Top Health Tips on Treating Tinnitus

Audiologist - Why To Visit One?

M.Sc - Audiology, BASLP
Audiologist, Delhi
Audiologist - Why To Visit One?
Sound travels through different parts of the hearing system to produce the ultimate sense of sound in the brain. People can hear when a sound wave stimulates the neurological component of the inner ear and takes the sound signals to the brain.

When there is a problem with the ear, human beings cannot hear, or hear garbled sounds. Hearing loss may have different reasons. There may be a tumor in the ear, a problem with the eardrum, the inner ear or the neurological structure. Different conditions can plague the hearing system and cause hearing loss. Some of these conditions can be serious and require medical intervention.

Let us discuss 3 such conditions where the intervention of an audiologist is a must.

Tinnitus and Vertigo

Tinnitus is a medical term for a sense of ringing in the ears. It s annoying, to say the least. But more importantly, it could be a sign of hearing loss. This is why people need to see an audiologist if they have a sense of Tinnitus for a prolonged time. An audiologist can first diagnose the condition, and can then treat this problem with the help of specialized hearing aids.

Vertigo and dizziness are the other two problems that result from a hearing system problem. It may create balance disorders. It is said that vertigo originates in the inner ear. Vertigo can also be treated with the help of physical therapy and medicine.

Sudden Hearing Loss

The human ear cannot hear sounds greater than 85 dB in intensity and 20,000 Hertz in tone. If the sound tone is less than 20 Hertz, then too the human ear is not able to hear anything. Between these two polarities, the human ear is able to catch all types of sounds. If human beings are exposed to sound waves of more than 85 dB in intensity, the ears may get damaged. In that case one may suffer from hearing loss. If a person has recently experienced huge changes in air pressure, exposed to blaring music or noise at close quarters, or had an accident causing loss of hearing, one needs to see an audiologist. The ears need to be assessed for trauma, if any, and treated quickly. However, hearing loss may have other reasons too such as reactions to medicines, head injury or some kind of illness that affects the hearing system. An audiologist would be able to make the right determination.

Recurrent Ear Infections

This is common in children, but that does not mean that adults are immune to it. If there is chronic ear pain, difficulty in hearing along with drainage and fever or a feeling of pressure, an ear infection is most likely. Any doctor can detect an ear infection, however, if it is a recurrent one needs to see an audiologist. He has the wherewithal to evaluate the middle ear with different tests. A person may need treatment that only an audiologist can do.

There can be many situations in which a visit to an Audiologist is warranted; the above 3 are just a tip of the iceberg.
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Tinnitus - Why It Happens ?

Tinnitus - Why It Happens ?
If you hear a constant ringing in your ears without any external stimulus, it is called tinnitus. The sound can also manifest as incessant roaring, hissing, buzzing or clicking. The sound can be loud or soft, low or high pitched. Tinnitus can occur in one ear, or both the ears.

Tinnitus is primarily of two types:
i. Subjective tinnitus: This type of tinnitus is very common. In this type, only you are able to hear the ringing, or buzzing. The main cause of subjective tinnitus is ear problems, especially in the inner, middle and outer ear. Problems in the auditory nerves (hearing) or auditory pathways (the part in your brain that changes nerve signals into sound) can also cause subjective tinnitus.
ii. Objective tinnitus: In this type of tinnitus, the doctor can also hear the sound when he/she performs an examination. This type of tinnitus is rare. Muscles contractions, problems in the blood vessels or conditions in the middle ear bone can cause objective tinnitus.

Tinnitus is not a condition; it is more of a symptom of some other underlying medical condition. Tinnitus can be caused by any of the following complications-
1. Hearing loss (This happens mostly among older people)
2. Loud noises
3. Sinus and ear infections
4. Blood vessel or heart problems
5. Meniere's disease (The inner ear is affected by unknown causes which lead to deafness)
6. Brain tumours
7. Hormonal changes (This happens mostly to women)
8. Thyroid problem
9. Certain medications (antibiotics, cancer medicines, diuretics, quinine medication, some types of antidepressants, aspirin)

The symptoms of tinnitus include
1. You hear noises that no one else will be able to hear
2. The sound can be depicted as chirping, whistling, screeching, clicking, static, hissing, buzzing, roaring, pulsing, musical or whooshing.
3. The sounds can vary greatly in volume and it is most prominent at night or when your surroundings are quiet
4. Loss of hearing commonly follows tinnitus.
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Acoustic Neuroma - What Are Different Treatment Options?

