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Vitamin deficiency anemia

General Physician, Delhi
Vitamin deficiency anemia

When in the body there is deficiency of vitamin b-12 and folate which causes the body not to produce healthy red blood cells. This is not producing healthy red blood cells by the body called anemia. Anemia can be caused by genetics like sickle cell anemia and when they do not get iron which make up the structure of red blood cells. Vitamin b-12 and folate also help the body to make red blood cells in shape, however the deficiency causes to deshaped of rbc whose function, to carry oxygen, gets reduced. This reduction in oxygen can make you short of breath, fatigue. Vitamin and folate found in vegetables which when they get reduced for a long time anemia happens or when the body doesn't absorb the vitamins due to other problems.


Symptoms of vitamin deficiency develop after a long time like months or years. Signs are not very serious at the beginning but later they can be. Symptoms are: fatigue

There will be shortness of breath sometimes or at crowded places.

We may find the body dizzy approx most of the time.

Your skin might change its color to pale or yellowish skin.

Due to irregularity of transferring the oxygen in the body you may have irregular heartbeats.

You might suffer from weight loss.

Due to uneven transfer of oxygen in the whole body, feet can get numb. ;

Muscle weakness will be seen which functions less in insufficient oxygen.

There will be an effect on the brain like behaving angrily.

There will be mental confusion which can cause unsteady movements and forgetfulness.



Vitamin b-12 and folate also help the body to make red blood cells in shape, however the deficiency causes to deshaped of rbc whose function, to carry oxygen, gets reduced. This reduction in oxygen can make you short of breath, fatigue. Vitamin and folate found in vegetables which when get reduced for a long time anemia happens or when the body doesn't absorb the vitamins due to other problems.

Vitamin b-12 deficiencies

Low levels of vitamin b-12 in our body can be due to many reason which are:

Diet: eggs, milk and meat or some cereals which are fortified with vitamin b-12 are the sources of vitamin b-12. People who do not consume these foods may have a lack of vitamin b-12. Fortified foods are cereals and products of yeast. ;

Pernicious anemia: some time immunity of the body is commanded to attack at stomach cells. This cell produces an intrinsic factor which is necessary to absorb vitamin b-12. When this is not absorbed there will be anemia called pernicious anemia.

Gastric surgeries: when the stomach or intestine goes under surgery of getting removal of itself the cell gets reduced which produces the intrinsic factor. There will be less absorption of vitamin b-12.

Intestinal problems. Crohn's disease and celiac disease, or tapeworm which can occur in the stomach due to eating unhealthy fish, reduce the absorption of vitamin b-12.


Folate deficiency:

Folate is also called vitamin b-9. Green vegetables and liver are the sources of it. Peoplewho do not eat green vegetables or liver have deficiency of folate or their body is not able to absorb it.

Absorption of folate is due:

Diseases of the intestine such as celiac disease can interfere with absorption of folate.

Surgical removal of the stomach or intestine can interfere with absorption.

Alcohol consumption interferes with absorption.

Some medicines also interfere with it. ;

Folate is necessary for pregnant women. Lack of folate can cause birth defects like spina bifida. People who go under kidney dialysis need a larger amount. Breastfeeding women are needed in high amounts.


There are many health problems when there is deficiency of vitamin b-12 or folate. Anemia aids that diseases to occur. Some disease are:

Pregnancy complications: for a growing baby in the womb need folate in high amounts. Deficiency can cause defects in brain and spinal cord development.

Nervous system disorders: vitamin b-12 deficiency can cause mental confusion, forgetfulness, numbness or tingling at feet. These are neurological problems caused by deficiency of vitamin b 9.

Gastric cancer: pernicious anemia caused by damaged stomach cells caused by an immunity system which produces the intrinsic factor needed for absorption of folate. This anemia can lead to gastric cancer.



Healthy diets can help you to get rid of deficiency of folate and vitamin b-12 and anemia can be treated this way which relied on vitamins:

Foods sources rich in vitamin b-12 are:

Beef, liver, chicken and fish


Fortified foods like cereals

Milk, cheese and yogurt

Foods sources rich in folate include:

Broccoli, spinach, asparagus or any green veggies.

Citrus fruits like oranges, lemons, bananas, strawberries and melons.

Grain products like wheat and barley contain it.

Liver, kidneys of animals and yeast, mushrooms and peanuts.

Many people take injections or medicines of vitamins to cope up with deficiency.


