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I am 55 year old woman. My ecg report is 1,2 & 6v slight st-t abnormality. Dr. prescribed motorola 25 for 10 days. What is the problem. I am fear about it.

DHMS (Hons.)
Homeopathy Doctor, Patna
I am 55 year old woman. My ecg report is 1,2 & 6v slight st-t abnormality. Dr. prescribed motorola 25 for 10 days. Wh...
Hi, lybrate user, •You are experiencing arrhythmia, owing to irregular diatery habits and inadequete life style , needs to opt certain natural norms to overcome your problem being nothing much serious. •Go for a walk in the morning and evening for 20 mnts, both the time , regulating edequate blood supply to your heart. •Go for meditation to reduce your stress to nourish your body including your brain to regulate heart, well. •Your diet be easily digestible on time to check gastric disorder, triggering to your problem. •Ensure , sound sleep for 6/7 hours in the night. •Avoid , junk food, spicy, fried intake and nicotine . •Tke, care.
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I have mvp mild Mr. so can it be progress to severe or it will remain constant? I am taking medications now so help me to know about his.

General Physician, Nashik
I have mvp mild Mr. so can it be progress to severe or it will remain constant? I am taking medications now so help m...
If you follow medication there will be no problem. And just try to prevent infection, fever. Be calm happy, don't work hard physically.
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I have pericardial effusion what should I do next and I am worried about how the doctor will treat me can someone tell me how the water is taken out form my heart plz?

Ayurvedic Doctor, Delhi
I have pericardial effusion what should I do next and I am worried about how the doctor will treat me can someone tel...
Fluid drainage (pericardiocentesis) pericardial effusion may be small or large, smaller effusion may go by their own vats surgery.
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Aerobic exercises examples

MD, DNB (Neurology), MBBS
General Physician, Indore
Aerobic exercises examples

All cardio type exercises come in aerobic exercise for example brisk walking, swimming, running, cycling. Aerobic means activities with oxygen. These exercises increase the breathing and heart rate which in turn keep your heart, lungs, and circulatory system active and healthy. These exercises also prevent us from many heart and lung diseases.

There is anaerobic exercise which differs from aerobic. In anaerobic weight lifting, sprinting, running are the exercises. These exercises are done for a short time and include energy but aerobic exercise is for a long time and the body has time to use oxygen.


There are many types of aerobic exercises performed at home and gym.

1. Jump rope

Equipment: sports shoes for gym like sneakers, jump rope.


Benefits: jumping rope maintains the hand foot coordination, healthy heart and improves body agility.

Safety: you should adjust the rope according to your height. Avoid using too long rope, cut and tie rope.


Duration and frequency: 15 to 25 minutes 3-5 times a day.

We should follow the jump rope circuit which is a great activity and it is fun. You can follow it inside but you must have plenty of space to do.

Steps for jump rope circuit:

Joog by rope in forward direction moving from head to feet.

Reverse the direction and jog in the backward direction.

Now do hopscotch jump.

Next step is to criss cross the rope while jumping. When you jump in place, in jumping you change the sides of the rope and rotate your hand. When your hand reaches back you release the criss cross in a position of normal jumping.

This is the circuit which we should do for 15 min. We should put a gap between the sets. For advanced level sets are done for a short time.

2) aerobic strength exercises ;

Equipment: sports shoes for gym like sneakers, a chair for dips.

Benefits: this aerobic exercise improves heart muscles and strengthens cardiovascular, tone many muscles. ;


There must be focus on the exercise to avoid injury.

Heart rate should not exceed high.

Small conversation is allowed and necessary.


Duration and frequency: we should perform it for 10 to 15 minutes, 5-6 times per week.

This aerobic circuit here is for raising your heart rate. And toning your muscles.

First, do squats.

Then do lunges.

Then perform push ups.

Then perform the triceps dips

Then do torso twists.

Do this circuit for 2 -3 times with a gap of 10 minutes.


3) running or jogging

Equipment: running sports shoes

Benefits: this is the best exercise in aerobic exercise. It can increase heart rate and improve one's health. It burns fat, tone muscles and improves your health. ;

Safety concerns: good routes, good shoes, are needed as concerns because they can affect your leg.


Duration and frequency: half an hour we should run.

