Hepatoglobine Mikros Syrup is used for Digestive disorders, Treatment of anemias of nutritional origin, Pregnancy, Infancy, Or childhood, Pernicious anaemia, Increased requirement of folate in the body during pregnancy, Treatment of megaloblastic anemias due to a deficiency of folic acid, Pernicious anemia, Vitamin b12 deficiency, Anemia due to folic acid deficiency, Digestive disorder and other conditions. Hepatoglobine Mikros Syrup may also be used for purposes not listed in this medication guide.
Hepatoglobine Mikros Syrup contains Folic Acid, Peptone and Vitamin B12 as active ingredients.
Hepatoglobine Mikros Syrup works by acting on megaloblastic bone marrow to produce a normoblastic marrow; treating vitamin B12 deficiency; breaking the larger proteins into smaller one.
Hepatoglobine Syrup is used for Iron deficiencies, Treatment of anemias of nutritional origin, Pregnancy, Infancy, Or childhood, Anemia, Anaemia, Digestive disorder, Digestive disorders, Cough, Cold, Catarrh, Central nervous system depressant and other conditions. Hepatoglobine Syrup may also be used for purposes not listed in this medication guide.
Hepatoglobine Syrup contains Alcohol, Elemental Iron, Ferrous Ammonium Citrate, Folic Acid, Liver Fraction and Peptone as active ingredients.
Hepatoglobine Syrup works by increasing the effects of the inhibitory neurotransmitter gamma-aminobutyric acid; works as a dietary supplement to fulfill the iron deficiencies and regulate oxygen in the blood; producing blood cells and platelets in the body; acting on megaloblastic bone marrow to produce a normoblastic marrow; breaking the larger proteins into smaller one.