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Evion 600mg Capsule Evion 600mg Capsule

Evion 600mg Capsule

Quantity Description: strip of 10 capsules
Manufacturer: Merck Ltd
Price: ₹ 32.2

Information about Evion 600mg Capsule

Evion 600mg Capsule contains Tocopheryl Acetate in a gelatin form. Tocopheryl Acetate (Vitamin E) is a natural chemical compound that is rich in antioxidants. Owing to its antioxidant properties, Evion helps in treating acne, as well as fading away scars and ugly pimple marks.

As an added benefit, it helps in treating wrinkles as it speeds up cell regeneration. When the contents of this Evion 600 Vitamin E capsules are applied to the hair, it results in a lustrous and shiny head of hair. It also prevents hair fall and improves overall hair and skin texture.

Evion 600 Vitamin E capsule eases nocturnal muscle cramps, boosts immunity, and is good for the heart and liver as well.

Use under medical supervision.

Key ingredients :

Tocopheryl Acetate (Vitamin E) : 600mg


  • Utilized as a Dietary supplement
  • Serving size 600mg
  • Its a Pack of 10 Vitamin E Capsules
  • Vegan product

Benefits of Evion 600mg Capsule:

  • Heals Muscle Cramps, Intermittent Claudication, and Fibrocystic Breast Disease.
  • Vitamin E may avoid Malabsorption Syndromes.
  • Reduces the danger of Coronary Artery Disease (CAD).
  • Likewise utilized in the treatment of Male Infertility.
  • It is generally used to improve quality and stamina.


Take 1 capsule daily with water, after suppers or as coordinated by your doctor. Store in a cool, dyr and dim place. Keep out of the compass of kids. Contraindicated in extreme touchiness to Vitamin E.

Dosage :

  • Missed Dose : Take the missed dose when you recall. In the event that it is nearly time for the following next dose, the missed dose can be skipped. Try not to twofold your doses in compensation for the missed one.
  • Overdose : Contact your doctor quickly if an overdose with Evion 600 mg Capsule E has happened. Manifestations of an overdose may incorporate stomach issues and uneasiness, sickness, looseness of the bowels, wooziness, tiredness, and so forth.

Points to remember before taking Evion 600 mg Capsule:

  • Pregnancy : Vitamin E is prescribed for use in pregnant ladies just if the need is obviously settled and the potential advantages exceed the dangers included. Ask your doctor before taking this medication.
  • Breastfeeding : Vitamin E is suggested for use in breastfeeding ladies just if the need is unmistakably settled and the dietary intake can't meet the requirements. Ask your doctor before utilizing Vitamin E.