We should run for 30 minutes daily. Pace in run can be changed from fast to slow.

We should walk for sometime and stretch before running.


4) swimming

Equipment: pool, swimsuit, swimming goggles

Benefits: swimming gives strength to the body, it's for all body exercises. Those who are recovering from serious injury, swimming is good. It gives strength to the hand and leg.


Safety: we should not swim alone in a pond or in a pool. We should go in the water when there is a lifeguard. For beginner you should get swim lessons

Duration and frequency: we should go swimming for 30 minutes. Thrice a week is good and exceeding the time increases your strength.


There are many types of swimming such butterfly, breaststroke, backstroke, free style. Beginners should do a freestyle of 1 or 2 laps. Give the gap between the laps if needed and follow the guidelines of swimming. Many types of swimming are there in which more time is needed and helps us.

5) elliptical machine


Benefits: elliptical machines used for cardio exercises. Working on this there is no pressure on hips, knees, back. In all other exercises like running, treadmills there is stress in this area.



We should look forward while using the machine, looking down may be stressful to our eyes. And that's not good posture to do.

For beginners if you feel unsteady please take help to do the exercise.

Duration and frequency: 30 minutes per day and 4 times in a week.

The elliptical machine for beginners is not so easy but after trying it for a few days it is easy to use. We should first warm ourselves at a slow pace for 10 minutes. Keep the head straight and forward, and the leg should be on the pedal while using these machines.

Whole body should be in posture, should be at the back, legs should move straight. After doing it for 30 minutes, slow yourself to slowly cool down. Step down the machines and do stretching.

Increases the time of activities so that your strength increases.



This aerobic exercise is good for health, heart, lungs, blood pressure etc. We should do it regularly to maintain the effect of it on the body. We should once know the posture of any exercise properly otherwise there will be any internal muscle injury. In that case please visit the doctors.
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My daughter neck pulsates. Is that normal? Also, echo cardiogram said there is trace tricuspid valve regurgitation in pulmonary valve. What does this mean? Even though these terms are in there it still says is a normal study. What would you suggest is the next course of treatment I should take for daughter?

Yoga & Naturopathy Specialist, Pune
My daughter neck pulsates. Is that normal? Also, echo cardiogram said there is trace tricuspid valve regurgitation in...
Tricuspid valve regurgitation is a problem of heart in which valve of right ventricle and right atrium don't works properly so there is leakage of blood back to upper side again i.e right atrium. If you want a allopathic or uropian theory suggestion it's a surgery case or some time change of valves. It's not wrong one but if you don't want to through this, you need to have some exercise. Turn face to right to touch right shoulder slowly and vice versa for at least five to ten minutes. Also physio therapy gives better results. According to unani treatment mixture of walnut and garlic with a two spoon full apple cider in a glass of warm water early in the morning gives you relief neck pulsate and many more coronary artery problems and heart problems including valve irregularities.
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Natural Beta-Blockers

Ayurvedic Doctor, Lucknow
Natural Beta-Blockers

Beta-blockers are basically a category of drugs that are predominantly used to reduce stress and strain on the heart. They work by blocking the effects of adrenaline, which simply means that a person's heart does not have to work as hard (as earlier) to pump blood around the body. This can be helpful for people who have certain heart conditions or who are experiencing some other related health issues, such as anxiety and stress.

In other words, beta blockers are a class of medications that are most commonly used to treat irregular heart rhythms and prevent a second heart attack after a person has had their first heart attack. It is needless to mention that the heart is an essential nay, indispensable organ in the bodies of most living creatures. After all, it keeps us all alive!

When you are stressed out or your heart is under constant strain, it can be really hazardous to your heart. This situation can potentially lead to heart attacks or other related problems. So, this is where beta-blockers are needed to prevent any mishaps, as they are a type of drug that can help reduce stress and strain on the heart.

What are natural beta-blockers?

People often prefer natural treatments for their ailments because they are thought to be safer and have fewer side effects than traditional medications. If you are wondering what the natural alternative to beta blockers is, just read on to find out and gain a better understanding of the subject.

It is no secret that most illnesses in the present time are caused by stress. Whether it be emotional stress or physical stress, our reactions to both have the power to get the better of us. Stress has been linked to the development of some of the leading causes of death today, such as heart attacks, strokes, ulcers, and even certain cancers.