MBBS, Diploma in Otorhinolaryngology (DLO), DNB - ENT
ENT Specialist, Mumbai
Acoustic Neuroma - What Are Different Treatment Options?
Acoustic neuroma is a benign tumor that occurs in the primary nerve between the brain and the ear. The tumor progresses very slowly and can influence your balance and hearing. In certain cases, if the tumor becomes very large, then it may also impair vital functions of the body.


The symptoms of acoustic neuroma tend to develop when the tumor starts to press on the nerve and its adjoining branches. The symptoms of this disorder are

You may experience hearing loss on one side which might worsen gradually.

You may have problems in balancing yourself.

A continuous ringing sound in the ears.

Persistent dizziness.

If the tumor is large and presses on the nearby nerves, then you may experience numbness of the facial muscles.

In some cases, it may impair the vital functions of the body.

This disorder is caused by a malfunctioning gene. There is no documented reason as to why the gene malfunctions.

The treatment options for this disorder are

Constant Monitoring: These tumors tend to grow very slowly but might spurt in some cases. In order to prevent damage to your body, they need to be monitored on a regular basis. Imaging tests are recommended on a periodic basis to determine the growth of the tumor.

Radiosurgery: Stereotactic radiosurgery is done to treat acoustic neuroma that is small in size. In this surgery, radiation is directed at the tumor without creating any incision. It is done to limit the growth of the tumor and preserve your hearing.

Surgery: The tumor can be removed by using surgical procedures. It involves administering general anesthesia, followed by removing the tumor through an incision on the skull or the inner ear. Surgery is used to remove the tumor and preserve your hearing abilities.
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Tinnitus: Ringing In The Ears And What To Do About It

MBBS, Diploma In Otorhinolaryngology (DLO), DNB (ENT)
ENT Specialist, Delhi
Tinnitus: Ringing In The Ears And What To Do About It
Tinnitus is a disorder which is characterized by a constant perception of a ringing noise in the ears. This is not the condition in itself, rather it signals some other underlying condition such as an ear injury or age related hearing loss. It is not a serious condition, although the symptoms can worsen with age. If you are affected by this disorder, you might experience or hear a constant ringing sensation in the ears, even if there are no external sources of noise. These sounds could range from being a buzzing, ringing, to a hissing sound. This condition has mighty chances of interfering with your daily routine.

It is classified into two types:

Objective tinnitus: This disorder is caused by muscle contractions or a blood vessel problem.
Subjective tinnitus: The more commonly occurring type, it is caused by damage to the auditory nerves or regions of the brain that interpret sound.
The causes of this disorder are:

Exposure to loud noise: If you are exposed to loud noises such as the ones emanating from firearms or heavy machinery over a prolonged period, it can lead to tinnitus.
Aging: Aging can cause progressive loss of hearing, thus triggering tinnitus.
Blockage of the ear: There is earwax present in the ears, the function of which is to trap dirt and bacteria. Excessive earwax accumulation leads to loss of hearing, resulting in tinnitus.
Modifications of the ear bone: Any stiffening of the middle bone in the ear could impair your hearing and result in this condition.
Certain factors such as smoking, age, sex (men are prone to this disorder) and heart related disorders increase the risks of being affected by this condition.

The treatment of this condition begins with the identification of the underlying condition, if any. The various treatment options are

Removal of earwax: Excess earwax has gotten rid of which can relieve symptoms of tinnitus.
Suppression of noise: Certain machines, known as white noise machines, produce random sounds such as the sound of rain or the sounds of waves, thus eliminating the hearing of sounds which are common to this condition.
Medications: Certain medications such as alprazolam and nortriptyline can help reduce the severity of the symptoms.
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Tinnitus - How Can Audiologist Treat It?

M.Sc - Audiology, BASLP
Audiologist, Delhi
Tinnitus - How Can Audiologist Treat It?
For someone suffering from Tinnitus, a perpetual sense of ringing in the ears is the main complaint. It s annoying, to say the least. But more importantly, it is a sign of hearing loss. This is why people need to see an audiologist if he/she has a sense of tinnitus for some time. An audiologist can treat this problem in different ways.


The first step in treating tinnitus like any other disease involves determining the cause. The doctor may perform different tests such as-Hearing:

Hearing exam

During this test, one needs to sit in a soundproof room and wear earphones. Specific sounds will be played into the ears, one at a time, through these earphones. People have to indicate when they hear different intensities of sound. The results are compared with empirical results for comparable age. This helps the audiologist identify possible or rule out specific causes.


