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Endura Mass Weight Gainer Banana Endura Mass Weight Gainer Banana

Endura Mass Weight Gainer Banana

Quantity Description: box of 1 kg Powder
Manufacturer: Endura Labs
Price: ₹ 1075.0

Information about Endura Mass Weight Gainer Banana

Endura Mass Weight Gainer is an easy way to gain and maintain weight. It is 100% vegetarian therefore it can be taken without any hesitation. A balanced formulation of high quality soy proteins, carbohydrates, fats, minerals and vitamins, It gives vital nutrients and energy that helps in gaining optimum weight.

Key ingredients :

  • Maltodextrin
  • Whey protein concentrate
  • Soy protein isolate
  • Skimmed milk powder
  • Sugar
  • Edible vegetable oil
  • Emulsifying agents
  • Vitamins and minerals
  • Preservatives

Key benefits of Endura Mass Weight Gainer:

  • It has the ability to construct nuclei of cells in the body.
  • It helps to revitalize cells.
  • It is like an anabolic booster.
  • It gives vital nutrients and energy that helps in gaining optimum weight.
  • It is 100% vegetarian.
  • It helps build lean muscles.
  • It boosts the immune system.

Direction of use:

Add 10-30 gms (2-3 teaspoons) Endura Mass Weight Gainer in a glass or milk or juice. Mix well. Take this drink one to three times a day. For quick gain, mix 2-3 teaspoons of Endura Mass Weight Gainer in a glass of full cream milk along with 2 bananas. Take this twice, daily. Avoid taking it just before bedtime.

Use under medical supervision.

Ques: What is Endura Mass Weight Gainer ?
Ans: Endura Mass Weight Gainer is a balanced formulation of high quality soy proteins, carbohydrates, fats, minerals and vitamins. It gives vital nutrients and energy that helps in gaining optimum weight.
Ques: What are the uses of Endura Mass Weight Gainer ?
Ans: Endura Mass Weight Gainer is used for gaining and maintaining an optimum weight for long-term purposes. It is also used to strengthen our immune system and build muscle mass.
Ques: What are the storage instructions for the Endura Mass Weight Gainer ?
Ans: Endura Mass Weight Gainer should be stored at room temperature in a cool dry place in its original packaging away from excess heat and light.
Ques: Is it safe to consume Endura Mass Weight Gainer on a daily basis ?
Ans: Yes, it is totally safe to consume Endura Mass Weight Gainer on a regular basis if taken under recommendation of a fitness expert.
Ques: Does Endura Mass Weight Gainer show any kind of side effects ?
Ans: No, Endura Mass Weight Gainer has not been known to show any kind of side effects so far.
Ques: I am vegetarian. Can I consume Endura Mass Weight Gainer ?
Ans: Yes, Endura Mass Weight Gainer is a 100 % vegetarian product.
Ques: Is Endura Mass Weight Gainer good to be consumed by a diabetic person ?
Ans: Endura Mass Weight Gainer contains added sugar, hence should be consulted by a health professional before consumption by a diabetic person.
Ques: How long should we use Endura Mass Weight Gainer to get noticeable results ?
Ans: To get noticeable results, Endura Mass Weight Gainer should be used for a prescribed time duration under the recommendation of a fitness professional. It depends upon the health status of a particular individual.
Ques: What should be the frequency of consumption of Endura Mass Weight Gainer in an individual ?
Ans: Frequency of consumption of Endura Mass Weight Gainer in an individual depends upon the health status of the particular individual. It should be taken under the supervision of a fitness specialist.
Ques: Does Endura Mass Weight Gainer show habit forming or addictive effects ?
Ans: No, Endura Mass Weight Gainer does not show any kind of addictive or habit forming effects.

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Popular Questions & Answers

I am an under weighted guy & want to gain some more weight. Will supplement such as endura mass will help?