People who suffer from anemia due to vitamin deficiency should check their diet. They should include milk and veggies. Ignorance can lead to many other serious diseases. For any other information or queries please visit the doctor.


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जानिए एनीमिया से जुड़ी बेहद जरूरी बातें

MBBS Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery
General Physician, Agra
जानिए एनीमिया से जुड़ी बेहद जरूरी बातें
हमारे शारीरिक स्वास्थ्य के लिए खाद्य पदार्थों में मौजूद पौष्टिक तत्वों और खनिजों की आवश्यता है और जब शरीर में इन्ही पौष्टिक तत्वों व खनिजों की कमी हो जाती है तो शरीर को कई प्रकार के विकारों का सामना करना पड़ता है। ऐसा ही एक विकार है एनीमिया, जिसकी वजह से शरीर को कई समस्याओं का सामना करना पड़ता है। वैसे तो एनीमिया कई प्रकार के और कई कारणों से होते हैं। हालांकि इसका एक कारण विटामिन की कमी भी है। तो चलिए आइये जानते हैं कि वह कौन-कौन से विटामिन हैं, जिनकी कमी की वजह से एनीमिया होता है।

विटामिन की कमी से क्यों होता है एनीमिया
एनीमिया की वजह से शरीर लाल रक्त कोशिकाओं की कमी हो जाती है, जो पूरे शरीर में पर्याप्त ऑक्सीजन ले जाने के लिए आवश्यक है। शरीर में लाल रक्त कोशिकाओं के स्तर को पूरा रखने में कुछ विटामिन काफी सहायक होते हैं। अतः अगर हम ऐसे खाद्य पदार्थों का सेवन करते हैं, जिनमें लाल रक्त कोशिकाओं का निर्माण करने वाले विटामिन्स पर्याप्त मात्रा में पाए जाते हैं, तो एनीमिया नामक बीमारी से खुद का बचाव किया जा सकता है।

लाल रक्त कोशिकाओं को बनाने में ये विटामिन्स होते हैं सहायक
विटामिन सी- विटामिन-सी की कमी से शरीर में एनीमिया की समस्या उत्पन्न हो सकती है। इसके अलावा धूम्रपान भी एनीमिया की समस्या की वजह बनता है। क्योंकि धूम्रपान खाद्य पदार्थों से से विटामिन-सी को अवशोषित कर लेता है। संतरा, अनानास, कीवी पपीता, अमरुद जैसे फलों में विटामिन-सी पर्याप्त मात्रा में मौजूद रहता है।

विटामिन बी12- विटामिन बी12 की कमी से भी एनीमिया हो सकता है। इसलिए शरीर में विटामिन बी12 की कमी भी नहीं होनी चाहिए। यदि आप पर्याप्त विटामिन बी12 युक्त खाद्य पदार्थ का सेवन करते हैं तो आप एनीमिया की बीमारी से बच सकते हैं. मांस, अंडे और दूध का सेवन विटामिन बी12 की कमी को पूरा कर सकते हैं।

विटामिन बी9 या फोलेट- पत्तेदार हरी सब्जियां और फल विटामिन बी9 या फोलेट के प्राथमिक स्रोत हैं, और आपके आहार में उनकी अपर्याप्तता के परिणामस्वरूप एनीमिया भी हो सकता है।

एनीमिया के लक्षण
विटामिन की कमी से होने वाला एनीमिया एक ऐसा रोग है जो धीरे-धीरे विकसित होता है। इसमें वह कई महीनों से लेकर सालों तक का समय ले सकता है। शुरुआत में तो एनीमिया के लक्षण सूक्षम हो सकते हैं, लेकिन जैसे-जैसे एनीमिया विकराल रूप लेता जाता है, शरीर में समस्याएं भी बढ़ती जाती हैं। इसके लक्षण निम्नलिखित हैं-

सांस लेने में कठिनाई
चक्कर आना
पीली त्वचा
अनियमित दिल की धड़कन
वजन घटना
हाथ पैरों में सुन्नपन या झनझनाहट होना
मांसपेशी में कमज़ोरी
व्यक्तित्व में बदलाव होना
अस्थिर हरकतें
मानसिक भ्रम या भूलने की बीमारी
शरीर में विटामिन की कमी के कारण
शरीर में विटामिन की कमी के कारण सिर्फ खानपान ही नहीं, इसके कई अन्य कारण भी हो सकते हैं। तो चलिए उन कारणों के बारे में जानते हैं जिनकी वजह से शरीर में विटामिन सी, विटामिन बी12 और विटामिन बी9 या फोलेट की कमी हो सकती है।

