Top Health Tips on Managing Acne

Acne: Causes & Treatment

Dermatologist, Bangalore
Acne: Causes & Treatment
Acne breakout can ruin the look of healthy skin completely. Sometimes it gets very severe as the eruptions keep happening continually. Acne occurs when oil, dead skin or bacteria block the pores on your skin. Though it is not dangerous, acne can be embarrassing and can leave scars on your skin. Severe acne can also be quite painful. Pimples in the form of blackheads and whiteheads are the main symptoms of acne.

Causes of Acne:

Stress: Stress is a major cause that makes your skin prone to acne. When the body is stressed, it produces excessive testosterone (a sex hormone) resulting in excessive oil production. Stress also impairs the immune system of the body so that it becomes vulnerable to acne.
Cosmetics: Some cosmetics (usually oil based) tend to clog the pores of the skin which may result in acne. Using harsh cleansing agents can dry and irritate the skin. Also, gentle washing of the skin is recommended to avoid breakouts.
Certain medications and drugs: Consumption of specific over the counter medicines like the ones containing bromide and use of recreational drugs like marijuana and cocaine can lead to the occurrence of acne as side effects.
Genetics: Certain genetic factors may also be responsible for someone being more prone to acne than others.

Treatment for Acne:

Cosmetic dermatology procedures can successfully help you do away with acne scars. Blue-light therapy is a procedure in cosmetic dermatology which can work wonders for acne scars. A narrow- band, but high - intensity Blue-light is used to counter Porphyrins released by bacteria causing acne. Porphyrins easily absorb Blue-light and the light leads to radical damage of Porphyrins when used in certain wavelengths.

There are also certain topical creams available, which can improve mild scarring, most of the acne scars are either depressed or raised type and need a combination of surgical procedures and skin resurfacing.

The therapeutic options that are currently available to treat acne scars include subcision, dermabrasion, microdermabrasion, derma rollers, chemical peels, TCA cross, ablative lasers, fractional lasers and dermal fillers.
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Pumpkin Seed - Health Benefits You Never Knew!

Vedicgram Ayurveda
Ayurvedic Doctor, Noida
Pumpkin Seed - Health Benefits You Never Knew!
Pumpkin seeds are a perfect choice for a healthy snack to munch on during boring afternoons. They are not just tasty, but immensely healthy. These seeds can be called as nutritional powerhouse that are packed with nutrients, which are required for the overall sustenance of health. Some of the most impressive benefits of pumpkin seeds include:

Magnesium for healthy heart: One-fourth cup of pumpkin seeds contains about half of the regularly suggested intake of magnesium which in turn helps the body in performing a wide range of vital physiological functions. When an individual takes the required amount of magnesium, it boosts the production of ATP, synthesis of RNA molecules, rhythmic pumping of the heart, proper formation of the tooth and bone and relaxation of the veins and vessels carrying blood. It has been shown that eating pumpkin seeds regularly keeps the blood pressure under control and reduces the risk of heart attack and stroke as well.
Zinc for assisting immunity: Pumpkin seeds are also a good source of zinc, and one ounce of this seed contains about 2 mg of the mineral. Zinc is essential for the body for a host of reasons such as immunity, growth of cells, proper sleep, lifting mood, replenishing the senses and is critical to eye and skin health. It is also known to help in regulating the insulin levels and improving male sexual power. Quite many people around the world do not get the right supply of this beneficial mineral due to mineral depletion of soil, effects of harmful drugs and consumption of plant-based diets. One can consume pumpkin seeds daily to combat common health issues such as cold and flu, depression, skin problems and acne and chronic fatigue.
Omega-3 fatty acids to control cholesterol: Nuts and seeds including pumpkin seeds are known to be viable sources of Omega-3 fatty acids or alpha-linolenic acid. It is required by all individuals and the body then converts it to the more useful fats called the DHA and EPA. By eating an ounce of pumpkin seeds every day, one can intake an excellent source of good cholesterol.
Tryptophan for restful sleep: Tryptophan belongs to the amino acid group. This is a protein building block found in abundance in the pumpkin seeds. This tryptophan is converted into serotonin by the body which in turn is transformed into melatonin or the sleep hormone. Those who have trouble sleeping can take a handful of pumpkin seeds along with some fruit pieces right before going to bed to see desirable results. The pumpkin seeds will supply the body with the required amount of tryptophan which will be converted to the sleep hormone and promote a restful sleep all through the night.
The pumpkin seeds can be stored and carried easily and require no refrigeration. Charged with a lot of nutrients ranging from copper to manganese, zinc to protein, pumpkin seeds should be considered as a healthy snack that can regularly be taken to enjoy a host of health advantages.
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Moringa (Drumsticks) - Amazing Health Benefits You Must Know!