There are different kinds of stress and different kinds of responses to stress that make each individual's reaction to stress unique. Furthermore, it should also be kept in mind that it is equally essential for each one of us to manage our everyday stress.

People usually end up resorting to mainstream, prescribed medications in such situations, which is fair enough. However, there are also some natural remedies available that might effectively work as beta-blockers.

In other words, natural beta-blockers are alternatives to conventional beta-blocker medications. Also known as beta-blocker alternatives, they are aimed at treating a number of health issues, including hypertension, stress and anxiety attacks, and migraine headaches. Just to mention, natural beta-blockers can be used by both adults and children.

What are some natural alternatives to mainstream beta-blockers?

Most of us are always looking for natural and safer ways to cure our diseases and ailments. Aren't we? so, it's no wonder if we do the same in the case of beta-blockers, which means it is not a pipe dream if you are looking for natural beta-blocking remedies.

There are mainly two types of beta-blockers: cardioselective and non-cardioselective. Cardioselective beta blockers are used to cure heart-related diseases, while non-cardioselective beta blockers are for treating diseases and ailments outside of the heart. Natural substitutes for both of these types of beta blockers are readily available, and some of them include the following:

Passion flower

Also known as maypop or passiflora, passion flower is a medicinal herb that is naturally grown in certain regions. It has been found to be an effective relaxant and tranquilizer for patients suffering from insomnia, anxiety, and restlessness. The capsules and tinctures of passion flower are easily available in medical stores.

Although it is an effective muscle relaxant and used in many pharmaceuticals as beta blockers, the best thing about passion flower is that it is absolutely non-addictive. However, passionflower tablets or tinctures can have some serious side effects, so they should only be taken under the supervision of a qualified medical professional.

Chamomile tea

Chamomile is a flower that has been used for centuries as a treatment for a wide range of ailments. Chamomile tea has specifically been used for ages to assuage stomach aches, including menstrual pain or period cramps. Apart from that, it has been recently found that chamomile tea is also rich in antioxidants and can act as an effective natural beta blocker.

Chamomile tea has some great natural beta-blocking properties. It is replete with antioxidants, which predominantly help to do away with free radicals from the body.

Free radicals are basically those harmful compounds in the body that can damage or kill body cells and speed up the aging process. Free radicals have also been linked with a number of other lethal health problems, such as certain cancers, cardiac arrest, heart failure, etc. Moreover, you can use chamomile tea as a substitute for traditional beta-blockers with your doctor's permission.

Pomegranate juice

Pomegranate has been consumed by humans for ages and has a number of health benefits that have been backed by scientific research. In fact, a recent study has shown that the juice of pomegranates has certain properties that could make it a great natural beta-blocker. The study suggests that drinking the juice of pomegranates could be beneficial to the heart, mainly because of its high antioxidant content.

Furthermore, a recent study has also shown that pomegranate juice has a higher antioxidant level than green tea and red wine. This makes it a popular and ideal choice for those looking for a natural beta blocker.


A major part of the entire world population suffers from chronic stress and tension since they have to deal with a number of problems in their everyday lives. While some of us feel stressed because of the work pressure, others are unable to handle the personal problems. Such issues give rise to stress and tension that can lead to heart problems.

However, it is possible to deal with all these stressors by taking natural beta-blockers that may help in the reduction of blood pressure and cholesterol. These are completely herbal remedies and do not have any side effects. Furthermore, in the end, we just hope that you found all the information given in this article interesting as well as useful!

Top 10 Cardiologist In Delhi

MBBS, MD - General Medicine, DM - Cardiology
Cardiologist, Delhi
1. Dr. Rajiv bajaj

Https://wwaw. Lybrate. Com/delhi/doctor/dr-rajiv-bajaj-cardiologist-1

Mbbs, md - internal medicine, dm - cardiology, fellowship in ep

42 years experience 700 - 1600 at clinic 500 online

He is known for his knowledge as an expert in cardiovascular disorders and is a respected doctor in the field of atrial and vascular diseases. For many years, he has also been providing cardiac electrophysiology services to patients. As an experienced cardiac physician/cardiac interventionist, Dr. Rajiv acquired clinical training and a field-specific speciality. ;

He completed his mbbs in 1980 from cmc, vellore; md-internal medicine in 1984 from aiims, new delhi; dm in cardiology in 1988 from aiims, new delhi; and fellowship in emergency medicine in 1996 from st. Michael's hospital in toronto, canada. As a senior interventional cardiologist, he worked at batra hospital and performed clinical work at several other known institutions.