विटामिन बी12 की कमी के कारण
जिन खाद्य पदार्थों में विटामिन बी12 पाया जाता है, यदि हम उनका सेवन सही मात्रा में नहीं करते हैं, तो शरीर में विटामिन बी12 की कमी हो सकती है। मांस, अंडे और दूध में यह पर्याप्त मात्रा में पाया जाता है।
विटामिन बी12 को आंतों में अवशोषित करने के लिए आंतरिक कारक नाम के पदार्थ की जरुरत होती है। यह स्थिति तब होती है जब शरीर की प्रतिरक्षा प्रणाली पेट में कोशिकाओं पर हमला करती है। पेट की यही कोशिकाएं आंतरिक कारक नामक पदार्थ का उत्पादन करती हैं। कोशिकाओं को छति पहुंचने की वजह से वे आंतरिक कारक पदार्थ का उत्पादन नहीं कर पाती और शरीर में विटामिन बी12 की कमी हो जाती है।
यदि पेट या आंतों के हिस्से को सर्जिकली हटा दिया गया है, तो यह उत्पादित आंतरिक कारक की मात्रा को कम कर सकता है और विटामिन बी12 को अवशोषित करने के लिए उपलब्ध स्थान की मात्रा कम कर सकता है।
क्रोहन रोग और सीलिएक रोग विटामिन बी12 के अवशोषण में हस्तक्षेप कर सकते हैं।
विटामिन बी9 या फोलेट की कमी
फोलेट को विटामिन बी-9 के रूप में भी जाना जाता है, यह मुख्य रूप से गहरे हरे पत्ते वाली सब्जियों से प्रचुर मात्रा में पाया जाता है। यह लीवर में पाया जाने वाला पोषक तत्व है। फोलेट की कमी तब हो सकती है जब लोग फोलेट युक्त खाद्य पदार्थ नहीं खाते हैं या उनके शरीर भोजन से फोलेट को अवशोषित करने में असमर्थ होते हैं।
इसके अलावा आंतों के रोग जैसे सीलिएक रोग, आंतों के एक बड़े हिस्से का सर्जिकल निष्कासन या बायपास, अत्यधिक शराब का सेवन, प्रिस्क्रिप्शन दवाएं भी फोलेट की कमी के कारण हो सकते हैं।
गर्भवती महिलाओं और स्तनपान कराने वाली महिलाओं में फोलेट की मांग बढ़ जाती है, जैसा कि गुर्दे की बीमारी के लिए डायलिसिस से गुजरने वाले लोगों में होता है। गर्भावस्था के दौरान फोलेट की कमी जन्म दोष पैदा कर सकती है। हालांकि, फोलेट की कमी अब उन देशों में कम है जो ब्रेड, अनाज और पास्ता जैसे खाद्य उत्पादों में नियमित रूप से फोलेट मिलाते हैं।
विटामिन की कमी से होने वाली अन्य समस्याएं
विटामिन बी12 या फोलेट की कमी से शरीर को निम्न स्वास्थ्य समस्याओं का सामना करना पड़ सकता है-

जब गर्भवती मां से उसके विकासशील भ्रूण को पर्याप्त हलेत प्राप्त नहीं होता तो भ्रूण में मस्तिष्क और रीढ़ की हड्डी के जन्म दोष विकसित कर सकता है।
विटामिन बी12 की कमी से न्यूरोलॉजिकल समस्याएं हो सकती हैं, जैसे हाथों और पैरों में लगातार झुनझुनी या संतुलन की समस्या।
इसके अलावा विटामिन बी12 की कमी मानसिक भ्रम और भूलने की बीमारी का कारण भी बन सकता है क्योंकि स्वस्थ मस्तिष्क क्रिया के लिए विटामिन बी12 आवश्यक है।
विटामिन बी12 की कमी की वजह से हानिकारक रक्ताल्पता पेट या आंतों के कैंसर का खतरा बढ़ जाता है।
एनीमिया से बचाव
आप विभिन्न प्रकार के विटामिन युक्त खाद्य पदार्थों को अपने दैनिक आहार में शामिल करके विटामिन की कमी वाले एनीमिया के कुछ रूपों को रोक सकते हैं।

विटामिन बी12 से भरपूर खाद्य पदार्थों में शामिल हैं:

