Top Health Tips on Treating Heat Stroke

Top First-Aid Homeopathic Remedies

Diploma In Gastroenterology, Diploma In Dermatology, BHMS
Homeopathy Doctor, Hyderabad
Top First-Aid Homeopathic Remedies
If you are looking for effective first-aid remedies, you can opt for homeopathy. A first-aid kit should be a part of every household, containing medicines which serve a variety of medical conditions. For putting up a first-aid homeopathic kit, you need to add around 10 homeopathic medicines to start with as homeopathy is an ideal branch of medicine, which is efficient for a lot of first-aid purposes. Here is a list of the top first-aid medicines, which should be a part of your homeopathic kit:

Arnica- Arnica is the best homeopathic medicine in case of all types of injuries and shocks. It helps in moving blood back into the blood vessels. This medicine is ideal for every injury or pain-related first-aid. It is good for curing strains and sprains, and also essential in case of jet lag and extreme exhaustion.

Aconite- This medicine is used in cases of sudden emotions and intense anxiety. It is effective for all kinds of health issues, which occur after being exposed to cold, windy, and dry weather conditions. This is an ideal first-aid remedy for cough, cold, fever, and chill. Aconite is also used during a panic attack.

Apis- This homeopathic medicine is used in cases of swelling, redness, and heating of the skin along with stinging pain. It is commonly used in case of insect bites and bee stings. It also serves as an emergency medicine in the cases of anaphylactic shock.

Argentum Nitricum- This medicine is an important first-aid remedy, which should be taken in case of anxiety, tension, and fear before some event. It is used when palpitations, diarrhea, burping, and stomach distention are experienced.

Arsenicum Album- This homeopathic first-aid medicine is used in cases of food poisoning accompanied by diarrhea and vomiting. A person tends to feel cold, and is usually afraid of being alone.

Belladonna- Belladonna is a popular homeopathic medicine, which is used in the case of fever. A person s skin becomes hot and red, the pupils get dilated, and a throbbing pain is experienced. It is an effective first-aid remedy for mild sunstrokes and intense, throbbing headaches.

Bellis Perennis- This medicine is specifically used where there is a bruising of soft tissues such as the breast tissue, and other internal organs. The medicine is effective after a fatal injury or blow. It is a good remedy for internal bruising, following a hysterectomy.

It is important for you to consult a homeopathic practitioner or go through several homeopathic books for coming up with an ideal homeopathic first-aid kit, covering all the important medicines.
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Heat Headache - 8 Homeopathic Remedies For It!

DM & S
Homeopathy Doctor, Akola
Heat Headache - 8 Homeopathic Remedies For It!
Extreme and sudden changes in temperature as well as exposure to such conditions can harm the body and lead us to fall sick. One such condition caused by extreme temperatures is the heat headache, which is a result of prolonged heat exposure. When there is excessive heat, the body can end up reacting with heat strokes, dehydration and headaches, among many other conditions. Thankfully, a holistic approach like homeopathy has the exact solution for such kind of problem. Read on to know more!

Aconite: This medicine is most helpful when there has been direct exposure of the head to the heat. When there is direct exposure to the rays of the sun, the head may end up developing debilitating headaches, which can be treated with this medicine.
Carbo Veg: Along with heat headaches, the patients who will require this medicine will also have symptoms like flatulence and pain in the upper abdomen area. Also, the patient will have a constant need for air conditioning and cool breeze.
Glonine: This medicine is usually helpful when the patient has gone through a sun stroke. High temperature is one of the symptoms of this condition along with persistent heat headaches. Drowsiness will also be experienced by patients in such cases. This medicine mainly treats congestive headaches that have been caused due to a sun stroke.
Natrum Carb: This medicine is used for treating the symptoms of sun strokes that result in intense headaches caused due to exposure to extreme heat. Also, it is a good medicine to use when there is exhaustion and exposure to other chemicals like gas light.
Bryonia: When the patient is dehydrated and demands water constantly along with the heat headaches, one can use this medicine. The patient will require plenty of water and rest along with this medicine.
Belladona: This medicine can be prescribed for patients who are experiencing shooting pains on the intense and violent side in the head. These kinds of headaches also cause symptoms like cold feet and blood shot eyes. Belladona can be used to soothe these symptoms.
Antimonium Crud: The symptoms that this medicine can cure include abdomen pain, indigestion, aches and pains in the head all of which are caused due to a sun stroke and heat headaches. When the heat headaches have been caused due to hot drinks and a hot bath, this medicine can be used for treatment of the same.
Lachesis: This medicine can be used for treating heat headaches that are accompanied by symptoms like faint headedness, dizzy spells as well as the inability to sleep. These symptoms are usually caused by a sun stroke.
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Top First-Aid Homeopathic Remedies