He is honoured with numerous accolades and recognition on a global scale thanks to the japi medicine quiz. At present, he shows his interest in diseases caused by lifestyle biology. He was also awarded the p. Koshy prize in medicine. He has more than 25 papers published in national and international journals, and got certificates of merit in physiology and pharmacology. He is a member of the national and state cardiology society of india's executive council and an active participant in the indian cardiology society (csi).

2. Dr. K. K. Sethi

Https://www. Lybrate. Com/delhi/doctor/dr-k-k-sethi-cardiologist

Mbbs, md - medicine, dm - cardiology

51 years experience 1500 at clinic ;

He is a leading expert in atrial vascular illnesses and a reputable physician in the field of cardiovascular disorders. As a cardiologist along with his humble nature he has treated patients for many years.

He also acquired clinical training and a speciality in mbbs at hospital of the maulana azad dental college in 1971. Other than this he completed his md in cardiology from the same hospital in 1979 as well dm-medicine in 1976. He is also a member of the cardiological society of india (csi) and the asian pacific society of cardiology (apsc).

3. Dr. Subrata lahiri

Https://www. Lybrate. Com/ghaziabad/doctor/dr-subrata-lahiri-cardiologist-2

Mbbs, md - medicine, dnb (cardiology), fellow of european society of cardiology

30 years experience 800 - 1500 at clinic 1000 online ;

He is known as a leading expert in atrial vascular illnesses and as a reputable physician in the field of cardiovascular disorders. As an experienced cardiologist, he has treated his patients for many years. His patients also love his attitude and polite nature towards them. He acquired clinical training and a field-specific speciality from calcutta university as an mbbs in 1992. He completed his md from pandit bhagwat dayal sharma, post graduation from the institute of medical sciences in 1997, and dnb in cardiology from national board of examinations, new delhi in 2004.

As an international associate of the american college of cardiology, he has garnered various awards and recognition on a global scale. Fellow of the european society of cardiology, the cardiological society of india (csi), the indian medical association, and the national academy of medical sciences.

4. Dr. Aman makhija

Https://www. Lybrate. Com/delhi/doctor/dr-aman-makhija-cardiologist

Dm - cardiology, mbbs, md - medicine, training in electrophysiology

23 years experience 1000 - 1500 at clinic 500 online

As a leading expert in atrial vascular illnesses and as a reputable physician in the field of cardiovascular disorders, he has treated his patients successfully with excellent results. He has also worked as a cardiac electrophysiologist for many years, providing care to patients.

He got his dm in cardiology from one of the best colleges of india, kgmc, lucknow university in 2008, md from maulana azad medical college in delhi in 1999. He has been trained in cardiac electrophysiology and cardiologist. He worked as a junior resident in medicine and assisted with serious illnesses at several hospitals, as a senior resident in medicine at maulana azad medical college, delhi, as a senior resident in cardiology at king george medical university, lucknow. ;

He holds positions as a consultant cardiologist and electrophysiologist at sir ganga ram hospital in delhi and has received numerous honours and recognition on a global scale, including the hukum chand memorial award in anatomy, the av gandhi award. Since 2016, he has been an ibhre certified cardiac device specialist, a member of the asia pacific heart rhythm society, and an associate member of the cardiology society of india.

5. Dr. Vinay sanghi

Https://www. Lybrate. Com/delhi/doctor/dr-vinay-sanghi-cardiologist

Fscai (int card), facc (card), facp (int medicine), mbbs

28 years experience 500 at clinic 500 online

He is a renowned cardiovascular disorder specialist and a reputed physician in the field of atrio-vascular diseases. He has also been treating patients for years as an interventional cardiologist. He is well-known for being an expert of cardiovascular disorders and a respected doctor in the area of atrial and vascular diseases. As an interventionist, he has treated patients for many years. ;

He received cardiologist clinical education and specialisation in the field of cardiology and earned his mbbs from osmania medical college in hyderabad in 1994. He is known as an expert of cardiovascular diseases, interventional cardiology, and peripheral vascular disorders. He acquired numerous accolades and recognition on a global scale.