बीफ, जिगर, चिकन, मछली, अंडे, गरिष्ठ खाद्य पदार्थ, जैसे नाश्ता अनाज, दूध, पनीर और दही
फोलेट से भरपूर खाद्य पदार्थों में शामिल हैं:
ब्रोकोली, पालक, शतावरी और लीमा बीन्स, संतरे, नींबू, केले, स्ट्रॉबेरी, खरबूजे, समृद्ध अनाज उत्पाद जैसे ब्रेड, अनाज, पास्ता और चावल जिगर, गुर्दे, खमीर, मशरूम और मूंगफली
अधिकांश वयस्कों को निम्नलिखित मात्रा में विटामिनों के दैनिक आहार की आवश्यकता होती है:
विटामिन बी 12 2.4 माइक्रोग्राम (एमसीजी)
फोलेट या फोलिक एसिड - 400 एमसीजी
गर्भवती और स्तनपान कराने वाली महिलाओं को प्रत्येक विटामिन की अधिक आवश्यकता हो सकती है।

How to increase hemoglobin during pregnancy

Gynaecologist, Delhi
How to increase hemoglobin during pregnancy

Hemoglobin is a type of protein that is found in the red blood cells of the body. It is the protein that is rich in iron. The function of hemoglobin is to transport the oxygen to the tissues and to the organs of the body. Hemoglobin carries the oxygen from the respiratory organs of the body to the tissues. The level of hemoglobin during the pregnancy should be 11.5-13.0 g/dl. When the level of hemoglobin in the pregnant woman falls below 10.0 g/dl, then it is not at all good for the embryo along with the pregnant woman. If the level of hemoglobin falls down, then it can lead to the disorder of anemia. The pregnant women should have a hemoglobin test frequently. If a woman is pregnant, then the level of blood along with the iron in the body increases. To maintain the proper level of hemoglobin, pregnant women should eat more foods that are rich in iron, vitamin c etc.


Hemoglobin during the pregnancy is increased from the following:

Intake of vitamin c:- vitamin c helps in increasing the level of hemoglobin during the pregnancy. Vitamin c helps in protecting the cells and fight against the free radicals. Some of the foods that contain a large amount of vitamin c are broccoli, citrus fruits, potatoes, strawberries etc. They help in the protection of the cell and keep the body healthy during the pregnancy. So, you should take more amount of vitamin c in order to increase the hemoglobin during the pregnancy

Exercise:- exercise also helps in increasing the hemoglobin level during the pregnancy. During the pregnancy, most of the ladies become inactive and lethargic which leads to the fall in the level of hemoglobin. So, exercising regularly may help in improving the absorption of iron and also helps in increasing the flow of oxygen to the parts of the body. So, for increasing the hemoglobin level, you should exercise regularly

Beetroot:- beetroot is considered as one of the best natural remedies for increasing the level of hemoglobin during pregnancy. Beetroot is rich in vitamins, folic acid, iron and minerals. Because of the presence of the following substances in the beetroot, the level of hemoglobin in the body increases. Beetroot can be consumed as a salad or can also be consumed in the form of juice. The beetroot helps in the formation of the new red blood cells and increases the flow of oxygen to the parts of the body. So, you should consume the beetroot in order to increase the hemoglobin in the body during the pregnancy

Consumption of the green leafy vegetables:- green leafy vegetables helps in increasing the hemoglobin level during the pregnancy. These vegetables help in increasing the level of absorption of iron intake. They contain a large amount of vitamin b and c that helps pregnant women to remain fit and healthy. Some of the green leafy vegetables that should be consumed during the pregnancy are moringa, broccoli, and spinach. So, green leafy vegetables can be eaten to increase the hemoglobin in the body during the pregnancy

Eat the foods that are rich in proteins:- the foods that are rich in protein should be taken in order to increase the level of hemoglobin during the pregnancy. Hemoglobin is a combination of the protein i. E. Heme and globin. Proteins are essential for increasing the level of iron during pregnancy. Some of the foods that are rich in proteins are boiled eggs, paneer, lentils and nuts. If the following foods are consumed during the pregnancy, then automatically the level of hemoglobin increases

Increasing the level of iron:- iron plays an important role for increasing the level of hemoglobin during the pregnancy. If more and more intake of iron is done, then it leads to the formation of the red blood cells which in turn leads to the increment of the hemoglobin during the pregnancy. Some of the foods that should be consumed for increasing the hemoglobin during pregnancy are peanut butter, eggs, tofu, fish, green beans, meat, etc. So, for the increment of hemoglobin level in the body, you should take more and more foods that are rich in iron during the pregnancy