One may need to clench the jaw, move the eyes or neck, or even move the arms and legs as part of the test. If tinnitus symptoms get better or worse at any of these postures, the audiologist can identify the underlying disorder.

Imaging Tests

The doctor may suggest an MRI or CT depending on his suspicions.


Treatment involves identifying an underlying problem, if any. If the tinnitus symptoms are due to some health conditions, the audiologist may take the following steps:

Clearing the Earwax

Impacted earwax can cause a variety of problems, including tinnitus symptoms. An audiologist can remove the ear wax.

Treating Vascular Conditions

Underlying vascular problems that require surgery or any other treatment may treat the condition.

Changing Medication

Tinnitus can also be a side effect of medication. If the doctor suspects that he may recommend reducing or stopping the drug completely. He may also recommend a different medication.

Noise Suppression

If there is no underlying health condition or medication responsible for tinnitus, the doctor may take recourse to noise suppression. The patient may need to wear an electronic noise suppression device. These devices include:

White Noise Devices

These machines produce simulated sounds such as those of ocean waves, falling rain etc. This is often found to be effective in treating tinnitus. He may also recommend using pillow speakers, fans, dehumidifiers, air conditioners and humidifiers to suppress internal noise at night.

Hearing Aids

If a hearing problem is associated with tinnitus, the audiologist may prescribe hearing aid.

Masking Devices

Such devices mask the internal sounds of tinnitus and are worn in the ear in a similar fashion as hearing aids.


This device delivers programmed music to mask the sound of tinnitus. This technique usually helps the patient get accustomed to the sound of tinnitus.

Depending on diagnosis and findings, audiologists may also recommend medicines. Audiologists use medicines usually for severe tinnitus only, since these may have side effects. It may also help reduce symptoms.

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6 Most Common Ear Ailments In Children!

DNB (ENT), Diploma in Otorhinolaryngology (DLO), MBBS, SR (ENT)
ENT Specialist, Ahmedabad
6 Most Common Ear Ailments In Children!
The ear is made up of three parts that is outer, middle and the inner part. Infections, disorders and ailments in the ear can occur across all age groups and in any part of the ear. Ear ailments are more common in children than in adults as the Eustachian tubes (tubes which drain out ear fluid) are smaller in children.

Here are a few common ailments which occur in children:

Acute otitis media: AOM is the most common ear infection in children. Some parts of the middle ear are infected, resulting in swelling and blockage of fluid behind the eardrum. This condition is characterised by earache in children and in graver conditions, can also cause fever.
Otitis media with effusion: This condition usually occurs due to the infestation of an infection when the fluid gets restricted behind the ear drum. This condition doesn t exhibit too many symptoms except mild earache. You should visit an ENT specialist who can diagnose this condition by checking the concentration of fluid behind the eardrum using special instruments.
Chronic otitis media with effusion: This condition occurs in children when the fluid remains trapped behind the eardrum for a long period of time. It can lead to serious infection and cause problems in hearing in children.
Barotrauma: Barotrauma occurs due to changes in atmospheric pressure changes. It can cause problems in the Eustachian tube and causes trapping of air in the middle ear. Middle ear problems can become severe if left untreated and result in a burst in the eardrum, causing excessive bleeding.
Meniere's disease: This is a disorder, which comes in bouts and is characterised by vertigo and fluctuating hearing loss. This condition usually affects one ear. It can result in tinnitus (ringing in the ear) or permanent loss of hearing if left untreated.
Swimmer s ear: Swimmer s ear, also known as otitis externa, is a common condition which is caused in the outer area of the ear. This condition is caused due to remnants of chlorine water in the ear or because of inserting swabs too deep inside the canal. This condition is characterised by earache, discomfort and itching of the ear.
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Insect Inside Ear - How Can You Deal With It?

DNB (ENT), MBBS, MNAMS - Otorhinolaryngology
ENT Specialist, Gurgaon
Insect Inside Ear - How Can You Deal With It?
It is that time of the year when insects are all around. Suddenly one feels a buzzing sound or an itchy feel in the ear. To your horror, one feels a live insect is in your ear, which can be extremely annoying and is like a nightmare. Insects often get stuck when they enter our ears as they cannot fly or crawl out. They try to find their way out and their movements inside our ears can be very uncomfortable, painful and can be itchy as well. Moreover, they can easily produce infection.

