Top Health Tips on Having Better Sex

Does Watching Porn Together Really Help You Have a Better Sex Life?

MD - General Medicine
Sexologist, Nashik
Does Watching Porn Together Really Help You Have a Better Sex Life?
Does watching porn together help you have a better sex life?

It is often said that the couples who do most day-to-day activities together are more committed towards each other. But does the same stand true when it comes to watching sexual content or pornography? Well, research certainly seems to indicate that, with a whopping 96% couples watch pornography together. Here are some pros and cons of viewing porn with your partner.


1. It may help you both in discovering your sexual preferences
It is important for both you and your partner to be on the same page when it comes to discovering your sexuality and figuring out each other’s sexual preferences. Just like adolescent sex education, pornography too educates you about the mechanics of sexual play. It is a useful tool that brings out the kinky side in you and makes you more open to discussions on things that pique your curiosity in the bedroom. As and when you see such visual imagery, it may appeal to you enough to try it out with your partner. Discuss such desires with your partner. This may help you in discovering what really turns you and your partner on.

2. It may help you in maintaining sexual fidelity in your relationship
Watching porn together with your partner can potentially increase the intensity of physical attraction between the two of you.This, as a result, leads to greater gratification for both of you, and if you are sexually satisfied by your partner, you are less likely to look for pleasure outside your relationship. Also, it is way healthier to indulge in it as a team rather than discovering your partner watching porn alone.

3. It may help both of you to pick up newer positions
Porn has the ability to expose you to new and exciting positions you never knew. About 58% of couples who viewed pornography claimed that the shared activity had a positive effect on their sex lives. New moves and unique positions are known to spice up sex lives. Men can surprise their women (or vice versa) with an exotic move or two. Porn may also help in decreasing shyness and in opening up your minds so that you can pick up and practice new moves.


Although porn viewing may consist of potential benefits, it may also affect your relationship adversely. When watched in excess, porn may cause certain problems in your relationship, which are-

1. It might set up wrong expectations in reality
Porn movies give you a warped view of what beauty is. It may cause you to have unrealistically higher expectations from your partner, whereas the reality may not match your imaginative hopes and standards. As a result, it may also lead to frustration, aggression and infidelity.

2. It may lead to pornography addiction
The visual and physical appeal of porn may impact a person’s mental or social well-being. Increased porn viewing may hint at a person’s social isolation, loss of interest in career and other activities etc. It may also make you highly dependent on it, as it allows immediate sexual gratification. As a result the usage may go out of control and relate directly to compulsive behaviour.

3. It may affect your sexual drive and libido
Making love to your partner in real-life may become a foreign concept, as porn can decrease your physical drive with the possibility of making you sexually lazy. Porn may also have certain side effects including probable loss of libido and even difficulty in lasting longer. It may also make regular intercourse seem boring as it may not have the same sensual and visual appeal as pornography.
After realising its various pros and cons if you want to use porn, it is advisable to not use it as replacement but as an accessory for better sexual well-being.

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Why You Must Try Kegel Exercises for an AMAZING Sex Life!

MD - General Medicine
Sexologist, Delhi
Why You Must Try Kegel Exercises for an AMAZING Sex Life!
Why you must try kegel exercises for an amazing sex life!

Kegel exercise, also known as pelvic floor exercise, is the repeated contraction and relaxation of the pelvic floor, which is the muscular base of the abdomen connected to the pelvis. These simple exercises are proven to enhance the functioning of the pelvic organs and improve sexual health. How you ask? read on to find out.

Both men and women can improve their sex life to a great extent by practicing Kegels.

How does it improve sexual function in women?

tones and strengthens the vaginal muscles that boost arousal

causes a tighter grip during intercourse

leads to more intense contractions during orgasm

How does it improve sexual function in men?

allows for men to have stronger, long-lasting erections

keeps the hips and pelvic region healthy

leads to greater control over ejaculation

prevents the occurrence of erectile dysfunction

How does kegel exercise betters sex life?

