HTLV - I / II Antibodies Health Feed

I have no mobility in my thumbs. I don’t know if it’s carpal tunnel or badal thumb arthritis? I need a diagnosis and x-ray blood tests neurological tests etc to determine the underlying issues.

Physiotherapist, Hyderabad
I have no mobility in my thumbs. I don’t know if it’s carpal tunnel or badal thumb arthritis? I need a diagnosis and ...
It sounds like you're experiencing limited mobility in your thumbs and are unsure about the underlying cause, whether it's related to carpal tunnel syndrome or basal thumb arthritis. Here's what you can consider in terms of diagnosis and testing: medical evaluation: schedule an appointment with a healthcare professional, preferably a hand specialist or orthopedic surgeon, who can assess your symptoms and perform a thorough physical examination of your thumbs and hands. They will ask about your medical history, including any previous injuries or conditions that may be contributing to your symptoms. Diagnostic tests: based on your symptoms and physical examination, your healthcare provider may recommend one or more diagnostic tests to further evaluate your condition. These tests may include: x-rays: x-rays can help identify any abnormalities or degenerative changes in the bones of the thumb joint, which can indicate basal thumb arthritis. Blood tests: blood tests may be ordered to rule out underlying conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis or other inflammatory disorders that can affect the joints. Nerve conduction studies: nerve conduction studies can help assess nerve function and determine if there is any evidence of nerve compression or damage, which is characteristic of carpal tunnel syndrome. Electromyography (emg): emg testing may be recommended to evaluate the electrical activity of muscles and detect any abnormalities associated with nerve compression or damage. Imaging studies: in addition to x-rays, other imaging studies such as ultrasound or mri may be ordered to provide detailed images of the soft tissues, including the ligaments, tendons, and cartilage, to help assess the extent of joint damage or inflammation. Physical examination: your healthcare provider will also perform a physical examination of your thumbs and hands, assessing for signs of inflammation, swelling, tenderness, and range of motion. They may also perform specific tests to assess thumb function and mobility. Comprehensive assessment: based on the results of these tests and examinations, your healthcare provider can provide a comprehensive assessment and diagnosis of your condition. They will discuss treatment options tailored to your specific needs, which may include conservative measures such as splinting, physical therapy, or medications for pain and inflammation, as well as surgical options if necessary.
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For the past seven years, i've been dealing with a condition that i'm unsure whether it's asthma or a cold-related ailment. I take monti cope daily, but when it's time for the next dosage, I often experience symptoms such as cold, cough, and chest congestion.

For the past seven years, i've been dealing with a condition that i'm unsure whether it's asthma or a cold-related ai...
Since many days same symptoms is there means. You should undergo detailed evaluation of your conditions do spirometry, basic blood test like cbc with aec, s. Ige and chest xray if needed do sputum tests and ct scan chest.
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For the last 10 years, I was taking budecort200 and serubid. Now serubid discontinued. Then started budecort200 with duolin inhaler. And it is working well. Can I continue this daily. Is this safe?

MD - Pulmonary Medicine, MBBS, DNB ( Pulmonary Medicine), Fellowship in Pulmonary and critical Care Medicine, Certificate in Interventional Bronchoscopy and Thoracoscopy
Pulmonologist, Thane
For the last 10 years, I was taking budecort200 and serubid. Now serubid discontinued. Then started budecort200 with ...
Long acting bronchodilator helps to control asthma for 12 hrs with each puff so better to take formoterol budesonide twice a day followed by gargles.
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My wife, 43 yrs, is suspected with arthritis, is there a remedy in homeopathy? How long is the treatment, tentative costs and any side effects? What are the medicines based on?

Erasmus Mundus Master in Adapted Physical Activity, MPT, BPTh/BPT
Physiotherapist, Chennai
My wife, 43 yrs, is suspected with arthritis, is there a remedy in homeopathy? How long is the treatment, tentative c...
1.resisted terminal knee extension: make a loop with a piece of elastic tubing by tying a knot in both ends. Close the knot in a door at knee height. Step into the loop with your injured leg so the tubing is around the back of your knee. Lift the other foot off the ground and hold onto a chair for balance, if needed. Bend the knee with tubing about 45 degrees. Slowly straighten your leg, keeping your thigh muscle tight as you do this. Repeat 15 times. Do 2 sets of 15. If you need an easier way to do this, stand on both legs for better support while you do the exercise. 2•standing calf stretch: stand facing a wall with your hands on the wall at about eye level. Keep as arthritis is very common that you get generally bilaterally. Ice therapy would definitely help to reduce the inflammation. We also advise you to use knee cap which would help to prevent the knee from damaging further and also to maintain the quadriceps muscle tone •stretching exercises. Regular, steady stretching exercises can reduce muscle spasm and help lengthen the muscle-tendon unit. Don't bounce during your stretch. 3•strengthening exercises. Weak thigh muscles contribute to the strain on your patellar tendon. Exercises that involve lowering your leg very slowly after extending it can be particularly helpful, as can exercises that strengthen all of the leg muscles in combination, such as a leg press.•this is a general knee pain and for this you can follow these measures: one keep a pillow right under the knee while sleeping, next is you can keep ice in the painful area for about 5--10 minutes, it looks like you are is important to check that. Anaemia always leads to the symptoms of being tired and also having body pain though there may not be any pathological reasons for knee pain. With knee exercises you will definitely feel better and muscles must be strengthened.
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My 8 year old child has asthma, our family doctor has prescribed him duolin 3 respules. Is it safe for him?