In this scenario, do not try to remove an insect with a cotton swab, tweezers or hair clip as it will make the situation worse and can lodge the insect deeper into the ear canal, which can possibly damage the eardrum, leading to permanent hearing loss. If an individual is not certain about the potential harm that can be caused by the insect in the ear, one should seek medical care immediately. Insects in ear is a common reason for visiting a doctor's clinic, especially for children.

If one suspects an insect in ear, one may experience pain, swelling, blood or crackling. One may even feel biting, stinging, hearing loss or dizziness. It is best to stay calm in this situation as being active may lodge the bug further in ear or cause it to move further back or cause serious damage to the sensitive eardrum

One way to try to remove a bug in ear is by tilting the ear toward the ground and attempt to wiggle the ear. Grasp the earlobe and give it a wiggle. If the bug is alive and not too far into the ear canal, it may fall out on its own. If one stays calm and keep objects including fingers away from ears, it is likely that the bug will find its way back out of ear.

One can also try to flush the ear with warm water with a dropper or a bulb syringe. This can be done by holding the head upright and stretching the ear canal by pulling the outer ear and then putting a steady stream of warm water into ear. Tilt head to the side to drain out the ear. Do not try this if one suspects that eardrum has been ruptured to prevent additional damage.

To avoid stinging or eardrum rupture from scratching or biting, one may use a drop or two of mineral, baby, or olive oil inside your ear canal to kill the insect. Finally, visit an ENT specialist doctor as they can remove the insect by special suction devices. Post insect removal, one must look out for signs of infection as swelling, dizziness, hearing loss, fever, and pain. Finally, follow up with ENT specialist or Otolaryngologist for the final opinion.
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Tinnitus - Know Reasons Behind It!

ENT Specialist, Mumbai
Tinnitus - Know Reasons Behind It!
Tinnitus is a specific kind of ear disease that can occur in patients of all age groups. This is basically an ear disorder where the patient suffers from buzzing, clicking, swishing or any other kinds of noises in the ears. These noises generally seem to originate from the inside of the head or ears and not from any kind of outside source. What one needs to realise is that tinnitus can be a symptom of many other diseases as well such as an ear infection or an ear trauma of some kind. It can also lead to intense hearing problems or Meniere s disease, brain tumours, pregnancy or even anaemia.

Symptoms of tinnitus

The most basic symptoms of tinnitus are the problem in hearing that one has to face due to hearing different sounds in the ear. This, in turn, leads to extreme dizziness. As tinnitus may lead to many other problems, it should primarily be diagnosed by a doctor so as to not let the matter intensify.
Patients with subjective tinnitus exhibit the symptoms of hearing particular and peculiar sounds which no one else can hear.
The sounds produced in the ears generally follows the rhythm of the heartbeat. In the case of objective tinnitus, the doctor who is examining the patient might in certain cases hear the sounds that the patient is hearing while examining them from close quarters.
Causes of tinnitus
Tinnitus is caused by various other diseases. And each of these cases has a different treatment as per various diagnoses. If tinnitus is caused by trauma, then it usually observed in both the ears simultaneously as both the ears get affected by similar kinds of hearing problems and subsequently have to be treated with similar medications.

On another case, tinnitus can also be caused, by chance with an increase in age. The cochlea is no longer able to send signals to the brain properly then, in that case, the brain gets easily confused with the information that it gets and in turn, it is not able to do its work properly.
Tinnitus can also be caused due to exposure to certain kinds of medication and drugs for a long period of time by the patient. Certain antibiotics and quinine have extremely adverse effects on one s hearing system which may, in turn, lead to tinnitus as the patient might be allergic to these medicines.
In other cases, constant exposure to very loud music could be a cause for tinnitus. This is a reason why a majority of young adults have been affected by tinnitus.
Acoustic neuroma is also a major cause of tinnitus.
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Toothache - Know How Homeopathy Helps To Treat It!

BHMS, Health Care Management
Homeopathy Doctor, Pune
Toothache - Know How Homeopathy Helps To Treat It!
Toothache is perhaps one of the most abhorred form of body ache, which can potentially stall the normalcy of our lives to a great extent. Although seemingly non-hazardous, toothache can also lead to severe health implications. The dental health often indexes the condition of the heart and hence, should not be taken lightly. Toothache usually emanate from cavities or gum infection. While there are multiple cures for the same, these are the types of ailments, which are laden with the risk of relapse. The last minute rush to the dentist may buy temporary relieve from the excruciating pain, but what you should actually look for is a more holistic and sustained cure. Homeopathy brings all the benefits of natural herbs and traditional condiments to ensure your well-being and provide substantial relief from the menace that toothache can be. Some of the most reliable cures have been listed below.