To get started on kegel exercises for a better and healthier sex life, follow these simple steps:

1. Locating the right muscles: the most important part of doing kegel exercises is locating the pleasure-maxing muscles in the pelvic region. This can be done by stopping urination midstream or blocking the passage of gas. Once you've successfully managed to identify the target muscles, kegel exercises can be done anywhere at any time.

2. Staying focused: it is important to stay focused on exercising the pelvic floor muscles. Easy breathing while doing the exercise and keeping from flexing other muscles in the abdomen and buttocks are necessary parts of the routine.

3. Sharpening the technique: practice tightening and releasing the pelvic floor muscles till you have perfected the technique, working up to a 10-second hold before releasing and relaxing for 10 seconds between each contraction.

Repeat daily

Get into a regimen doing 10 to 20 kegel exercises three times a day, holding each one for 10 seconds.

Kegel exercises will not only improve your sex life, but also combat disorders of the bladder and lower intestines. Plus, they've been proven to enhance orgasms, turning them into more frequent occurrences than before.

If you would like to consult with me privately, please click on 'consult'.
Related Tip: 5 Do's + Don'ts for a Healthy Sex Life
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4 Recommended Natural Sex Boosters

Sexologist, Panchkula
4 Recommended Natural Sex Boosters
Viagra doesn t boost your libido, it simply works when the man is sexually aroused, by giving him the power to perform and enjoy a passionate stance. Instead of depending on an external drug, go natural by adopting the following means by not only increasing your libido but also enhancing performance.

4 powerful ways to make your sex life better

1) Natural Nitric Boosters - They are a must have if you want a better sexual health. Nitric oxide is one of the main reasons behind an erection and therefore, it can be directly taken in the form of food or as a supplement. It helps in preventing blood pressure, cardiovascular diseases and improves the blood flow. There are certain foods that can boost nitric oxide naturally, such as dark chocolate, walnuts, pomegranate, watermelon, brown rice, beets and garlic.

2) Exercise - It is important to exercise and stay fit if you want a healthier sex life. You shouldn t have to do furious strength training. Instead, simply opt for cardio exercises, do strength training or weight lifting if you like.

3) The greens - There are several greens that, when combined with the bacteria in your gut can help in transforming nitrites to nitric oxide. This includes cabbage, iceberg lettuce, parsley, spinach, celery and collard greens.

4) Sunlight - Sunlight provides us with Vitamin D and also gives the skin an opportunity to synthesize more nitric oxide.
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Androphobia - How Does It Affect Your Sex Life?

MD-Ayurveda, Bachelor of Ayurveda, Medicine & Surgery (BAMS)
Sexologist, Haldwani
Androphobia - How Does It Affect Your Sex Life?
Androphobia can be described as the unfounded and often overstressed fear of men. This phobia can affect both the genders, though younger females are more known to suffer from this kind of phobia.

Causes and origin:
Many psychoanalysts are of the opinion that women who had been victims of sexual assault or any kind of male aggression are more prone to androphobia. An unsympathetic and rude father figure can trigger this phobia in both the sexes. Many young girls are taught by their parents or caregiver to stay away from the opposite sex this can also instil a sense of fear for men in the young mind.

Intense and irrational fear of men is one of the commonest manifestations of this phobia. In many cases, the individual might experience disturbing thoughts about being assailed by men. In spite of realizing that the fear is unfounded, they still avoid any kind of association with men. In some cases, the person is extremely panicky and alert in presence of men. Extreme cases of androphobia are characterized by panic accompanied with tremors, increased heartbeat, dizziness, nausea, stomach ache and chest ache.

Androphobia and sex life:
Androphobia can gravely affect the personal life of an individual particularly his/her sex life. Androphobic women intentionally keep away from male company which definitely has a negative impact on their sex life. Even mildly androphobic women are known to feel uncomfortable while talking to men. The androphobics are generally depressed individuals who prefer to keep to themselves. In spite of having feelings for a man or having the urge to have sex, an androphobic woman will hardly be able to convey her feeling because of her intense fear of manliness. The loneliness and alienation which is associated with this kind of phobia often prompts a woman to contemplate suicide.