MD - Pulmonary Medicine, MBBS, DNB ( Pulmonary Medicine), Fellowship in Pulmonary and critical Care Medicine, Certificate in Interventional Bronchoscopy and Thoracoscopy
Pulmonologist, Thane
My 8 year old child has asthma, our family doctor has prescribed him duolin 3 respules. Is it safe for him?
If you're child has asthma don't deprive him of any respules or mdi pump infact he/ she should be given duolin respules twice or thrice a day with budecort respules twice a day once chest is better can shift to mdi / pump formoflo / budamate child one with lesser dose with spacer can be started.
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My legs were swollen nd severe pain. I was asked to take nicip tablet, along with dorjoint plus and cipcal after taking, I has serious issues of bedwetting, can I know which medicine is causing this issue.

Erasmus Mundus Master in Adapted Physical Activity, MPT, BPTh/BPT
Physiotherapist, Chennai
If you have leg pain then you have to rule out the casues for having leg pain. First of all check your weight and your haemoglobin levels, as anaemia always leads to the symptoms of being tired and also having leg pain though there are no issues with the knee joint or back pain. Since you met with an accident probably you would've had blood loss and also you must be having mineral or calcium deficiency that is one reason to feel very rigid or stiff in that area. Hot water fermentation that would help to reduce the muscle strain. Keep ice in the area where you have pain/or where the muscle is injured.Rest avoid using your muscle for a few days, especially if movement causes an increase in pain. But too much rest can cause muscles to become weak. This can prolong the healing process. After two days, slowly begin using the affected muscle group, taking care not to overdo it. Ice apply ice immediately after injuring your muscle. This will minimize swelling. Don’t put ice directly on your skin. Use an ice pack or wrap ice in a towel. Keep the ice on your muscle for about 20 minutes. Repeat every hour on the first day. For the next several days, apply ice every four hours. Compression to reduce swelling, wrap the affected area with an elastic bandage until swelling comes down. Be careful not to wrap the area too tightly. Doing so can reduce your blood circulation. Elevation whenever possible, keep the injured muscle raised above the level of your heart.
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I'm 20 year and suffering from stomatitis since 5 days i'm taking vizylac capsule for 4 days but the condition is not improving it worsen this spread to my throat it and now I feel very strong burning sensation in my throat please suggest something.

Homeopathy Doctor, Noida
I'm 20 year and suffering from stomatitis since 5 days i'm taking vizylac capsule for 4 days but the condition is not...
1. Avoid spicy and sour foods, drinking hot liquids like tea, coffee and avoid oily, spicy food until the ulcers heal. 2. Drink plenty of fluids. 3. Regularly rinse your mouth out with warm, slightly salted water or baking soda. 4. Keep your mouth clean. 5. Apply ice to your canker sores by allowing ice chips to slowly dissolve over the sores 6. Apply toothpaste over the sores to treat them 7. Apply little honey onto the mouth ulcer or mix in a little turmeric to make a paste that can be applied to the affected area. Honey helps to retain moisture and prevent dehydration. 8. Brush your teeth gently, using a soft brush for this homeopathic treatment is very effective. For more details you can consult me.
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I am 52 years old male and asthma little and I do not take any medication for that. I have been taking triphala 2 tab and ashwagandha 2 tabs at night for one year. Is this ok. Also I want to keep diabetes under check.

MD - Pulmonary Medicine, MBBS Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery
Pulmonologist, Delhi
I am 52 years old male and asthma little and I do not take any medication for that. I have been taking triphala 2 tab...
If you have symptoms like recurrent cough and cold breathing difficulty on exertion or season change you shud consult a chest specialist.
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My mom who lives in darbhanga is suffering from severe arthritis and she is always in extreme pain. Most of the time, she is not able to get up from the bed and her hemoglobin also drops to a 4-5 sometimes. Is this something you can help her with? If yes, let me know so that I can set up an appointment with you. Currently, she takes a pain medication given by our family physicians as needed. Her uric acid is also high.