Medications:- there are various medications that can be used for increasing the level of hemoglobin during the pregnancy. Cyanocobalamin, carbonyl iron, injection of alglucerase etc can be taken for increasing the level of hemoglobin. This helps in keeping the pregnant lady fit and healthy. So, medications can also be taken in for increasing the hemoglobin level during the pregnancy. ;


Thank you for spending your precious time here and reading this tip. I hope you got the required information after reading this tip. Hemoglobin is very much necessary during the pregnancy. The main objective of hemoglobin is to transport the oxygen to all the parts of the body. The level of hemoglobin during the pregnancy should be in between 11.5-13.0 g/dl. You should consume more supplements of iron, green leafy vegetables, proteins, etc for increasing the level of hemoglobin during the pregnancy.
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13 Simple Tips To Increase Hemoglobin Count At Home

General Physician, Pune
13 Simple Tips To Increase Hemoglobin Count At Home
The simplest way to define hemoglobin would be that it s a protein present in your red blood cells that primarily transports oxygen throughout your body. Apart from carrying oxygen, hemoglobin is also responsible for taking carbon dioxide out of red blood cells and then sending it to the lungs. So, if you have low levels of hemoglobin, it will be very difficult for your body to carry out these functions. Subsequently, the carbon dioxide is released from your lungs as you exhale.

In this article, we will be teaching you how to boost your hemoglobin levels with natural or home remedies. So, if you feel, or already know, that you have low hemoglobin levels, you must read this article thoroughly. Just follow these easy tips and you will see your hemoglobin level rise back to normal.

1. Increase your iron intake according to healthcare experts across the globe, a person with low levels of hemoglobin must add those food items to their diet that are rich in iron. It is widely believed that iron is one of the best supplements that can uplift a person s hemoglobin levels. You should also know that the best sources of iron include eggs, fish, meat, dried fruits such as figs and dates, soy products, leafy greens such as spinach, green beans, broccoli, peanut butter, nuts and seeds, and so on.

2. Consume more foods rich in folate or folic acid a kind of vitamin b, folate is instrumental in the production of hemoglobin in your body. There is a component in your hemoglobin called heme, and it primarily carries oxygen. You must know that folate is essential for your body to produce this heme. If your body does not get an adequate amount of folate, your red blood cells won t mature, which can then lead to serious conditions such as anemia as well as low hemoglobin levels. Some great sources of folate are rice, spinach, peanuts, beef, avocados, kidney beans, lettuce, and black-eyed peas.

3. Increase your vitamin c intake according to most expert healthcare providers and nutritionists in the world, it is essential for your blood to have a combination of both, iron as well as vitamin c. You must know that vitamin c is very important for better absorption of iron. Foods that are rich in vitamin c include strawberries, papayas, oranges, lemons, broccoli, bell peppers, grapefruits, tomatoes, and so on.

4. Eat at least an apple or a pomegranate every day apples and pomegranates are great sources of iron. So, if you consume an apple or a pomegranate every day, it can help maintain a normal level of hemoglobin and promote healthy blood flow in your body.

5. Try drinking nettle tea at least twice a day nettle is not just an ordinary herb but a great source of b vitamins, iron, and vitamin c. According to healthcare experts and doctors, nettle can prove instrumental in uplifting a person s hemoglobin levels. Moreover, in order to make nettle tea, you need to add dried nettle leaves to hot water and let it steep for at least 10 minutes. You can also improve its flavor by adding a little honey to it. Try drinking it at least a couple of times a day.

6. You must avoid iron blockers if you want to maintain a healthy hemoglobin level, you must keep in mind to avoid having food items that tend to block your body s ability to absorb iron. Some of these items include tea, coffee, wine, beer, and cola drinks.

7. Regular exercise can do wonders for you if you have low hemoglobin levels, you must start working out on a regular basis as soon as you can. It must be noted that when you work out, your body starts producing more hemoglobin in order to meet the rising demand for oxygen throughout your body.

8. Choose high-intensity workouts the role of working out is undisputed when it comes to maintaining your overall health. Moreover, certain studies have proved that when you exercise with the aim of maintaining hemoglobin levels in your body, you must opt for intense workout sessions rather than doing moderate exercises.

9. Talk to a health expert right away you must consult a health expert or a dietician as soon as possible if you have low hemoglobin levels. They will suggest ways to improve your diet for a better hemoglobin count.

