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5 Tips To Prevent Diabetes!

DM - Endocrinology, MD Medicine
Endocrinologist, Gurgaon
5 Tips To Prevent Diabetes!
Diabetes refers to a medical condition where the glucose level in your blood increases. It usually happens if there is an excess amount of glucose in your body and your body is unable to utilize it efficiently. In this condition your pancreas either stops producing insulin or fails to produce the requisite amount and hence prevents glucose from entering the cells of your body. This in turn affects your blood glucose level. Millions of people around the globe are affected by diabetes irrespective of their gender or age. For most people diabetes is generally a lifelong medical condition and can affect your health seriously if it gets severe. There are many stages and types of diabetes, such as Type 1 diabetes, Type 2 diabetes, Gestational diabetes, Pre-diabetes, Diabetes Mellitus and Diabetes Insipidus. Not all diabetes can be prevented but some of the above mentioned ones can be prevented with proper care. Below mentioned are eight tips to prevent diabetes

1. Eating the right portion: The primary key for preventing diabetes is choosing the right amount of food. Eating the right portions can help you to stay away from diabetes. Consider seeking advice from a nutritionist or dietician for knowing the exact portion size you should eat according to your age.

2. Exercise on a regular basis: Exercising regularly for at least half an hour a day can help you to prevent diabetes. You may consider walking or running exercises.

3. Choose the right food: Opt for whole grains as this can help you to maintain your blood sugar level and keep diabetes at bay. Also, try and avoid red meat as it contains high levels of iron which can affect insulin production and increase your chances of developing diabetes.

4. Get rid of obesity: If your BMI is more than thirty then you are suffering from obesity. Obesity increases your chances of developing diabetes. So in order to prevent diabetes you should work at maintaining a balanced weight.

5. Avoid carbonated drinks: Carbonated drinks contain high levels of sugar. This can increase your chances of developing diabetes. So you should try and avoid drinks like colas.
Following the above mentioned tips can help you to avert diabetes.
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Diabetes Mellitus - Ways To Treat It!

B.Sc.D.S.M.S., M.D.,(Acu) D.T.M., D.Varma,C.H.M.,, CHM, M.D., (Acu)
Alternative Medicine Specialist, Madurai
Diabetes Mellitus - Ways To Treat It!
Diabetes Mellitus :
Diabetes is a metabolic disease or a condition in which the glucose levels in the blood will be high over a prolonged period
of time. In other words, it can be defined as a condition that occurs when the body cannot efficiently make use
of glucose that serves as a source of energy for body cells. Blood sugar levels are controlled by a hormone called insulin

Causes of Diabetes-
Diabetes is either caused due to the insufficient production of insulin by the pancreas or it may occur if the cells
of the body are not effectively responding to the insulin produced.

Types of Diabetes-
Diabetes is categorized into the following types based on the reason for their cause:

Diabetes Mellitus
Type 1 Diabetes
Type 2 Diabetes
Diabetes Insipidus
Gestational Diabetes
Diabetes Mellitus-
It is the inability of the body to effectively use or respond to the insulin produced by the body and as a result,
blood sugar levels cannot be regulated effectively. Diabetes mellitus is further classified into two types, namely:

Type 1 Diabetes-
It is also known as Diabetes Mellitus Type 1. It occurs when the pancreas fails to produce sufficient insulin.
The consequent lack of insulin causes an increase in glucose level in urine and blood.

Type 2 Diabetes-
It is also called Diabetes Mellitus Type 2. The prime reason for the occurrence of type 2 diabetes is due to obesity and
lack of exercise in people who are genetically biased.

Diabetes Insipidus-
When the body is unable to respond or produce the Antidiuretic hormone (ADH), which is secreted by the hypothalamus,
Diabetes Insipidus occurs. This hormone helps the kidneys manage the amount of water in the human body.
Without this essential hormone, the kidneys pass an abnormally large volume of urine that is insipid
(meaning: odourless and dilute).

Gestational Diabetes-
This condition occurs in pregnant women who develop high blood sugar level without a previous history.
The condition usually resolves after delivery.

Symptoms of Diabetes-
Signs and Symptoms vary from person to person or even there may be no signs sometimes. First,
let us come up with common symptoms of diabetes.

Frequent Urination.
Feeling more stressed or tired than usual.
Being more Thirstier.
Blurred Vision.
Loss of Weight.
Unexplained weight loss.
Blurred vision.
Always feeling hungry
Itching, skin infection
Many more home remedies available for Diabetes:

Amla, cinnamon, Turmeric, Neem, fenugreek, karela and more.
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Is a Low Sodium Diet Good or Bad?