As with most other phobias, androphobia is also a curable condition. Your psychiatrist can suggest various medications and psychotherapies to cure your condition. The exposure therapy in which the phobic is slowly exposed to the much feared subject is known to work well in many cases. The CBT or Cognitive Behavioural Therapy is another treatment for androphobia where counselling sessions are conducted so that the phobic can express and share her nature of phobia.

During the sessions, the counsellor suggests ways of dealing with the phobia and keeping it under control. The objective of the Cognitive Behavioural Therapy is to recognize the pessimistic images related to men and turn them into positive ones. When none of these therapies work, the psychiatrist usually suggests anti-anxiety and anti depressant medications which improve the temperament of the androphobic.
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Aphrodisiacs - How They Can Improve Your Libido?

MD-Ayurveda, BAMS
Sexologist, Haldwani
Aphrodisiacs - How They Can Improve Your Libido?
An aphrodisiac is a substance such as food, drink, music, scent, behavior that can enhance one s sexual desire when consumed. Most popular aphrodisiac foods include hot chilli, figs, oysters, avocado, chocolate, asparagus, coffee, honey, etc. Incorporating some of these ingredients or making them, a part of your diet is known to enhance your libido as they contain ingredients as well as minerals like zinc that enhance the production of the testosterone hormone hence enhancing sperm development.

Around the world, people are defining aphrodisiacs as culinary delights that produce a physiological effect on the body, for example, pepper is known to increase one s body temperature, which stimulates nerve endings on the tongue. Stimulation of the nerve endings releases epinephrine that increases the heart rate and releases endorphins, which act on the opiate receptors in the brains, to reduce pain and boost pleasure, especially when having sex. The addition of ingredients such as ginger also gives a tingling sensation to the tongue and plumps the lips enhancing the sexual appeal.

Alcohol, especially red wine and champagne are an aphrodisiac that physically affects the body. Red wine is a powerful antioxidant, gained from resveratrol compound from the skins of grapes helps to reduce inflammation getting your blood pumping and in the mood for sex. It also enhances blood flow, especially in the genitals and has an aroma, which stimulates the brain. Therefore, making a plateful of love such as fresh oysters served at ocean side with a glass of wine will help put you in the mood for a night of pleasure. Serving a platter of oysters eaten as a communal food is seductive on its own. Oysters are rich in zinc that is important in the production of testosterone and sperm. Oysters also contain a brain chemical called dopamine, which increases desire.

Serving a plateful of salmon with asparagus over the fragrant grains of jasmine rice can go a long way in enhancing your libido. Salmon is rich in Omega-3 fatty acids, which helps your libido by facilitating the supply of the building blocks for the production of estrogen, testosterone and progesterone. Asparagus contains vitamin E that increases blood and oxygen flow to the genitals. It also contains high levels of potassium, which enhances the production of sex hormone.

Furthermore, incorporating some fruits into your salads such as avocado, bananas with desserts including chocolate also helps enhance your libido. Avocados and bananas have high levels of folic acid, vitamin B9 and vitamin B6, which helps increase testosterone production and provides the body with the energy required during sex. Chocolate also contains a stimulant that elicits excitement.

Gokshura or Gokhru (Tribulus Terrestris), Ashwagandha (Withania Somnifera) and Shatavari (Asparagus Racemosus) are some of the Ayurvedic medicines which can solve the problem of low libido effectively.
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5 Dangerous Sex Positions - More Pain Than Sexual Pleasure

MD-Ayurveda, BAMS
Sexologist, Haldwani
5 Dangerous Sex Positions -  More Pain Than Sexual Pleasure
Coitus is an activity meant to give the utmost pleasure. But do you know it could also be potentially dangerous when you try certain positions in your quest to experience the best sex ever? Yes, this is very much possible, and you must be aware of it to stay safe. Over the years most prevalent causes of penis injury are brought about by various potentially dangerous positions which are often used by couples. Some of them can lead to fracture of an erect penis and may cause a rupture in the cylinder lining responsible for the erection. Around 10 to 30 percent of the penis fracture cases recorded, it was noticed that the urethra is damaged and there could be gushes of blood in the urinary opening.