Erasmus Mundus Master in Adapted Physical Activity, MPT, BPTh/BPT
Physiotherapist, Chennai
My mom who lives in darbhanga is suffering from severe arthritis and she is always in extreme pain. Most of the time,...
Treatment goals •to protect the joint from further damages. •provide pin relief. •prevent deformity and disabilities. •increase functional capacity. •improve flexibility and strength. •encourage regular exercise. •improve general fitness. Physiotherapy modalities - hot/cold applications- electrical stimulation- hydrotherapy and spa therapy this should be due to the sciatic nerve compression in the right side probably close to your l5 vertebrae. It can also be due to the strain on the left leg, try wearing mcr chappals which would help you to get relieved from pain. To protect the joint from further damages. •provide pin relief. •prevent deformity and disabilities. •increase functional capacity. •improve flexibility and strength. •encourage regular exercise. •improve general fitness. Physiotherapy modalities - hot/cold applications- electrical stimulation- hydrotherapy and spa therapy rehabilitation treatment technique - rest and splinting - compression gloves - assistive devices and adaptive equipment - massage therapy - therapeutic exercise - patient education exercise for acute phase: •preformed exercise at least once a day. •general assisted movement through normal range (joint mobilisation). •isometric-“static movements” helps to maintain muscle tone without increasing inflammation. Exercise for the chronic phase: •can progress the above exercise to include use of light resistance. •postural/core stability exercises. •swimming/walking/cycling to maintain cardiovascular fitness. •gentle stretch for areas that become tight, such as knees &calves. Regular exercises: •maintaing muscle strength is important for joint stability & preventing injury. •muscles can become weak following reduced activity. •pain signals from yours nerves and swelling can both inhibits muscles. •muscle length can be affected by prolonged positions immobilization and tightness can limit daily activities. Alternative therapies: •thi chi. •musical therapy. •yoga therapy. •relaxation techniques.
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I am 26 years old (male) I am suffering from arthritis from last 4 years I a have taken all types of treatment with bets doctors but nothing is getting good. I have pain in my joints.

Erasmus Mundus Master in Adapted Physical Activity, MPT, BPTh/BPT
Physiotherapist, Chennai
I am 26 years old (male)
I am suffering from arthritis from last 4 years I a
have taken all types of treatment with b...
Polyarthritis do’s do the prescribed exercise regularly to maintain strength, flexibility and range of motion. Do keep the affected arm supported. Use an ice pack for pain relief. Apply the ice pack 3-4 times a day for 10 minutes. Don’ts don't sleep on the affected side. Don't lift heavyweight with the affected arm. Don't jerk your shoulder to avoid stress. Don't use the arm to push yourself up in bed or from a chair. Don't participate in contact sports or do any repetitive heavy lifting. We suggest you to wear shoulder support brace which is available in two different sizes which makes the patient to feel comfortable as it maintains the shoulder in anatomical position and the short lever is maintained. The reason to maintain the short lever in the shoulder joint is it helps the shoulder to prevent the movements which itself is the key to have better progression of healing in the shoulder region. This is suggested for the following conditions. This shoulder support brace what we are suggesting for you is available at our clinic. If you want you can buy from us, if you are far away from chennai we can send you by courier. The reason why we are conveying you to buy from us is we can demonstrate over the videocall (using whatsapp) and also we can monitor you throughout when to wear it and how long to wear it. And also if you find any difficulty wearing the brace you can also revert back to us for few more suggestions and we can propose you good solution how to go about it. Knee arthritis can be painful and debilitating. For osteoarthritis (oa) of the knee, self-care early on can often help significantly. It is important to stretch and strengthen the surrounding leg muscles to provide more support and reduce stresses around the joint. The following best bet exercises will help you get started on your path to feeling stronger, more flexible and more active. Remember: exercise should not be painful – if you experience pain, discontinue and consult with your physician. Advice: 1.must take adequate rest 2.apply hot water with mild heat with cotton towel 3.avoid cross leg sitting and long time standing 4. Put the small size chair under the ankle during sitting in the chair for leg elevation the exercise given below 2 times per day 1.quadriceps setting exercise helps to strengthen the quadriceps muscle (the big muscle on the front of the thigh), an important stabilizer of the knee. Lie on your back with the leg you want to exercise straight. Place a small rolled towel underneath the knee. Slowly tighten the muscle on top of the thigh (quadriceps) and push the back of the knee down into the rolled towel. Hold contraction for 5 seconds and then slowly release, resting 5 seconds between each contraction. Perform 3 sets of 10 repetitions, 1 time daily. 2.straight leg raise also helps to strengthen the quadriceps muscle. Lie on your back with the leg you want to exercise straight. The other knee should be bent to support your lower back. Tighten the muscle on the top of your thigh and lift to the level of your other knee. Slowly lower. Perform 3 sets of 10 repetitions, 1 time daily.
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