The consumer research council of america has certified him as a top cardiologist for carotid angiograms and interventions. Facp, facc, fscai, fsvm (fellow of the society of vascular medicine), and fellow of the european society of cardiology are few among his more achievements. As a cardiologist, he received clinical education and a specialty in the field and won various appraisals and international recognition through the american board of certification.

6. Dr. Vishal rastogi

Https://www. Lybrate. Com/delhi/doctor/dr-vishal-rastogi-cardiologist

Dm - cardiology, md-internal medicine, mbbs

26 years experience 1000 at clinic

As a cardiologist, he has treated patients for many years with his satisfying treatment results. He has received training in clinical practice and a speciality in dm cardiology at maulana azad medical college, new delhi in 2004, md- internal medicine at ims of bhu, 1999 and mbbs from ims of bhu in 1996. ;

He assists patients with serious ailments as a consultant at fortis escorts heart institute, where he works in clinics at several locations. He belongs to both the european society of cardiology's heart failure association and the cardiological society of india (csi).

7. Dr. Devendra kumar agrawal

Https://www. Lybrate. Com/delhi/doctor/dr-devendra-kumar-agrawal-cardiologist

Md - internal medicine, mbbs, dm - cardiology, fscai (int card)

17 years experience 500 - 1000 at clinic 500 online 

As a leading expert in atrial vascular illnesses and as a reputable physician in the field of cardiovascular disorders, Dr. Devendra is giving hopes as well as hundred percent best results. As a cardiologist, he has treated patients for many years. He acquired clinical training and md in internal medicine from aiims, new delhi in 2008, mbbs from sawai mansingh medical college, jaipur in 2005; dm in cardiology at the university of delhi in 2012; and fscai (int card) from usa. 

As an associate consultant at fortis hospital, shalimar bagh, he assisted with critical illnesses at several institutions and worked in the clinical field. He has been a dm senior resident at the gb pant postgraduate institute of medicine and has done clinical training in delhi.

8. Dr. R. R. Mantri

Https://www. Lybrate. Com/delhi/doctor/dr-r-r-mantri-cardiologist

Dnb (cardiology), dm - cardiology, md - general medicine, mbbs

39 years experience 1000 - 1500 at clinic 500 online

He is known for being a leading expert in atrial vascular illnesses and as a reputable clinician in the field of cardiovascular disorders. As a cardiologist, he has treated all of his patients effectively for many years. He was trained clinically and specialised in the field of cardiology by the national board of examination in 1993.

He worked as a consultant at sir ganga ram hospital, and as an electrophysiologist at orchid hospital. He has done dm in cardiology from sanjay gandhi memorial hospital and mbbs from jawaharlal nehru medical college, ajmer in 1987. He also worked at various well reputed institutions clinically and assisted with serious illnesses.

9. Dr. Rajneesh jain

Https://www. Lybrate. Com/delhi/doctor/dr-rajneesh-jain-cardiologist

Dm - cardiology, md - internal medicine, mbbs

37 years experience 2000 at clinic 

He is well-known as a leading expert in atrial vascular illnesses and as a reputable physician in the field of cardiovascular disorders. As a cardiologist, he has treated patients for many years. He acquired clinical training and a field-specific speciality. He got his md in internal medicine from gmc, amritsar in 1990 and mbbs from government medical college, amritsar in 1985 and also dm in cardiology from gb pant in 1995.

10. Dr. Tarlochan singh kler

Https://www. Lybrate. Com/delhi/doctor/dr-tarlochan-singh-kler-cardiologist

Sr. Fellowship in electrophysiology & pacing, m. R. C. P. (u. K.), dm - cardiology

47 years experience 500 - 1500 at clinic

As an expert in atrial vascular illnesses and as a reputable physician in the field of cardiovascular disorders, Dr. T. S. Kler has worked hard to treat his patients with satisfying results. As an expert in cardiology, he has treated many of his patients effectively for many years. 