General warning regarding the use of Evion 600 mg Capsule

  • Different prescriptions : Tell all the ongoing medications including herbs and supplements to the doctor before starting treatment with this Evion 600 mg Capsule. The uncommon precautionary measures can arouse while taking iron together with Vitamin E.
  • Adverse effects : The probability of encountering symptoms is higher when high doses of Evion 600 mg Capsule is taken for an extended stretch of time.
  • Medical surgery : Tell the consumption of Evion 600 mg Capsule to the specialist if surgery is arranged in the future. It is prescribed to stop the consumption somewhere around a month before the surgery. Ordinary dosing can be continued post-medical procedure and recuperation.
  • Bleeding disorders : Evion 600 mg Capsule must be taken with an outrageous alert in patients having conditions of a bleeding-related issue for example peptic ulcers, hemophilia, and so on., because of the expanded danger of intemperate dying. A special warning is there if the patient is vitamin K deficient.
Ques: What is Evion 600 capsule?
Ans: Evion 600 capsule is a medication that has Vitamin E as an active element present in it. This medicine performs its action by preventing muscle cramps and fatigue. Evion 600 capsule is used to treat conditions such as Vitamin E deficiency, Tardive dyskinesia, and Cystic fibrosis.
Ques: What are the uses of Evion 600 capsule?
Ans: Evion 600 capsule is a medication, which is used for the treatment and prevention of conditions such as Vitamin E deficiency and Tardive dyskinesia. Apart from these, it can also be used to treat a condition like Cystic fibrosis. The patient should inform the doctor about any ongoing medications and treatment before using Evion 600 capsule to avoid undesirable effects.
Ques: What are the side effects of Evion 600 capsule?
Ans: Evion 600 capsule is a medication that has some commonly reported side effects. These side effects may or may not occur always and some of them are rare but severe. This is not a complete list and if you experience any of the below-mentioned side effects, contact your doctor immediately. Here are some side effects of the Evion 600 capsule which are as follows: Blurred vision, Diarrhea, Dizziness, Headache, Nausea, Abdominal and stomach cramps, and Unusual tiredness and weakness. It is a list of possible side effects which may occur due to the constituting ingredients of the Evion 600 capsule.
Ques: What are the instructions for storage and disposal Evion 600 capsule?
Ans: Evion 600 capsule should be kept in a cool dry place and in its original packaging. Make sure this medication remains unreachable to children and pets. The patient should consult a doctor for its further uses and side effects and should inform the doctor about any ongoing medications and treatment before using to avoid undesirable effects. It is a prescribed medication.
Ques: Should I consume Evion 600 capsule empty stomach, before food or after food?
Ans: Evion 600 capsule can be taken in any condition, either on an empty stomach or after having meals.
Ques: How does the Evion 600 capsule work?
Ans: Evion 600 capsules prevent the formation of free radicals in our muscles which are harmful. Thus it facilitates the reduction of symptoms like muscle cramps as well as pain.
Ques: Can we stop consuming Evion 600 capsules when our symptoms are minimized?
Ans: No, we should not stop consuming Evion 600 capsules even if our symptoms are reduced or relieved. We should prefer completing the full course of the capsules as recommended by the doctor.
Ques: Are there chances that Evion 600 capsules interact with other medicines?
Ans: Yes, Evion 600 capsules can interact with some other medicines including anti-cancer medicines, medicines for higher blood cholesterol levels, and medicines against blood clotting.
Ques: Is it safe to take the dosage higher than the recommended for Evion 600 capsules?
Ans: No, it is not safe to consume Evion 600 capsules in a dosage higher than the recommended because it may show some side effects such as nausea, vomiting, etc.
Ques: Is Evion 600 capsules safer to be consumed in conditions of kidney or liver disease?
Ans: Yes, Evion 600 capsules are safer to be consumed in case of liver or kidney diseases, however, consultation with a doctor should be done prior to this.

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I want to know the. Benefits and side effects of evion-400 (vit-e capsules) and how to use it?

BHMS, MD - Homeopathy
Homeopathy Doctor, Vadodara
I want to know the. Benefits and side effects of evion-400 (vit-e capsules) and how to use it?
It is a vitamin tablet. It has good antioxidant effects. If taken in proper dose there are no major side effects.
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Sir I am planning to use Evion cream is this helpful in get rid of tan is it a day or night cream.

General Physician, Cuttack
Sir I am planning to use Evion cream is this helpful in get rid of tan is it a day or night cream.
Tanning of skin 1.Apply a fresh paste of cold cucumber juice with 2 tsf of lemon juice and wash off after 10 minutes 2. You can also combine 2 tsf of aloevera gel with few drops of rose water. Freeze it for 10 minutes and apply it on tanned skin 3. You can also apply fresh lemon juice in affected area and dry it before washing it with water 2-3 times a week 4.Avoid exposure to bright sun light 5.Apply sun screen with SPF more than 45 while going out door 6.Consult skin specialist for further advice.

Can I use vitamin e (evion 400 mg) capsules daily on my face for smooth and glowing skin.

MD - Homeopathy, BHMS
Homeopath, Vadodara
Can I use vitamin e (evion 400 mg) capsules daily on my face for smooth and glowing skin.
Hi Dhivyalakshmi... Applying it locally will not be that effective... The vitamins acts as antioxidants.. so instead of applying any you should start multivitamin tablet... as vitamin A, Vitamin C are also equally important in skin health...

Evion 400 capsule is it gud for hairs loss and if yes then can you suggest me how to take it dosage

MBBSalternative Medicine, diploma in comunity medicine services
Alternative Medicine Specialist, Delhi
Evion capsul is a vitamin - E capsules, its oftenly use for treating sexual disease. If you wanna take some medicine for hairloss, then use multivitamin capsules along with Dabur's Triphla churna with honey morning and evening and take healthy food. Use ketomac hair shampoo. Do not take oilly, spicy and fast food. Use this for a month and see the best result in you then contact me.
3 people found this helpful

Hello sir I am 23 years old can I take daily vitamin e capsule EVION400 as supplement please help.

Ms. Counselling & Psychology, BHMS
Homeopath, Hyderabad
Hello sir I am 23 years old can I take daily vitamin e capsule EVION400 as supplement please help.
yes you can have it or you can have it naturally by these foods like nuts, almonds , spinach , tomato , avocado , broccoli
1 person found this helpful
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