Merc Sol: This is a very beneficial remedy for toothaches which are accompanied by increased salivation and swelling in the gum. This brings additional warmth to the gums which largely mitigate the pain.
Coffea: Coffea functions as an effective adjuvant to cold water in decreasing toothaches. It works best on increased sensitivity and irritability and cures them both to a large extent.
Sepia: Sometimes excessive intake of sweets leaves a bitter aftertaste in one s mouth, resulting in unbearable toothaches. The ringing pain often spreads to the ears and the gums also get swollen. Sepia sufficiently pacifies such agitation.
Kreosote: Kreosote relieves those extreme kinds of toothache which reach up to the temples and induce sleeplessness in the patient. It also cures ulcerated gums.
Mezereum: Mezereum purifies dental health from its very roots. It reduces toothache from spreading and stalls the decay at the very roots. Mezereum soothes acute sensitivity and a constant ringing sensation in the temples and the ears of the patient.
Chamomilla: Chamomilla is a very beneficial natural Homeopathic medicine for toothache when the patient turns irritable, mad and wild with severe tooth pain. The pain in teeth is totally unbearable. Mental agitation with toothache calls for the use of Chamomilla.
Plantago, Spigelia and Magnesium Phos: For the pain in teeth that extends to ear, natural Homeopathic medicine Plantago is the appropriate remedy. For the neuralgic pain in face on right side due to toothache, Homeopathic medicine Magnesium Phos is the best medicine. And to deal with nerve pain extending from teeth to left side of face, Spigelia is the ideal Homeopathic remedy.
There are various other drugs also which are of immense benefit in toothache and also for the cutting of wisdom tooth. Well, the overall constitution plays a major role in deciding upon the remedy. If you wish to discuss about any specific problem, you can consult a homeopathy and ask a free question.
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Tinnitus - Know More About it

ENT Specialist, Delhi
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I am Dr. J M Hans, ENT Specialist. Tinnitus has many causes. But what I want to discuss here is tinnitus is a part of the meniere's disease. We must understand that the inner ear has 2 parts. The cochlea which is responsible for hearing and the labyrinth and vestibular which is responsible for equilibria. Now meniere's disease typically has many symptoms like fluctuating hearing loss, tinnitus, and vertigo. But this is not always presented by the patient. There is a part of meniere's disease in the early stages. It may come as either imbalance or dizziness or may be the cochlear component of the disease with tinnitus. So, we have to pick up this disease at prodromal stage. Later on, it may start with unilateral that means it may start at one side but later on it may become bilateral. Usually, it becomes a bilateral disorder.

It is very important that we pick up this disease during the prodromal stage which generally remains for the first year. It is this period when we need to understand that it may not be idiopathic tinnitus which is known like drug induce, noise induce or head injury induce. We have to make out that first attack of meniere's can or is presenting like tinnitus. There are different ways of diagnosing this. One is audiometry. We might find some hearing loss, maybe in the lower frequency, higher frequency or in the middle frequency. But there is another very important stage during this stage which we called short increment sensitivity index which needs to be done. This may indicate an onset of meniere's disease at a later time. The causes of meniere's are many and particularly in the present era, high salt intake, high-stress levels, hereditary, high estrogen levels particularly during pregnancy or in menopausal age.

It can also occur in men. It is very important to find out the causes. Apart from this, the very important thing is an autoimmune disorder. We have tests to rule out autoimmune disorder and to see another organ in the body whether they are affected or not. The treatment for meniere's is to prevent these causative agents like the salt intake has to be reduced, the stress level has to be reduced. Medicines are given to increase blood circulation. Another medicine to reduce the fluid content of endolymphatic space which actually has gone high in these cases. Last but not least, things which block the debris. It not only gives the allergic component but also inflammation in the ear. If it is the chronic case, the tinnitus may not come out but vertigo and the hearing loss may improve definitely. The hearing loss may or may not improve. The tinnitus also improves 70-80% of the time if treated and diagnosed in the early stages in a period of time. If not, then tinnitus has the way we treated the other cases, we treat tinnitus that way.

Thank You.
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