MD - Homeopathy
Homeopathy Doctor, Jaipur
Top First-Aid Homeopathic Remedies
If you are looking for effective first-aid remedies, you can opt for homeopathy. A first-aid kit should be a part of every household, containing medicines which serve a variety of medical conditions. For putting up a first-aid homeopathic kit, you need to add around 10 homeopathic medicines to start with as homeopathy is an ideal branch of medicine, which is efficient for a lot of first-aid purposes. Here is a list of the top first-aid medicines, which should be a part of your homeopathic kit:

Arnica- Arnica is the best homeopathic medicine in case of all types of injuries and shocks. It helps in moving blood back into the blood vessels. This medicine is ideal for every injury or pain-related first-aid. It is good for curing strains and sprains, and also essential in case of jet lag and extreme exhaustion.

Aconite- This medicine is used in cases of sudden emotions and intense anxiety. It is effective for all kinds of health issues, which occur after being exposed to cold, windy, and dry weather conditions. This is an ideal first-aid remedy for cough, cold, fever, and chill. Aconite is also used during a panic attack.

Apis- This homeopathic medicine is used in cases of swelling, redness, and heating of the skin along with stinging pain. It is commonly used in case of insect bites and bee stings. It also serves as an emergency medicine in the cases of anaphylactic shock.

Argentum Nitricum- This medicine is an important first-aid remedy, which should be taken in case of anxiety, tension, and fear before some event. It is used when palpitations, diarrhea, burping, and stomach distention are experienced.

Arsenicum Album- This homeopathic first-aid medicine is used in cases of food poisoning accompanied by diarrhea and vomiting. A person tends to feel cold, and is usually afraid of being alone.

Belladonna- Belladonna is a popular homeopathic medicine, which is used in the case of fever. A person s skin becomes hot and red, the pupils get dilated, and a throbbing pain is experienced. It is an effective first-aid remedy for mild sunstrokes and intense, throbbing headaches.

Bellis Perennis- This medicine is specifically used where there is a bruising of soft tissues such as the breast tissue, and other internal organs. The medicine is effective after a fatal injury or blow. It is a good remedy for internal bruising, following a hysterectomy.

It is important for you to consult a homeopathic practitioner or go through several homeopathic books for coming up with an ideal homeopathic first-aid kit, covering all the important medicines.
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Beat Summer Heat With Homeopathic Remedies | Heat Exhaustion

BHMS, MD - Homeopathy
Homeopathy Doctor, Delhi
Beat Summer Heat With Homeopathic Remedies | Heat Exhaustion
The heat in summers can be dangerous. The heated summers bring along the medical conditions that need attention while enjoying sun-filled fun. It s time to stock your cabinet with your summer arsenal. This year consider doing it with homeopathic preparations. They are safe, non-toxic with relatively simple guidelines for first aid use and equally effective for children and elders alike. The underlying principle of homeopathy involves taking a substance that can cause symptoms similar to those that a person is experiencing in illness.

The homeopathic remedies work rapidly to relieve pain, speed healing, and prevent infection. In addition, homeopathic treatments are safe, gentle, non-toxic, pleasant tasting and without side effects. In hot weather our body s store of vital fluids and salts decreases as we sweat, taking with them nutrients we need to function healthily. This can lead to common problems such as dehydration and exhaustion, or even heat stroke which can sometimes be fatal.

