Affect Cancer?
The rising incidences of cancer have made it important for us to be vigilant about our health. It has been proven medically that if cancer is detected at an early stage -stage I & II , then the chances of cure and treatment along with full recovery are very high. For early cancer detection & for people at greater risk of cancer, PHC-Preventive Health Care plays a major role. Preventive Health Check is particularly important for the people who have a family history of cancer.

Hereditary Cancers:

Almost all cancers are caused by damage or mutation in their genes, which, may be acquired from environmental exposure, dietary factors, hormones or through normal aging. In 90% of cases, these genes are not passed from parents to children. These are known as sporadic mutations and the cancers that they cause are called as sporadic cancers. But 5-10% of cancers are caused by gene mutations which are inherited from one or both parents & passed on to the children .These are hereditary or germline mutations & these cancers are known as hereditary or familial cancers.

People /children, who carry gene mutations have a higher risk of developing cancer at an earlier age or at some point in their life time.

Some of the common such cancers, which run in families, are:

Breast cancer
Ovarian cancer
Colo-rectal cancer (cancer of large intestine )
Prostate cancer
Breast, ovary & colo-rectal carcinoma have well established gene mutation studies.Mutation of BRCA 1 & BRCA2 Genes is responsible for 85% of hereditary breast cancers.

Estimated life time risk for developing breast cancer in woman with BRCA1 & BRCA2 mutation is 56-87% & risk for developing-bilateral /contralatral breast cancer is about 20-40%. These statistics make a preventive health check for women with breast cancer history in their family a necessity. Mutation in these genes confers about 20-40% increased life time risk for developing ovarian cancer. Hence the presence of gene mutation for breast cancer can trigger ovarian cancer.

However as stated above, other environmental and lifestyle factors can also cause breast cancer other than genetic BRCA1 & BRCA 2 gene mutations.

Increasing age
Early menarche
Late menopause
First birth after the age of 30
Atypical lobular hyperplasia or Atypical ductal hyperplasia
Prior breast biopsies
Long term postmenopausal estiogen replacement
Early exposure to ionizing radiation
Other Familial Cancers:

Familial cancer syndromes associated with colo-rectal cancers are familial adenomatous polyposis (FAP).It is an autosomal dominant inherited syndrome with more than 90% penetrance, manifested by hundreds of polyps developed by late adolescence .The risk of developing invasive cancer is almost 100% .So such patients should start getting colonoscopy at an earlier age- say by 20yr of age & should undergo Total Collectomy on development of significant polyps .

Other familial cancer syndromes are hereditary non -Polyposis Colo Rectal Cancer (HNPCC), Gardner's Syndrome, Turcot's Syndrome, Peutz-Jeghers Syndrome, Juvenile Polyposis.

Cancer Assessment & Conclusion:

For breast cancer risk assessment, we have the GAIL model & IBIS model, which take into consideration ,all the risk factors, apart from BRCA1 & BRCA 2 gene mutation. These models calculate the over all life time risk of development of breast cancer for any lady. For this, you have to consult a specialist experienced in area of hereditary cancers, cancer risk assessment, genetic counseling & testing.

To conclude, all people with cancers in their family should undergo genetic testing & counseling, to detect high risk individuals should take adequate measures & treatment.
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Plastic Bottles - Should They Be Reused?

Bachelor of Ayurveda, Medicine and Surgery (BAMS)
Ayurvedic Doctor, Noida
Plastic Bottles - Should They Be Reused?
Earlier, when one stepped out, you automatically put a bottle of water into your bag. Today, carrying a bottle is often seen as an unnecessary hassle. Afterall, you can easily buy a bottle of water anywhere. When it comes to bottled water, most of us do not follow the use and throw concept. A plastic bottle is not seen as a container for water, but rather as a free gift that accompanies it. This bottle is taken home, refilled and put into the fridge. However, did you know that this practice could be harming you?

Not all plastic bottles are the same. When you buy a bottle of water, take a look at the bottom. You will notice a triangular recycling symbol with a number within it. This number ranges from 1 to 7 and speaks of how many times the bottle can be reused. Water bottles typically have the number 1 stamped on them. This is the manufacturer s way of telling you that these bottles should be used only once and should not be refilled. Refillable plastic bottles usually are categorized as code 7. These may be refilled, but are not completely safe either.