MD - Ayurveda, BAMS
Ayurvedic Doctor, Navi Mumbai
Moringa (Drumsticks) - Amazing Health Benefits You Must Know!
The drumsticks, scientific name Moringa oleifera often finds its way into the kitchen, used in the preparation of a variety of cuisines and delicacies, especially in India. From leaves to flowers, to seeds to the drumsticks itself, almost every part of Moringa or drumstick tree are edible and come laden with health benefits. In this article, we will discuss some of the benefits of drumsticks including their leaves, roots, flowers, and seeds.

Benefits of drumstick seeds

The drumstick seeds are a rich source of Vitamins (A, B-complex and C) and antioxidants and play a pivotal role shielding the body from the harmful oxidative effects of the free radicals.
The seeds are also known for their anticarcinogenic properties. The drumstick seeds contain Oleic Acid which is a Good Cholesterol that keeps the heart hale and hearty.
People dealing with acne, acne scars, fine lines, can achieve fruitful results using oil extracted from the drumstick seeds, keeping the skin young and healthy.
The drumstick seeds are an excellent source of Zinc (known to promote healthy sperm production) and Iron (an ideal option for people with low hemoglobin or anemia).
Benefits of drumstick tree roots

The Moringa roots come as a blessing for people dealing with medical conditions such as thyroid disorders, digestive problems, asthma, Inflammatory disorders, skin problems, to name a few.
Research suggests the use of drumstick tree roots can be highly beneficial in the case of ovarian cancer.
Benefits of Moringa/ Drumstick leaves

If you want a healthy, glowing and youthful skin, the Moringa leaves are what the doctor has just advised. Packed with almost all the vital nutrients and vitamins (B, Beta-carotene, folic acid, C, K, and provitamin A), the Moringa leaves comes is an excellent blood purifier and keeps a host of skin problems including acne and pimples at bay.
The Moringa leaves contain pyridoxine, folic acid, and riboflavin, and come across as a natural remedy for people with digestive problems.

Benefits of Moringa Flowers

The Moringa Flowers act as aphrodisiacs, enhancing the sexual desire or libido in a person. Thus, the flower is beneficial for people dealing with low libido or sexual dysfunction.
The Moringa leaves have diuretic properties and are the best options for people trying to lose weight. This property makes the Moringa leaves an excellent remedy to deal with edema.
Other common benefits

Moringa is a rich source of the amino acid Tryptophan and provides excellent relief from stress, anxiety, depression and related problems and complications by enhancing the production of the hormone Serotonin.
The antiurolithiatic property of Moringa roots goes a long way to prevent the formation of gallbladder stones or kidney stones.
Drumsticks keep the eyes healthy reducing the incidences of retinal dysfunction and dilation of the retinal vessels significantly.
Drumsticks are also known to give the immune system a much-needed boost, strengthening them to a great extent.
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Laser - How It Can Help Treat Acne Scars?

MBBS, Diploma in Venerology & Dermatology (DVD), DDV, MD - Dermatology , Venereology & Leprosy
Dermatologist, Pune
Laser - How It Can Help Treat Acne Scars?
Once acne heals, it can leave behind acne scars that consist of clogged pores such as blackheads and whiteheads, deeper cysts and pimples.

What can cause acne scars?
Acne causes inflammation and often results in wounds and damages to your skin, thus breaking down elastin and collagen. After the wounds heal, much of the collagen is left behind which causes acne scars. This makes your skin appear uneven. In addition, post-inflammatory hyper-pigmentation (PIH) is also caused by acne. Consequently, there is overproduction of melanin, causing skin discoloration.

Why scar treatment?
If not treated on time, acne scaring may lead to extreme embarrassment, low self-esteem, depression and social withdrawal. Acne scars can be corrected by an acne dermatology treatment. .

Types of acne scars
Depending upon the depth and area of the damage caused to the skin, the acne scars may include rolling acne scars, boxcar acne scars, icepick acne scar and raised acne scars.