Some of the symptoms include:

Excessive sweating
Cold and clammy skin
Quickened pulse and breathing
Muscle cramps and stomach pain
Homeopathic remedies are non-toxic and a safe way to help the body to replenish its store of the cell salts and nutrients it needs in warmer periods and help to relieve cramps, aches and fatigue. Some of the most common homeopathic medicines are:

Calendula: This is an all-purpose medicine for many kinds of skin damage that many of us face during the summer season. When the skin gets damaged due to wounds, infection, prolonged sun exposure and even excessive pollution and dirt, one can try using calendula.
Arnica: All that running around on the beach can easily give you sore muscles, while the heat can sap up your energy and leave you fatigued. In such cases, Arnica is the perfect homeopathic answer to your maladies. This medicine can be used for topical application if bought in its cream or gel form.
Belladonna: Sun strokes, dehydration and over-exposure to the sun, in general, can give you a host of problems and conditions including heat headaches. In order to treat such conditions, one can use Belladonna, which is a homeopathic medicine used for sun-stroke related ailments and symptoms.
Rhus Toxicodendron: This medicine is also known as Rhus Tox. It is made from poison ivy extracts and is an effective drug when it comes to dealing with itchy rashes. These rashes may be caused because of exposure to oak, sumac and even poison ivy.
Ledum: Ledum or Ledum Palustre is one of the best homeopathic drugs when it comes to treating insect bites during summers.
Euphrasia Officinalis: This medicine is most commonly used for eye related problems that may come about due to sun exposure or excessive sweating and other heat related factors.
How to stay safe in sun

It is always advised to drink plenty of water or drinks during summers, to cool down your body and to remain hydrated.
If you are suffering from tiredness, headaches or any other conditions which may be aggravated in the warmer months, consult a specialised homeopath who will look at your diet, mood, sleep and lifestyle prescribe a suitable homeopathic remedy for you to take.
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High Blood Pressure - 8 Ways You Can Control it At Home!

DM Cardiology
Cardiologist, Delhi
High Blood Pressure - 8 Ways You Can Control it At Home!
Blood pressure readings above 140/90 are classified as hypertension or high blood pressure. Hypertension causes straining of blood vessels and an interruption in the blood flow. There are no specific symptoms, but prolonged hypertension can lead to a heart stroke.

Listed below are a few ways to reduce high blood pressure:

Limit your salt intake: The sodium content in salt disrupts the balance of fluids in your body, leading to high blood pressure. To avert hypertension, cut down on your daily salt intake to a maximum of one tablespoon.
Indulge in physical exercise: If you are suffering from pre-hypertension (mild hypertension), it can be avoided or controlled by engaging in physical exercise such as brisk walk, swimming or playing a sport. Exercising regularly can lower blood pressure levels by 5 mmHg (millimetres of mercury).
Bask in the sun: Exposure to sunlight alters the nitric oxide levels in your blood which leads to reduction in blood pressure. Thus, soaking up the sun can prove to be a great way to avoid a stroke in future.
Add ginger and cardamom to your diet: The two spices, ginger and cardamom, provide required warmth to your body and help in stabilising the circulation of blood in your body and help in bringing down blood pressure levels.
Add more green vegetables to your diet: Green vegetables, preferably the leafy ones, are rich in nutrients such as magnesium, iron and folate which help in maintaining the blood circulation that is essential for combating high blood pressure.
Switch to decaf coffee: If you can t give up coffee entirely, switch to decaf beverages as caffeine is responsible for tightening your blood vessels which leads to increased stress and blood pressure levels.
Start drinking tea: Herbals teas such as chamomile, ginger, green tea and hibiscus tea contain herbal properties which soothe your blood vessels and nourish the blood flow. Herbal teas also help in hydration and rejuvenation of fluids in your body.
Update your playlist: Music is proven to be therapeutic and updating your playlist with soothing Sufi, Celtic or Instrumental tunes can help you relax your mind and combat stress related blood pressure spikes.
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Fever - What, When And Why?