Why are plastic bottles unsafe?
Plastic is ultimately a chemical compound. Many of their chemical ingredients can be harmful to human health. When plastic bottles are reused, these chemicals are leeched into the water and ingested by us. For example, plastic mineral water bottles contain antimony that may cause cancer. Similarly, refillable bottles may contain phthalates that can cause reproductive problems.
Plastic bottles are also difficult to clean and hence home to millions of bacteria. Putting a plastic bottle in the dishwasher could worsen the condition as it may cause chemicals to leak out of the bottle. Similarly, pouring hot liquid into a plastic bottle could lead to deterioration of the plastic and unwanted chemicals in the liquid.

The Alternative
Glass and copper bottles are much better ways of storing and carrying water. Glass is an inert material that will not affect the purity of water stored within it but may be prone to breakage. Copper is a natural metal that does interact with water but the mineral it adds to water can help improve a person s health. These bottles may seem a little expensive in comparison to plastic bottles but in the long run are very cost effective. Think about it. Would you rather spend now and drink water in peace or save now and spend on doctor s fees later?
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Don't Ignore The Subtle Signs Of Ovarian Cancer!

Multi Speciality, Mumbai
Don't Ignore The Subtle Signs Of Ovarian Cancer!
Ovarian cancer is a broad term used to describe cluster of different types of cancers occurring in a single organ i.e. ovary. It can occur at any age- from infancy till old age , even though ovarian carcinoma in younger/childhood comprises only 20% of all ovarian cancers. Majority of ovarian cancers are epithelial - arising from the covering from ovary or from the fallopian tube or the lining of the peritoneum of the abdominal cavity.

The Silent Killer:

Ovarian cancer is called a silent killer as majority of patients report any symptoms when the disease is in the advance stage. Hardly 2-3% of all ovarian cancers cause bleeding or hirsutism, thereby seeking prompt treatment. Majority of ovarian cancer occurs in peri/postmenopausal women which reflect change in interior milieu in terms of hormones.

Since the symptoms are non-specific, women tend to ignore them due to growing age/menopause. Also, mostly women normally don't consult physicians for such non-gynecological complaints, thereby further delaying the diagnosis. It is recommended that women remain involved in their overall health and keep themselves updated to report any abnormality immediately to a specialist.

The main symptoms associated with Ovarian Cancer are:

Bloating sensation especially after heavy meals.

Increasing abdominal girth (especially if no change in diet or if regularly exercising).

Increasing heaviness (fullness) in lower abdomen.

Increasing constipation.

Persistent Gastritis, if previously absent.

Inability to eat proper meal.

Increasing tiredness.

Increased frequency of urination.

Painful contact.

Further, if there is family history of breast/uterine/ovarian cancer in first and second degree relatives, this increases the risk of developing ovarian and breast cancer. Such females should remain vigilant for above-mentioned symptoms and should report promptly.
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Olive Oil - Which One Are You Using?

Master in Food & Nutrition, B.Sc. - Home Science
Dietitian/Nutritionist, Faridabad
Olive Oil - Which One Are You Using?
Today, olive oil is known as one of the healthiest oils for cooking food because of its low level of saturated fats. Olive oil is also said to be able to aid in weight loss, reduce cholesterol, lower the risk of cardiovascular diseases, slow down the ageing process and protect against certain types of cancer. However, not all types of olive oil are the same. Olive oil is extracted by crushing olives and is categorised on the basis of the type of pressing, acidity levels and extent of processing undergone.

Some of the common types of olive oil available are:

Extra virgin olive oil: This refers to oil produced by the first pressing of olives. This oil is extracted using only mechanical or other physical means and does not involve the use of heat or chemicals. The only processing is subjected to is washing, decanting, centrifuging and filtering. The maximum acidity level of this oil is 0.8%. Extra virgin olive oil has no added flavours or aroma and is said to have a superior taste.
Virgin olive oil: This is the second grade of olive oil. It has slightly higher level of acidity than extra virgin olive oil. It may seem to have a slight flavour imperfection as compared to the earlier oil. This is most commonly used type of olive oil.
Refined olive oil: Oil that is produced by subsequent pressings of the remaining olive flesh is known as refined olive oil. It has a lighter colour and is less viscous as compared to virgin olive oil. Unlike virgin olive oil, refined olive oil is bleached and deodorised. It may also be mixed with a little virgin olive oil. This type of oil has the same levels of monosaturated fat, but has very little antioxidants.
Olive pomace oil: The crushed flesh and pits left over from the extraction of olive oil is known as pomace. This may further be used to extract oil known as pomace oil. Pomace oil is an inferior oil that may be mixed with olive oil to improve its taste and texture.
Unfiltered olive oil: As the name suggests, the unfiltered olive oil contains bits of olive flesh. While this may enhance the flavour of the oil, it also causes a sediment to be formed at the bottom of the bottle. This sediment may become rancid over time and lower the shelf life of the oil. Unfiltered olive oil should ideally be used within 6 months of being bottled.
Apart from the above, there are a number of other types of olive oil such as early or late harvest olive oil, hand picked olive oil, single estate olive oil and flavoured oil.
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Karela (Bitter Gourd) - 7 Reasons Why You Should Start Eating It Today!