Acne Scar Removal
Firstly, the formation of new acne should be kept in check. Depending upon the characteristics of the skin and scars, scar removal is customized. If the scars are few and less aggressive, it can be treated by fillers that can be injected into your skin. If the scarring happens to be heavy and more aggressive, surgical treatment might be needed, one of which is the laser treatment.

Laser treatment of scars (Skin Surfacing)

Fraxel Repairing is a part of the CO2 Laser treatment which removes the blemishes caused by acne, stretch marks and hyper-pigmentation. It stimulates your body s natural ability to produce collagen, rejuvenates the cells and smoothens the surface of the skin.
Active FX, also called MaxFX, is a fractional treatment by laser for treating loose skin, facial lines and hyper-pigmentation.
Erbium is a type of laser used for the removal of moderately deep lines and superficial skin, surrounding the hands, face, chest and neck
People with a darker skin tone should not go in for skin surfacing. For smaller areas, topical anesthetics are used and for larger ones, a nerve block or sedation is used.
Potential Complications
Potential side effects include a burning sensation, swelling, itching, scarring, obstruction of sweat glands causing raised bumps on the skin, infection or pigmentation issues.

After Care
You will have to get the area dressed, soaked, and apply an ointment daily till it heals completely.
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Pimples - 6 Common Homeopathic Remedies!

MD - Homeopathy, Masters Degree of Homoeopathy
Homeopathy Doctor, Mumbai
Pimples - 6 Common Homeopathic Remedies!
Pimples are the most common type of skin issue and almost each one one of us are affected by them. Though these pimples often go away themselves, but when the situation aggravates it is always best to get it check from a doctor. Homeopathic is branch of medicine which offers cure for such type of cases with zero side effects. Homeopathic remedies to get rid of pimples

Psorinum: It is considered to be the best homeopathic drug for acne. Acne indurata, acne simplex and acne pustular are all treatable with Psorinum. In oily skin with over worked sebaceous glands, the skin is left greasy, making it more prone to acne. Psorinum can help reduce secretion of oil and in effect, treat the underlying cause of a pimple outbreak. It is also used in treating acne that gets worse with consuming chocolates, meats, sweets and fat. Itchy winter acne may be treated with this as well.
Calcarea Sulphurica and Hepar Sulph: Calcarea Sulphurica and Hepar Sulph are homeopathic remedies that are very effective for treating pustular acne. Pustular acne means pus filled acne. Often, there is blood staining the pus. Hepar Sulph is effective if the pimples ooze out pus or blood mixed with pus. These pimples may be extremely painful. It is especially useful to treat pimples in teenagers.
Kali Bromatum: Kali Bromatum is a wonder medicine that treats chest, shoulders and facial acne. It is generally marked by a persistent itch. The acne might be indurated, pustular or simplex. The scar forming acne is also generally treated with Kali Bromatum. Purple tinged acne is best treated with Kali Bromatum.
Natrum Mur and Antimonium Crudum: They are very effective in the treatment of facial acne, especially those affecting the cheeks. Cheeks which turn hot due to acne are best treated with Antimonium Crudum. It may be pustular or papular in nature. Another complaint in such cases is a burning sensation. Natrum Mur is a homeopathic medicine that shows maximum efficacy in case of itchy pimples on cheeks. Anemic girls are also benefitted by Natrum Mur.
Sulfur: It is used in extremely itchy acne. People with unhealthy looking and dirty skin are benefitted from the use of this homeopathic wonder drug. The itch generally gets much worse at night or with the application of warmth. For acne that hasn t responded to previously applied topical medicines and ointments, sulfur has shown marked improvement and has even obliterated all signs of acne.
Silicea: Acne affecting the forehead heals fast with the application of silicea. Even pustular acne has shown drastic healing with this homeopathic medicine.
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Know The Amazing Benefits Of Pumpkin Seeds!

Bachelor of Ayurveda, Medicine & Surgery (BAMS), PG Dip Panchakarma, PG Dip Ksharsutra For Piles, Pilonidal, Sinus & Fistula Management, Post Graduate Diploma In Hospital Administration (PGDHA), Certificate In Diabetes Update
Ayurvedic Doctor, Navi Mumbai
Know The Amazing Benefits Of Pumpkin Seeds!
Pumpkin seeds are a perfect choice for a healthy snack to munch on during boring afternoons. They are not just tasty, but immensely healthy. These seeds can be called as nutritional powerhouse that are packed with nutrients, which are required for the overall sustenance of health. Some of the most impressive benefits of pumpkin seeds include:

Magnesium for healthy heart: One-fourth cup of pumpkin seeds contains about half of the regularly suggested intake of magnesium which in turn helps the body in performing a wide range of vital physiological functions. When an individual takes the required amount of magnesium, it boosts the production of ATP, synthesis of RNA molecules, rhythmic pumping of the heart, proper formation of the tooth and bone and relaxation of the veins and vessels carrying blood. It has been shown that eating pumpkin seeds regularly keeps the blood pressure under control and reduces the risk of heart attack and stroke as well.
Zinc for assisting immunity: Pumpkin seeds are also a good source of zinc, and one ounce of this seed contains about 2 mg of the mineral. Zinc is essential for the body for a host of reasons such as immunity, growth of cells, proper sleep, lifting mood, replenishing the senses and is critical to eye and skin health. It is also known to help in regulating the insulin levels and improving male sexual power. Quite many people around the world do not get the right supply of this beneficial mineral due to mineral depletion of soil, effects of harmful drugs and consumption of plant-based diets. One can consume pumpkin seeds daily to combat common health issues such as cold and flu, depression, skin problems and acne and chronic fatigue.
Omega-3 fatty acids to control cholesterol: Nuts and seeds including pumpkin seeds are known to be viable sources of Omega-3 fatty acids or alpha-linolenic acid. It is required by all individuals and the body then converts it to the more useful fats called the DHA and EPA. By eating an ounce of pumpkin seeds every day, one can intake an excellent source of good cholesterol.
Tryptophan for restful sleep: Tryptophan belongs to the amino acid group. This is a protein building block found in abundance in the pumpkin seeds. This tryptophan is converted into serotonin by the body which in turn is transformed into melatonin or the sleep hormone. Those who have trouble sleeping can take a handful of pumpkin seeds along with some fruit pieces right before going to bed to see desirable results. The pumpkin seeds will supply the body with the required amount of tryptophan which will be converted to the sleep hormone and promote a restful sleep all through the night.
The pumpkin seeds can be stored and carried easily and require no refrigeration. Charged with a lot of nutrients ranging from copper to manganese, zinc to protein, pumpkin seeds should be considered as a healthy snack that can regularly be taken to enjoy a host of health advantages.
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Acne - How Homeopathy Can Benefit You?

MD - Homeopathy, BHMS
Homeopathy Doctor, Vadodara
Acne - How Homeopathy Can Benefit You?
One of the most frequent and stubborn skin complaints is that of acne. Acne not only blemish the smoothness of the skin but also cause unnecessary irritation. Certain kinds of acnes are also known to be painful. It's a fairly common phenomenon among teenagers and in some cases, they prevail even in the subsequent years. Acnes have been the cause of anxiety of a large number of people. While the markets are deluged in products that claim to cure acne, a lot of them don't deliver on their claims.

Consequently, a large number of people have resorted to natural therapies for acne. Among the other remedies, homeopathy is one of the most warranted avenues for acne. Homeopathy has emerged as a popular antidote to acne because not only are they largely effective but also they usually have no side-effects on the skin or the body whatsoever.

1. Pulsatilla: Acne has a more rampant incidence in girls in comparison to boys. One of the reasons behind this is menstrual irregularities. In such cases, pulsatilla works wonders. They also reduce the acnes, which are triggered by the intake of oily food.

2. Hepar Sulphur: Certain abscesses are more painful than others. While the basic cause of their occurrence remains the same as the less painful ones, excessive perspiration is one of the salient factors in this case. Hepar Sulphur aids in abating the irritations caused by painful eruptions.

3. Silicea: Certain skin types are more delicate than others. In such cases, acne formation is always accompanied by suppuration. In order to tackle the pus formation, homeopathy recommends Silicea. Silicea is effective in cases where the patient is susceptible to cold temperature.

4. Natrum Mur: Certain acne occurs due to surplus secretion of oils. Immediate health consequences are weakness and anemia. The face consistently feels greasy in such cases. Natrum Mur has been assumed to have remedial impacts on such acnes.