10. Take iron supplements (after consulting an expert) many doctors or physicians prescribe iron supplements to patients with very low hemoglobin levels. So, if you think that you also need these supplements, you can take them, but not without a doctor s prescription.

11. Drink beetroot juice every day consuming beetroot is one of the best and most trusted ways to maintain healthy hemoglobin levels. Beetroots are not only a great source of iron, but they are also rich in potassium, fiber, and folic acid. There are many people who don t like eating raw or cooked beetroot. If you are also one of those folks, but you still look forward to maintaining healthy hemoglobin levels, you can choose to have beetroot juice at least once a day.

12. Try incorporating brown rice into your regular meals brown rice is considered a superfood that can safeguard you from many diseases, including stomach-related issues as well as cholesterol problems. Not only that, brown rice is also rich in iron content and can help you maintain healthy hemoglobin levels.

13. Increase your consumption of dark chocolate dark chocolates contain more than 80 percent cacao and are widely known for improving a person s hemoglobin levels. So, if you want to maintain a healthy hemoglobin count, you must start having dark chocolate more often.

Conclusion: in the end, we hope that this article was helpful to you. Also, we want you to keep in mind that you must talk to a healthcare expert or doctor before you go about following any of the above-given tips and suggestions.

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Misapprehensions People Have About Kidney Dialysis

General Physician, Fatehabad
Misapprehensions People Have About Kidney Dialysis
Renal failure can happen to anyone at any age. Dialysis ;is an effective, life-saving treatment when your kidneys fail to filter excess fluids, toxins and waste products from the blood naturally. Most patients with a kidney failure ;opt for kidney dialysis. However, several myths surround the treatment procedure.

Let's address the most common myths about kidney dialysis so the patients looking forward to the procedure are well aware of the facts.

1) myth it is a painful procedure

Fact dialysis itself is a painless procedure. Some people may experience discomfort if kept on haemodialysis, where the needles are put into the ;graft or fistula. The procedure follows minor side effects like vomiting, nausea, cramps and headaches, which can be managed well with a healthy diet and reduced fluid intake.

2) myth dialysis means a death sentence

Fact  it is actually the other way round. Dialysis can be a saviour when your kidneys are no longer healthy enough to function properly. The average life expectancy on dialysis is 5-10 years. Depending on the condition and the treatment plan, people on dialysis may even live for 20-30 years.

3) myth dialysis can only be done at the centre

Fact  dialysis does not require you to travel to the centre twice or thrice a week. The procedure can be performed in several ways. You may opt for haemodialysis, which is done in a hospital or at your home. Alternatively, you can go for peritoneal dialysis, which is possible from the convenience of your home. Based on your condition and considering your wish, the doctor will decide which form of dialysis suits you best.

4) myth dialysis patients can never get back to usual activities

Fact  patients can very well get back to their day-to-day activities following dialysis treatment. You may only need to rest for a few days until you get used to the procedure.

5) myth dialysis solves it all

Fact  kidney dialysis removes extra fluid and toxins from your blood, keeping you alive. However, the procedure alone cannot keep you healthy and help you live an improved life. A dialysis-friendly diet, medications, fluid control all these are essential in taking control of your life and improving the quality of living.

Busting the myths surrounding kidney dialysis will help you understand the procedure better. Once you know all about it, it will be able easier for you to discuss the procedure with your doctor and make an informed decision.

Five Tips To Increase Hemoglobin!

M.Sc. in Dietetics and Food Service Management , Post Graduate Diploma In Computer Application, P.G.Diploma in Clinical Nutrition & Dietetics , B.Sc.Clinical Nutrition & Dietetics
Dietitian/Nutritionist, Mumbai
Five Tips To Increase Hemoglobin!
Five Tips To Increase Hemoglobin!
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Kidney Stones - What Is The Best Possible Way It Can Be Treated?