DNB (General Medicine), MBBS
General Physician, Mohali
Fever - What, When And Why?
Fever is not a disease! It's a known fact that normal human body temperature is 98.6 F (37 C). If temperature goes beyond that, then it's called fever. But one must not worry every time if there is a rise in the temperature.

The reason is that immune system is designed to raise temperature as a defence mechanism, if there is any attack by a foreign body (such as bacteria). So body temperature may fluctuate between 97 and 100.4. But there is no need to worry.

When to Consider Checking?
Routine check up is unnecessary. You may consider to check when:

You feel the warmth while you touch
You feel very tired, dizzy and lose appetite
You feel nauseated, see rashes on the body, experience loose motion, sore throat, muscle pain, headache, etc.
Is it Time to Worry?
Normally, fever is not dangerous. However, if you see the following conditions, then it's time to worry and call a doctor.

If the body temperature is more than 103 degree F
If fever lasts for more than five days
If you feel difficulty in breathing
If there is severe vomiting or diarrhoea
If you feel stiffness in the neck and have headache
If you feel excessively sleepy and lethargic
If you see redness in skin, rashes or blood in stool.
If the condition worsens, it is time to rush to a hospital. There could be following:

Meningitis is life threatening and highly transmissible in case of bacterial infection. A combination of a fever, extreme headache and stiffness in the neck is an indication that you must rush to the emergency department of a hospital near you.
Difficulty in breathing or chest pain along with fever should prompt you to call for emergency medical assistance.
If someone has fever along with blood in stool, urine or mucus, it's one of the reasons to seek for emergency medical help.
If one has fever and is quite disturbed or puzzled unnecessarily, then the person should be taken to the emergency department.
A person with low immune responses (such as one who is suffering from cancer or AIDS) needs doctor's help in case of fever development.
Hyperthermia: it's a condition of very high fever, i.e., more than 104 degree F. The person seems to be confused and may not respond to verbal stimuli or commands. It's time for medical emergency.
What should You Do?
For mild fever, even home remedies can help. Aspirin shouldn't be the first choice and an absolute no for individuals less than 18 years. Other drugs that people usually tend to consume are ibuprofen or acetaminophen. One should also drink plenty of water. In case of a heat stroke, body needs to be cooled.
Other severe causes such as viral infection should lead you to a doctor.
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8 Home Remedies for Managing High Blood Pressure!

MBBS, MD - Internal Medicine, DM - Cardiology
Cardiologist, Jaipur
8 Home Remedies for Managing High Blood Pressure!
Blood pressure readings above 140/90 are classified as hypertension or high blood pressure. There are no specific symptoms, but prolonged hypertension can lead to a heart stroke.

Listed below are a few ways to reduce high blood pressure:

Limit your salt intake: The sodium content in salt disrupts the balance of fluids in your body, leading to high blood pressure. To avert hypertension, cut down on your daily salt intake to a maximum of one tablespoon.
Indulge in physical exercise: If you are suffering from pre-hypertension (mild hypertension), it can be avoided or controlled by engaging in physical exercise such as brisk walk, swimming or playing a sport. Exercising regularly can lower blood pressure levels by 5 mmHg (millimetres of mercury).
Bask in the sun: Exposure to sunlight alters the nitric oxide levels in your blood which leads to the reduction in blood pressure. Thus, soaking up the sun can prove to be a great way to avoid a stroke in future.
Add ginger and cardamom to your diet: The two spices, ginger and cardamom, provide required warmth to your body and help in stabilising the circulation of blood in your body and help in bringing down blood pressure levels.
Add more green vegetables to your diet: Green vegetables, preferably the leafy ones, are rich in nutrients such as magnesium, iron and folate which help in maintaining the blood circulation that is essential for combating high blood pressure.
Switch to decaf coffee: If you can t give up coffee entirely, switch to decaf beverages as caffeine is responsible for tightening your blood vessels which leads to increased stress and blood pressure levels.
Start drinking tea: Herbals teas such as chamomile, ginger, green tea and hibiscus tea contain herbal properties which soothe your blood vessels and nourish the blood flow. Herbal teas also help in hydration and rejuvenation of fluids in your body.
Update your playlist: Music is proven to be therapeutic and updating your playlist with soothing Sufi, Celtic or Instrumental tunes can help you relax your mind and combat stress related blood pressure spikes.
3021 people found this helpful

Heat Stroke Headache In Summers - Know The Ways Homeopathy Can Help!