What are the common sex positions that can be dangerous?
There are several dangerous sex positions which include incline leg, the bodybuilder, the London Bridge and the triple lady are considered harmful for the optimal functioning of the sexual organs. Not only that, all these sex positions are quite difficult to perform and they can cause irreparable damage to the penis.

Even though you may think that it is fairly easy to understand if there had been a damage, the truth is that most men are hardly able to understand what has happened. And, most of the men are not ready to admit that they are not in control of their sexual functions, while some others don't want to acknowledge their injury.

How to prevent injury from these dangerous sex positions?
If you want to avoid such injury, you must never experiment with any sexual activity unusually or masturbate in an undesired way. If your penis is injured, it will leave a long-lasting impact on the quality of life you lead. Even though the initial pain may subside within a couple of days, the dangerous side effects will show up later. It may include loss of morning erection, pain during ejaculation, pain during erection, unsustainable erection, gross curvature and even shrinkage of the penis. Nobody would ever want to face all these issues by experimenting with your penis.

Along with these, too intense and vigorous sex in all forms is dangerous for both the man and the woman. It is essential to allow the body to prepare itself and when you are continuously reaching orgasm without allowing your body to deal with it, it may lead to unwanted complications.

How to recover from genital injury?
In case your genitals have already been injured, you should seek proper treatment without further delay. It will not only aid in accelerating the recovery of the damage but also restore the harmed nerve endings. It is always recommended to use an Ayurvedic form of treatment for it.
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Sexual & Reproductive Health - Factors That Impact It!

MD-Ayurveda, Bachelor of Ayurveda, Medicine & Surgery (BAMS)
Sexologist, Haldwani
Sexual & Reproductive Health - Factors That Impact It!
To be considered healthy, one must not only be physically and mentally sound, but one must also be sexually and reproductively healthy. Sexual and reproductive health includes a person s ability to enjoy a satisfying sex life and capability of reproducing. Sexual and reproductive health is important for both men and women.

When it comes to women, sexual health problems can refer to

Lack of sexual desire
Inability to be sexually aroused
Inability to achieve an orgasm
Painful intercourse
There are many factors that could trigger these problems, such as

Relationship problems
Emotional distress
Gynaecological problems
Some of the common gynaecological problems that affect women s sexual health are

Vaginal dryness
Pelvic inflammatory disease
Uterine fibroids
Gynaecological cancer
Interstitial cystitis
Endometriosis and some of the above mentioned diseases can also affect a woman s reproductive health and cause problems with pregnancy. Exposure to STDs is another major reproductive health problem. STDs such as HIV, gonorrhoea and HPV are dangerous not only for the mother, but also affect the health of the baby. Reproductive health problems or women also include unwanted pregnancies, unsafe abortions and maternal death.

Being a victim of sexual violence affects both sexual and reproductive health. Sexual violence can be defined as a non-consensual sexual activity. While anyone can experience this, women have a higher risk of facing such violence than men. Sexual violence can cause a person to fear sex itself and in some cases can interfere with their ability to reproduce.

Though men s interest in sex is often joked about, men too can face sexual health problems. This could be triggered by a physical or psychological condition. Erectile dysfunction and ejaculation disorders such as premature ejaculation or retrograde ejaculation are the two most common sexual health problems faced by men. Anxiety and depression along with illnesses such as diabetes and high blood pressure can also cause a loss of libido and sexual disinterest.

