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Health Query

Hi, I have continuous tingling sensation on half of my index finger since morning I have tried rubbing it there no blood blocking. The sensation It is not going I find it odd. Please suggest me.

1 Doctor Answered
Carpal tunnel syndrome is diagnosed when the median nerve is being pinched at the wrist. Symptoms of carpal tunnel usually include tingling sensations in the thumb, index, and middle fingers. ... Nerve damage caused by diabetes can also cause constant numbness and tingling in the feet, hands, and fingers Exercises to stretch the hand and wrist can also reduce discomfort. Examples include: stretching out your fingers as wide as you can and holding the position for about 10 seconds moving your hands around in a clockwise direction about 10 times, then reversing the direction to reduce muscle tension rolling your shoulders backward five times, and then forward five times to keep them relaxed Repeat these exercises throughout the day to reduce tension in your muscles.
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