5. Nux Vomica: Sometimes acne occurs due to gastric agitations. Spicy food and caffeine work as stimulants for such digestion disorders. Accordingly, Nux Vomica helps to cure acne to a large extent.
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Acne Scars - Know Its Common Causes and How to Treat Them

MBBS, Diploma in Venerology & Dermatology (DVD), DDV, MD - Dermatology , Venereology & Leprosy
Dermatologist, Pune
Acne Scars - Know Its Common Causes and How to Treat Them
Quite strikingly, acne can become a persistent cause of your worries, if left untreated. Acne not only harms you physically, but also damages your psychological health. Persistent acne can result in a pockmarked face, making you feel sullen and unsure of yourself. Acne refers to a condition where the skin perpetually develops stinging, red bumps. Red pimples might show on your face, shoulders, back or neck. The bumps usually take a lot of time to heal and they leave behind deep scars. And, in order to treat, such scars one can go for cosmetic dermatology procedures.

Acne Scars: What are they?

When inflamed blemishes, result from crushing of excess oil, bacteria and dead cells in your skin pores, enlarge and swell up breaking the follicle wall, acne scarring is caused. One can get rid of acne scars through the natural healing process of your skin if the lesions are not very deep. Deep lesions will require medical assistance. New collagen formation can heal such scars, but it doesn't restore the radiance and tautness of your original skin. Acne scars can be divided into two broad types:

Hypertrophic and Keloid scarring: Raised tissue on the surface of the skin following excess collagen production causes such kind of scars.

Atrophic or depressed scarring: These scars are caused due to reduced tissue production. Small, but noticeable holes on your skin are called Ice picks. However, the boxcar is a scar, which is similar to a chicken pox mark.

Causes of Acne scars:

Malfunctioning of hormones even after the age of puberty can lead to acne formation in both males and females.
Food items rich in carbohydrates can trigger acne. Dairy products could also worsen the condition.
Any medicine that contains lithium, androgen or corticosteroids can worsen this skin condition.
Bacteria, excess oil, blocked pores, and dead skin cells are the primary reasons behind acne.
Treatments of Acne scars:

Cosmetic dermatology procedures can successfully help you do away with acne scars. Blue-light therapy, is a procedure in cosmetic dermatology, which can work wonders for acne scars. A narrow- band, but high - intensity Blue-light is used to counter Porphyrins released by bacteria causing acne. Porphyrins easily absorb Blue-light and the light leads to radical damage of Porphyrins when used in certain wavelengths.

There are certain topical creams available, which can improve mild scarring, most of the acne scars are either depressed or raised type and need a combination of surgical procedures and skin resurfacing. The therapeutic options that are currently available to treat acne scars include subcision, dermabrasion, microdermabrasion, derma rollers, chemical peels, TCA cross, ablative lasers, fractional lasers and dermal fillers.

Fractional resurfacing laser is one of the most effective treatments for acne scars. It is a minimally-ablative technique that creates microscopic zones of dermal injury in a grid-like pattern. This helps in collagen remodelling, skin tightening, scar improvement, reduction in fine lines, improvement in texture, tone and colour of the skin. A series of 4 to 6 sittings are usually needed for optimal results. Each session lasts for one hour and is performed at monthly intervals.

Certain types of scars such as the ice pick and rolling scars, pixel laser are combined with subcision, dermal rollers and TCA cross. In addition, punch excision and softening of margins with laser can be done for box scars. All the mentioned procedures are well-tolerated with local application of anesthetic creams before procedure. With these procedures, improvement of scars is seen over several weeks.

Lately, injectable dermal fillers are being used for correction of acne scars, giving it a smoother appearance. This is semi-permanent and needs to be redone as and when required. Timely treatment of acne is necessary to keep, both unwanted pigmentation and scars at bay. So, get rid of your scars and make the dream of blemish free and smooth skin come true.
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Acne - 7 Home Remedies for Treating it

Bachelor of Ayurveda, Medicine & Surgery (BAMS), PG Dip Panchakarma, PG Dip Ksharsutra For Piles, Pilonidal, Sinus & Fistula Management, Post Graduate Diploma In Hospital Administration (PGDHA), Certificate In Diabetes Update
Ayurvedic Doctor, Navi Mumbai
Acne - 7 Home Remedies for Treating it
Ayurveda offers a unique and holistic approach in treating acne. It is an Indian healing system, which aims at treating pimples and acne by managing its underlying causes. Toxicity build-up and impaired digestion are targeted according to the doshas identified in an individual by an Ayurvedic practitioner.

According to Ayurveda, the whole of the cosmos is made of 5 elements namely water, fire, air, earth and space. Doshas are aggregations of these elements and affect our well-being. If access to an Ayurvedic practitioner isn t feasible, then try cutting down on junk food as they contain additives and preservatives. Eat foods which don t have more than 4 ingredients.