He completed clinical training and obtained a speciality from st. Luke's medical centre and sinai samaritan hospital in the usa in 1993, m. R. C. P. (u. K.) from royal college of physicians in 1989, dm in cardiology from pgimer, and received clinical education and a speciality in the field of research. His patients are very much happy with his treatment results, so without any query, just make an appointment with him for a happy and healthy life.

Top 10 Cardiologists in Bangalore

Cardiologist, Bangalore
Choosing the appropriate heart specialist is crucial for you since, as you are aware, heart illnesses cannot be handled lightly because your life is at risk.

Dr. Kumar B
DM - Cardiology, MD - General Medicine, MBBS
52 Years Experience 500 at clinic 300 online
The most renowned cardiologist in Bangalore with more than 52 years of expertise is Dr. Kumar B. He earned his DM in cardiology in 1987, making him a superspecialist in the subject. His academic background comprises an MD and an MBBS from G.M.C., Bangalore.

His prior work history includes serving as a Registrar in Medicine at the Medical College of Bellary, a Cardiology Lecturer at the Medical College of Mysore, and a P.G. General Medicine Deputation Lecturer in Cardiology at the Medical College of Bangalore.

He previously held the positions of Assistant Professor and Professor of Cardiology at the Medical College of Bangalore; Professor of Cardiology at the Sri Jayadeva Institute of Cardiology in Bangalore; and Professor and HOD of Cardiology at the Vydehi Institute of Medical Sciences and Research. He speaks to patients primarily in English.

Dr. Sunil Kumar S
MBBS Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery, MD - Internal Medicine
18 Years Experience 500 at clinic 500 online
Dr. Sunil belongs to the Indian Society of Cardiology. His therapeutic specialties include interventional cardiology, nuclear cardiology, pediatric cardiology, adult congenital cardiology, cardiovascular and pulmonary physiotherapy, echocardiology, heart failure/transplantation, and non-invasive cardiology.

In the field of cardiology, he has 18 years of experience. He has an excellent command of English, Kannada, Hindi, Tamil, and Telugu. In 2016, he completed a fellowship in interventional cardiology at Mount Sinai in New York, USA. He received his Doctor of Medicine in cardiology from Bangalore in 2013. His additional credentials include an MD and an MBBS from Bangalore.

Dr. Jai Babu
MBBS, MD - General Medicine, DM - Cardiology
18 Years Experience 600 - 900 at Clinic
He is well-known as a successful cardiologist in this period with more than 18 years of expertise. Cardiologists, echocardiologists, and heart failure/transplant specialists are among his specialties. In the Cardiological Society of India, he has had a significant impact. Kannada, English, Telugu, Tamil, and Hindi are among the many languages he speaks fluently.

In his earlier years, he held the positions of Consultant Cardiology at Vikram Hospital and Narayana Multispeciality Hospital, both in Whitefield. Sri Jayadeva Institute of Cardiovascular Sciences and Research (SJICSR), Bangalore, awarded him a Doctor of Medicine in Cardiology in 2015. He received his MBBS and M.D. degrees from Bangalore Medical College and PGIMER, Chandigarh, respectively.

Dr. Bijay Kumar Mahala
MBBS, MD - Cardiology
35 Years Experience 900 at clinic 750 online
In the medical area, experience matters, according to a knowledgeable guy. Therefore, you can see Dr. Bijay Kumar Mahala if you're looking for the most experienced cardiologist in Bangalore. He received his MBBS from Utkal University in 1987 and has over 35 years of experience, making him one of Bangalore's top cardiologists. His cardiology doctorate (MD) came next.

Dr. A.Naga Srinivaas
MD - Internal Medicine, DM - Cardiology
30 Years Experience 400 online
Dr. Srnivaas is an internationally renowned interventional cardiologist who specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of heart problems. Dr. Srinivaas has more than 30 years of experience and has handled several cases of heart attacks, cardiac problems, and other heart disorders.

Being a member of the Indian Cardiological Society, he has treated patients with dignity. In 1992, he graduated from Andhra Medical College in Visakhapatnam with an MD in internal medicine, and in 1996, he received a DM in cardiology from NTR University of Health Sciences.