B.Sc - Home Science, PG Diploma - Dietics, M.Sc - DFSM
Dietitian/Nutritionist, Faridabad
Is a Low Sodium Diet Good or Bad?
Most dieticians are of the opinion that limiting your salt intake is essential, as an increased amount of salt in the system can damage your kidneys, heart and may increase your blood pressure, and chances of stroke. On the other hand, decreasing it beyond a point can prove to be detrimental to your health in various ways as well.

However, when relating to blood pressure, an increased salt intake can prove harmful to you only if you already have high blood pressure. In the case of normal levels of blood pressure, excess salt consumption will not prove to be too dangerous. Here are the ways in which low salt intake can prove to be detrimental for your health:

Increases chances of heart diseases: Having a lower amount of salt in your diet - i.e. less than 2000 mg per day increases the risk of heart-related disorders, which include, but may not be limited to, strokes or heart attacks, exponentially.
Decreases the body's level of sodium: Decreased levels of sodium in the body, often a direct byproduct of a reduced salt intake, can lead to a number of complications. Sodium is essential for maintaining electrolyte and mineral balance in the body. A decrease in sodium levels in the system, in extreme cases, can lead to hyponatremia, which can prove detrimental for the kidneys or liver.
Salt, which mainly contains two radicals - sodium and chloride ions, are essential for life. However, they can be obtained only through food as it is not manufactured intrinsically. There are several essential reasons for why salt intake in the optimal amounts is absolutely crucial in maintaining healthy body functioning:

It is an essential component of blood plasma, as well as several other crucial body fluids such as extracellular fluid, lymphatic fluid, and amniotic fluid.
It is important for maintenance and regulation of a proper level of blood pressure.
Sodium, in the context of body physiology, is critical in maintaining a proper acid-base level in your system and in controlling the levels of your body fluid.
The exchange of sodium and potassium ions, both obtained from salts, is also essential for muscle movement and in sending signals from the brain to the muscles.
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Suffering from Diabetes - 5 Homeopathic Treatments that can Help

Diploma in Diet and Nutrition, M.Sc - Psychology, BHMS, PG Hom (Lon)
Homeopathy Doctor, Delhi
Suffering from Diabetes - 5 Homeopathic Treatments that can Help
Diabetes is caused due to hormonal imbalance in our bodies. When the equilibrium between insulin and glucagon (hormones related to the sugar levels in the body) is disturbed, an individual suffers from diabetes. The disease is of two types: Diabete mellitus (Type-I and Type II) and Diabetes insipidus. When your body fails to release adequate insulin, the food that we consume is not properly converted into sugar or glucose. This is Type-I diabetes. On the contrary, if body releases defective insulin, one suffers from Type-II diabetes. Type-1 diabetes is sometimes called juvenile diabetes, or insulin-dependent diabetes. Type 1 occurs more frequently in children and young adults, but accounts for only 5-10% of the total diabetes cases nationwide. The basic symptoms of diabetes include changing sugar levels, excessive urination, thirst, weight loss and a lack of energy. Diabetes is caused due to a number of factors, ranging from environmental matters or hereditary links.

Homeopathic Remedies for Diabetes
Diabetes requires prolonged treatment. Long exposure to allopathic drugs can hamper your body organs due to its side effects. Therefore, it is advisable to take up homeopathic remedies, which have a long-lasting effect on the patient. These medicines don t cause side effects. Here are some of the remedies:

Uranium nitrate: This compound reduces the sugar levels in the bloodstream and also keeps a check on frequent urination. It is prescribed for patients who develop the disease due to assimilative derangements. The symptoms that are looked for while prescribing medicines containing this compound include digestion problem, languor and debility, excess sugar in urine, huge appetite and thirst.
Phosphoric acid: This compound is best for the treatment of diabetes that has a nervous origin. The symptoms that are looked for include excess urine and the colour of the urine is milky; poor mental force and general lethargy. The patient can also develop a bruised feeling in the muscles.
Phosphorus: This compound is given to patients, suffering from diabetes and pancreatic diseases, especially tuberculosis or gouty diathesis. The symptoms include dry mouth, dark and watery stool and restlessness.
Lactic acid: It is helpful for treating gastrohepatic type of diabetes. The symptoms that will have to be present in the patient include light yellow coloured urine, dry skin and tongue, thirst, nausea, and costive bowels.
Insulin: Insulin therapy is an important as it helps in maintaining a balance in the sugar levels and keeps the urine free from sugar.
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