Men can also suffer from a low sperm count and low testosterone. In many cases, this can make a man infertile. Peyronie's disease and testicular cancer are other conditions that can affect a man s sexual and reproductive health. Like women, men also need to protect themselves against STDs to ensure they remain sexually healthy.

Thankfully, most sexual and reproductive health problems can be treated and cured with a combination of medication and psychological counselling. Hence sexual and reproductive health problems should not be considered taboo but should be addressed as soon as possible.
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Kissing - Did You Know It Has Amazing Health Benefits Too?

M.D. Consultant Pathologist, CCEBDM Diabetes, PGDS Sexology USA, CCMTD Thyroid, ACDMC Heart Disease, CCMH Hypertension, ECG, CCCS ( CARDIOLOGY & STROKE)
Sexologist, Sri Ganganagar
Kissing - Did You Know It Has Amazing Health Benefits Too?
A kiss is an exalted affair; it s about feeling each other s cosmos, understanding each other s emotional current without uttering words, for, the words would only sound ambiguous when emotions are intense. A kiss alone can speak volumes! But, do you think something more can be associated with it?

Yes, indeed kissing has several benefits than it may seem, sure, it feels great, but apart from that, it also lowers your blood pressure. It further releases epinephrine hormone into your blood which allows your heart to pump blood faster and hence reduces the level of bad cholesterol in the body.

Here is a list of reasons why you should kiss your partner more often:

Reduces blood pressure: Kissing dilates the blood vessels and this can in turn help reduce the levels of your blood pressure.
Relieves headache and cramps: The dilatation effect on the blood vessels seems to have a pronounced effect in relieving pain. This includes headaches and cramps from menstrual pain.
Fights cavities: The saliva production in your mouth increases when you kiss. The excess saliva production helps to wash away the germs and plaque that accumulate in your mouth over a period of time. On the contrary, the cavity forming germs can also be transmitted from the mouth of one person to the other.
Releases happy hormones: Kissing helps release a cocktail of hormones such as dopamine, serotonin and oxytocin that are responsible for giving you a happy high. It is not just the sense of happiness you get from it, but also the hormones released can help strengthen the bond with your partner. Your lips have a dense connection of nerve endings which elevate the sense of pleasure in a person.
Burns calories: Can it be a substitute for a 2-mile jog? No. But studies have shown that a good session of intense kissing can help burn up to about 8 to 16 calories.
Boosts self-esteem: Research has shown that people who leave home with a goodbye kiss are more likely to work better and be in a good mood for the entire day. It could be because of the sense of feeling loved and cared for that makes one happy. A kiss can boost your self-esteem and even make you more productive at work.
Tones the muscles of your face: Kissing involves the muscles present in your face and jawline. A vigorous smooch can allow those muscles to act up and shape them in the process.
Check out the compatibility with your partner: Kissing can be an important factor to measure the initial attraction of a person. This could be so important that it is often noticed that if the first kiss is not up to the mark, it can be a great turn off.
In case you have a concern or query you can always consult an expert & get answers to your questions!
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Golden Sex Rules Of Ayurveda!

MD-Ayurveda, BAMS
Sexologist, Haldwani
Golden Sex Rules Of Ayurveda!
There is hardly any person who does not want to enjoy a healthy and satisfying sex life. As per Ayurveda, a healthy sex life is very much a reality provided one diligently follows the golden sex rules as mentioned in various Ayurvedic books and journals:

Ayurveda believes that a couple should refrain from having sex when the female partner is having her periods. Some health experts are of the belief that sex during periods may give rise to a condition termed as Endometriosis (the endometrial cells grow outside the uterus, often in the ovary or the fallopian tubes).
According to Ayurveda, an ideal sex position is one where the woman is lying with her face directed in an upward position.
Ayurveda also believes very overweight or obese people should avoid having sex.
Have sex only when your private parts are clean and healthy (as this helps to prevent infections and associated complications).
According to Ayurveda, loyalty and faithfulness are what gets a relationship going. Infidelity, adultery, or cheating on your wife is a crime that will only spell doom.
Ayurveda is against a couple having sex during pregnancy or immediately after delivery. One should have control over their urges. It further states that a 5-months time in the case of a C-section and 2-3 months interval in the case of a normal delivery will go a long way in ensuring a healthy sex life (will help the woman to recover well).
Ayurveda is vehemently opposes violent sex. Making love is suppose to soothe your soul rather than scar it. Violence during sex is not healthy at all.
Ayurveda believes in having sex using sexual organs. Thus, oral sex and other similar pleasures are a big No as per Ayurveda.
Ayurveda does not advocate the practice of having sex on days of prime significance such as festivals, various eclipses, on a full moon or new moon nights, to name a few.
Sex on empty stomach or after a heavy meal can trigger a plethora of health problems by causing a Vata and Pitta imbalance. The imbalance may give rise to digestive problems, headache, gastritis.
Ayurveda is strictly against the idea of having sex with aged women or with children.
Always have sex when both the partners are in a comfortable position. This is to ensure that you enjoy the intercourse sans any injury.
Never have sex if you are sick or physically and mentally not fit.
Having sex with animals (bestiality) is considered unhealthy as per Ayurveda.
Sex is not a wise idea when you have to lighten yourself (defecate or urinate).
According to Ayurveda, your sex life is governed by the four seasons during which your body strength changes.
The body strength is the lowest during the monsoon and summer, hence have less sex during that time (once in fifteen days).
With moderate body strength, sex once in three days is advisable during spring and summer.
During winter the body strength is at its peak, hence one can have sex daily.
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Sex Drive - 5 Things That Affect It!

MD-Ayurveda, Bachelor of Ayurveda, Medicine & Surgery (BAMS)
Sexologist, Haldwani
Sex Drive - 5 Things That Affect It!
In order to fulfill your and your partner's desires if must understand them and along with that you need to keep a track of your mental and physical health, so that you can fulfill those desires. There is an increasing number of people with the issue of reduced sexual drive and this being a private matter are not able to come out in the open to discuss it.

However, this is an issue that can only be solved by a frank discussion, and when that is done, it might seem like there was no problem in the first place. Listed below are some things that can lead to a lower sexual drive. It is to be noted that women and men have different reasons leading to reduced libido.

Reduced hormone levels: The most prominent cause is reduced levels of testosterone and estrogen, which are hormones required for development of sexual characteristics in males and females respectively. The levels can reduce depending on various reasons from hypogonadism to loss of ovaries to psychological stress to medications to drinking and smoking. The first step in managing this would be to establish the fact that there are reduced hormone levels and pin the cause for it. Most people respond almost immediately to replacement therapy. Additionally, in some cases, the cause for reduced hormones can be addressed when identified.
Physiological problems: Especially in women, if there is painful intercourse, then the drive is naturally reduced. The reason for the pain could be spasms or infection and need to be identified and treated. Psychological constraints are another major reason that most females have painful intercourse. Counselling along with therapy, if required can help these patients.
Medications: From antidepressants to antihypertensives, though they are meant to cure some medical condition, they lead to some other condition. Drugs like selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), tricyclic antidepressants (TCA), and beta-adrenergic blockers are famous for their ability to reduce libido.
Lifestyle habits: From smoking to drinking alcohol to junk food to lack of exercise, the effect on libido is very strong. Smoking decreases blood flow in general, which leads to reduced desire.
Chronic diseases: Whether it is depression or diabetes, hypertension or hyperlipidemia, they all have an indirect effect on the sex drive of a person. Additionally, the constant stress of having to monitor health and maintain a good lifestyle has an effect on the overall health and definitely on the sex drive. In some cases, this could lead to drinking and smoking and use of medications all of which again can affect the sex drive. It goes into a vicious cycle and the patient needs to accept some facts and manage to work around the others.
It is indeed very stressful when a person finds out that he has a low sexual drive. However, it is not impossible to manage with a little help and support, both from the partner and the doctor.
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