Bachelor of Naturopathy & Yogic Sciences (BNYS), M.Sc. - Nutrition
Dietitian/Nutritionist, Bangalore
Karela (Bitter Gourd) - 7 Reasons Why You Should Start Eating It Today!
This green gourd may be bitter in taste, but is packed with so many benefits, people who use it swear by it. Whether it is diabetes or asthma, the green bitter gourd has helped in many ways. Read on to know some of the health benefits of this wonder gourd. Hope that makes you learn to relish it beyond its bitter taste.

Weight management: 100 g of the vegetable contains just about 20 calories, and is one of the best low-calorie foods. Coupled with its other benefits (listed below), this should find its way to anyone wanting to improve overall health
Diabetes: Karela has the chemical polypeptide-P which is also known as plant insulin. It works as insulin and helps in blood sugar control. A glass of bitter gourd juice is one of the most well-known and successful home remedies for diabetics.
Rich in folate: Bitter gourds are rich in folates and one can get up to 20% of the recommended daily from about 100 g of this vegetable. Widely used in menstruating women and pregnancy to prevent anemia and blood iron levels. In pregnancy, it also helps reduce neural tube defects in the developing baby
Loaded with antioxidants: Alpha and beta carotenes, xanthenes, and lutein. All these help in controlling the release of free radicals and reduce bodily inflammation. This is the most important reason for the development of diseases like diabetes, cancer, and premature ageing. Therefore, bitter gourd helps in preventing and/or prolonging the onset of these diseases. Another independent antioxidant is vitamin C, and about 100 g of karela provides more than 100% of daily required dose
Good for digestion: Bitter gourd is widely used for its digestive properties. It improves mobility, relieves constipation, and reduces problems of indigestion
Good for respiratory system: Respiratory benefits of bitter gourd include clearing up of sputum, improving breathing, and relief from cough. Widely used in asthma patients
Blood purifier: It is an excellent blood purifier and juice consumed in the morning is one of the best ways to detox the body
Though still to be proven, karela is known to help HIV/AIDS patients, as they contain phytochemicals, which improve immunity and reduce overall infection and inflammation in the body

Methods of Use:

Both the leaves and the bitter gourd per se can be consumed for their health benefits
The juice is the most beneficial method, though it might take you some time to acquire this taste. Whether it is for weight loss or diabetes, this offers the best medicinal value
Curries are usually prepared with karela in different styles depending on cooking preferences in that area
It can also be baked, boiled, and fried
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5 Top Cancer Fighting Foods You Must Eat!

Diploma In DDHE
Dietitian/Nutritionist, Delhi
5 Top Cancer Fighting Foods You Must Eat!
Cancer is one of the worst diseases, which kills millions of people across the world. While there is a wide range of treatment options available, the best way to deal with it is to ensure a good diet along with a healthy lifestyle.

Here is a list of cancer-fighting food products, which can immensely help to prevent cancer:

Green vegetables: Leafy green vegetables have multiple health benefits. They are not only rich in minerals, vitamins, enzymes, and antioxidants, but also have very low content of calories, toxins, and sodium. Being antiviral and antibacterial in nature, green vegetables can successfully inactivate carcinogens, halt metastasis and pause the formation of a tumour. Certain vegetables contain isothiocyanates that can detox the cells. Some of the vegetables that are mighty effective in countering cancer cells include kale, romaine, watercress, nutritious spinach, collard greens etc.
Berries: Berries are one of the best antioxidants among all food items, owing to their high ORAC score. Their antiviral and anti-fungal nature of berries is extremely healthy for the body. Moreover, abundant supply of vitamin A and C makes berries a perfect agent for increasing body immunity. Free radicals are one of the top reasons for metastasis. The proanthocyanidin content of berries helps the body to get a hang of free radicals, thereby decreasing the chances of cancer cells to grow rapidly. They can be consumed daily with any meals.
Spices and herbs: There are a lot of herbs and spices, which boost the immune system and prevents cancer cells to grow further. Turmeric, for instance, is scientifically proved to be a great agent for reducing tumor size and effectively countering breast cancer and colon cancer. Some of the other herbs and spices include black pepper, ginger, raw garlic, parsley, oregano, and basil. They can be consumed daily in the form of juice or along with regular meals.
Organic meat: Many scientists are of the view that organic meat does wonder in a cancer diet. Liver of beef and chicken has high B12 content and helps to remove harmful toxins from the digestive tract and liver. They can balance hormone, digest fat and counter the side effects of triglycerides, drugs, and obesity. This can be included in the diet every alternate day.
Seeds and nuts: Flax seeds and chia seeds are few nutrient-power packed foods in the world. They should be included in the diet due to high fiber, mineral, and fatty acid content. Some other healthy seeds that can pay rich dividends in fighting cancer include walnut, sprouted bean, sunflower seeds etc. Nuts and seeds with all their nutritional qualities can successfully stop metastasis, reduce tumor size and increase immunity in the body, if consumed daily.
Hence, start including these food items in your daily diet to keep yourself safe from the deadly disease like cancer.
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Lemon (Neembu) - 8 Reasons Why It Is Good For Your Health!

MD - Ayurveda, Bachelor of Ayurveda, Medicine and Surgery (BAMS)
Ayurvedic Doctor, Bhavnagar
Lemon (Neembu) - 8 Reasons Why It Is Good For Your Health!
A lime may be one of the smallest things that most people don't consider buying especially when they go for fruits and vegetable shopping, but it is one of the high nutrition food item in the basket. When it comes to lemons the first thing that pops into our mind is the presence of vitamin C, but in reality, there are a number of health benefits that most people are not aware of.

Along with a boost of vitamin C, lemons are infused with the goodness of fiber, calcium, thiamin, pantothenic, acid folate, magnesium, copper, etc. and to top it all they are also low in calories. Apart from the aforementioned benefits, there are certain reasons why lemons should be consumed daily.

A powerhouse of essential vitamins and minerals: Lemons are an excellent source of vitamins and minerals, including potassium which is essential for heart health, nerve function and are good at maintaining the level of blood pressure in the body. They can also reduce cancer as they contain antioxidants and bioflavonoids.
Fights infection: We all know lime to be very good at fighting cold and cough. Not just that. It is useful in severe infections like cholera and E.coli infections. As cholera is transmitted by food, adding lime to the food will help in preventing its transmission.
Heart health: Lime is rich in antioxidants which is responsible for keeping the arteries healthy and improve blood circulation. They also reduce the buildup of plaque in the walls of the arteries, which prevents the hardening of arteries and reduces the onset of blood pressure. Lemons can work wonders when it comes to maintaining the overall heart health. One can also include lemon peel and oil in their daily diet for good health.
Drink to your health: Drinking a glass of lime juice with a spoon of honey, on an empty stomach is the best way to start a day, as it will provide the body with a boost of energy it requires.
Fights cancer: Considering lemons are packed with antioxidants along with certain compounds which are good at fighting cancerous cell development. Further, the presence of compounds, such as hesperidin and d-limonene are well known for their cancer prevention properties, due to which lime is amongst the best cancer-fighting foods.
Glowing skin and hair: After squeezing out the juice from the lime, rub the lime on the face and notice how the skin glows. If that sounds not feasible, apply lime oil on the face, this will keep the skin elastic and youthful. Applying lime to the hair is a natural way to keep the hair shiny and black.
Joint movement: It is common for uric acid to accumulate in joints, which leads to bone pain and discomfort. Citric acid from the lime ensures this uric acid accumulation is reduced, thereby, reducing gout and inflammation.
Weight loss: The citric acid is an excellent fat burner, and drinking two glasses of warm lime water per day can give obvious results in a week s time.
Now that the benefits of lemons are out of the bag, don t forget to throw in a couple of lemons in that shopping bag. Further, in case of a query, do consult an expert & get answers to the queries.
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Why Is Banana or Papaya Healthier Alternatives for Apple?

M.Phil Biotech & PGD Dietitics
Dietitian/Nutritionist, Panchkula
Why Is Banana or Papaya Healthier Alternatives for Apple?
An apple a day keeps the doctor away, but Minions seem to disagree. An apple being the fruit of choice for millions of households across the world, recent studies show that apples may not be as good for you as you ve been led to believe. For starters they have high sugar content, for the calorie conscious, which might be a bad revelation. The really high fiber content of apples is known to induce stomach aches. Studies show that most apples in the regular market are laden with pesticides, which are harmful for human consumption. Apples are known to cause allergies too and not to forget, apple seeds contain trace amounts of cyanide.