Ayurveda, Ambala
I am an under weighted guy & want to gain some more weight. Will supplement such as endura mass will help?
Dear you can easily gain weight and get a healthy muscular body by following these best things - 1. To gain weight, your digestion should work properly. If you have any disease of digestive system you should treat disease first. For proper digestion - take 10 gms powder of carom seeds (ajwain, 10 gm powder of cumin (jeera), 10 gm of rock salt. Mix them well and take 1/2 teaspoon (3-5 gm) of mixture daily after meal. Or take 1/2 teaspoon of black pepper (kali mirch), 1/ 2 tea spoon of jeera (cumin), 2-3 slice of ginger. Boil it in one glass of water for 2-3 minutes. Drink 5-10 teaspoons (15-20 ml) in morning and evening for strong digestive system. Or you can take amla powder 1 teaspoon with water for strong digestion. 2. Take a diet rich with proteins and fats. You should take high calorie food that increase your muscle mass and induce growth in bones. I am sending the diet chart. Follow it in your daily life to fastly gain weight * in morning, take a glass of milk added with 2 teaspoons of protein powder with breakfast. * in lunch time, take 1 bowl of curd or 100 gm of cheese, a bowl of vegetable, with chapattis. * in evening, take 1 glass of milk (300 ml) with 2 bananas. * in night, take a bowl of careals (daal, a bowl of salad with chapattis. 3. In morning, get up early and take awalk for 10-15 minutes and exercise light weight exercises for at least 30 minutes at home or gym. 4. For proper weight, proper sleep is very important. So you should sleep for 6-8 hours daily. 5. Avoid soft drinks, western fast food (burgers, french fries, pizza etc. They disturb your digestion. 6. You can try protein powders like endura mass, milk powder, soya protein. And creatinine for weight gain by taking 1 tea spoon added in milk once a day.
1 person found this helpful

I am 19 year old female and not gain weight properly. I used many products like weight gainer, endura mass etc but I not increase my weight with the help of them so please tell me which type of doctor I consult.

Bachelor of Ayurveda, Medicine and Surgery (BAMS), MD - Ayurveda
Ayurveda, Pune
I am 19 year old female and not gain weight properly. I used many products like weight gainer, endura mass etc but I ...
there may be problem in digestive system, so first check your schedule as per - do regular exercise, daily massage your body with Tila ( sesame) oil, take proper diet,milk,cows ghee regularly,fresh fruits,dry fruits, green vegetables,protein rich food, proper sleep. Avoid -late night work,overexertion, excessive tea,coffee,cold drinks,chilled water,foods kept in fridge,fast food,bakery products.

I want to take supplement like amino Mass, endura Mass or any other weight gainer. My age is 20 and weight is only 45 is there any side effect. Please suggest me what should I do to increase weight.

Diploma in Clinical Nutrition, Certified Diabetes Educator, Diploma in Sport & Exercise Nutrition, Diploma in Human Nutrition, Lifestyle Medicine, BSC IN LIFE SCIENCES
Dietitian/Nutritionist, Bangalore
I want to take supplement like amino Mass, endura Mass or any other weight gainer. My age is 20 and weight is only 45...
Please try to increase mass by natural sources first. Eat healthy carbs like oats, bananas, brown rice, sweet potatoes, home made milk products likes paneer, and nuts & seeds. Don't jump to supplements as an easy way. Also you are still very young. By mid and late 20s weight starts increasing on its own.

Can we gain weight by consuming endura mass, bananas, ice-creams, peanut butter and an egg?

Bachelor of Ayurveda, Medicine and Surgery (BAMS)
Ayurveda, Navi Mumbai
Can we gain weight by consuming endura mass, bananas, ice-creams, peanut butter and an egg?
Do not take protein powder. I suggest you easy method of weight gain just follow it for year you will gain weigh defiantly 1. Start exercise regularly for 3 month and then after 3 month leave it for 3 month at the time of exercise your diet will increase but same diet continue after 3 month when you stop exercise so thats why your weight will increase automatically now we discus about diet 2. Take dates with milk in the morning breakfast 3. Triphala kadha 4 tsp beore lunch and dinner 4. Amala juice 4 tsp + 2tsp sugar + 2tsp honey in the morning empty stomach this take for 1.5 month only your weight gain will take definitely note=avoid over eating.

1:- What's the procedure of taking endura mass weight gainer? 2:- Does endura mass helpful? 3:- Does endura mass have any negative effects on our body?

Diploma in Clinical Nutrition, Certified Diabetes Educator, Diploma in Sport & Exercise Nutrition, Diploma in Human Nutrition, Lifestyle Medicine, BSC IN LIFE SCIENCES
Dietitian/Nutritionist, Bangalore
1:- What's the procedure of taking endura mass weight gainer?
2:- Does endura mass helpful?
3:- Does endura mass have...
Read lable of any supplement before buying. This brand has almost 75 % carbs. Instead eat natural & healthy carbs like oats, bananas, brown rice, sweet potatoes, home made products like paneer & sprouts.
Having issues? Consult a doctor for medical advice