Dr. Anil Kumar A. Kustagi
MD - Medicine, MBBS
27 Years Experience 300 - 1000 at Clinic
Since the heart is a crucial organ in our body, we should seek the best specialists for heart issues. Dr. Anilkumar A. Kustagi is regarded as one of the greatest doctors in the Bangalore area and has over 27 years of expertise.

He completed his medical degree at Mahadevappa Rampure Medical College in Gulbarga in 2004. In the Association of Physicians of India and Research Society for the Study of Diabetes in India (RSSDI), he is playing a vital role.

Dr. Gopi A
MBBS, MD - General Medicine, DNB Cardiology, DM - Cardiology
34 Years Experience 700 at Clinic
Among the best cardiologists in the world, Dr. Gopi A is ranked highly. With over 34 years of experience, he has treated numerous cases of cardiac problems, including heart attacks and other conditions. He is proficient in Hindi, Kannada, Malayalam, English, and other languages.

He graduated from Bangalore's Kempegowda Institute of Medical Sciences (KIMS) with an MBBS in 1988, DNB Cardiology from Bangalore Medical College & Research Institute, Bangalore, India in 1992. In 1995, he graduated with a Doctor of Medicine in cardiology from Sree Chitra Tirunal Institute For Medical Sciences & Technology.

Dr. Abhijit Vilas Kulkarni
MBBS, MD - Internal Medicine, DM - Cardiology,
20 Years Experience 0 - 800 at Clinic 250 Online
One of the top names when it comes to specialization in interventional cardiology is Dr. Abhijeet Vilas Kulkarni. His therapy is available nationwide. He has 20 years of experience in his area and is an MBBS, MD (Internal Medicine), and DM (Cardiology) specialist. He was a member of the esteemed institution during his studies i.e. KMC Hubli in 2002, PGIMER in 2006, and Jayadeva institute in Bangalore in 2011. He completed a clinical attachment in 2016 at the National Heart Centre of Singapore in cardiac electrophysiology.

Dr. Imran Damani
MBBS, Postgraduate Diploma Clinical Cardiology (PGDCC), CCEBDM(DIABETOLOGY)
14 Years Experience 300 - 750 at clinic 100 online
The most well-known and successful cardiologist and diabetologist in Bangalore is Dr. Imran Damani. He earned his MBBS from the Bangalore Medical College and Research Institute in 2008, his PGDCC in clinical cardiology from NARAYANA HRUDAYALAYA in Bangalore in 2012, and his CCEBDM in diabetes from Fortis Hospitals in 2013.

He is a Former Associate Cardiologist at Narayana Hrudayalaya, a Former Consultant Cardiologist at Happy Heart Cardiac Diabetes Clinic, and Former Senior Registrar at Fortis Hospital Bannerghatta road. He is a LIFE MEMBER of IACC and IMA (Indian Medical Association), as well as a provisional member of the Karnataka Medical Council and the Cardiological Society of India (CSI).

Dr. Nagaraja Moorthy
DM, MBBS, MD - Internal Medicine, FACC, FSCAI (Int Card), (FICC) Fellowship of Indian College of Cardiology
20 Years Experience 600 online
One of history's most modest medical professionals, Dr. Nagaraja Moorthy strives to provide his patients with the best care possible. He is an excellent interventional cardiac physician with over 20 years of expertise. He is a distinguished member of the American Society of Echocardiography, the Cardiological Society of India (CSI), and the Indian College of Cardiology.

In 2012, he received a DM from SGPGIMS Lucknow. In addition to his MD in Internal Medicine from Devaraj URS Medical College in Kolar in 2006, he also holds FACC and FSCAI (Int Card) from the American College of Cardiology and Fellowship of the Indian College of Cardiology (FICC) - 2018.

I took my ecg yesterday it shows r/s inversion between v1 and v2 probably normal ecg. What does it mean.

Homeopathy Doctor, Patna
I took my ecg yesterday it shows r/s inversion between v1 and v2 probably normal ecg. What does it mean.
Ecg are normal. But still you need to be well. Do yoga or exercise in the morning. You avoid hypertension.
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Yoga & Naturopathy Specialist, Mehsana
Can you take another tablet that does the same as vymada. My partner has diabetes, had a heart attack and diagnosed w...
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