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SBL Abies Canadensis Dilution 3CH SBL Abies Canadensis Dilution 3CH

SBL Abies Canadensis Dilution 3CH

Quantity Description: bottle of 30 ml Dilution
Manufacturer: SBL Pvt Ltd
Price: ₹ 85.0

Information about SBL Abies Canadensis Dilution 3CH

Abies Canadensis, also known as Pinus Canadensis or Hemlock Spruce, is a homeopathic remedy which has a strong action on the stomach lining helping treat poor digestion and liver disorders. Tincture of fresh bark and young buds is used to prepare it.

Stomach- Severe hunger accompanied with fainting sensation. Eating more than an ability to digest.

Cravings for pickles, radishes, and turnips.

Bloating or distension of abdomen with palpitations i.e increased heart beat.

Female- Uterus displacement with sore feeling over uterus region; better by applying pressure. Extreme tiredness.

Fever cold with shivering as if blood is ice water. Cold and sticky skin.

Feeling of cold water flowing between shoulder blades.

Dose: As prescribed by the physician. Can be taken with allopathic medicines.

Precautions: Maintain half an hour gap between food/drink/any other medicines and homeopathic medicine.
Avoid any strong smell in the mouth while taking medicine e.g. camphor, garlic, onion, coffee, hing.

Side effects: None.

Use under medical supervision.

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Sbl chrysarobinum dilution 6 ch, how much time it will take to cure ringworms, I am in medication to the allopathy and right now I am very disturbed from ring worms at my multiple body parts. Kindly help me with fast solution to get these rid off.

Homeopathy Doctor, Ghaziabad
This medicine is indicated in various skin problems including ringworm. You can take it thrice in a day but first get it prepared with globules in some homoeopathic store. 4-5 globules in one dose. It can take one month to six months to get cure but if this medicine does not work then consult homoeopathic physician for the appropriate medicine.
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I have acute premature ejaculations problem. I am 42 years old. I am planning to take cydonia vulgaris dilution 30 ch. But I don't have any prostate problem. Is it ok to take this medicine? If yes what are the dosage?

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I have acute premature ejaculations problem. I am 42 years old. I am planning to take cydonia vulgaris dilution 30 ch...
Do yoga and pranayam regularly do meditation regularly go for morning walk regularly take beetroot, dates, bananas, green leafy vagetables regularly take following medication damiagra forte by sbl 20 drops in 50 ml water three times a day biocombination no 27 4 tabs three times a day acid phos 30 ch 4 drops three times a day all for 3 months.
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I am diagnosed with initial stage of Chronic Pancreatitis and how should I take homoeopathic medicine Pancreatinum 1000ch liquid dilution of SBL whether to dilute in water and in what proportion? Please suggest.

Homeopathy Doctor, Delhi
1000 is a very high dosage. You can take Pancreatinum 30CH, 2-3 drops in a tsp of water thrice a day. Depending on your symptoms, you might be needing more medicines. Pancreatinum alone might not be sufficient or indicated. I suggest you consult a good homoeopathic doctor near you before starting the medication. Hope this helps.
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What are the possible effects and side effects if one consuming the following dose combined of 15 drops twice a day for a period of 2.5 years Cistus Canadensis 1m HECLA LAVA 1m Conium 30.

DHMS (Hons.)
Homeopathy Doctor, Patna
What are the possible effects and side effects if one consuming the following dose combined of 15 drops twice a day f...
Hello, to justify the medicines and its doses will depend upon the exact symptoms of menstrual disorder. Secondly, potency of 1m is not administered twice a day. However how do you feel after 2.5 years of tkg the medicines in this order, please. To care.

I have two liquid dilution homoeopathic medicine how can I use it. It's name is baryta carbonica 30ch and variolinum 30ch of sbl pvt. Ltd.

DHMS (Hons.)
Homeopathy Doctor, Patna
I have two liquid dilution homoeopathic medicine how can I use it. It's name is baryta carbonica 30ch and variolinum ...
Hello, Variolinum 30 -5 drops twice a wk ,maximum 3doses. Baryta carb 30-5 drops, thrice a day. Take care.
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