Raw and unprocessed food is the best for digestion. Replace artificial skin care products with natural ones. Change your sheets and pillows regularly as they may have trace residues of acne causing organisms. Insecticides and disinfectants should be substituted for their natural counterparts, such as neem based cleaning agents.

Here are some Ayurvedic natural substances which work wonders for treating your acne:

Tulsi: An amazing way to get rid of pimples is tulsi (basil) paste when used by you on a daily basis. If access to fresh basil is difficult, then get a jar of dried basil from your neighborhood departmental store and use it with warm water. Use about 3 teaspoons so that a smooth paste can be formed and apply it on your face for over 10 minutes up to 5 times a week.
Lemon and Honey: A mix of lemon juice and honey is a simple, but effective homemade beauty remedy for the treatment of acne. Mix 1 tablespoon honey and 1 tablespoon fresh lemon juice. Apply the mix on the pimples and on the spots caused by the pimples. However, do not apply on severe pimple outburst as it can cause a severe and intense burning sensation. Keep it on your face for about 10 minutes and then wash it off. You can continue doing this 7 times in a week. You will eventually find very satisfactory results.
Cinnamon: Try dry roasting dalchini or cinnamon. Grind it finely and then make a creamy paste by adding honey to it. Apply this paste for a minimum of 5 times a week. Let its goodness soak into your skin and watch the benefits of the paste work its miracle!
Neem: Neem leaves (Indian Lilac) are the perfect natural way of treating pimples. Turn it into a paste and apply it on the areas affected with pimples. If getting fresh neem isn t feasible, try procuring some dried and bottled leaves instead and soak for about 15 minutes in hot water and use the same as a paste.
Sesame: Turn sesame seeds into a paste by soaking them overnight. Then turn into a paste. You can also use powder, which is readily available. Keep the paste on for 15 minutes and wait for the magic to work.
Potato: Potato juice or grated potato can be applied directly onto your pimples. Let the sticky potato juice sit on your face for over 10 minutes before washing it off. It lends a mild and natural bleaching glow to your skin. The same technique can be also tried with tomato juice.
Mint: Soak a few mint leaves and turn it into a fresh paste , it will act as an astringent. Mint is also effective in making acne marks fade away if used regularly.
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Folliculitis - 5 Ayurvedic Remedies to Treat It

Ayurvedic Doctor, Kanpur
Folliculitis - 5 Ayurvedic Remedies to Treat It
Folliculitis is a specialised type of acne, which is manifested with red rashes, dryness of the skin and inflammation on hair scalp. This is a common skin issue and can be treated very well with natural medicines. Ayurveda is one natural form of medicine, which is best used to treat such skin problems. The ingredients used in Ayurveda are all very natural, organic and fresh. This means that there are hardly any side effects in this form of treatment. If you want to cure your folliculitis, with naturally occurring home remedies, then Ayurveda is the line of treatment that can be chosen. Here are some tips to help you in recovering from this skin problem.

Coconut Oil: Research shows that daily use of virgin coconut oil on the infected area can reduce irritation and inflammation. This needs to be applied once daily for better results. Coconut oil contains fats, which are not only good for consumption in the dishes, but also good for the skin. These fatty acids are absorbed by the skin and help in a speedy recovery.
Neem: The extensive anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties of neem leaves are very well known all over the world. Fresh neem leaves can be made into a paste and directly applied over the infected area. Apart from providing a soothing sensation, it also removes all the dirt from the infected area, thereby cleaning it and giving it time to heal faster.
Vinegar: Vinegar has a unique property of reducing rashes and redness that develops on the skin. For instance, apple cider vinegar can be mixed with two parts of water and directly applied to the infected area for about 10 minutes.
Garlic: Eating garlic clove or garlic supplements every day helps in reducing inflammation. It is said that garlic contains sulphur and other supplements, which help in reducing the inflammation that folliculitis causes. Once the inflammation is reduced, the pain subsides to quite an extent. With less discomfort in the affected region, the infection heals faster.
Aloe Vera: The juice of aloe vera, when applied onto the infected area, causes the burning sensation and itching to soothe. This soothing property of aloe vera makes it an important remedy. Once the skin is cool and clean, the infection heals faster.
These are some of the naturally occurring remedies to cure folliculitis faster and to provide immediate relief to those suffering from it.
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