MBBS, DNB (General Medicine)
General Physician, Delhi
Kidney Stones - What Is The Best Possible Way It Can Be Treated?
Kidney stones are often small enough and pass through urine without much bother. Most kidney stones are smaller than 4 mms in diameter. Having said this, even the smallest of kidney stones can be really painful until they pass through urine. It typically takes a couple of days for the body to get rid of it. While medication and self-care are the foremost options, there are a range of other options as well available for treating kidney stones.
Admission to a Hospital-
You must get admitted to a hospital if the stone moves to the ureter, thereby resulting in severe pain. Typically kidney stones which are more than 6 mms in diameter need to be surgically removed through procedures such as ureteroscopy, percutaneous nephrolithotomy (PCNL), open surgery and extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy (ESWL). A doctor takes a call on any of the above procedure if:
The patient is inching towards a kidney failure.
The pain doesn t go away even after taking pain killers.
If the patient is pregnant.
If the patient is more than 60 years.
Extracorporeal Shock Wave Lithotripsy (ESWL)-
ESWL is one of the simple and most preferred stone removing procedures. It involves the usage of ultrasound shock waves to break the bigger stones into smaller ones. The latter is then passed through urine. A patient is given a few painkillers since this mode of treatment could be a little uncomfortable. A patient might need multiple ESWLs to successfully get rid of all the stones.
If a stone gets stuck in the ureter, a medical procedure known as the ureteroscopy is performed. In this procedure, a thin telescope is passed through the urethra and bladder to the ureter. Either a second instrument is used or the telescope itself has laser energy to break the bigger stone into smaller ones. This procedure is ideal for stones that have a diameter more than 15 mm.
Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy (PCNL)
PCNL is an alternative to ESWL for removing big stones. This procedure involves the usage of nephroscope that is routed into the kidney through a small incision made behind the back of the patient. This procedure requires general anesthesia and is effective for breaking stones that have a diameter of 20 mm or more. It has a success rate of 86%.
Open Surgery:
This is one of the older methods to eradicate kidney stones. Unless the stone size is abnormally large and other procedures cannot be performed, open surgery is generally avoided. An open surgery involves making an incision and getting access to the ureter and the kidney. The surgeon then removes the stone from the kidney. This procedure requires general anesthesia and the patient needs to be under observation for at least 24 hours, post surgery.
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Anemia - Know Reasons Behind It!

MD - Internal Medicine, MBBS
Internal Medicine Specialist, Mumbai
Anemia - Know Reasons Behind It!
Anemia is a medical condition in which the red blood cell count or hemoglobin is less than normal. Haemoglobin is the main part of red blood cells and it binds oxygen. If you have few or abnormal red blood cells, or your hemoglobin is low, the cells in your body will not get enough oxygen. Anemia can last temporarily or for a long-term, and it can range from mild to severe. If you suspect you have anemia, see your doctor immediately because it can be a warning sign of a serious illness. A person who has anemia is called anemic.

Sign and symptoms of anemia: Because a low blood cell count decreases oxygen delivery to every tissue in the body, anemia can cause a variety of signs and symptoms. It can also worsen the state of any other underlying medical condition. If anemia is mild, it may not cause any symptoms. If anemia is chronic, the body may adapt and compensate for the change. In this case, there may not be any symptoms until anemia becomes more severe. Anemia signs and symptoms may vary depending on the cause of the condition. These may include fatigue, weakness, pale or yellowish skin, irregular heartbeats, breathlessness, dizziness, chest pain, cold hands and feet, and headache.

Causes of anemia: Anemia occurs when your body doesn t have enough red blood cells. This can happen if:

Your body doesn t make enough red blood cells: The bone marrow is essential for the creation of red blood cells. A number of diseases can affect the bone marrow, including leukemia, where too many abnormal white blood cells are produced. This disrupts normal production of red blood cells.
Bleeding causes you to lose red blood cells more quickly than they can be replaced: Iron deficient anemia is the most common type of anemia which often falls into this category. It is caused by a shortage of iron, which most often results due to blood loss. Blood loss can be acute and rapid or chronic. Rapid blood loss can happen at the time of surgery, childbirth, trauma, or a ruptured blood vessel.
Your body destroys red blood cells: Red blood cells have a lifespan of 120 days in the bloodstream but they can be destroyed or removed beforehand. In one type of anemia, the body s immune system mistakenly identifies its own red blood cells as a foreign substance and attacks them. Excessive red blood cell breakdown can also occur due to infections, the use of certain drugs, snake or spider venom, severe hypertension, and in the case of clotting disorders.
Treatment of anemia: The treatment of anemia varies greatly. First, the underlying cause of anemia needs to be identified and corrected. Most of the times, iron supplements will be needed to correct iron deficiency. In severe anemia, blood transfusions may be necessary. Vitamin B12 injections are necessary in some cases who are suffering from a specific type of anemia.

Prevention of anemia: Many types of anemia can t be prevented. But iron deficient anemia and vitamin deficient anemia can be avoided by having a diet that includes a variety of vitamins and nutrients, including iron, folate, vitamin B12, and vitamin C.
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Acute Kidney Failure - Know Reasons Behind It!