So if not apples, what is supposed to keep the doctor at bay? The world is going ga ga over bananas. Bananas and papayas are two easy to resource, lower priced alternative as the household fruit of choice. Here s why.

Papayas and Bananas contain fewer carbohydrates and more protein than Apples and hence instantly making them a better choice for calorie conscious.
High levels of Tryptophan, make bananas and papayas a natural antidepressant and stress buster.
Both are rich in Anti oxidants which helps in preventing and fighting cancer.
Bananas protect an individual against type 2 diabetes and aid in weight loss in this new age of morbid obesity that makes it quite a selling point.
Both fruits being rich in vitamin C are known to boost immunity.
Papayas are rich in flavonoids, vitamin A and beta carotene, which protect the mucus membrane of the eye and are known to prevent age related retardation of eye sight.
Bananas and Papayas help prevent swelling of joints and work well to prevent arthritis.
Both fruits are known to help ease menstrual cramps.
Papaya is rich in vitamin E, vitamin C and antioxidants like beta-carotene which helps prevent your skin from free radical damage keeping wrinkles, marks and signs of ageing at bay.
Papaya is known to encourage hair growth and fight against hair fall.
The duo is known to improve overall digestion as well.
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Clarified Butter (Ghee) vs Refined Oil - Which Has More Benefits?

Ayurvedic Doctor, Alwar
Clarified Butter (Ghee) vs Refined Oil - Which Has More Benefits?
Ghee is commonly referred to as clarified butter, is a traditional dietary source of fat which is used in Indian cooking. It can be easily made at home by heating butter till it boils, yielding ghee. Refined oils are the vegetable oils like mustard, safflower, canola and the rest which are really popular these days as cooking mediums. These are the products of a chemical treatment to get rid of the strong odour and taste, as well as toxins present in the original oil.

Like, unrefined mustard oil has a characteristic pungent odour and taste and a yellow colour, but refined Mustard oil loses all of these when it s refined. Refined mustard oil has a whitish colour and no rancid mustard taste. We shall take a look at the health benefits or the absence thereof of both- clarified butter and refined oils, followed by the final verdict on which one is better for you in the end.

Clarified butter or Ghee
Why is ghee good for you?

It is better tolerated by those with dairy sensitivities as it s very low in casein the main protein found in milk and has nil to minimal amounts of lactose, making it better tolerated by those with dairy intolerances.
Ghee is also rich in butyrate, a short chain fatty acid which can decrease inflammation and help improve the digestive system.
Ghee tastes yummy and It can be eaten on its own as it tastes nutty and wholesome. This makes it ideal for adding as topping for foods like rice, veggies and bread.
Ghee is rich in fat soluble vitamins like A, D, E and K.
Just one tablespoon of ghee can provide around 15 percent of your daily requirements of vitamin A.
Ghee has one of the highest contents of conjugated linoleic acid (CLA). CLA has been shown to improve insulin resistance and potentially fighting cancer in studies.
Ghee can be stored easily at room temperature and doesn t need to be refrigerated.
Why is ghee bad for you?

Ghee has high saturated fat content so it s bad for the weight-watchers. Eat in moderation is the mantra.
Ghee s not good for weight-loss also due to its high- calorie content.
Refined Oils

Refined oils are the purified vegetable oils. The vegetable oils are purified with chemicals to remove suspended particles, toxic substances, flavour components, as well as colour and odour, leaving behind clear and bland oil.
The refined oils have lesser toxins which may be found in a few vegetable oils but they are full of chemicals according to experts, as they are obtained after treating natural oils with various chemicals to meet your expectations.
Refined oils are the equivalent of processed foods if you will. And like fast foods they can be harmful to the digestive and respiratory systems. Refined oils have also been linked to cancer, diabetes, heart and kidney ailments, among others.
A chemical nickel is used in the refining of vegetable oils. And it s this element which is implicated for the adverse effects on the respiratory system, liver, and skin. It also acts as a carcinogen.
The positives of refined oils are that they have a higher smoke point. This means the temperature at which they start to smoke when heated is higher. Beyond the smoke point, an oil breaks down. So, refined oils can be used for deep frying because they don t break-down at lower temperatures.

Well it is certainly clear that Ghee is healthier than refined oils. Use ghee in moderation though, because it has lots of fats and calories.
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