Homeopathy Doctor, Gurgaon
Heat Stroke Headache In Summers - Know The Ways Homeopathy Can Help!
Extreme and sudden changes in temperature as well as exposure to such conditions can harm the body and lead us to fall sick. One such condition caused by extreme temperatures is the heat headache, which is a result of prolonged heat exposure. When there is excessive heat, the body can end up reacting with heat strokes, dehydration and headaches, among many other conditions. Thankfully, a holistic approach like homeopathy has the exact solution for such kind of problem. Read on to know more!

Aconite: This medicine is most helpful when there has been direct exposure of the head to the heat. When there is direct exposure to the rays of the sun, the head may end up developing debilitating headaches, which can be treated with this medicine.

Carbo Veg: Along with heat headaches, the patients who will require this medicine will also have symptoms like flatulence and pain in the upper abdomen area. Also, the patient will have a constant need for air conditioning and cool breeze.

Glonine: This medicine is usually helpful when the patient has gone through a sunstroke. High temperature is one of the symptoms of this condition along with persistent heat headaches. Drowsiness will also be experienced by patients in such cases. This medicine mainly treats congestive headaches that have been caused due to sunstroke.

Natrum Carb: This medicine is used for treating the symptoms of sunstrokes that result in intense headaches caused due to exposure to extreme heat. Also, it is good medicine to use when there are exhaustion and exposure to other chemicals like Gaslight.

Bryonia: When the patient is dehydrated and demands water constantly along with the heat headaches, one can use this medicine. The patient will require plenty of water and rest along with this medicine.

Belladona: This medicine can be prescribed for patients who are experiencing shooting pains on the intense and violent side in the head. These kinds of headaches also cause symptoms like cold feet and bloodshot eyes. Belladona can be used to soothe these symptoms.

Antimonium Crud: The symptoms that this medicine can cure include abdomen pain, indigestion, aches and pains in the head all of which are caused due to a sunstroke and heat headaches. When heat headaches have been caused due to hot drinks and a hot bath, this medicine can be used for the treatment of the same.

Lachesis: This medicine can be used for treating heat headaches that are accompanied by symptoms like faint headedness, dizzy spells as well as the inability to sleep. These symptoms are usually caused by sunstroke.
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Heat Exhaustion - Some Tips To Deal With It!

BHMS, PGDCBM, MD(AM) , Diploma in Nutrition and Health Education (DNHE)
Homeopath, Gurgaon
Heat Exhaustion - Some Tips To Deal With It!
As the outside temperature soars, the cases of heat exhaustion and heat stroke rise. After exposure to high temperature/ sun, watch out for the following symptoms-

Heavy sweating
Rapid pulse
Dizziness and fatigue
Cool moist skin
Muscle cramps
A combination of these symptoms indicates heat exhaustion. If left unattended, it may lead to heat stroke wherein the body temperature rises. Above 104 and various complications develop.

Who are at risk?

Children sp school children or those engaged in sports.
Indulging in outdoor physical activity.
People unaccustomed to high temperatures.
First aid

Bring the patient in a cool dark place with a fan overhead or ac or air-cooled room.
Give cold sponging.
Give cold water, ors, fresh lime water, energy drink, or fruit juice, etc
Homeopathic first aid medicine for the condition is glonoine in high potency.
Tips to save yourself from heat exhaustion

Venture out only if absolutely necessary. Preferably avoid going out between 12-4pm
When going out, wear light, loose clothing and cover the head.
Stay hydrated. Drink lots of water. Ensure that you take enough water, salt and sugar.
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Warm Water And COVID-19!

Orthopedic Doctor, Tirupati
Warm Water And COVID-19!
Drink always warm water, take steam inhalation twice daily and wash hands frequently stop roaming unnecessary is the key in the prevention of COVID-19 pandemic.
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