MBBS, MD - General Medicine, DM - Nephrology
Nephrologist, Delhi
Acute Kidney Failure - Know Reasons Behind It!
You're said to suffer from the problem of acute kidney failure if your kidneys suddenly stop working and lose their ability to eliminate waste materials including excess fluids and salts from the blood. The condition usually develops quickly over a few days or even a few hours. When this happens, waste materials accumulate in your blood, disrupting the chemical balance of your bloodstream.

So, what causes this problem?

Acute kidney failure can occur because of any one of these reasons:

1. A drop or slowdown of blood flow to the kidneys - Adequate blood circulation to the kidneys is of great importance as without it the kidneys may end malfunctioning. If blood flow to the kidney is hampered, a part of or the entire kidney may die. You may suffer from acute kidney failure if blood flow to the kidneys gets impaired due to conditions like

Heavy blood loss
Sepsis (body's inflammatory reaction to an infection, which can bring about organ failure, tissue damage, and death)
Use of certain drugs
Heart disease
2. Urinary obstructions - A sudden blockage that hampers your kidney's ability to eliminate urine can also bring about acute kidney failure. When this happens, it leads to a build up of toxins in the body, causing an overload of the kidneys. Conditions that bring about this urinary obstruction include:

Cervical cancer
Colon cancer
Bladder cancer
Kidney stones
Enlarged prostate
Prostate cancer
3. Disease within the kidneys - Even instances of clotting within the blood vessels of the kidneys can lead to acute kidney failure. This is because if the movement of blood cells within the blood vessels gets hampered, kidneys are not able to filter out toxins from the body. The conditions and diseases that may cause clotting, and subsequently damage to the kidneys include:

Scleroderma (an autoimmune disease that affects connective tissues and skin)
Build-up of cholesterol deposits
Glomerulonephritis (an inflammatory condition of the kidney's ball-shaped structures called glomeruli)
Hemolytic uremic syndrome (a condition that occurs due to untimely death of red blood cells)
Lupus (a disorder of the body's immune system that brings about damage to the body's own organs and tissues)
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Pregnancy - Know Complications Of It!

MBBS, DGO -Gynecology & Obstetrics, MD - Obstetrtics & Gynaecology
Gynaecologist, Chennai
Pregnancy - Know Complications Of It!
Pregnancy brings with it a whole lot of changes for the mother-to-be, such as emotional, psychological, social and of course physical. The body goes through many changes and there are some side effects that are typical of pregnancy, the most common ones are listed below.

Morning sickness: Morning sickness can occur at any time of the day. It can start as early as the 4th week of pregnancy and continue until the first trimester. The altered level of hormones are believed to be the cause of this.
Anemia: The increased demand for the woman s body for iron leads to anemia in a majority of people. This is more common in the third trimester and increases fatigue and tiredness. A good amount of iron in the food and supplements need to be included as iron is also required in the breastfeeding phase.
Backache: With the baby s growth, there is extra pressure on the spine and the low back, thereby causing low back pain. There is also an increase progesterone level which stretches the spinal ligaments to expand to accommodate the baby. This is increased with standing for prolonged periods and sleeping in awkward positions.
Constipation: The increased levels of progesterone relax the body and thereby making digestion sluggish and more reabsorption of water. This leads to dry, hard feces. Many women take iron supplements which also increases constipation. Drinking plenty of water helps manage this.
Heartburn/reflux: The relaxed stomach muscles cause regurgitation of acid into the esophagus. The pressure of the growing fetus also adds to this acid movement. This can be managed with small, frequent meals; low-fat diet; and avoiding spicy foods.
Leg cramps: The calves, thighs and feet may experience a sharp pain followed by a constant ache. They are more common at night, usually in the third trimester. This is due to decreased levels of calcium and magnesium in the mother, which the baby needs in significant amounts after 20 weeks. A good massage, sleeping with legs elevated, calcium supplements, and mild exercise can all help with these cramps.
Dizziness/faintness: When standing up suddenly after prolonged periods, there could be reduced blood supply to the brain leading to dizzy sensation. This pooling of blood in the legs can be avoided by avoiding standing for long periods, sufficient hydration, and adequate rest and sleep.
Breathlessness: As the weight of the growing baby increases, breathlessness sets in, especially in the second trimester onwards. The progesterone also plays a role in this, by relaxing the body. Mild exercise can be useful.
Other common side effects are fluid retention, hemorrhoids/piles, insomnia, tender/sore breasts, and vaginal yeast infections.
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